O#247 O DiNANCE # 2¥7 AN (tBS)~I~N.A~E OF TMP. C~ITT OF ~N B~ R~NG ~ ~ON~ INS~r~, P~N~N~ OH A~T OF SI~ TO, OR ON ~ ST~UC~ ~NG P~ ~R ~ E~CTION, IN~,~.~TION ~ PA~NG OF CErN SIGNS ~IN ~ CI~; ~ING ~ O~DIN~C~ OR P~S OF GRDI~S IN CON~I~ ~ P~D~8 A P~ ~R ~O~TION OF ~ ~ ~REOF: BE IT O~N~ BY ~ GI~ '~L OF ~ CI~ OF ~N B~, ~O~DA: SE~ION 1~ Definitions: P~r the pu~ose of ~is article, the followi~ defimitioms amd te~ s~l be used: (a) Si~. ~e word "si~" s~ll mean any ~splay of characters, letters, itl~tra~ioms or ~y ~entations. er the c~lete siruct~e on which amy smch characters, letters, ill~stratiems or or~entatie~ are state4 or a~lied (ex,pt ~ildi~ ~o which the same may ~ attached), ~ed idemtificatiom, directional ad~rtisi~ ez pr~tional ~oses; provided, ~ever, tha~ such words shall m~t ~ comstrmed so as to includJ rained figures a~roved ~ ~e Natio~l Board of Pize Unde~itezs, or m~- ele*trical di~lay wholly contained withi~ a st~re ~ildim~. (b) ~er. ~e word ~e~ shall mea~ ~y si~ havin~ charaeters, letters, illmstratio~ ox ozm~entati*~ a~iied to cloth, ~r or f~ric of ~y kind with only such ~terial for a fo~tien. (o) Flat si~. ~e te~ "flat si~" shall ~a~ ~y si~ erected ~rallel ie the face or om the ~tside ~11 of ~y ~il~n~, s~ed thro~hout its leah ~ the ~11 of the building. (d) Painted wall si~. ~e te~ "~imted wall si~" sh~l me~ amy si~ ~i~%~ om the ~tside wall of a~ bmildi~. Ord/nance # - 2 - (e) Fixed projeo~i~ si~. T~e tern "fixed proJec~im~ sh~l ~a~ a~F si~ proje~im~ a~ an a~le fr~ %he o~de ~11 of ~y b~ld- i~, a~d ri~ affixed (f) ~i~n~ ~roJe~in~ si~. ~e %e~ "~inging projecting $~ll ~an any si~ pr~jeoti~ a~ ~le from ~e outside wall of any w~i~ is $~r~ed ~ o~y ~ne ~i~ s~, irres~ive ~f the ~r ~ wires used iR codec%ion (~) Roef si~. ~e %e~ "roof si~" sh~l me~ amy si~ erected ~er a~d de~mde~% ~n %he Toff ~f ~y ~tldi~ for (h) P~le si~. ~e ~e~ =~le si~" shall m~n any si~ ereo%ed ~po~ a pole aRd whioA is w~lly ~r ~r~ially i~e~nden% of ~ny buildi~ for suppor~. (i) Dire~%iomal si~. ~e te~ "~recti~al si~" shall mean ~ si~ pe~mently ere*ted b~ ~he ui~y, or the state ro~d de~men%, den*re %he r~u~e to an~ city, %~, village, historic place, s~rine or hospi~al~ si~s direc~ing a~ r~la%ing %ra~fic~ no%ices of any railr~d, bridge, fer~ or other tr~nsperta~i~n or ~ran~issio~ c~ny necessa~ ~or ~he direction or safety ~f %he ~lic~ si~, mo~ice or ~ols f~r %~e foma~ion o~ aviators as to looa%ions, directions amd landimgs, and cohesions a~fec%in~ safe~ in a~a~ion; si~. no%iues or s~ols as t~ %he t~e a~ place of civic meetings, ~d si~s or no, ices erezted or maimtained upon. private pr~y qiving ~he n~e of %he ~er, lessee or cogent of the pr~ses, or ~he street n~r %hereof. {J) R~ estate si~. ~e ~e~ "real estate si~" shall anF si~ erected ~ %he ~er, or his agent, advertising ~he re~ propert~ ~on whi~ %he si~ is loca%~ ~or rent or for sale, ~ shall no% include roca~ing house si~s. Ordinance # - $ - (k) Billboards. The term "bilI~oards" shall mean amy framework fez signs advertising mer~hamdise, services or entertainment, sold, pro~uoed, manufactured or f~rnished at a place other than the location of such structure. (1) Temporary sign. The term "teI~rary sign~ shall mean any sign erected and maintained by a contractor, sub-contractor, er materialman upon any.property upon which or for which such contractor, slab-contractor or material- men is furaishing 1abc= or materials. .(m) Snipe sign, The term "snipe sign" shall mean any sign under twenty square feet in area made of amy material, including paper, cardboard, wood amd metal, when such sign is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, fences or other objects, and the ad- vertising matter appeariltg thereon is I~ot applicable to the premises upo~ which said sign is located. (n) Point of purchase sign. The term "point of purchase sign" shall mean any strmcture,, device, display board, screen, surface or wall with characters, letters :'er illustrat.ions placed thereto, thereon or thereunder by- any method or means whatsoever where the matter displayed is used for advertising a product actmally or actively offered for sale thereon or therein. (o) Advertising structure. The term "adv~rtisinq strdc~/re" shall mean any structure erected for advertising purposes, with cz without a~d advertisement display thereon situated upon or attached to real property l~o~tWaioh any pester, bill, printing, painting, device or other advertisement of any kind whatsoever may be placed, posted, painted, tacked, nailed or other- wise~ fastened, affixed or displayed~ provided, however, that such term shall not include buildings. 0rdin~n~e # - ¢ - (p) Inspector. T~e wo~d "inspector~' shall inol=de b~ilding and electrical inspectors of ~e city, an~ all of ~he city's e~loyees worki~ ~der ~he a~hori~y and dire~ion of %h~, ~r ei~er of %hem. ~ion ~. Pe~%s re,red f~r ce~ain si~s. Its shall ~ ~n~ fer aR7 ~ ~o ~s%, display or erect am~ si~ er ad~r%isiRg s%~c~e or hiq~ vol%~e ~ li~i~g as herein of Ret more ~han ~e~ s~are fee% in area, "poiDt ~f p~rehase si~s" of.not m~e %hah %eh a~re feet in area, ~d "~e~ra~ signs~ in the oit~ hav~ng fi~% f~iled an ~li~ation in ~i%ing fer a peri% or wi~out ~irs% ob~aiaed a peri% therefor as hereinafter re~ired. Section ~. ~plica%ions for pe~%s; infection ~o be A~!i~a~oas for pe~i%s shall ~ filed b~ s~ch a~lic~% or his agent, in %he offices o~ ~he b~il~mg a~ electrical ins~ers ~pon fo~ ~ ~ished ~ ~hem. ~oh a~lica%ions shall descri~ and se% (a) ~ind ~f sioh. adver%isi~ st~cture or hi~a vol~a~ lighting, such as "flat si~" or ~le (b) ~e s%ree~ a~ress of {~e pro~ u~n whi=h s=ch adver{~si~ s%~ or high vel%age ~ lig~tinq is propos~ %o ~ located. (c) ~e pro~s~ l~a~ioR of %he si~, advertising stature or hi~ ~l~e ~e lighting ~n %he pro~r~ identified i~ s~ragraph (b) (d) ~e size. (e) ~e R~e ~d a~ress of th~ ~er ~r o~her persen in a~n%rol er possession of ~he ~al pro~7 ~en w~ '~a~h/Si~ er advertising s~ructure is to ~ consOle%ed, erectS, ~rat~, used,~!nta~ned, p~ or di~la~ed; and Ordinance # - 5 - (f) Whether or ao~ such person has co. seated to the sons,motion, erection~ operation, ~se, maintenance, ~s~ing o~ ~splayi~ ~f su~ si~m. (~) A sketch or bl~eprim~ sh~i~ all ~r~inen% s%~ot~e de%ails shall ~ fil~ wi~k ea~ a~li~a~iom for ~i~ as %o all si~s of Ere ~e~ s~e fee~ in area. Section ~. Pe~ ~ees. I~ shall ~ ~1~1 for a~y perso~ ~o ~s~, di~lay, or ere~, amy si~ or adver~isi~ s~e, ~ep~ "~in~ed ~11 signs", "direo~iomai si~s", "real es~a~e si~s", of no~ more ~h~ ~en s~are fee~ In area, "~im~ of ~rohase si~" of no% m~re than ~en a~are fee~ in area, and "~e~orary si~s" im %he oi%~ wi~ho~ firs% havi~ ~id ~n~o %he city, a~ %Ae office of %he inspector, a pe~ fee as follows: For eaoh si~ over %em s~are fee% in area ..... For ea~ additional s~e f~o~ for si~s iR exoess of ~en~y s~re fee~ iR a~ea ..... .85 and for eleo~rio si~s, s~oh additional fees as ~y ~ s~oified ~erefor in and by the ei~s elec%rical =~e in force amd e~fed% a% the time of application f~r such ~oh fees shall ~ in addition t~ amy licemse ~ now o~ hereafter levied and assessed by the city. No fee shall ~ prorated to acco~a%e shor~ ~e~ p~licity feat~es. If more ~an one side of ~he si~ or ad- revising s~cture is used, or in%ended %o be used for advertising, a fee for each side shall be re~ired and paid. ~=~ion .5. B~nd or p~!ic li~ili%7 insur~e re~ire~. I~ shall be unlaw~l f~ any person %~ engage im ~he business of si~ *r ~%door advertising, or in %he business of ereo%imq or ~intaininq signs wi~in ~he city, ~less amd ~il such ~rs~ shall ha~ filed wi~h the %ax c~ileo~or a ~nd or certificate of p~lic ti~ili'~ and ~ro~ Ordinance # - 8 - damage insuramce policy execute~ bF a company authorized to do business in t]~e State of Florida, in.a sum of mt loss than Ten Thousand Dollars for injury to one person, and ~en~/ T~eusand Dollars for injury to more than one .person, an~ Five Thousand Dollars for damage to property, and so conditioned as to ind~w~fy~ keep harmless and save the city and all persons from d?ma~es, casts, liabilities or expenses of any kind whatsoever which the~ or it migl%t suffer by reason of the construction, erection and ma. intenance of his signs, or the destruction thereof, total or partial by any means whatsoever, including acts of ~od. Se~ciom 8. License required. No person shall engage in the business of sign or outdoor advertising, or in the business of erecting or maintaining signs within the city, without having first procured a lice~%se for such business in accordance with the requirements of the city's license schedule. Section 7. Issuance of ~rm~ts; mumberinq; i~ferma%ion to be shown on After provisions of this shall have first been co~lied w~th, and · i t~e signs or advert~s ng strut%ute w~ll not viola%e any of the terms, conditions or provisioms of t~is article, or of any other law or ordinance, the inspector shall issue a permit for each such sign or advertising structure, retaining a copy thereof for his records. Permits shall be numbered in the order of their issuance, and shall disclose: (a) Kind of si~m. advertisin~ structure or high voltage tmbe lighting authorized by suc~h.~permi~ s~ch as ~flat sign" or "pole sign". (b) The street address of t~he property upon which the sign, advertising struc-t~re or high voltage tube lighting are permitted to be located. or play,round. Ordima~¢e # - 7 - (o) The l~oation mpon the property w~ere the sigm, advertisimg strmctare or high voltage t~be li~htim~ are ~itted. (d) ~e ~eunt of the fee ~id for such (e) ~e date of issuance. ~etion 8. ~ls r~ir~ on si~s, etc. With each pe~i~ ~he ims~ct~r shall issue a l~le or ~rker ~ring %he ~e ~,~her as %he ~i% wi~h~hich i~ is issued. %he ~%y of ~he ~%~ee, or his ageR~, %o affix such ta~l or ~rker ~o t~ si~ or advertising st~oturew~ere i~ can be easily seen. The ~emoe of %he prier 1~1 er ~rker on a sign or adve~ising shall be pri~ ~acie evidemoe ~hat ~he s~e has b~n, or is ~inq erected ~r o~ra%ed in violation ~f ~he provisions of ~his article. Seo%ion 9. Certain si~s or adve~ising s~c~es prohibi~ed. I% shall ~ ~lawf~I ~or~y person to erect wi%bin ~F ~nging projecting ~ snipe ~y,~nner ever any street er sid~alk or~%hi~ any ~rk Any other type or kimd of si~awhich does not comply with the terms, conditions and provisions contained in this article amd ordina~ces amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Section 10. Removal O~ alteration of certain signs. After 3uae 1, 1954, it shall be unlawful for any person to use or maintain any sign heretofore erected which does net comply with the regulations hereim contained, and all s~ch signs shall be re-erected and remodeled on or before such date in such a mai%nor as to oemply with the provisions of this article; provided, however, that this section shall not be applicable to any O~tnsace ~ - 8 - fl~% sign attached to a marquee ~rior ~o ~e ~e of ~hts ~i~e~ pro~e~ e~ o~ fi~y ~ c~ or more, p~or ~o ~h ~s~ione~ ~$e ~ no~ be ~ecte~ ~ees ~ ~$il it ~ ~ be~ ~e to c~o~ to $~ dis~ricto Loc~tion. No billboard shall be erec~ed~ any !m~oper~y zo~e~ ~ classified as within a residential (7) On ~ comer i~ s~ch a m~ner as to obetruct the fie!~ ef ~r~ns ~i~ t~ ~t~ets for ~ ~ of ~5 fee~ f~m the ~e~ (b) ~, e~c.; ~tizg. ~t ~1 be the d~ of ev~ per~ ~~ ~ bill~ fr~ of ~ ~d deb~, to cut ~e work ~he ~e of ~ si~ ~ble from ~ ~treet, ~d ~ r~m$ (2) In MY block in ~tch m m~Jorl~ of the b~ilding~ on eider ~i~ of ~e ~t ~t~ s~h block ~e ~e~ for resi~ti~, ~tel ment (3) ~_~ ~o h~e~ fee~ of a ~b~c, ~e or ~oc~al ac~ol. ch~ch, p~rk, pt~o~d or (4) ~t~ one ~ feet o~ ~- rezi~nce. ~te! (5) Wtt~ 25 fee~ of the inside e~e of ~ ~de~ (6) Witl~ 25 fees of ~e proper~y line on Sec~iom 12. Re~al~tions ~ ~ o~2aer si~ be o~ser ~ ei~ ~c~s from the o~%~ e~e of ~v ~r clo~er ~ ei~te~ i~ ~c the o~t~ide of ~ prop~ li~e, but ~$ ~e~ to ~he =eg~o~e ~ver~ fixed p~ ~s, ~ ~o~g Dole ~$ be ef m~m~d etren~h ~ ~ the wei~$ of the (e) ~ E~e ~. Bemi estmte ~i~s ~ll be p~ed en~ for ~ p~se cf ~.dver~i~ She ~d or b~l~ for r~$ or for s~e~ re~te ~e~ ~ the pre~e~ ~n ~ch ~he ~ is locate~ ~e regie~ered t~le hot~· ~ ~ ~t~en mut~ ~ ~he city for ~he erection of fez! e~t~te si~s ~r ~s ~-~c$ion, ~ch ~i~ ~1 ~ resined by She ~ for p~oof. On~ o~o~le feted re~t~e ~, ~Ible from one stree~ ~$~ the ~st~ces of ~ re~id~ce in ~h ~d~i~! ~i~ m~ specified~ Si~n Are~. 12 Sq. ~. 2~ Sq. Within dis~auce of _ Residence . ............... 50 Ft. ............... lOO 3%. ............... 15o 1~. tee ~o~e ei~e~ ~e ~e to~i~ o~ ~ ~ ie ~e ~ ~ In ~ric~ zene~ for ~e~i~i~ ~o~ee. no ~ s~l or ~n~e~ m~ ~he ~treet ~ ~ive f~ ~om ~he b~l~g ~etb~ l~e; p~ k. wever. ~t t~ b~!~ ~ec~r of, the ci~ m~y gr~t ob~c~ione pre~nt m ~ew of ~ ~ w2~ ~ewed ~ m 45e ~le from cen~ ~me ef ~e n~es~ ~! r~ e~tm~e si~s ~cs~ed on ~'op~y ~$her ~ residen~ for the · ~e of She ~%-d pr~ees ~n w~ch the ~ ~e~s. ~I be !~e~ ~ She ~l~g i~r ~s ~ ~t~ from lo~ limes ~d ~he l~ti~ of ~i~ of ~, ~wever, ~ ~ e~eed ~he ~ ~e foot~e ~cve m~tione~ ~r~ ~11 o~ be zi~wed erie cf ~h ~s on ~h p~l ef prope~y o~ of ~ ~ze~, ~d p~fs~on ~1 be ~on file ~iSh ~he for e=~tien of ~. ~e ci~ ~ ~ ~he ~$ ~o r~se secomd ~e~on for ~ms%~tion of ~s ~er ~is s~-~c%i~ ~ere ~ existi~ ~uthority in ~i%~g i~ ~ ~he oos~es~ion of ~e ci~ ~les~ %he first ~,~ h~ re. ko& or p~ ~n be ~ ~go~ ~ven t~ ~e tigle to the pre. see is no !on~r ve~e~ ~ ~e origin~ ~1 r~ estate ~i~s ~ be re~ved by ~e broker, ~s or the ortner of the pre~ses t~t ~ not co~v ~th t~e ~b-section ~ ~ from ~te of ~his Ordi~uce $ - !1 - ~he b~il~img inspector shall ~ control of the size of si~s. d~eotion of ~he OiSy (f) ~ of ~c~se ~. No~ more t~ %~ee "~t of e~t~te ~. or o~ i~tifi~tion ei~ ~y be ~d~ to ~e in %~ ~s~tion. ~ ~ectric ~ ~thin tke city ~c~t ~ ~r~ce v~th the re~!ation~ cont~ned from time ~ ~ in t~ city's Electrical Section 13. Eei~t ~bo~ si~ No posen of ~v ei~ project~g ov~ ~ p~lic si~ewm~ in ~ cit~~ ~I be les~ t~n nine fee~ zbo~ ~ ~ o~ the ~ ~ ~i~ J~t~ over ~!ic or p~v~,~e property ~d lo~$e~ ~ere ~o~r treks re.red ~ pms~ b~ ~m ~ be erected ~d ~in~ed at ~h m ~e ~o pro~ ~fi~$ cl~ce for the free p~se~e ef ~ motor ~ive po~d~ Der ~e Section 15. Ee~ec~ion ~. ~ne in~ectcr s~l in.eot, or ~u~e to be in~ec%e~ ~ii located ~$hin t~ ci~ ~ le~ ence in e~ch y~, or often, in~ ~ op~o~, ~oh in~eetio~ ~y be req~red. ~d ~on ~ s~h in~e ction ~i req~re ~ o~er of ~ si~ fo~d to be ~ a ~fec$ive condi$ion, or which ~e~ - 12 - c~ply ~_th th~ terms, conditions ~ provi~iens of ~i~ ~icte, ~ be ~re~ ~; p~e~e~ ~er, ~t iff the ~ecto~ ~tl as~r~n an~ ~t~ne that ~he m~n~e~e or u~e off ~h ~ ~1 ~ver~e~ ~eot SHe ~lic ~e~. ~ ~ ~eq~e ~e ~e remo~ or pro~bi~ ~e u~e of s~h ~ ~tii ~h defects ~l h~ve been reme~e~ ~ctlon 15. Pe~Iti~. ~ per~. firm or co~rstion vio~ti~ ~Y of the ~o~eions~ sections, or ~-~tions of ~ ore--ce ~. ~ c~ction be p~shed by m f~e of not !e~s t~ $5.00 nor ~re ~ $~0.00, or by ~rtso~en~ for ~. period ~ ~ e~eed 90 ~z. or both ~n~ fine ~d i~riso~ent. Secti~ 15. ~f ~- ~tion. p~ of ~ection. ~ntence. c~use or p~se of t~ ord~ce eh~l be held to be ~con~it~tio~l or.~vs~ She r~i~ng p~ions ~r~f ~1 neverthele~ re.in in f~l force ~d effect. Section 1~ A~ ord~nce~ or p~ts of or~n~nce~ ~coneistent or in co~lic$ her~_th mrs here~ rep~ed in~of~ se ~ere i~ conflict. ~r~t re~g ~his ~d ~y of November, 1953. ~ond re~ ~& pm~ed ~nd ~pted thi~ i6~ ~- of Norther, 1953. O~.i~ioner City Clerk