O#244Nevem1~r ~. 19~3, aa~ eu~ing Oc~,ober 31. 1~. ~cemse, 0 ccut~ieaal 13, 0VEEA$~ (a) ~mt~s~r~%ive empemse Auto ex!3_ e~se 8,000.00' 12,~00.90 13, o80.00. 300,~ 1, 200oOe 30(3.00 150.00 6OO.O0 360.00 2,500°00 500°00 1~0.00 J~beement Oce~ :Ridge Gulf Stream ~_~t~' I,?O0*O0 500°00 200.00 2, 2,250° O0 ~o. oo 16,00o.0o 16, oooooo 30,97%.o0 200.GO 1,300,00' 1,200.00 ' 50,00 ' 25.00 60*00 ' 100o00 · 1,200,~' !, 200.~0' 50°00 ' 22,600.00 O~_her 26~.00 Pe~its Auto e~2e~se Op~%i~g supplies Other N~ eclut~en~ Ci~ collec*~tons Ou~ off C~ oolleo',~!.o~s 1, ~00.00' 12, 000o00' 2,000o00 ' 1.60.00 ' 1, I~00.0~ ' ~00o 00. 1~,800o~- 700.00. 7~0.00- ~o00 16,050.00 200.00 600.00 1, 500°00 300.00 1,000o00 - 1,000o00- 500.00- 50.00 - 100.00 · 200.00 . 50.00 . 100.00 ' 2,000,,00- 1,000.00 2.000.00 ?0.175.00 2~,000,*00 2,000,00. 1~33 ~AX ~I~ I~oPJ~IO~ 31,?00.110 2,266,11'90.00 6,1/4.5.036,e'0 36,680.01 ~,061.76 116,678.69 B~. IT ~ OP~?~ l~/ ~ OI~T gOUNO~ O~ ~ ~I~Y OF IlCRNTON 1. ~hat the~e Be, ~a~ tJaere ~erel~ is, le~ ~SS ss ~=e[~eEo~e se~ ~o~h, ~-~= ~ g~ a~f[o[e=~ to ~o~ the ~ prop~ties ~ ~e ~ot ~ f~om g~gloa ~ r~ of o~ 3~n ~, ~ ~e~h ~, ~c~, for t~e ~, ~ort~ for t~e t~le ye~ 1~%3, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Asses~ Roll ~ 3 ~ove. ~e ~em~e~ ~ ~he T~ ~o~a of the 0i~ of ~e~ C~, ~o~, ~ ~e ~ ~ ~rope~e to the ~i~ thereof a~ ~e~e~ ~ t~e ~ A~eeeor, ~ i~ ~t the ~1~ ~ereof 20.00 mils 6.00 mils · 50 mils ~m ~ll ~ t~ ~l~e ~r~eni~, That the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corpora- tion organized under and by vistas of the laws of the Stale of Florida. having its principal pla~ of business in the County of Palm Beach of said State, paffcy of the first part, in consideration of .......... ~_._ ..................... Dollars. which is hereby acknowledged to have been paid by ......... -~ ......................... par~y of the second part, of the County of ...................... State of .............. doth hereby gran!, bargain, sell and convey to the said para:_ of the second part ......... heirs or assigns (subject to the conditions herein se~ forth), the fgllowi.'ng described lot or parcel of land in Municipal Cemetery, in said City and Coun- ~y, to-wit: L0t,, numbered ............... Block .................... according ~o the plat or plan o~ s~aid '~Smetery on file in the office of the Clerk of ~he Circuit Com't in and for the. County df Palm Beach. TO HAVE AND ?© ~OLD the saree unto the said part .... of the second par~ ....... heirs or assigns, forever, as s burial place of the white dead, with the sole and exclusive right of burying the dead therein, subjecv., however, a~ all times ~o all the rules, regulations and by-laws of said City or of the Board of Governors of said cemetery, now existing or that may hereafter be adopt- cd relating to the governmen~ or management of said cemetery (which are to be considered as in- corporated herein) and any law or laws of the State of Florida which may affect the same. Where the title ~o any lot is vested in more thau one person, the signature of any one of the grantees named in the deed of conveyance, heirs or assigns, to an application for burial permi~ shall be full and sufficient authority ~o said City for the issuance of such permit and allowing the burial to be made in accordance therewith. And the said Cify of Boynton Beach does hereby covenant with the said par~__ _ of the second part .......... heirs and assigr, s, that said City is lawfully seized in fee simple of the aforemen- tioned premises and of the ways leamn~ ~o the same from the highway: that the granted premises are free from all encumbrances anE that the said city has good right to sell 'and convey the same co the said pars .... of the second parl~, in th9 manner and for the purposes aforesaid, and ~vill warrant and defend the same unto the said part .... of the second par~ ....... heirs and assigns, forever. oq~ zo:: pu~ u.: o.:IqncI .... 6I '(I 'V .................................. ~o ~p ........ oq~ '~p~ao[~ ................. ................. ~ I~OS ~m pox~ pu~ pu~K X~ ~os m~no~oq 'mozoq~ uo!~zo~oo p!~ ~o I~O~ o~,tod -36~ 0~ 'p~ o~ ~ pu~ ~p~oJo~ zo~sI~ o~ iq poop ~u~ogozo~ .... ~ ............................ pox~off~s o~I~ om' ~zO~oq pu~ u~ pu~ 'X~o p~s ~o poop o~ zo~ pus s~ o~u~Xoxuo~ gu~o~ozo~ o~ po~n~oxo o~' ~ poSpoI~ou~s pu~ 'uo~z~zo~ l~d?~unm ~ '~p~o[x '~off uo~uXo~ ~o X~0 o~ ............ ~ ........................................... poz~odd~ '~dOlD : ItD¥[Iff NO~iqXOff ~0 ~I0 }o oouo~ozcI u] pazoa!Iop pu'~ 'poI'~as in. Municipal Cemetery rules aND regui_a~i~ 1. Nq lo; shall be used for any obher purpose than as a piac~.6f burial for white dead only. 2. P~;pprig~>r~ shall nd~ ;/~ll6.w interments made in their lots for a remunenation; nor shall any trang!8;c; assignment, ~A'-?,;n~eYa~b ~f. any tot ~r any interes~ therein be va~i~ithout the con- sent in w~]tlng of~ tlae Ci{y of B6yiitori B.each first had and enddrsed (~pon such ~rai~'f~r. assignmen{, or con vey~ance. No-:transfer, ;aqsignm~iai,, or conveyance of a..lo~ can. be made after an actual inter- me,it ii~ ii,-~excepi ~¢ith thd cb'n~ent eLi]se City of Bojmton Beach after t~e body is la{vfuliy removed therefrom., iWo ~l~interment shall be/~aHowe4, except by-the consent of the City of Boynton Beach and upon the written order o~. the owngr~ or owners of the tot and in every case shall only be made by-the Cerhetery Authorities: 8. -The City ~o£ Boyntq~q-,]B~ach h~s no wish to interfere with the tastes of indi~duals in reg~ird to th~ stylff.Jof their impr~?em¢nts; ~.~ in justice to the interest of the whole it reserves to itself the right ~y erection, enclosure, monument, insc~dpti6ff, tree or shrub which it sha]I e°~sider injurious to th~ immediate locality or prejudicial to the general appear- 4. Ali lot ene~6~res of any ~nd whatever are pro~bited, Corner s~nes properly numbered and set flusAa with satiate of the ground will be allowed. ~o bri& work will be allowed above ~he ge~n~ ~vef in ~y l~ie~ of ~ke ~em~r~ ~o mounds are pe~i~ed over ~aves. The grade of aH lots will be de,ermined by ~he Bo~d of Gove~ors. A space of not tess than eighteen inches &all be reserved on sides of abutting lots, so that graves ~M1 not be con~guous. Ail workmen employed in the cons~uc~on of vaults, erection the control and direction of the Boa~ of Governors. 5. No money shall be paid to any person in the employ of the City for personal services or attention, other than salaries and wages by the City. 6. To protect the grounds and especially improved lots from injury, all excavations shall be made by the City, through the Board of Governors, at the expense of the owners. 7. Lot owners may erec; any proper stones, monuments, m' sepulchral s;atuary thereon. subject in all' respects ~o the approval of the Board of Go~j~nors. Headstones shall be placed on a solid foundation of masonry. Footstones more than six inches above ground shall also be placed on a solid foundation of masonry. No vault shall be built withou~ the permission of the Board of GS:vekfibk~, giill all [Sart~ of vault~ .abets ii-Shnd shall be of marble, granite, cut s;one, or cemen; stone or blocks of a strength and grade approved by the Board of Governors. All earth or rubbish accumulated by proprietors of lots or their workmen must be carefully removed as soon as possible and deposited where the Board of Governors may direct. 8. No sign indicating thai a lot or vault is "For Sale" will be permitted in the grounds. 9. The City of Boynron Beach from time ;o time may lay out, alter, or close stich avenues or walks and make such rules and regulations for the government and improvemen; of the Ceme- tery as it may deem requisite and proper ;o secure and promote its general objects. 10. No pm~chaser shall be entitled to a deed of any lo~,until all aecbm~t~ relating 'thereto and due the City are paid, and no proprietor shall have the right to bury in his lot without first paying any arrearages due the City therefor, or for anything relating thereto. 11. Owners of lots will be required to keep the same in good condition. No person other than the proprietor hi~nse!f and the employees of the csmeter~~ shall be allowed to perfoi'm any woi~k on a lo~; without a pe~-anit from the Board of Governors, and all persons so employed shall he under' the coatroI and supervision of the Board of Gove~mors.