O#240O:!~DLr~ANC~ N0o 2b~0 ~ oED~iA~G~ OF TEE CITY OF BOTNTON BEAGE, ~ ZON~G O~CE NO. 205 OF ~ CI~; ~G ~ BUCE OP~CE~ BE IT O~A~ ~ ~ OI~ OO~$SI~ 0F T~ CI~ OF ~ BF~0~ the pubic reeer~ ~f Pa~ Beth O~, Fle~, ~ Pl~,t Beek 24, ~erc~ ~" Z~me ~ ~l ~f ble~ i2 ~n& 13 ef B~tem ~e. Oe~erei~! "D1~ Zeme : ~ich ~it~ the b'~il~ ef mp~rtme~ts, ~olexes m~tiple residenti~! b~l~i~, fer Bleek~ 1!, 14, 15 ~8_ 16 ef B~te~ Ei~e. P~ei~emt~l ~ : ~l of the ~est ~. re~,~ of the e~iom B~mt~ ~e ~ztl be z~me~ Ee~i~ti~ ~" ~low~g resi~t~l b~!~ ef 750 ~e feet The zeni~g ~ cl~ssific~tiom ef Lake Bey~t*a Es~tee ~h~ll B!oek I0, Lets t thro%~gh 5 aa~ Lot 14 im BIock 9; Lets 1, 2, 5 cad 8 im Blosk 6; the west 1/2 ~f ~ots 9 threug~ 15, am~ ~&! ef Lots lO thre~-.-gh 14 im¢lusive, Bl~mk 12~ Eesi~emtial ~A" Zeme The e~s~ 1/2 e£ ? ~ ~%~ 17 ~e~ ~ ~cl~ive. BI,~ 12; the ~% 1/2 ef Le~e 8 ~ 25 ~ Z~t~ ~ ~e~h 32 i~usive, Bl~k 17; ~he ~e% ~/2 ef imclusive sa~ ~elusi~e. ~t~ 26 t~e emtire B!~eke 13. 14. 15. 16. 20 ~ 21. Sec~i~ 3. ~es_~me~z~iL-~ ~ ' ~'" - "A~~ Ze~e : ~e e~%ire $~b~iviaiem ef Ri~gew-oe~ N~.lis, ~ sub~ivi~i*m to Be27~om Be~eh ~ z~c~r~.e& im Pl~ Book 23, pmge 25G. ~E iT O~ T~T AI~ ~EDINA~0~S OR P~$ OF O~S hellish be ~& the ~e are hereby repe~le~ Pe~ fer ~!~.%i~g ~ir~ r~g t~s 6th ~y ef April, 19%3. See~ r~g this 20th ~ ef ~1, 1953. ~sse~ ~ the f~ r~g tb~ e 20th ~y of ~ril, 1953, City Clerk -2--