O#242 Section 1. ~PT~N 02 ~E ~TION There ie hereby a~p~e~ by the Ci~ of B~n$on Beth for ~he ~ of p~i~ for ~e pr~io~ of fire ~ pro~ec~ion ~ co~ec~ion ~em~ion co~a, ~bbrevia~e~ m~i~iom, ~c~en~ by ther~f ~ ~he whole ~reof. ~ ~ e~ep~ ~ch ~or~ions ~$~ ~ete~ ~fie~ ~ ~e~e~, of ~ich ~ Xe~m been ~ ~e ~w on file ~ ~he Office of ~e Clerk of ~e Be~ ~ ~e ~ ~e hereby a~p~e~ ~ ~co~or~te~ se~ o~ ~ leash ~reim, ~ from the ~e from ~ich ~ll t~ effec~ ~ pre~efem~ ~h~eef ~H be c~trolli~ t~s of ~e ~y of B~n Sec$ion 2. ~erever the ~rA "~ici~ity" is ~ ~ ~ hel~ ~o ~ ~he Gi~y of Be~m Section 3- ES~M~T 0~ LI~TS IN EIOE (~) The limits of Secti~ 312 of ~ co~e s~or~e of i~l~ble ~q~ ~ out~i~e above ~o~ ~ks ~ pr~bi~eA, ~e hereby ee~ablishe~ ~s follow: Woolb~igh~ l~e~l. AI~ wi'~.in 2~0 feet of Uo ;, Highway ~l; sd.~ ~t~hin ~O00 fee~ ;~f ~ church, ~he~e~, or otAe~ ~u~lic ~a~he~i~ or coae hereby a~l~p%e~ shall '-o~ invali~te o%he= ~e~ions or _~rovi~ions %hereof. ~ectie~ ~, INOONSISTENT O~i~NOW,$ Or~e er p~ts thereof in force at ~he $~e ~t ~hie cr~e ~ t~ effeet ~n~ ~een~iste~t he~e~h, ~e hereby r~e~!e~ problems of ~s or--e, ~, ~m ~nvic~io~ ~er~f, Dy f~e not leee ~B~ Fi~ Delete ($5.00) ~ mo~ Dolt~s ($5G$.00) ~ ~rieon~ ~ ~e ~ Jm~ for ~ time nos e~ee~ing nine~ (90) ~e or both s~ fine ~ t~risonmen$. ~r~ re~ ~is 8~h ~y of S~$emb~, 195~. September, 1953. - Oommi~sioner Attest: Oommie si on~ CONTENTS ARTICLE PAGE 1. General Provisions 2. Bowling Alleys ............................................... 5 3. Cellulose-Nitrate Motion Picture Film ..................... 6 4 Dry Cleaning~ and Dry Dyeing Plants ..................... 8 5. Explosives ............... 5 ................................... 12 6. Fireworks ..................................................... 15 7. Fire Protection Equipment ....................................... 15 8. Flmmmable Liquids ............................................ 16 9. Garages ............................................................... 26 10. Gas Piping and Appliances 27 11. Liquefied Petroleum Gases ....................................... 28 12. Precautions Against Fire, General ....................... 29 13~ Smoking Prohibited ..................................................31 Appendix--An Ordinance to Adopt Fire Prevention Code 33 b. Hazardous conditions arising from defective or ~mproperly installed equipment for handling or using combustible or explosive matter; c. Dangerous accumulations of rubbish, waste paper, boxes, shavings or other highly flammable materials; d. Accumulations of dust or waste material in air condition- ing systems or of grease in kitchen exhaust ducts; e. Obstructmns ro or on fire excapes, stairs, passageways, doors or windows, liable to interfere with the operations of the Fire Department or egress of occupants in case of fire: f. Any building or other structure ~vhich. for want of repairs, lack of sufficient fire escapes or other exit facilities~ automatic ~r other tire alarm apparatus or lire extinguishing.equipment, or by reason of age or dilapidated condition, or from any other cause. creates a lire hazard. Section 105. Service of Orders. The service of such orders as mentioned in section 104 may be made upon the owner, occupant or other person responsible for the conditions, either by delivering a copy of same personally or by delivering the same to and leaving ~r with any person in charge of the premises, or in case no such person is found upon the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the door to the entrance of the said premises. Whenever ~r may be necessary to serve such an order upon the owher of premises tach order may be served either by delivering to and leaving with the said person a copy of the said order, or, if such owner'is absent {rom the jurisdiction of the officer making the order, by mailing such copy to the owner's Iast known post office address. Section 106. Permits. a. Permits required by the icrovismns of this code shall be obtained in writing from the Chief of the Fire Department. Permits shall be for such period as the Chief of the Fire Department may specify but not exceeding one year. They shall be kept on the premises designated therein and shall be subject to inspection by any officer of the fire or police departments. b. Before permits are issued the Chief c [ the Fire Department shall make or cause to be made such inspections or tests as are necessary to assure that the provisions of this code are complied with. Sectloh 107. Definitions. a. "Approved" shall mean accepted by the Chief of the Fire Department as a result of investigation and expermnce~ or by reason of test, listing or approval by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., the National Bureau o~ Standards. the American Gas Asso- ciation Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing au- thorities. b. "Person" shall mean and include person, persons, firm, cor- poration or co-partnership. Section 108. Conformity to Nationally Recognized Sta.ndard Practice. The storage, handling and use of flammable >r explosive sub- stances and the use or occupancy of buildings or premises shall be in conformity with nationally recognized standard practice for the safeguarding to a reasonable degree of life and property from the hazards >f fire or explosion. Compliance with the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters shall be deemed to be prima facto evidence of compliance with such nationally recognized standard practice for ali matters not coYered by this code ARTICLE 2 BOVv'LIN G ALLEYS Section 201. General. Bowling alleys shall conform to ali other applicable require- ments of this code, as well as the following provisions Section 202. Permit Required. A permit shall be required for the operation of any -~owling alley. Section 203. Alley Resttrfacing Operations. Resurfacing operations sl~all not be carried on while the estab- lishment is open for business. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified when alleys are to be resurfaced Proper ventila- tion shall be provided. Heating, ventilating, or cooling systems employing recirculation of air shall not be operated during resnrfac- ins operations or within one hour following the application of flammable finishes. All electric motors or other equipment in the area which might be a sohrce of ignition shall be shut down, and all smoking and use of open flames prohibited during the applica- tion of flammable finishes and for one hour thereafter. Section ,204. Pin Refinishing. Pin refi~shing involving the application of flammable finishes shall be done only in a special room meeting the requirements a Type B inside storage or mixing room (for details see the Fire Prevention Code adopted by section 108~; such room shall not be located below grade nor shall it have communication with any pits, wells pockets or basements. Storage of flammable liquids' in such rooms shall not exceed a combined aggregate of 60 gallons in original metal containers, or approved safety contMners nor exceeding 5 gallons individual ca- pacity. A metal waste can with self-closing cover shall be pro- vided for all ~vaste materials and rags; contents shall be removed daily. Smoking shall be prohibited at ail times in refinishing rooms. ARTICLE 3 CELLULOSE NITRATE MOTION PICTURE FILM Section 301. Application. This article applies to the storage and handling of cellulose nitrate motion picture film. hereafter referred to as "nitrate film", Film having a cellulose acetate or other approved slow-burning base. marked safety film. is exempt [rom these provisions Section 302. Permit Required. a. No person shall store, keep or have on hand more than 25 pou,nds (for 35 mm. film about 5.000 feet5 of nitrate motion picture film without a permit b, No person shall sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any m- rrate motion picture film to any person not having a permit to handle, use or display such film. Section 303. Enclosures for Motion Picture Projectors. a. Two openings for ~ach motion picture projector shall be provided: one for the projectionist's view (observation port) shall be not larger than 200 square inches, and the ~ther through which the picture is projected (projection port) shall be not larger than 120 squar~ inches, Where separate stereopticon, spot or-flood light machines are installed in the same enclosure with picture projectors not more than one openmg for each 'st~cl5 machine shall be pro- vided for both the operator's view and for the projection of the light, but two or more machines may be operated through the same opening; such opening~ shall be as small as practicable and shall be capable of being protected by approved automatic shutters. b. Each opening shall be provkted with an approved gravity shutter. Shutters shall be of not less than 10-gauge iron or [ts equivalent, or of M-inch hard asbestos .board. Shutters shall be suspended, arranged and interconnected so that all shutters will close upon thc operating of some suitable fusible or mechanical releasing device. Each shutter shall have a fusible Iink above it, and there shall also be one located over each upper projector maga- zine which, upon operating, will close ali the shutters. There shall also be provided suitable means for manually closing ail shutters simultaneously from any projector head and from a point within the projection room near each exit door. Shutters on openings not m use shall be kept closed. c. Ail shelves, furniture and fixtures within the enclosure shall be constructed of noncombustible material, except that tables may be of wood construction with no member less than 1~ inch in least dimension. No combustible material of any sort shall be per- mitted or allowed to be within such enclosure, except the films used in the operation of the projector, and film cement. d. Ventilation shall be provided by one or more mechanical exhaust systems which shall draw air from each arc lamp housing and from one or more points near the ceiling. Systems shall ex- haust to outdoors either directly or through a noncombustible flue used for no other purpose. Exhaust capacity shall be nor less than 15 nor more than 50 cubic feet per minute for each arc lamp housing plus 200 cubic feet per minute for the room itself. Systems shall be controlled from within the enclosure and have pilot lights to indicate operation. The exhaust system serving the projection room may be extended to cover rooms associated therewith such as rewind rooms. No dampers shall be installed in such exhaust sys-' terns. Ventilation of these rooms shall nor be connected in any way with Yentilating or air conditioning systems serving other por- tions of the building. e. Exhaust ducts shall be of noncombustible material, and shall either be kept one inch from combustible material or cov- ered with ~-inch of noncombustible heat insulating material. Section 304. Handling of Nitrate Film in Motion Picture Theatres and Other Occupancies in Which the Principal Use ol Film is in Motion Picture Projectiom a. Rewinding of nitrate films shall be performed either in a special rewind room at an approved location, or in the projection 7 room. An approved can for scrap film having a self-closing hinged cover shall be provided. b, Nitrate film in any projection room or rewinding room shall be kept as follows: (1) Up to 40 ponnds of film (8,000 feet of 35 mm. film) may be kept in I.C.C. shipping containers, or approved cabinet in each room. (2) If the amount of film on hand exceeds 40 pounds, an approved cabinet shall be provided, in which the amount of film in excess of 40 pounds shall be kept. ARTICLE 4 DRY CLEANING AND DRY DYEING PLANTS Section 401. Dry Cleaning Defined. "Dry cleaning" shall mean the process of removing dirt, grease, paints and other stains from wearing apparel, textiles, fabrics. rugs, etc., by the use of nonaqueous liquid solvents. "Dry dyeing" shall mean the process of dyeing clothes or other fabrics or textiles in a solution of dye colors and flammable liquids. Section 402. Classification of Systems. Dry cleaning and dry dyeing systems shall be classified as [oI- lows: a. Class 1 Systems shall be those utilizing a solvent having a flash point below 100° F. (closed cup tester) Such systems shall conform to nationally recognized standard practice as specified in section 108. b. Class II Systems shall be those utilizing a solvent having a flash point of 100© F. (closed cup tester~ or higher but not meeting the reqnirements as furthbr outlined for Class III or Class IV systems c. Class III Systems shall be those employing equipmem which has been approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. and utilizing solvents having a flash point of 138° F (closed cup ~ester) or higher and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories. Inc., as suitable for use with such listed equipment. d. Class IV Systems shall be those utilizing solvents classi- fied as nonflammable, or as non,flammable at ordinary temperature and only slightly flammable at higher temperatures. 8 equip- shall pro- than 10 walls · floor and the of pro- open- Systems. of mable at higher temperatures shall be st~bject to the requirement for a permit in section 403, but shall be exempt from all other pro- wsions of this article. Section 407. Dryi.ng Rooms, Rooms in which articles are hung up to dry after cleaning shall be separated from dry cleaning rooms by partitions having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour if Class II or Class III system solvents are used. Entrances to drying rooms shall be provided with approved, self-closing fire doors Ventilation of drying rooms shall conform t(~ the requirements for ventilation of dry cleaning rooms and the provisions for fire extinguishing eqmp- menr shall be complied with. If the drying room ~s in a separate building, it shalI conform in construction and equipment to all re- qmrements [or dry cleaning buildings. Section 408. Heating Equipment. a. Where Class II systems are used, heating shall be by steam or hot water only. Steam and hot water pipes and radiators for heatin~ and drying purposes shall be ar least one inch from ail woodwork and shall be protected by substantial metal screens arranged so as to prevem combustible goods or materials from coming in contact with such pipes and radiators b. Boilers for plants employing Class II or Class III systems shall be located in a detached building or in a boiler room cut off from the dry cleaning room by a partition having a fire-resistance rating of not less than two hours with openings protected by approved self-closing fire doors and having noncombustible sills raised at least 6 inches above the dry cleaning room floor, provided that where a Class II system is used such separating partition shall be an unpierced brick wall at Ieast 12 inches thick or equivalent construction. 8ectlon 409. Electrical Equipment. Where Class II systems are used all electrical equipment within 8 feet of the floor in dry cleaning rooms or other sections subject to flammable vapors shall be of a type approved for such haz- ardous locations. Where Class III systems are usei:l, lighting shall be by electricity and wiring installed in a safe manner. Co~mpliance with the applicab~e provisions of the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters known as the "National ElectricaI Code" shall be deemed prima facie ~vidence of compliance with this section. 10 Section 410. Ventilation. A mechanical system of ventilation shall be provided in the dry cleaning rooms of plants employing Class II systems, of sum- cienr capacity to insure complete and continuous change of air once every 6 minutes for Class II systems, and shall be provided with means of remote control. Section 411. Storage and Handling of Cleaning Solvents. a. Abovegrouud containers comprisingpurifiers, clariSers, and filters, in Class II systems shall not exceed 350 gallons individual capacity. Solvent storage tanks 'for Class II and Class III sys- tems may be inside of buildings if individual capacity of tanks does not exceed 275 gallons an i the aggregate capacity of storage ranks d6es not exceed 550 gallons. (~uantities of solvents for Class II and Class III systems in excess of the above shall be in buried tanks. ~ b. The handling of solveuts from storage tanks through the various machines and back to the settling and dear solvent tanks 'shall be through closed circuits of piping. Pumps of positive dis- placement type shall have a by-pass and relief valve. c. Gauge glasses and look boxes or windows, tl{e breakage of which would permit the escape of liquids, shah be of a type not readily damaged.by heat and shall be reliably protected against mechanical injury. d. When underground treating and settling t~nks are used a separate suction and discharge connection shall be provided to the pump for removal of sludge. The suction pipe shall he carried to the rank bottom, and the discharge connection to an approved separaror. e. Ali piping shall be rested to a pressure of at least fifty pounds and proved tight and protected against mechanical injury. Section 412. Grounding of Equipment. The cylinders and shells of ail washing machines, drying tumblers, walls of drying cabinets, outside shell of extractors and all aboveground containers shall be permanently and effectivel{r grounded. In plants employing Class II systems, ali pulleys and belting in the dry cleaning room shall have grounded collectors or other suitable devices for the removal of static electricity. Section 413. Scouring, Brushing and Spotting in Plants Hous- ing Class II and III Systems. a. g. ll scouring or brushing and spotting operations utilizing liquids or solvents having a flash point below 100° F. shall be 11 flash point plant. and cabinets arms am- shall have, keep, high- of Dis- .of a blast- consisting building _bainted red described in this paragraph shall be located as required by the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 504.. Transportation of Explosives. a. Blasting caps, or detonators, shall .not be transported over the highways of the mumcipality on the same vehicles with ex- plosives. b. Vehicles used for the transportation of e:~plosives shall be strong enough to carry the load without difficulty, and shall be in good mechanical condition. If vehicles do nor have a closed body, the body shall be covered with a tarpaulin or other effective pro~ recrion against moisture and sparks. Such vehicles shall have tight floors and shall have a lining of wood or other non-sparking material which shall cover any projections or metal which might come into contact with packages of 'explosives. c. Every vehicle while carrying explosives shall have painted. on both sides and rear, in letters at least four inches high, ~n con- trasting colors, the word "EXPLOSIVES", or in lieu thereof shall display, in such manner that it wiI1 be visible from ali directions, a red flag with the word "EXPLOSIVES" printed, stamped or sewed thereon-in white letters at least six inches high. d. No metal, metal tools, oils~ matches, firearms, electric stor- age batteries, flammable substances, acids, oxidizing or corrosive compounds shall be carried in the bed or body of any vehicle trans- porting explosives. Section 505, Use of Explosives. At Ieasr 2~ hours in advance of blasting,-the blaster shall give written notice specifying the location and intended time of blast- ing.to appropriate representatives of the gas, electric, v/atet, fire alarm, telephone, telegraph, and steam utilities which operate ~vithin the municipality. In an emergency the Chief of the Fire Department may waive the time limit and allow verbal instead of written notice to be given. ARTICLE 6 ~'IREWORKS Section 601. Definition. "Fireworks" shall mean and include any combustible or ex- plosive composition, or any substance or combination of sub- stances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible 13 or. an audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or de- tonation, and shall include blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy can- nons, toy canes, or toy guns in which explosives are used. the type of balloons which require fire underneath ~o propel the same, fire- crackers, torpedoes, skyrockets. Roman candles, Daygo bombs, sparklers, or other fire~vorks of like construotion and any fire- works containing any explosive or flammable compound, or any tablets or other device containing any explosive substance, except that the term "fireworks" shall not include paper caps containing not in excess of an average of t~venty-five hundredths of a grain of explosive content per cap, and toy pistols, toy canes, roy ~uns or other devices for usa of such caps, the sale and use of which shall be permitted at all times. Section 602. l~Ianufacture, Sale and Discharge of Fireworks, a. The manufacture of fireworks is prohibited within the mu- nicipality. b. Except as hereinafter provided it shall be unlawful for any person to offer for sale, expose for sale. sell at retail, or use or explode any fireworks; provided that the Chief nf the Fire De- partment shall have power to adopt reasonable rules and regula- tions for the granting of permits for supervised public displays of fireworks by the municipality, fair associations, amusement parks, and other organizations or groups of individuals. Every such display shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments of the municipality, and shall be of siach a character, and so located, discharged or f~red as in ~he opinion of the Chief of the Fire Department. after proper inspection, shall not be hazardous to property or endanger any person. c. Application for permits shall be made in writing, at least fifteen days in advance of the date of the display. After such privilege shall have been granted, sale, possession, use and distri- bution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful for that pur- pose only. No. p~rmit granted hereunder shall be transferable. Section 603. Bond for Fireworks Display l~equired. The permitee shall furnish a bond in an amount deemed ade- quate by the Chief of the Fire Department but not less than five hundred dollars conditioned for the payment of ali damages which may be caused either to a person or persons or to property by rea- son of the permitted display, and arising from any acts of the permitee, his agents, employees or subcontractors. 14 Section 604~ E~xCeptions. lqothing in this ~rti~le shall be construed to prohibit any resi- dent wholesaler, dealer, or jobber to sell at wholesale such fire- works as are r~ot herein prohibited; or the sale of any kind of fire- works provided the same are To be shipped directly out of state; or the use of fireworks by railroads or other transportation agencies for signal purposes or illumination, or the sale or use of blank car- tridges for a show or theatre, or for signal or ceremonial purposes in.athletics or sports, or for use by military organizations. ARTICLE 7 FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT Section 701. Chief to Survey Premises and Specify Equipment to be Provided. The Chief of the Fire Department shall survey each mer- cantile and manufacturing establishment, school, place of assembly, hospital, place of detention, hotel and multi-family house, and shall specify suitable fire detecting devices or extinguishing ap- pliances which shall be provided, in or near boiler rooms, kitchens of restaurants, clubs and like establishments, storage rooms volving considerable combustible material, rooms in which haz- ardous manufacturing processes are involved, garage sections, and other places of a generally hazardous nature. Such devices or ap- pliances may consist of automatic fire alarm systems, automatic sprinkler or water spray systems, standpipe and hose. fixed oi' portable fire extinguishers of a type suitable for the probable class of fire. or suitable asbestos blankets, manual or automatic covers, or carbon dioxide or other inert gas extinguishing systems. In specially hazardous processes or storages, appliances of more than one type or special systems may be required. Section 702. Maintenance of Equipment. Sprinkler'systems, standpipe systems, fire alarm systems, and other fire protective or extinguishing systems or appliances which have been installed in compliance with any permk or order, or be- cause of any law or ordinance, shall be maintained in operative condition ar all times, and it shall be unlawful for any owner or occupant to reduce the effectiveness of the protection so required; except this shall nor prohibit the owner or occupam from tem- porarily reducing or discontinuing the protection where necessary ro make rests, reparrs, alterations or additions. The Chief of the 15 TABLE 804 of Outside AbovegroUnd ~Tanks for Flammable Than Crude Petroleum to Line of Adjoining r Which May Be Built Upon Class of' Flammable Minimum of Tank Liquid Distance 275 gals. III 0 feet III 5' feet I and II. 10 feet gals. III 10 feet 2,000 ga,ls~ I and II 15 feet ~ls. I. II, and III 15 feet gals. [, II, and III 20 feet gals. I. II, and III 25 fee~ of a tank for the storage of any flammable ro any such other' tank shall be such that the them shall be not less than 3 feet. above 50,000 gallons individual capacity storing liquid, except crude petroleum in producing areas. be nor less than one-half the diameter of the shall rest directly on the ground or on foundations masonry, piling, or steel. Exposed piling shall be protected by fire-resistive materials ro rating of not less than two hours. to an aboveground tank storing flammable [:-b~low normal liquid level, shall be provided with an control valve located as close as pmcticable to Except for flammable' liquids whose chemical ~are incompatible with steel, such valves, when ex- onnhction to the tank shall be of steel. Dikes. ~LE LIQUIDS OTI-IER TITAN CRUnE PETROLEUM. Indi- of tanks, where deemed necessary by the Department on account of proximity to water- topography, or nearness to structures of high of habitation or assembly, shall be diked or be provided with a curb' or other suitable means spread of liquid onto other property o~: water- 18 ways. Where a diked enclosure is required under this section, it shall ~have a net capacity not less than that of the largest tank, plus 10 per ceut o~ the aggregate capacity o~ all other tanks served by the enclosure. b. Drier CONSTRXJCTt0N. Except where protection is provided by natural topography, dikes or retaining wails required under the f~regoing section shall be of earth, concrete or solid masonry ~igned to be liquid tight and ro withstand a full hydraulic head, and so constructed as to provide the required protection. Earthen dikes 3 feet or more in height shall have a flat section ar the top nor less than 2 feet wide. The slope shall be consistent with the angle o~ repose of the material of which the dikes are constructed. c. DRAINAGE. Where pro~-ision ~s made for draining rain water from diked areas such drains shall normally be kept _closed and shall be so designed that when in use, they will not permit flam- mable liquids to enter natural'water courses, public sewers, or public drains, if their presence would constitute a hazard. Section 806. Underground Tanks. a. LOCATX0N CLASS I AXD [I. An underground tank for Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall be located not less than the distance indicated in Table 806, measured horizontally from the nearest point of the shell ro the nearest line of adjoining property that may be built upon and the nearest outside wall of any base- menr or pit. of which the floor is lower in elevation than the cop of such tank. Where such location causes unnecessary hardship, an underground tank may be placed closer than the distance speci- fied if enclosed, encased or >therwise protected from physical damage. 19 TABLE 806. Minimum Distance [tom Underground Tanks £or 'Class I or II l¢lammable Liquids to 'Basements or to Line of Adjoining Property That May Be Built Upon Locatior If top of tank is above the lowest floor, basement, or [ndividuai Tank Capacity part of any building which Class I and II is not less than: 550 Gallons 5 feet away 5,000 Gallons 10 feeI away ~0.000 Gallons 15 feet away 15,000 Gallons 20 feet away Unlimited 25 feet away b. DEeT~ Az~n COVER. Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundation and surrounded with soft earth or sand well-tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of 2 feet of earth. or shall be covered with not less than one foot of earth on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less than four inches thick. When subjected to traffic or likely to be so sub- ~ected in the future, tanks shall be protected against damage from vehicles passing over them by ar least 3 feet of earth cover, or 18 inches of well-tamped earth plus either 8 inches of asphaltic con- crete or 6 inches of reinforced concrete. When asphaltic or rein- forced concrete paving is used as part of the protection i~ must ex- tend at least 1 foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in ali directions. Section 807. Tanks Inside of Buildings, Class I or II Liquids. Tanks for storage of Class [ and [I flammable liquids shall not be installed inside buildings except under special conditions as covered by nationally recognized standard practice as specified in section 108. Section 808. Tanks Inside of B,~ildings, Class III Liquids. a, Unenclosed tanks shall not be located within 5 feet, horizon- tally, of any fire or flame. Tanks larger than 60 gallons capacity shall not be Iocated in buildings above the lowest story, cellar or basement, except in commercial, industrial or processing plants where storage on a higher floor is required by the process. Tanks exceeding 275 gallons individual capacity or 550 gallons aggre- gate capacity in an individual building or in a section of aJ building separated by firewalls shall be installed ~n an enclosure constructed as follows: The walls of the enclosure shall be constructed of re- 20 tlgick or of brick at least 8 inches stalled only o~ concrete or other the floors. Enclosures least 5 inches thick ~r that where floor or is concrete' or other fire- /ed ro and bonded lieu of the provision s to such anclosures shall be pro- closures and six-inch ramps. Provision shall be s prior to entering be securely supported ro prevent steel -Tanks. to withstand safely than steel, if used, sses providing equiv- Steel commonly known Tanks. Tanks shall have normal the filling and emptying of )erature changes, with- Tanks storing Class I and )e equipged ~vhere p~acticaI with be normally closed when not t gpproved flame arresters, except ' for Class I liquids may In addition to the provisions every aboveground storage or device that will fires, that ;hell or bottom. In a vertical form of a weakened seam in for such additional relief is roof seam or joint, the emergency vents shall be shell or bottom of the tank if Such d~vice may be bolts that permits additional or larger in Buildings. I o~ ti: liquids of buildings, above ly upward rapors- Vent r shall not be' r and thus cause l~5e so located that or be trapped less than 10 [I inside diameter, sure relief de- in the from the than 15 III: Vent terminate opemng. Vent r be fitted ~vith ingress of piping or liquid at the shall be not less They ~to physical dam- the same class pipe. The the largest shall the point the cop of any enter the rank 1 inck. Section 812. Fill and Gauge Openings on Tamks Lin~ter~ou~ad or in Buildings. a. FZLL ANn DISC~RG~ P~P;~G. Filling and discha~rg¢ lines for Class I ~nd Class II liquids, and for Class III liquids where prac- ticable, shall enter ianks only through the top and shall be giaded ~o~vard the tank. b. F~nn O~ENI~GS. The fill-pipe opening sh~l be located outside of any building. For Class I or II flammable liquid storag'e the fill~p{pe opening shaI] be not less than 5 feet from any door or cellar opening. F~ Class III flammable liquid storage the fifl-~ opening shall be not less than 2 feet from any building opening the same or lower level. The fill-pipe opening shall be dosed and liquid fight ~hen nol in use. Fill-pipe for ~Iling ~y tank car or tank truck shall be not larger than 4 inches nominal inside diameter and shall be not constricted. Fill-pipe openings shall be identified by a definite color scheme or other means. c. GAUG~ O~E~GS. Gauge open, nas, ~f independent of fill-pipe, shall be provided with liquid-tight cap or cover. ~here C~ss I or Class II liquids are stored ~ithir a building, such ~uge open- ing shall be protected against vapor release or liquid overflow by means of a sprin~-Ioaded check valve or other approved device. d. DRAINAGE OF TANKs IN ~UILDINGS. Inside storage tanks for Class III flammable liquids shall be provided with draw-off or drain openings. Tanks shall be installed so that the bottom pitches ~o the draw-off or drain openings at a slope of not less than ~-inch per foot of length. The draw-off or drain opening shall be provided with suitable connection ~o provide a sump from which wa~er or sediment can be drained readily. Section 813. Piping. a. Piping, valves, and fittings for flammable liquids shall be desired for ~he working pressures and structural stresses to which they may be subjected. b. P~pe systems shall be substantially supported and protected against physical damage and ~cessive s~resses arising from settle- ment, vibration, expansion or contraction. c. Pipe systems shall contain a sufficient number of valves to operate the system properly and to ~otect the plant. Pipe systems in connection with pumps shall contain a su~cienr number of valves properly to control the flow of liquid in normal operation and ~n the event of physical damage. Connections zo pipe lines, by which equipment such as rank cars or tank vehicles discharge flammable 23 liquids by means >f centrifug:M pumps into aboveground storage tanks, .shalI be provided with check valves for automatic protec- t/or_ against~ back-flow. Section 814. Dispensing Devices at Service Stations. a. D~SZGb- x~n Co~srxucTzo~: Class I and Class II Flammable liquids shall be transferred from underground tanks by means of fixed pumps so designed aug equipped as To allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage, or accidental discharge. Supplemental means shall ~e provided 6utside of the clispensmg devi~e whereby the source of power may be readily disconnected in the event of fire or other accident. Dispensing devices For Class ~ or Class II flammable liquids shaI1 be of approyed type Devices meeting the standards of the Llnderwriters~ Laboratories, Inc., shall be deemed to be in compliance with this section. Class [ or Class II flammable liquids shall not be dispensed by pressure or gravity from drums, barrels, and similar containers. Gear pumps or similar positive displacement devices taking suction through the t. op of the container shall be used. Class I and Class [I flammable liquids shall not be dispensed by a device that operates through pres- sure within a storage tank, unless the tank has been approved as a pressure vessel for the use to which it is subjected. In no case shall air or gas pressure be used for this purpose. b. Au~o~zc Dzs*~sz>*o D~vtc~s. The dispensing of Class I flammable liquids into the fuel tank of a vehicle or container ghaI1 at all times be under thfi manual control of a competent person. The use of any device which permits the dispensing of Class I flam- mable liquids, when the hand of the operator of the discharge noz- zle zs removed from the nozzle control lever, is hereby forbidden. The [nstallation and use of coin-operated dispensing devices for Class I flammable liquids is prohibited. c. LOCATIOn7. Dispensing devices ar automotive service stations shall be so located that all parts of the vehicle being served wil~ be on private property. Section 815. Ventilation. Rooms or endlosures in which Class [ or Class II flammable liquids are pumped or dispensed, used in open vats or dip tanks, or mixed or blended shall be provided with natural or mechanical ventilation that will prevent the accumulation of flammable vapors in hazardous concentrations. 24 Section 816, Commercial and Industrial Establishments. a. Class I and Class II flammable liquids shall be stored only in aboveground tanks out of doors, in underground tanks, in closed containers outside of buildings, in .rooms of buildings meeting the requirements of Type A or Type B Inside Storage or Mixing Rooms, or in outside storage houses used exclusively for the stor- age and m~xmg of flammable liquids. Such rooms and houses shall conform to nationally recognized standard practice as specified in section 108. 'Storage outside of such rooms shall be m original sealed contamers or in approved safety cans of not more than 5 gallons cap,,city, and the aggregate capacity shall not exceed 25 gallons unless in an approved storage cabinet wlSich may be utilized for storage of not over 50 gallons. b. Containers of flammable liquids stored outdoors shall be segreg.ated'!)y an open space of at least 10 feet from ro~dwa-rs, side- walks and structures so as not to constitute an immediat~ life or propertjr hazard in event of fire. Special attention should be g.~ven to routes of egress for building occupants, window and door .open- inK.s, and combustible exterior wails, platforms, cornices, and roofs in securing, the desired separation. Containers piled one upon the other shall be separated by dunnage ~ufficlent to provide stability and to prevent excessive stress on container wails. The height of piles shall be consistent with stability. Drums and barrels'stored on their sides shall have their heads facing aisles so that leakage of bungs may be detected. Containers storing' flammable liquids sha~l have caps, plug's, or bungs replaced immediately after use and when the container is empty. c. Class I or Class II flammable liquids shall not be drawn from or (}ispensed into vessels or :ontainers within a building ex- cept by means of a device drawing from top of the tank or the Section 817. Sources of Ignition. Open flames, heating devices and processes employing rem- peratures capable of igniting, the vapors of the flammable liquids used shall be prohibited in buildings, rc~oms and other confined spaces in which Class [ or Class IT flammable liquids are used in the open, or in which Class III flammable liquids are used for the purpose of saturating., coating or otherwise [reating goods or mare- rials. Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. Electric de- vices located within the possible path of vapor travel shall be of a type approved for such locations. Compliance with applicable pro- visions of the Standards of the National Board of Fire Under- 25 writers~ know~ as the "National Electrical Code" shall be deemed prima facie evidence of compliance with this section. Smoking shall be prohibited and suitable signs to that eft:oct shall be dis- played Section 818. First-Aid Appliances. Where flammable liquids are used or dispensed, first-aid fire applia~ces shall be provided in such rtuantities as public safety shall require. The number and type o[ ap[[lances meeting the Stand- ards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for First Aid Fire Appliances (Pamphlet No. 10b shall be deemed prima facie evidence of compliance with this section. Section 819. Oil Burners, Heating and other devices using oil burners shall be installed, maintained 'and operated in accordance with nationally recognized standard practice as specified £n section 108. ARTICLE 9 GARAGES' Section 901. General. Garages shall conform to all other app!icable requirements of this code, as well as the following provisions. Section 902. ' Permit Required. No person shall use any building: shed or enclosure as a place of business for the purpose of servicing or repairing any motor vehicle therein without a permit. Section 903. Repair Work. Welding and cutting and other processes involving 'direct ap- plication of flame shall nor be carried on in any garage housing more than twenty automobiles on any floor unless the garage is eqmpped with an apl roved automatic sprinkler system, or such processes are carried on in a room enclosed by walls and ceiling of construction having a fire-resistance rating of not less than one hour with opemngs therein protected by approved fire doors or fire windows, and with no opening from such room to any upper story. No repairs of any kind shall be made in any garage the floor of which is more than two feet below the drive-in entrance leveI. Section' 904. Cleaning with Flammable Liquids. No flammable liquid with a flash point below 100° F. shall be used m any garage for washing parrs or removing grease or dirt. 26 unless ~n a special closed machine approved for the purpose or m a separate well ventilated room enclosed by walls having a fire- resistance rating of not less than two hours with openings therein protected by approved fire doors or fire windows, and with no opening from such room to any upper or lower story. Section 905. Handling of Gasoline and Oils. a. The fuel tanks of motor vehicles shall be filled directly through hose from approved pumps attached ro approved portable tanks or drawing from underground storage tanks. Storage and handling of flammable liquids shaI1 conform to article 8 No transfer of gasoline in any garage shall be made m any open con- tainer. b. No garage floor drain shall connect to an? sewer unless provided with an oil separator or trap. ARTICLE 10 GAS PIPING AND APPLIANCES Section 1001. Install~tions to Conform to Standard Safe Practice. a. Gas p~ping and gas appliances in buildings shall be installed in accordance with standard safe practice. b. Installation of gas piping and appliances for domestic and commercial uses, in accordance with the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Installation of Gas Piping and Gas Ap. plianc~s in Buildings (Pamphlet No. 54) shall,be deemed prima facie evidence of installation-in accordance with standard safe practice. Section 1002. Pressure Regulation. a. Where the pressure of gas supplied to domestic, commer- cial or other low pressure gas piping systems in buildings is in excess of one pound per square inch, an approved gas pressure regulator'of sufficient size shall be installed in the service pipe of each such system to prevent pressure in excess of one pound per square inch from being introduced into such building piping. b. If located inside a building the above required regulator shall be equipped with a vent pipe leading to the outer air. Means shall be employed to prevent water [rom entering this pipe and also tb prevent stoppage of it by insects or foreign matter. 27 Section' 1003. Pipe Entrance to Buildings. Where gas piping enters a building through a wall or floor of masonry or concrete any gas pipe or other nearby p~pes entering the same wall or floor shall be suitably sealed against the entrance of water or gas. Section 1004. Outside Valves. Approved means for shutting off the flow of gas from our- side the building shall be provided on every-gas service pipe 2 inches or larger in diameter or which supplies gas at a pressure ~n excess of one pound per square inch. Outside gas shut-off cocks or valves shall be located so as to be readily 'accessible and. when un- derground, shall be placed in suitable valve boxes, manholes or vaults the covers of which shall be clearly marked "Gas." ARTICLE 11 LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES Section 1101. Definition. "Liquefied petroleum gas" shall mean any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or iso-butane) and butylenes. Section 1102. Permits and Reports o~ Installations. a. A permit shall be obtained for each installation of lique- fied petroleum~ gas employing a container or an aggregate of inter- oonnected containers of over 2.000 gallons water capacity, and for each permanent installation, irrespective of size of containers, made ar buildings in which people congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes. Such build- ings shall include schools, churches, hospitals, institutions, hotels, and restaurants, each having a capacity of 20 or more persons. Prior to making such an installation, an installer shall submit plans ro the Chief of the Fire Department and if compliance with the requirements of this code is shown 'by ~ald plans, a permit shall be issued b. Installers shall maintain a record of all installations for which a permit is nor required by paragraph (a) above rbut not including installation of gas burning appliances and replacing of portable cylinders) and have it available for inspection by the Chief of the Fire Department 28 Section 1103. Standards for Liquefied: Petroleum Gas Equipment and its Installation. All installations of liquefied petroleum gas equipment includ- ing suck-equipment installed at utility gas plants, shall be in con- formity with generally recognized standards for safety to persons and property. Except ~s otherwise provided in this article or in other laws or regulations legally in effect, conformity with the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Pamphlet No. 58/, and in the case of liquefied petroleum gases ar utility gas plants, conformity with the Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases at Utility Gas Plants (Pamphlet No. 59), shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with generaliy recognized standards for safety to persons and prqperty. Section 1104. Location of Containers. Within the limits established by law* (fire zone, restrict- ing the bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas for the protection of henvily populated or congested'commercial areas, the aggregate capacity of any one installation shaI1 not exceed 2.000 gallons water capacity; except that in particular installations this capacity limit may be altered at the discretion of the Chief of the Fire Department after consideration of special features such as topographical con- ditions, nature of occupancy and proximity ro buildings, capacity of proposed tanks, degree of private fire protection to be pro- vided, and facilities of the local fire department. * Where this code is adopted by reference these limits should be detailed in the adopting ordinance (Appendix, Section 4) unless such limits have previousIy been estabIishad. If the code is enacted in full the limits may be detailed in section 1104. ARTICLE 12 PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE, GENERAL Section 1~01. Bonfires and Outdoor Rubbish Fires. a. P~rT RECURRED. No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire or rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled or maintained on or m any public street} alley, toad or other public ground without a permit or other proper authorization. b. LOCATXO~ REsrxtc~sn. No person shall kindle or maintain any bonfire or rubbish fire or authorize any such fire to be kindled 29 )n is made Department f aitother without £ smouldering :.eet of combustible ced oh non- {~t least two weeds, litter r property it bags, litter. neglect at is not com- Department apart- every second ~glaferials. m excess of 2.500 cotton, rub- without a shall be or- and not so e in the open so located. to. constitute a hazard. othbr highly purposes in ~proofed; pro- to prohibit for sale. IVIaintained for conveying furnaces, fire constructed r fire hazard. Devices for device for provide one to the water In all cases. [ hour used. i CONDITION8 of lighted pipe, Section 1302. Chief to Designate Areas Where Smoking Shall be Prohibited. ~Vhere conditions are such as to make smoking a hazard in any areas.of p~ers, wharves, warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, places of assembly, and in open spaces where com~ bustible materials are stored or handled, the Chief of the Fire Department m eCpowered and authorized to order the owner or occupant in writing to post "No Smok{~ng'' signs ~n each build- ing, structure, room or pla~e in which smoking shall be [ rohibited. ~The Chief of the Fire Department shall designate specific safe locations if necessary, in any building, structure or place in which smoking may be permitted. Section 1303. No Smoking Signs. "No Smoking" signs required in accordance with section 1302 shal'l read "By Order of the Chief of the Fire Departmer/t." Section 1304. Smoking and Removal of No SmoKing Signs Pro- hibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any legally re- quired "No Smoking" sign or to smoke ~n any place, where such signs are posted. 32 APPENDIX AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FiRE OR EXPLOSION. Be it ordained by the ................................................. Section 1. Adoption of Fire Prevention Code. There is hereby adopted by the ................ for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion, that certain code known as the Fire Prevention Code, Abbreviated Edition, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. being particularly the 1953 edition thereof and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified or amended (by section 6 of this ordlnanceL of which code not less than three (_3) cop~es have been and now are filekl in the office of the Clerk of the ............................................... and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length 'herein. and from the date on which this >rdinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of the NOTE: The Fire P~cevention Code does not cover such features of life safety in buildings as are norm~clly considered proper for inclusion h~ a build- ing code. For Example, requirements as to number, type and width of exits [rom buildings are normally covered in building codes and therefore are not included ih the Fire Preve~ution Code. If a suitable building code is not in effect, it is recommended that consideration be given to adopting the -",rational Building Code. Abbreviated Edition, recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters as a compm~ion document to the Fire Prevention Code Permits covered by section 106 of the Fire Prevention Code and re- quired in various articles are for the purpose of giving the Bureau of Fire Prevention more effective control over hazardous conditions regulated the code. Where fees are charged for such licenses or permits it is desirable that the money roi- fees be handled by some agency other tim the Fire Departmem. to avoid the impression that inspections are made for obtaining the fees rather than for providing fire preventinn service. Section 2. Enforcement. The Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 3. Definitinn. Wherever the word "Municipality" is used in the Fire Preven- tion Code. it ~hall be held ro mean the ............................... 33 Section 4. Establishment of Limits of Districts in which Storage of Flammable Liquids in Outside Aboveground Tanks and Bulk Storage o£ Liquefied Petroleum Gases is to be Restricted. The limits referred to in section 804a of the Fire Prevention Code in which storage of flammable liquids in outside aboveg[ound tanks is prohibited, and the limits referred to in section 1104 of the Fire Prevention Code, in which bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas is restricted, are hereby established as foi16ws: NOTE: These limit~ should include the heavily populated and the con- gested comraerc~al areas. Section 5. Amendments Made in the Fire Prevention Code. The Fire Prevention Code is amended and changed in the foI- lo~ving respects: Section , paragraphs ..................... _ and .................................. ~_ are amended' as follows: NotE: Amendments deemed necessary should be inserted. Sections in the code dealing with subjects covered adequately by e.xisting laws my be cited as deleted. Section fi. Modifications. The Chief of tt~e Fire Department shall have power to modify any of the provisions of the Fire Prevention Code upon applica- tion in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent. when there are practical difficultieg in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the code. provided that the spirit of the code shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial iustice done. The particulars of such modification when granted or allowed and the decision 'of the Chief of the Fire Department thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. Section 7. Appeals. Whenever the Chief of the Fire Department shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a license or permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been miscon- strued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department to ...................... within 30 days from the date of the decision of the appeal NerE: Fill in body to which appeal should be made. 34 Section 8. Penalties. a. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the code hereby adopted or fail to comply- therewith, or who shall vio- late or fail ro comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or per- mit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been ~aken, or who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modi- fied by the ......................................... or by a court of competent iurisdiction, within the time fixed herein, shall severally £or each and every such violation and noncompliance respectively, be ~uiity of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of no~ less than $ nor more than $ ............. or by maprisor~mem for not ~ess than days nor more than ............. days or by both such fine and imprmonmenT. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shaII not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonable time; and when not other- wise specified, each ten days that prohibited conditions are main- tained shall constitute a separate offense. b. The application of the above penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of prohibited conditions. Section 9. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances. All former ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or incon- sistent with the provisions of this ordinance or of the code hereby adopted are hereby repealed. ~oT~: It might be well, as is sometimes done, to certify definitely the ordinances or parts of ordinances which are intended to be repealed. Section 10. Validity. The ....................................................hereby declares that should any section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this ordinance or of the code hereby adopted be ~leclared for any reason to be in- valid, it is the intent of ...................................... that it would have passed all other portions of this ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion as may be declared in- valid. ~ection 11. Date of l*--ffect. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its approval as required by [aw. 35