O#248~ ORDINANCE TO REGULATE TMF~ !NSTaLIATION, Rk~PAIR ~ ~NT~CE OF ONT-~R ~ON ~T~ ~N ~ OF ~N B~ P~VIDING ~R THE CO~I~QNS ~D ~D~ OF ~E, ~ IN~E~ION P~-~D IN~O~, ~ LICE~ ~D B~DS ~R ~E ENGAG~ IN ~H B~INE~; ~ P~DING P~TI~ ~R ~O~ON OF ~E ~ ~F. ~q{EcR~AS, it is necessary te provide for the better protection of llfe and property amd in the interest of public safety, the followin~ rules amd regmlaticns be. and the same are hereby adapted for the installation rel~ir and ~ten~e ~ ~ut-door televisi~R ante~s wi%~m ~he City ~f ~ton Beach, ~orida. ~0~ 1. De~i~i~io~. ~e ~oll~i~g defiantS*ms s~all a~ly im ~he info,rotation ~d e~orc~ent of this or~i~ce: (1) ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: shall mean the Electrical Inspector of the City of Bo.~tcn Beach or any of his amthorized assistants. (2) ANTENNA: as used in this ordinance shall mean the out-door portion of the receiving equipment ~sed for receivin~ television fram space. (3) MAST: shall mean that portion of the outside antenna system to which the antenna is attached, and the support or ex'tension required to elevate the a~tenna to a height deemed necessary for ade~aate operation. (4) ~IGHT: shall mean the overall vertical length of the antenna system above the ground, cz, if such systemic located ena buildimgj then above that part cf the level of such building upon which the system rests. (5) PERSON: shall mean and include any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. SECTION 2. PERMIT REQUIRED. It shall be unlawrful for any personate install, repair or maintain, either as ewaer or as aqent, servant or employee of the owner, or as an independent contractor for the owner, o~ otherwise, , any outside television antenna, any additions to, or subs~itutions for said a~tenna unless and nntil an inspection permit shall have first been obtained from the Electrical Inspector. SECTION 3. FEES. An inspection fee of $3.00 shall be paid for each permit issued. A re-inspection fee of one dollar ($1.09) shall be paid for each. trip when extra inspections are necessary due to any one of the following (1) ~ron~ address. (2) Condemmed work resulting from faulty eonstr~ction. (3) RePairs or corrections not made wi%em inspections are called. (4) ~ork not ready for ins~ectionwhen called. -2- Ordirmmce # Section 4. APPLICATION DATA. Application for permits shall be made ~upen blemks provided b~ the El~ri~al Imspeetor, and shall contain or have attac~ked thereto the following i~ormatien: (1) Name, ad~bvess and telephone nmmber ct the owner for whom to be made. (2) ~hether it is a new installation, repair or mainte~ance work. (8) ~taether a television receiving antenna. Name of the persons makiug the installation. (5) Such ether informatio~ as the Electrical Ir~pector shall require ~ to show full cempl~ianee with this amd all other laws and ordinances of the City~ Section $. ELE~]5~ICAL~ INSPECTOR - Duties, Riqhts and powers. (a) It shall be the duty of the Electri~l I~oter and his authori~d assist~ts to i~pect ante~a to ~certain if the work has ~em done im a wormlike imvesti~ate all c~laimts from the ~e~eral pm~lie ~ainim~ to said ante~ i~stallatiens amd imterfere~oe ca,ed there,. (b) ~e Electrical I~*ter a~d his assistants are hereby em- ~ered ~o insect or reins~ct m~y wiring, e~ip~n% or a~atus comdmctin~ or ;~sin~ el~tric c~remt for televisi~ ~ceivi~ se~ice i~ the City amd, if ~m~cto~, e~i~ent or ~ratus ~e ~e~d %e ~ ~safe fo life or property, the specified time shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Section 8. UNLAWFUL ~O IN~ERF~I~w. ~TH ,k~ROTRICAL, INSPECTOR~. It shall be u~lawful ~erany person to hinder or interfere with the Electrical Inspector or his ant~orized representatives in the discharge of their dmties under the provisioms of this ordinsmee, Sectiom 7. NOTICE FOR INSPECTION. The person to whem a permit has beem Gr~nted for t~he installation of a televisionamtenna shall i~ediately notify the Electrical Imspectorwhen the work covered h~ the permit has been cozk~leted and is ready for ~inal inSpection. Upon such notice, the Electrical I~spector or his authorized representatives shall imspect and approve the installation if the work complies i~ all respects with the ~rovisioms of this ordi~auce and the permit and, s~all disapprove said installation if it fails ~o comply statin~ in writing the reasons for disapproval and Specify a time after n~tiee to the Electrical IRspector that the defects have ~een corrected. ' Sectmon . LICENSE REQUIRED. No person, firm, or corporation shall e~gage i~ ~he errection, maintenancei or repair of televisio~ type in Boynton Beach mmless he shall have a licemse therefore and an established place of business from which he operates. Ordinance # - S - Section 9. BOND REQUIRED~ Every person engaged in the business of making television antenna installations, repairs, and doing maintenance work om same s~%ll a~nually file ~i~t ~he ~ity of B~ynton Beach a good and $~fioient bond in the ,sum of One T~o~sa~d ($1,088.80) Dollars, executed by a b~nding or s~e~ c~pany anthorised to do b~siness in the State of Floride and apprgved by +_he Cid Attorney. Said bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful obserVamce of all laws and ord/nances of the City of Boyntcn Beach, and shell indemnify, save smd keep harmless the Ctiy from any and all damages, judgements, costs or expenses whicI% the said City may incur or suffer by reason of the grant, lng of a permit to install or maintain said a~te~na or any services thereto. Said b~d shall r~n to the City of Boynton Beach for the use and benefit ef any person who may suffer i~jnriod or property damages by reason of the permit granted here~rader. The maintenano~ of said bored in f~all forge and effect shall be a prereql~site to the issw~mce ef a~y permit required under the provisions of this orddnance. This provision shell not apply-to personal installations, repairs or maintenance of said antenna by an owner, or occnpant, provided, however, that said owner or occmpant gives sufficient proof to the Electrical Inspector that he is qaalified to perform the work in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance a~d provided, further, that said owner or occupant files wiT/% his application for a permit an affidavit stating that he will make the installation, repair or maintenence on his o~n premises only. Section 18. TECHNICAL REQUIP~NTS. Ail television receiving anter~a i~s±al!ations from and after the ,effective date of this ordinence shall be made xn accordance with the following rules and regulations. (a) Masts and antennas shall be cf mon-comb%~ztible and corrosive resistant material. (b) ]~very mast and antenne installed on a roof shall be scanted on its own platform or plate covering ~wc or more rafters of the roof and shall be securely anchored with G"ay wires, (o) Masts and'antennas shall not be fastened directly to the roof or supported by combustible members or materiels. (d) Out-door antennas shell be of an approved type, and shall not exceed the maximum height of thirty feet above a roof s~pport or 70 feet above a ground support. In crees where reGap~:ion is affected by obstractions, special permission may be granted by the City of Boynton Beech tic exceed the above specified height limitations, (e) Every antenna must be adequately gronnd~d for protection ageinst a direction stroke of lightning; with an adequate ground wire. (f) in no cese shall the antenna be instelled Rearer to the street, s ~dewalk, or power lines than the height ef the antemna plus l0 feet unless approved by the City. No such system may be mounted in such a m~nner es might be a hazerd to safety in periods of hurricane winds. Ordinance # -,4 - (~) Whenever it is necessary to install antenna near power lines, or where damage wo~ld be ,¢al~ed by i~s falling, serrate safety wires must from ~he hamard, (h) ~ wires ~st ~ efa no~-cerrosive ~terial with a temsile stre~h of at l~st ~08 ~. (i) ~am~issiom lines mmst be kept at le~t six (~) imches cle~ e~ telephome *r tight wires. (~) '~1 plm~s are a~r~ved e~y fez sup~rti~g tr~ssio~ lines. (k) St~d~ff ~o~ i~ators ~st ~ ~ed at least every f~t im r~inG the tran~ssien li~e. (1) ~ere televisiom receivi~ amte~as are i~talled on a private resid~ce %he ~te~a ~y be i~talIed om ~e roof efa fr~e st~ct~e previd~ the s~ ~d ~oher screws are seemrely f~tened io the ~fters or or ~ther s~stamtial ~e~ ~d, previded ~her that ~c antenna i~talt~ em a r~of of a f~e censtruction or im ~y ~y suppor%~ ~ ~terial of c~-- ~s~le censtzmotion shall exce~ a height of thirty (S8)~feet ~eve the reef of the ~ildi~. To ~ ~yed at each te~ feet or fraction thereof,-usin~ ~uys~at each election ~ ~st. A l~" ~r~ckle te ~ ~ in each ~y wire. ~y ~re shall ~ me s~ller th~ 8-~0 s~eel sir~d~ wire, ~l~A screw ~yes er screw hocks for amch*~. (ne~chet ti~mtne~) No ~e ~ys o~ omc aRoaer. ~12 toper or 9 al,,m~m~ wire to ~o~d ~st to a S foe% copper or oop~r ~ ~d ~ ~ pr~r ~o~d clx. Ne other ~o~d will ~ ~I~. ~c~es ~o ~ locked b~ ret~min~ end ef ~Ee up ~ck t~ tu~le and serve ~ck on ~ wire. ($) Lightning a~estors shall be approved as safe by the U~e~riter's ~oralories, I~e,~ ~d ~th sides of the lime ~st ~ ade~ately protect~ with prier attester er neon l~s te re, ye static char~es aco~at~ ~ the line, ~cep% when a ~olded di~le er other %~ ef ~t~a is ~ed which is ~ready ~ro~ded to the (m) ~en lead-in conductors of polyehylene ribb~-t~e are use~, li~htmi~ attesters ~s% be imstall~ in each conductor. (o) ~em o~al c~le or shield~ ~in lead ms us~ for lead-~, s~itable protecti~ ~y be ~rovid~ withomt liqh~ia~ a~esto~ by ~ro~din~ the e~erie~ me~al sh~th. (p) ~te~as shall ~ desired a~d ~stalled to w{thstamd a wind pressmre of 88 ~ds ~r s~are foot and in no ~se shall ~y wires ~ less th~ 8/~", 5 strand c~le or ~ivalent, ~alvamized. Rawl p!~s s~I not ~ ~s~ for ~y ~res or for mo~tim~ bra~ets. (q) Greed wires shall ~ of the t~ approved ~ the 19S1 issue of the Nati~nml~Electrioal Code for ~o~dinq ~sts ~d ll~htnin~ a~estors a~d, shall be i~stall~ im a mechanical ~er ~th as few bends as ~ssible. Ordinance -8- (r) Ground cl~ps for growmdiug masts and attaehin~ arrestors to Ground rod shall be approved ~round fittin~ - no other ground allowed. (s) The miscellaneons hardware, such as brackets, turnbuckles, thimbles, clips and s~m~tar type ec!uipment s~bject to rust or corrosion, shall be protected with a zinc or cadmium coating by either ~alvanizing or sherardizing process after formi~c3. These finishes are selected to 91/ard ac3ainst corrosion due to stack qases and other deposits and to protect the elements a~ainst eletrclytic action ~e ko the use of adj oinir~ dissimilar metals. (t) Tmrmb~cklesshall be protected ac3aimst turai~ by threading the ~y wires through the t~rabucktes. (u) For S0 feet masts en roofs. A ten foot monitor model T.K. television tower er its equivalent l~sing telescope seem-less steel t~bin~ only. To be ~nyed at each ten feet or frae%tom thereof above tower, usim~ 4 ~ays each elevation on mast. A 1;4" turak~ckle to be placed in eat5 9~/ywire. No two q~y wires i~one turnbuckle. ~ny wire shall be no smaller than 8-#18 steel stra~de~ wire. Using 1/~" x &" screw eyes or ~oeks for anchors. Whale $ sets ef 9~ys are used. lower ~xe sets cf ~uys maybe ce~mected to one anchor, Top 9~ys mmst be on separate aR~ors turn~mckles in all Section 11; REPAIRS TO ANTENNA ELEF~NTS. Despite saythinq hereim to the contrary, miner repairs to antezma elements may be made without the necessity of a permit or certificate of approval, providin~ a prompt repor~ thereof is made to the office of the electrical andbuildi~x3 insPector. However, should a check thereof by such inspection department disclose defects, same mast be pointed out and corrected i~ the m~ner provided for in Section thereof. Section 12. TEMPORARS'REMOVAL.OPANTENNASYSTE~S. In amy case where an antenna system coveredby an existin~ certificate of approval is tea~orarily taken down as a percauticm in case ef threatened storm, it shall not be necessary to obtain another certificate of approval or permit before it can be a, ain set up providin~ it is installed exactly as it was before be%nc takem down and fmrther prey%dine3 that the office of the buildin~ and electrical inspector is notified so that a sp~t check can be made. In case defects are disclosed upon such spot check, the provisions ef Section hereof shall Section 13. MATERIALS TO BEAPPROVED TYPE. Ne electrical materials, devices or equipmemt designed for attachment te or installatie~ of any electrical circuit er system for television antemmas, shall be installed, used, sold, er offered for sale for use in the City of Boyton Beach, ~mless they are in con- formity with the approved methods of cobs%ruction for safety te life and property, amd unless the e~c~fricalmaterials , devices or eqmipment conforms with the standards of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. cmrrent as of the time of installation~ The antezma system must fully comply with any pertinent regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Authority or the Federal Communications Commission. Ordinance # Section 14. -6- t~NNER OF OBg'ATNiNG CERi~IFICi%TE OF APPROVAL APT~. PERMIT GRANTED. When any installation covered by e departmeats of the City that the work is ready for final inspection whereupon the s~e s~all ~ ~t!y in~cted ~ representatives ef ~he la~er de~~ memts, amd, if ~he work Oo~lies in all respects with ~e pro~si~f ~his ~di~R~ and wi~h the ~t, a certificate of a~reval shall be ~ Section 15. 14AN~OP OBtaINING cERTIFICaTE OF APPROVAL FOR A~TENNA · ~NOWIN USE. ~pt as othe~se provid~herein~ ~he ~er or Rser o~ a~ ~%side aR~e~a ~ for ~ele~siom reoeivim~ ap~ra~ or e~m~ w~ioh is in pla~e ~om %he effective da~e of %~is Or~ce wi~m ~y ~ a~ ~he ef~ec~i~ da~e of ~his Or, maRco, apPly to ~e electrical a~ building ~ctioR degree.ts of the Ci~ for an ~speoti~ thereof, ae~o~my~g ~oh a~lication with ~he pa~n% of a fee of ~ch iRs~etiom shall ~ pr~t~ made ~ in case of the iRsta!la~ioR co~lies s~tantiallywi~ the r~ir~ents of this ~di~aRce, a oe~i~i~te of a~roval $5~i ~ ~ivem. ~f ~h a~ is deRi~, the def~ts in the ~taltation shall ~ poi~te~ ~ut andes% ~ o~reotedwithin 80 ~ys, ~ere~m the ~er user shall have the $~ inhered f~r fiR~ a~rovat upon ~ent im~otio~ fee o~ $1.G8. If ~ ~er or ~msez of ~y smoh exis~in~ oontimm~ to m~e ~e of, or ~o ~t~Taim in place, such imstallationwithout certificate of a~rOval, or after a~ro~l ~ been denied, smoh act shall oo~ti~te a violation of ~is Sec%ion lS. REFI4ITS. - - LIFE OF. ~ny permit issued hereunder shall bop ers°hal to the applice-nt amd if not exercised within t~ree ($) momths after the date of issuance shall become void. Section 17. DEMONSTRATION ~,A~TENNA SYSTIiMS. The provisions of this Ordinance recpairim~ a permit amd certificate of approval shall not be applicable to licgnseda~atemr radio systems, or to flag amd a similar poles erected from the ~romud and not more than twelve (12) feet high, or to antesma syStems installed for demonstration purposes where the duration of their existence shall not exceed three days; provided, however, that before any such demomstration amter~ua system is installed, oral approval therefore must be obtained from the office of the electrical and building inspector. No fee will.be char~ed for s~ch oral approval. Section 18. CODES S~PPLEMENTAL TO THIS ORDINt~CE. The 19S1 issue of the Natiollal Electrical Code as the satae may be s~aended, before ~he adoption of this ordinance, is here3o~ adopted and approved as a par~ of this ordinance as a minimum standard. The provisions of this.ordinance shall aisc be deemed as supplemental to the Electrical and Building Codes of the City of Bo~raton Beach and any other pertinent law er ordinaaoes of the City, and all work shall conform to these requirements. Section 19. p~w~RITING CPm~AIN INSTAT.~ATIONS IN AUTOMOBILES. It shall be ~alawful for any person to installa.television set f0rwar~ of, or which is visible from the front seats of amy motor operated vehicle. Otherwise the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to automobiles. - ? - Ordima~oe # Seaffoa 20. AXpi~O~TZTNGADDtTIO~J~L RULES. In order fo fake ad- va~fage of progress and cha~3e iR %~indus~, %he Elec%~l In~or ~y cons~ wi%h m~ o~ ~e ind~%~ ~d ~%~er ~alified pers~s amd~y ~f in%o effeo%aR~, r~soB~le ~les ~d re~afi~ns no% in confli~ wi~h ~he provisions of %his ordnance. Sectio~ ~1. ~ILI~. If ~F section, ~sec%ion, sentence, clause, p~ase er potion of this 6r~nan~ is for a~y reas~ held in,lid or ~co~itutio~al by an~ c~r% of co~%en% jurisdiction, such pot%ion s~all ~d~m~a se~te, dis~inc~ and ~de~nde~% provisi~and such helding shall ne~ effec~ the validi%~ of the r~imi~rti~s ~here~f. ~e%ion ~2. P~- ~F~rs~, ~i~or co~ra%ien convicted of ~he vi~la~ion of any of the %e~ or~ovisions of %~s or~n~ce may~ fined in a s=m no~ to exce~ $500.80, or~7 be i~risoned fer not more ~h~ mine%~ (98) da~, or~y be ~%~ ~ined~ ~risoned~%hin ~he discretiom of ~he.~ial CouP. Pirst reaCh%his ~md day of No~r, 1958. ~oond , Fill rea~ng and passage ~he 16%~ daf of Nove~r, 1958. ~yor Councilmen Councilman Councilm~an / Coumcitw~n ATTEST: City Clerk