O#235B~ IT OED~It~D BT TH~ CITY 00P~ISSION OF T~E OITT ON BO?~TOE BEACE, ~-~oRrDA: ~ ~,O~C~ t, License req~ree; basis e~ o~e ~9~, At~x is hereby impesed ~y the ~i%y ~f Beynt~ Bezch ~e~ ~ ~ e~ bus~es~,~ prefe~siem g~ed ~ er c~ried e~, either ~i~ er i~ ~t, ~thin the cer- ~r~te l~it~ eF the ci~ im the r~eotlve ~tm h~ei~fter set fer~ ~d eve~ persen e~ pr~ctic~ ~ %~s~e~s, p~fessi~ er ec~tien,, eider ~el~ er t~ ~ te the ci~ ~ t~ ~ the ~e~t ~c~ied smut ef ~ t~ ~si~ted hereafter SEO~IC~ 2. where erie hmlf, ~f tax m~y be when due smd p~ble, ~ !icen~e~ she/1 expire on ~he 3!s$ ds~ ef October ~f e~ch year. Ne lic~se ~ne y~. Fer e~ch lic~e ~d f~. 2er e~h lic~se ebtm~e~ betweem ~!s~ ~d~ ~cteD~ 1~, ene-~ e~ the by ~ch t~ celle~er ~ich receip% end of the ~rle& f~r w~ch ~ec~ie~ ~ECTtG~ 3- H~w tax c~metr~e& The tax previ&ed in Sectic~ 13 0r~ce for ~rchite~e: auct~eer~, estate ~e~, .r e~her sm~t~ prefes~mon~ ~ Be C~ m~ tD~t ~n ~l s~ll 5zy th~ t~ heze~ p~vide~ ~acticis~ by himself er ~ p~ers~p ~he~uever the amount of the license S~lolied for depends ~e~ the ~e~ off ~te~ ~ tr~ ~ed ~ the or the ~er ~f ro~s ~ a he~el er teeming h~e, the ~ber e~l~ee~, er ~ ether f~ct~ ~et with~ the peree~l ~ewle~e of the t~ ce!lector, ~e ~cemse ~ll be i~s~d, ~til the t~ref~r ~ ~ ~d filed ~th t~ t~ co~ecter ~.n ~ a~thenti~ed, ~et~i~ for~ the ~ ef hi~ ~teck in ~, n~ber ef r~ i~ ~s hotel er be~ h~se er other f~ct~ w~ the ~e~ ef ~h license locztion te loczti~o T_~s~usfer of License. No license shzll be tr~,n~erred except from License net te protect persons for ~oi~ business net covered therein; license ebtalned~y f~!se statement~ voi~ ab initieo Ne license iesued~der the provisions of this c~ter sh~ll protect s. ny person from persecution for trisecting z~y buMiness, trade er profession ne~ covered by ~uch license, er sh~ll protect ~y merchant doing business with ~ grezter stock in trade th~n covered by ~mch license, or ~ hotel keeper e~ rooming house keeper h~ving m gre~ter n~mber ef rooms Shm~ is covered by such license. A~y lieenoe iss~d~penar~vf~lse statement m~de~nder ozth shall be conaidered zs vei~o' iz~itie ~d sh~ll ~et protect the holder thereof from persecution for trade.el, lng business ~*~he~t ~ license. P~ymen% of persen-~! property *~es prereq~isitete issuance ef licenses; bond. No license ~0a!l be £~sued ~te ~myperse~ for aras business, profession er occupation under this chapter ~d~til the ~pli~t for su~ license s~ll ~ve p~id c~ent p~sen~pr~per~ ~ which hz~ bee~ z~essed by the City the preper~y te be used in ~u~bus~es~. profession er occ~ztion~ ~es for at l~st one y~r Drier te the fence of ~ch license. such person ~1, prior te the iss~ce ef ~ license, -2- %he tax collector e~ the city with a cash ar ~ec,~ity bond payable to the ci~ iz ~ ~ eQ~I to five $~es ~ ~e~t ef the ~cenee, er other ~e~i~ %~ be a~reved by the t~ c~!lect~r, ceuditi~ed ~n ~e ~en% ef personal preper~y t~e~ for ~t peris& ef S~e in ~ fisc~ ye~ d~i~ which ~ perse~ ~I1 ~ business. ~E~TIOE 8. Comp!dance by pri~cipa! deemed cempli~uce by agent, ~ere the pri~cipa~, m~ter er employer ce~!i~ with t~ pro~ie~ of t~ w~me e~res~ly ~e~ded for ~re~; prided, h~ver, wi~h t~s c~pter, ~ch *f his ~ente, se~ts ~ ~!~ees ~ll ~e ~ject $e prevention, ~d ~en conviction, men~ t~ the ~ ext~t ~s ~ pr~ci~l SECTION 9- Suspension or revocation of licenses reIh~ud of fee. ~ license hereafter issued by the City be temporarily su~ioendsd or absolutely revekel or e~uceiled by a majority vote ef the city commission, when such commisslo~ ~h~ll h~ve ascert~i~ed s~ud dete_~ ~mined, in the e~ercise ef its discretion~ that ~ch action will promote the public ~oe~ce~ hezlth, ~fe~, welfare~ h~rmony or geo~ order of the neighbeurheed in which the licensee's place of business is lecated~ provided, however, that in the case of the revocation a~d canceil~tion of such licen~e, the city ~h~!l refund te licensee the prorate ~mea~ned or portion of his or its license, provided fv~vther, that ns refund ~!t be m~de where the license is ~empor~ri~y suspended. SECTION 10. Diss~b!ed veter~ms of WorLi ~ I~ ~ertd ~r IT, ~ud the ~ni~n W~, z~ ~nfirme& cripple~, ~f ~d d~b person~, ~d i~li~ p~ inc~o!e ef ~I lgbor, wid~s with ~ner ~en~ts ~d perzo~ sixty-five ~zre of ~e~ er el~r, ~ll be z~lowe~ the ~e ~e~ion~ ~s ~h per~ns ~re now er ~lI her~fter ~e entitled to by ~w in ce~e~io~ ~th state ~d c~ty -3- license o~zu~ler a license It sh~!l be~nTawful for ~person teencage in zr~ trade, b~ess, profession er occ~tion~%~n t~ ci~ wither z license ~ ~ere~d, er ~n a !icone f~s~ed ~en f~lse ~atement~ ~.~ By ~ Der~o~, er in ~s be~. ~persen eng~e~ i~ ~ tr~e, "o"~ess, profession or ~cc~io~%~n t~ci~ witho"~t z license or~der ~cense iss~e&~o~ f~se statement by ~h per~en~ er i~ him be~, ~ ~d is ~reBy req~re~ ~y %~ folle~mg ~e~tles ~ ~iom te the ~ce~e fees mb~ pr~de~ license fee. In a~tditien %0 the fereEoi~gpenalties kereinabove provided for, may persm% engaged in any trade, business, profession or occupation ~ithin the city withe'at a license er under a license issued upen false statement maple by snch perssn, or in their be~h~If, sh~!l up_on co~vic- tiom thereof, except as m~y be otherwise previde~ herein, be fine~ net more than $500~00 er imprisone~ in the city prison net te e~ceed a period ~f fairly ~0) days, ~rmzybe Beth so finedaad imprisoned -~ithin the discretion of the CoUrt. In any pro~ec~tion~mder this c~-~Dter, the fact that ~uchperson i~ open for business, shall be prim~fzcie evidence ~f such %rads, Business, profession er occupation, ~nd the bUrden be u~_en the &e~endant ts rebut the same. ~ch d~y er p~rt of a d~y that this 0rdin~uce is violated shall censti~%%te a eep~ma~e au& distinct offense fsr which suck person or his ~gents, servants or employees may be Drese~ted. SECTION 12. ~ultlple Licenses. Exceot as otherwise provided herein, in the event ~ person engaged in a business, occupation or profession ~t one l~cati~n er place sf business is required u~der the %eras sf this Ordinance %e have more than one license auk to pay more th~n eno license %~,~ the licensee ~!1 pay in full the highest license tax ee required. ~CTIOE 13. Amo~rat te be paid. The amount which ~b~!l be p~id by the several -4- firms, Dersem~ or ms~eci~%ions e~gs~i~g in er m~nagi~g buainesees, professions er occupations for ~nich a license is req~red hereby fixed as fellows; Abstract, Title er Security CompaCT ........ $ 25.00 Acce~.ntin~o a~& Claims. (See Ce!leering ~gen~y) Adding ~chimes, Calculators, ~a~hRegister, etc. (See ~rcha~t) (See In--ce). A~vertising er Trade In~ucemen~ Ce~ ~ Individv~l~ ..... ~ .......... $175.00 Advertising A~vertising: Patent medici_ne venders advertising by me~us ef minstrel or ether shows er ~udeville ~cts, each ~ . . . Schemes erad devices not preY!de& for zbove .......... Adver~isi-n~ Solicitors ef ............ $ 15.00 Advertising en Meter Vehicles. Every pers~n operating meter buboes, motor truck~, a~temebile~, er other vehicles over $~d~l~on the streets of the city ~hich sh~ll h~ve ~ttzched thereto ~ Advertising matter, pesters, pictEres, c~rde er other md~er~i~ing m~tte~, ~dver~ising ~ ~rtic!es or business ether th~n the business ef the owner an&op_ermter ef s~ch ve~htcles, znd for which the o~er er operator of such vehicle~,~ll cb~rge z fee, sh~!l pa~ ~n ann~! fee of $50.00, plus 2~ per sqt~re feet of surface p~nel ........ · $ Aerepls~e Ticket Booking Office. E~ch C omp~r~v ........ Alleys, Bewllng, Box Bz!l er TenPin, Each Alley A!ter~ti~ns, 01~thing ............ $ 5.00 Am%u!~uce - s~p~te from Un&erts~fng - e~n $ 20.00 Am~emen~ M~cl~ines. (See 0oi~-Oper~ted M~chines). ~ot ethe~se ~oe~fi~ pre~d tier here~ Arc~. (~ati~n ~Jec% cf O~ef ~ Pelice) Astr*le~i~. (See O~ce A~cti~eers. ~ A~tie~m per ~y f~r the peried ~f ~h aucti~ stole A~te C~. (See ~il~ AuSe Stermge. (~e ~e ~ato Par%~. ~ith ~&~o ~ler~s Lic~se - Aute fer Eent. (~e A~e De.er. c~ected with ~e, repz~s, ~elster~ pai~g rare pe~te~ met~ be~ ~d fend~ ~e ~cl~ Ea~ locati~. $25.00, ~ in ad~tion ~herete tie% excee~ fe~ p~om~ ......... ~e~ ~ six ~nd ne% exceed~ %~ per~en~ · . . $ 50.00 $ 50.00 .. ¢~_5o.oo . . $ ~5,oo ~zz-Reside~% . . ,..-...$650.00 - $ ~5,0o ~. z5o.oo . . . . $ ~5.oo . . . $ lo.oo · . . $ !5.~o0 .... $ ~5. oo ...... $ 35.00 . . . $ 7o,oo ..... $t4o.oo .... $ 25.00 ~ including sta~ . . ~ch veh_cle, Awning. B~gage Insurance Agency . o ............... $ lO.00 B~zers. (See ~ctory). i~ ~y~em'Beach, wi%k ~eh~se im 0try , . ~ o . . ~helesmle~ ~here pla~t is ,~side city; te teliver frem w~reh~use te re+~il per truck .............. Bake'~ ~e%a~il Bekery R~%e Per %~l~ck ....... bre~e deimg m ~en~ b=si~es~, whether incer- p~r~ted er met~ F~vimg ~ c~pital e£ $108,000,00 er less ....... E~¢h additiez~3 $5G,000.O0 B~tc2= a~& ~lesing eut S~les, Fire ~u& Trustee B~rberahep. One Ohair.. (Emch ~ddifi~n~! c~ir) . . Ezch m~ic~rist ...... Bath, T~rkish, E~ssiaa, Swe~i~ er Vaper, i~'e !~Lin~ massage .............. B~%tery, S~les a~ ~ervice .......... Beauty Oetle~*e s .... Bmcyc~e De~ler, New a~d Secemdh~& Geeds, Bicycles fer rent. (A!ene, net ce~ec~ed, with ether business) ............. Bicyc3e P~pmiring. Alene. (See F~ctery) 3.5.00 mS. oo $ 50.00 $ $ IO,OO $ ~.50 $ ~.5o $ 25.00 $ 35.00 $ 35.00 $ 30.00 $25.00 $ zo.oo -?- Bike, (~Mter) Scooters net ~bject Billiards, Peel er B~o~%elle Tables. Per table Bill pes%!ug ~gemcy or person Blacksmith. (See !~chine Shop for n~mber e£ men) Bleckim~ ~u~ Cle~ing E~ts Blue Printing, i~clnS~g I~ps and Pl~ts ....... . . $ Net exceeding t~l~sengers .2e~hbo~t ..... Ne~ exceeding fifty p~s~e~ger~ -E~ch be~t . . . Esre tham fiftyp~s~engers ........ Be~t~, ~uarter~i~hlng - per b~at ....... Bo~tm (Meter) for hire . each . ........ · . . $ i5.oo . . . ~ so.os ..... $ ~5.oo . . $ so.co .... $ lo.ce Body, Top ~id 2shier work. (~eeF~ctory) Beud Brokers or De.!er ........... .... $!00.00 Becking Agency - for e~ertminment, m~ic, shevzs, ~she~l~ . . .......... . ..... $ 70.00 Beet a~t ~hoe repairing. F~nd~-orkers emly - each .... $ 2.50 ~o~o ~m.d Shoe repairing. ~chinery used, shop, l~ctory ~chedu!e. Bootblack s~d. ~ch ch~ir ............. $ 2~50 Bettlingwork~ er Rrhelesaie Distributors ef S~ft Drinks. ~¢tery schedule. Ptau~ outside of city, e~ch t~uek Be~ming. (See Alley) Broadcasting Wire ~sic. Ne$ R,~die Station .......... $ 3~00 Brokers i~ 0ptio~ ~ud~tures. (Stocks & Commodities) . . . $100.00 Brokers, Merchandise, L~ber a~d other goods ......... $ 25.00 . 3re~r~, Merch~md~i~e~ L~mbe~ e~& ether ~1~ ~& ~ ~socimtie~ .......... B~!dezers -- ep~%~ Bus. (~e ~te~Ci~- ~ Office) ~ ~lle~ ~d ~i~te ~ols fer Prefi% .... ~ee ~er~ ~ ~et excee~ five . . . ~re ~ five cutter~ ~tter~e: ~ele~e de~!erm ~, ~ eri~l Bettl~g Werk~ ~ ~th ~r ~e~ delive~ ~!ive~ t~s (~cept t~c~ ope~ted by lic~ed bettl~ ~ ~eles~e - ~re ce~ecte& ~th eth~ (~e ~no!e ~ie ~oe~ fer E~e. (See ~ss~s. (See Seliciter~) (~se ~ee ~wi~rs) ~d ~rit~, ~tt~ er ~z~g - met co~ected O~enSer ~. (~e Facte~) . . . $ zS.oo .... $ ~5.oo . . . $ 25.00 .... $ 2:5.00 . . . $ 35.oo · .. ,',o.oo .... $ 10.00 .... $ 25.oo . . . $ 50.00 .... S 15.oo $ 5o.oe .... $ zo. oo ..... $ 5.00 ............... .~. $ i-;5.00 2~gi~er. (See 6~sl~t~ ~ ~ffins, ~e. (See Ce~ Lets, (~rate6 for Drofit) ~l~en*s N~s~ Home~ ~no~e~ ~ ~ction (See S~ B~), C~ist~ Trees i ~d~mg ~r s~ f~r a few week~ Ci~ette Ven~ ~h~s - e~ macac ..... (See Ven~g ~) c~ection with ~ther ~s~ess ......... 0i~s amd Teb~, ~ele~e; (S~e O~ - ~th er ~th~t stree~ ~, c~i~l~ or s~ree% f~ per week Or Cl~t~ (See 0r~ ~25~ Een~e~t ..... 01~ ~d Blec~mg h~ts, - ~ e~tabli~t .... Clewing ~d Drees~g Olot~ (Sec~d) (See ~c~d ~d !ce Peters - ezch ~ Ooff~ ~~s (See $ ~0o00 $ 50.00 $ $ 25.00 $300,,, O0 $ !0.00 $ I0.00 $ 10.00 $ 5.oo . $Z50.00 . $650.00 $ 10.00 . $ 25.00 · $ lo.oo · $35.00 .$ 25.00 . $ 10.00 $ 35.00 - lO - Ceim-~pe~mte& M~chi~eso s~lar game~ ~r ~evioe~ excep~ mere~ma~se Dealer er Dietributem .... (Special OrS~uce Goveras) . . $100.00 l~.Oe 35.00 Oemmis~i~n mereha~t~, er persons deimg business em eem~i~sien, net ethel%se pre.dad f~, be~ le~t and ~r~sien$ ............ ,- .... . . . 3o.oo ~ugi~eeri~g 0entracter- Permits censtruO%ien af b~l~. ~t~ct~ee ~d ~e~ fo~tiens, breaths ~d ~t~. ~tien and ether utili~ ~ste~; sewer e!~ctri~ si~, (&) r~rige~ti~, (e) el~te= ...... $35-00 Permits grzding an& p~ving ef streets zn~ side~!ks; excavating ~ad dre~A~ng; l~n& c!esri~g; pile driving: b~_tk-he~ing; cen~tr~ctien of ~lverts mn& "sridg~es; l~yi~g ef pipe lines ~u& condnits .$35,00 Gener~l Build~ Oent~c%or - Permits contracting werk in all b~ilding tr~&e~ ~d cont~timg werk ethe~se incl~ed ~t~ the scape ef the fello~g 6~n~acter~~ !~ense~, ~s defied here~ (~) Dl~i~, (b) e!ec~i~. (C) ~ectri~i si~, (d) refrige~ti~, (e) f~e z~er, (f)el~ ~t~, (g) s~tic ~ (h) e~ine~ (~ept side~ const~ctien ~d c~%~ction of b~l~ng~ ~ich ~e p~itte~) - 11 -- S~b-~eneral ~il~g Oentractor - Permits rOll-irs ~& m~lteratic~ ~ad remodeling w~ ~ ~, ~ ~!ex re~ide~ce~ ~ te ~nd ~clud~ 30~ sc~e fees i~ ~, as ~fined by t~ Zeni~ Or~ces Permeate gr~dimg ~ p~ving ef streets a~d Electrical Oen%rzc%r ~ 35.00 ..... $ 35.oo Permits i~st~ll~tioma~m~i~uten~uce ef electric~l fixtwve% e~en~, ~steme zn~ wir~ imcl~te~ c~r~t~g we~k~cl~ed in ~he s~pe of elect~! si~ centr~ter, ~ ~f~ed herein; ~clu~ ce~ec~ lone ef electric ?~ter he~ters ~e beiler~. Re~i~t.. ~ Plumbing Oentr~ctor - Permits instaliation~ud maintenance of piumblng fixt~re~, eq~ipm~it ~d ~ystem~; oil, ~ter~d g~s fi%t~; ~st~l~tion and ~te~ce ef refrigerztion ~ ~ir con~tion~ ~stem% ~l~ he~t~ ~stems; ~terier ~d exterior spri~er systems; well ~ill~; ~st~lation ~d~te~nce ~f s~tic t~ sy~tem~. Permits isving of brick, stone, cast stone, building %locks of am~ mzteri~i~ a~& al! gener~ mase~ c~- ~t~tion ~ ~ten~ e=c~ $ile ~d t~zze wor~ pl~cem~t ~d p~i~ ef concrete, ~c!~_d~ r~ ~s concrete; ~dblzs~ing~ cens~ti*~ ef side- wa~; exterio~ ~d ~terier p!~ter~ ~d s~ce ~ork; ~th~g. ........... . $ 15.00 . $ 25.00 . $15. oo . $ z5.oo . · · $ 35, O0 Permits interior mad exterior p~i~ting and decorating including application of mastic materials$ water proof- Lug; damlOpree~g,~' ssad~t~ot~g, paDe~ hanging . . . . . O 35.00 Electrmca± Sig~ Goatr~cter - Permn~ts ma~nzfaeture, erection, inst~llmtien audmai~tenznce of electric eigns of all types, mad non-electric signs, imc!~dingpain~iug efs gnsl erected or imst"~ftle& ..... -$ 35.0G ~mvi~g and ~ree2c~ 0ontra~tor - Permits moving er demolition of ~r%v structure or b~£1ding...$ 35. G0 Roofing ~nd Shee~'~e'bo& Oo~tractor - Permits all roof const~action ~adm~int~n~uce above mhea%h- ing~ laying ~u~.app3vi~groofingmzterials ef al!kinds; eon~tr'~ction, installationandm~iuten~uce of g~tters, dead,pouts, ~ng fl~shi~ inst~llatio~ of heating mad ventilating d~cts ~ud other sheet metal installation: ~ater- proofi~E io~r~pe~ ~lle. ................. $ 35.00 Refrigerztio~ Contractor - Permits ins%all~tion ~mdmainteu~nce of refrigeration, air conditioning, heating o~d ventilzting sy~teme$ he, ting z~d ventita%~--~g ducte; ineta!lztion of gas ~pp!iances ~u~ gas fitting~ ................ . .$ 3 .oo Tile ~m& Terrazzo 0ontractor - Pea-mits la, rig, imstallat$on ~u&maintens~ce of fleer ~tl tale of smVm~terial; i~st~!l~tioa ~u&maintenauce of terr~zz~ floors znd~ralls. . .$ 35.00 Tile 0ontractor - Permits la~ing, installation and m~iltena~ce of floor ~tl tm~e of a~y m~teriz!o Does ~et imclud~ terrazzo work. ~l~zi~g O,~tr~ctor - Permits ~l~zing work ef ~ kinds; i~st~l~%ion, m~iutem~ce a~d. repzir ef wood or metal ~sh S$~ct-~ral Steel O~ntrzctor - Permits erec~io~ s~d i~st~!!~tien of st~ctural reinforcing iron ~ud steel, er other metals $ 3o.oo Permits la,ring, ~-ustail~tian ~nd m~in~ena~ce ef ~!I t-y~es ef fleeriz~g m~d fleo21ng m~terials except tile ~nd terrazzo; 30.00 Permits inst~!!~%ion ~ndm~intena~ce of elevators ~esigne& for c~yingp~ssengers or freight .......... $ 30~00 ~I~ndsc~pi~g Contractor - Permits designing, inst~ll~tion, p!a~ting ~n~ m~inten~nee of ~rd~ ~nd ~o~d.~; ~; does not ~ciude ~s~t~ti~ of 30.00 Permits m~u~zct~re, i~sta!!~tion and m~inte~J~ce of ornamautal (not struc*~r~l) met~& railings, guards, grills, fences ~ud otker similar a~ticles ......... $ 30.00 Permits comstr~ction, erection ~d maintenance ~T non- electric signs; includes ~inting exterior sign~ en buildings ................... 30.00 Permits inst~!!mtion ~d m~i~ten~nce sf seler he~ting units a~& systems .................. $ 3o.oo ~ire Sprinkler Oentrzcter - 30.00 ~pr~ler ~d Tell Drillin~ Pem~mi% s i~st~ll~%i~u er ~i~e we~ j~e~ies, znd ~e~ ~hu~ter~, ~ ~v ~teri~ ...... $ 30~00 S~o~ic T~ 0en~cter $ 30.00 Other connecters n~t specifi~ly c~ssified zbe~ . . · $ 30.00 Cee! ~s er Ice ~e~ So~ ~e~tm~e - Alone .... ~ 5.00 Ceol ~i~s or Ice Or~ 0ee! ~ ~r Ice 0r~ S$~&s -~on~ ........ $ 5.00 Ooe! ~i~, Vend~g ~ch~es, (See Ve~ ~c~e~) Or~ ~tis% ~ct~e ~rgers, Ferro-~s 0oLo~r smi~h~, ~mct~ere ~eeset~ Pl~ts D~, ~nole~le er ~$mil, per S~ .... D~ce Hz!ls, Vmrie~ ~biti~, ~nd ~lic~tion first te b~l~ ~pecter, them to fire ~ief .............. ~ 50.00 ~cing, ether t~ ~ce ~ll~, issued ~ co~ection · ~h other Busines~,n~t te excee& t5 ce~les ~c~g Teachers (See Profession) · $ 30.00 (See Prefe~sienat) .... $ ~5.oo ..... $ ~5.oo ..... $ 25. oo ...... $ 10.00 De.!ere in Secon~ G~e~s E-~.~ a~di~iom~l store .... . . ~ 25.oo . . . $ Dealers in Sec~dhand Fire Arms: (Es lice=se stmfbl be exctn~ive ~f all e~her license tax) ~s~ ~a!mL%~ app!iC~tien before Police Dep~rtmen% ...... $100.00 $13o~o Den~is~ (See Professional) Den~l Im,berate~. (See Professional) Delectives mad Detective/~gencies. E~ch opera, er .... ~ 15.00 service (See I~undry - Di~per) Directories, Alone sr connected ~_th other co~l~zlin~, me~iing or offering for ~le $ 35.oo ...... Draperies ~ Slid Oovers (See tkctsry) Dresammki~'~g .(Eome). (No license require& if n~ m~terial e~l~ er f~rni~he~t), Dressmaking s_eps, where no m~teriz!s are sold er furni~he& ............... Dressmaking where m~teri~!s are furnished... .... $ lO.OO Drive-in Rest~r~uts ................ $ 12. 50 Dry Ole~uing ~u&~ Pressing (See Ote~vaing ~u& i~-essing) D~aami%e Dealers - mns% ~zbmi~ ~ppiic~tion be 0ity 0euncil . .$ 50.00- (See Eezi%h In~loectiom) ...... · $ 35.o0 T~!ev~ter Sales and Service ............ $ 20.00 ~pleymen% Agencies ............... $ i0.00 Enter~l~e~ ~. (See Themtric~.!) E~mibits - iDeak er ether ~i~si~ie~ ~ per we~ .... . . ~ 50.00 ~ermin~ters (If ~tru. ct'oJce is broken,-Bull&lng ~c~pector Appr ew~'~l ) $ 2.5.. O0 ~he following b~si~esse~ zre ci~sse~ m~ ~~er~ ~d ~ Der~on ~d in the ~er~%ien ~f ~ ef license zs fellow~ ~ot ~e~g two per~s ......... ~o~ ~cee~g f~ persons ......... ~ot ~ee~ s~ persons ~re ~ ten ~& nos excee~ twen~ perseus · . $15.oo . . . 025.00 .... $ 5o. oo .... $ 7o.oo ... $zo5. oo $140.00 Z~ ~iditie~, ~ere tr-ox.'ks zre used, e~cn ~r~ck e~ 1-1/2 ton ~& ever ~ pgy en its factory weight rzt'~mug at ($10.00) Dollzr~ per ten. Artifici~! Stone 0~ ~d ~eb~cce ~mi~ !~o erst sties ~ci~ and j,b pri~g 2e~ries ~ender, bo~ ~d top work D~nit~e Ha~d ~nd power l~dries ~er ~ pl~ mills ~rr~s ~e %0 ~rder er re~l~r~ Neve!~ works Pi!low~, ~t~re~s ~& ~i~ facto~ ~ese~s ~ je~ie~ T~ior~(~es net pe~it cl~ni~ & pressiE) ~ b~!ders net e~her~-ise provide& for i~ this Feather Renovztors (Under E~ctory) .......... $ 20°00 ~en&e~ a~& Boct~v Wsrl~, Top. (See F~ctory) ~S wheels - (not o~cte& ~i%h circus or. ca~u~iv~l~) - per ds~ ............ $ 5,00 ~e~ be~tm. (~e B~ for H~e) Accor~ to ~.~senger~ ~er%i~r ~a~ or mi~ p~ (800 ~te~) . . . ~100.00 ~iz~g B,mrs, ~ - per beat . ~ ......... $ lO.D0 ~e~ts ~er ~s~. (See ~ers, Re~l ~%ck Route~, -per t~ Fer~ Se!leto (~ 0rdi~nce ~225)~ No--ResiSt ..... $650.00 '~i~ concessi~, ~sta~ license. Frozen Cus~, ~ bo~% from Oresme~y an& sol& on Route ze~le B~s,. etc. - per ~ck ........ $ 25.00 ~ozen ~et~ ~act~ed by ~stributer Eoute s~e a~ ~eezer - per t~k ........ ~ 25.00 Y~t ~d Vegetzble stznd no~ co~ected wi~h other bus~es~ - re~zi! ~ ............... Y~t - ~t, ~get~ole~ ~d produ~ sold from frei~_t c~e. (No exc~ti~s ~mited tm f~t, v~etzbles or Lorod~e recei~d ~ ~ ~ecified) - per ~ ....... $ 10.00 ~t j~ces ................ ~ 5.00 (~, V~et~ble~er ~o~e D~ler~ - ~ele~) ..... $ 35-00 Each zd~tionzl p~ce *f business ......... $ 35-00 ~it. ~getzbte or pre~e pedals, ~et~il per ve~cle - nos pr~c~ th~of $ 2~.00 ~e~ ~recters . (See Undert~s) ~t~e ~!er~, ~c~ (See Second z~nit'~e) ~e ~ter~ge - e~k sp~ce $ 1.00 Gas Oo~anies, i11~%~ z~d c~ fr~chise ..................... $250.00 G~sli~e 0~Ik). N~h~ er ~r~sene ~d oils. ~eles~e ~sol~$, Eere~ene amd l~ric~ti~ oil, ~et~il T~e re~ir~, ~h~g amd ~s~ p~%ted ~ ~rm c~rge ~z~ ~ G~z~g ~n~ow~. (Ne stock c~rrie~). ~l~ ~aters in ~ew ~d eld ~ere c~s~i~ from house te h~se 25.00 $100.00 ..... $ 25.00 (See P~ctory) . .$ 35.00 . . .$15o.oo . . . $ ?5.00 . . $ zS.oo . . $ 25.00 · . $ 5o.eo . .. * 15.oo or treep~, emg~ged im tradiug h~rses, pe~ ~CO-img, for~ tellimg, ~.ether ec~tioms. ~ b~d er %ro~..$1,000.00 H~il!~ ................... $ 50.00 ~s ~d ~ ............... $ 15.00 me~oines er e~er pr~arations r~resemted to p~ssess medic~l ~_rt~ $150 Help .~se~ ~o~ ....... ~lus $1.00 for ~ch ~me) Eemstitc~g ~d buStonholes. (~e But$~ele~) HeCta!, ~a!. (See ~I) F~i~, Pri~%e ~r Institutions ef lt~ ~pe~ted fer ~r~f-i~ ............... Eetelm, be~r~ng k~mes ~ ~D~tments. Oen~i~ five lo,rs .................... $ !0.00 E~tels, bozrSi~g h~z~es Md ~r~me~t~, (ce~tin~&) Ten te n~et~e~ .re~ Ice Crew, C~I~ Be~, etc., - per t~ck Ice ~e~, ~l~ Be~, Pep~ic~e pe~ers . . ~ .5o . . . S aS.os . . . $ 5.00 ' i 50.00 .... $ 5. oo .... office in city) ................... $ 15.00 Insurance ~gent .................... $ 5,00 Insurance transit b~ge ~d/or tic~t~ in co~ec~io~ ~thtran~rtztien, for ~ch c~ r~resented ..... . $ 10.00 .T:~er-Oity ~B office ...... ~t~ier Dec~ra~er.. (S~ Liq~ 0r~ce) I~en ~erks (S~ ~cto~) I%~er~t ~ce ~z!e~en. ~ ~le~. elf ice. .......... Je!lie~ ~d Prese~e~ (See Je~ ~ir, ~ztc~er. J~e~ rep~, wztc~er (~ stock) (Mercer w ~ license) Job ~.t~g (See ~cto~) ..... $ 35.oo ...... ¢ ...... ~o e~ency .... $ 3~.0o .... ~ 5.oo L 20 ~ ~u~k ~e~ler. ~%in~razt re~id~ ~tside citT, e~ch tr~ck Ee~ei, ~og, ~s. ~ (~preved by the Ohief of ~ber~te~, ~ (See ~nd~e ~r~itec~ ~r censurers, ~d~c~oe ~rc~tect en~ ~ ~ent or ~oer ~er~ce. B~by ~zper ~ck ~er~_ce net ~ ~ est~b~ed p!~e of b~sinee~ in ci~ - not c~it~ole ................. Lett~ ~er~ce. (T~ Fact~ rate). ~ve~ s~fole~: tte !0 herses or ~es ....... Z~ Testers, when eper~ti~g fer ~ne ~ollewi~ mz&~e ~& repair ~ops ~e rede& to cover '~he ~perzt~ of the ~fferen% lines ef business . $ . . $50.oo · - - 9 5o.0o . . . S !5.oo .... $15. oo $ 15.00 - - - 9 I0o00 .... ~ zo. oo ... 925.00 - - - 9 50.00 .... $ 50.00 .... 9100.00 . .~ . . . $ 10.00 ~chine sad Eepair Licenses (centin~ed): in ~ ra~ir~ im the ~p ~re~ lieense~ If ~v portion ~f stock i~ s~ld in ~y e~ker ~r, z ~r~s License i~ req~re~), Net exceed~ two person~ ._. ............ $ 15.00 Not excee~ f~ persons ............. $ 25.00 ~o~ ~ee~ s~ D~s~ . . .............. ~ 35.00 ~re %~ t~ ~d not excerpt %w~ persons . ....... 9105.00 ~!rpl~e machine a~i repair shop ~ Brazers sad Welders ~to t~e ~d ~e repairing Blzck~t~ng Boat aid ~rLue ~air Boiler ~er .M~n-c~rls~ i~ BarSer ~%op - each · - . $ 2-50 Fmai~vis% - alone .............. $ 5.00 ~&anufacttirers of N~es er ~less Packers Mma~fmct~rers of Terr~ C~t~, F~r~henw~re, Pottery, A~pb~tt ox I~erz! or ether concrete clay ox rock Nachine P~we~ ................. 20°00 35.00 Mau~f~ct~rer of F~amiture Proprietary medicines I4an~fac%urers ne~ provided for ~{~rble ailS. Gr~uite ~orks ...... ........ $ 3o.oo ...... $ zS. oo ....... $ 25.00 ......... $ 25.00 $ i5ooo Me~% an& Po~Igry)L~rke$ Packing Eo~se ..... $ i5. oo .... '. $ 25.00 ...... $ 25.00 DIzrztho~, w~2_k~then ............. $1,500.00 N~r%l~ Bozrds. (See coin-operated machiues) ~es~gi~g body, incl~xli~g T~m~ki~. sad si~lam bzths... - 22-~ $ 25.00 20.00 Ee~t ~i~rket (See B~z~cher) Merchandise Broker, ~5er a~d other goods. (~ee Brsker. Nercha~diee). Nerch~u%: If retail dea!er, re_o~!res a retail m~rchaut~s If ~ele~e ~er, ~q~res a ~fn~!e~ale ~ ~en~ for ~c~, re~res broker ~ing, re~re~ f~ct~ license; m~ ~y~ lioe~ fees ~ti~ pe~tte~ ~e ~ z ~,~e ~d re~il; ~r~tile Nerch~n%~s Itinerant. (Sec Peddler~ an&Have-ers). ~r~nantte ~icense. All merchandise not otherwise provided for in thi~ chapter ~olI be classified as mercantile lines and each persen engaged in the sale of su~n merch~udise is required to c~ver their operations by ~aking out a license as fells~ Merchant's, retail ~revided license shall permit o~e lecati~a) ~au the mver~e value ef~%eck of carried is as fo!lows: Eot ~xceedi~g $1.000.00 ~ .... * ,0o0.00, for or ~r~tie~ ~hereof $ i0.00 $' z. SO 0h~i~ S%ore~. ~aere more th~u e~e store is s~e~ or operated iu the ~i~y~y ~he same person, there ~a!l be ch~ged, in addi~iau ts the foregoing for the second ~mch store, $50°00 each for all stores ~ercha~ Rolling Grocery. ~st be approved by Chief of Police ~udHealth !~spector -.e~ch $ 35.oo I~er~hant, whelesa!e. (Define&a~ one who b~s from broker or manufacturer an~ moils to retS! ~rec~ from stock er t~o~ She~c~er er pro~er Net excee~g$5,O00.O0- . , · T - T ........ · . . . ~ 35.00 ~re ~ $5,000.00, mot emcee~$!0,O00.OO ........ $ ~0.00 Eere t~ ~10,000.00, net excee~ng $25,O00.00 Eere $~ $2~,000.0G, met e~ee~ Y~re t~n ~50,~-00, mot ~cee~ $1~,000.O0 I¢eesenger Ser~e ................... ~ W~%~ ~ ~e~, (Cr~ c~st~) (see ~r~t) T~ve!~ ~en~e ~tor~le, ~ee ~d ~i~ ............. ~ter~ycle for hire. ~ch ........ Mev~ pict~e ~* er th~%re. Me pic%~e, ~zve-.n, per ~ace ~c~ ~d d~!~. Per vehicle connected with circus) (~ee 2orris ~heel) 5.00 25.00 15.oo . . $ ~-5.oo .~k~ltigrzph~ ~n& mimeegr~phy, ~etter Service. E~leicians, street, -e~ch ~'~sic pl~ying m~chinee. (See ~ Vending m~chlne) News Depot, ~hole~gZke ............. News stan~, Retail .................. Nigh~ Cites - with er without restaurant ........ N~rsir~g Hems, childre~ (~ee 0hildren~s N~rsing Home) .... 0il, T~nk, delivery wa~en er truck, re.il (peddler of oil, kerosene or g~soline, - per truck or 0p%ical geed~, knives, jewelry er simi!a~ articles when sol& free start& 0pticz! goods mauuf~cturer (See ~ctory) 0piice~ geed~, when ~!& ~y Optician, ether than these ma~fzc%~tving. (See lf~erchant) 0ptici~uo (See Professi~m~!) (See Job Pr_intimg) $ 10,00 5.00 ~.o0 $ . . $ 7o.oo Optometrist° (See Prsfession~i) Pai~%, g~t~. (See R~, ~cc~r~ t~ ~n) Paint,r, eontrmcter. (~e Oont~ct~) P~t~et er fer~e %eller~ (~e Ordnance ~25) Pzr eel, ~e!iver .... $ 25.00 Non-Reslde~t$o30.O0 C~e l~ Twenty-five ca~s ...... Twenty-Six ~e 2iffy ea~vs ........ ~if~y-One to O~e E~ndre~ c~r~ ..... One W~dred-Ome or more c~rs ..... $ 5.~0 $ t~.00 . . $ 5o. oo Pawnshsps ...................... $!00, O0 !~eam~t Vendow er st~ni (See Popcorn) Peddler ef Fruits, ~ege%~Ble~ er produce, retail. Per v~nicte. (See ~mit Peddler). Peddlers -~der tb~ license must keep meving~da~e me% ~llowe~ to step more thou five minutes i~ one location, Peddler of fruit~, vegetables er produce ..... $ 25.oo Peddler, Peddler er dealer in dry g~od~, notions, jewelry, clenching, ~oceries, ho~ehel~ Eoeds, perfumes, ets ..... Peddler, se~ue ~s above, from vehicle. Per vehicle .... . $ Peddlers of fruit, ~eget~Bles, ~od, seas a~d prsduce raised By themselves ~h~ll not be required to license. Pheto E~gr~var. (See Professiom~!) Photographer ............... $ !0.00 Photo~aphers, tr~velling, soliciting orders from ho~se to house. E~ch. Not m~intaining ~aclio in Bo2~ton ~eaCh . . . o ............ . . $ 5o.oo Physicians mn& ~rgeens. F~ch. (See Profes~iom~t) Piano T~ers - Prefessional. Pin ~ Ezc~ai~e (See Ooin-Operzte& M~chiue) Ping Pong Tables. (See Alley) Plumbing, Gas er Stemm ~itting (See 0entrgctom ) Poelroem. (Bee Billi~m&s) p~i~c~rnor Pe~mu~ Vendors, 0peratiug or N~intzining m Stand. (Not Ve~diugmzchines) ........ Pota%$ Ohip ro~tes~ Each out of city truck, re,il . . Poultry, retail. (See Butcher) Podiatry, when breught in on tr~cks, - each t~ck .. Po~Lltry whele~le ................ Power Sprucing ~Lo~y, h~r~i~ct~!ture ..... Pressing a~& ~leaaing Pic~ S~tion~. ~. (See Pic~) Press~ Ol~, (~e ~ C!e~). ~re~ ~ Fire ~ef) ~ Office fer Job ~t~. (See ~acte~) ~e~ce. (~e ~t m~d Vegetabte~) ~ofession~l The foIle'~-Lugprefessio~l practitioners are classe~ as professionaC~ ~u~e~chDerson engage&in the practice license s~ fol!e~s~ Accountants and a~tor~ Arckitect e Architect laudsc~pe Artist, including retouching, sketching, c~rtooning, crayon ferro%2rper, silhouette, etc. . . $ mo. oo . . . $ 25.0o ..$ 5.oo . . $ 15.oo . . . ~.00 .... $ 35.oo ...... $ zS.oo $ 25.00 '~ 26 Publisher~, er newspmpers. (gs Nercha~~t) Radie Bre~dc~s%i~g Station ............ .. $65o.oo 5.00 5o.oo $~5 oo $100,00 $ 25. oo~ q Ee~l Eetmte Bre~ers - e~ch ........... $ 25.00 Real Estate S~le~men - e~h .............. $ 10.00 ~ith t~ chars er tes~, ~cl~ Ova' %~ c~rs - ~ch ~r ~r ~,oI .......... $ .50 ~ad ~!~ ~d ~. (See Oen~r~c~r) Eoof~g. (~ee ~ Ole~g, i~l or ~p . ........... $ 35.00 S~ b~er~. (As theses ~ ~ti~) ........ $300.00 S~ ~ck d~l~, - p~ ~cle - (See ~) S~e~. (See Ven~ ~h~es) Scissers ~d reel ~ener. (~e Teo! ~er) Scoot~s, Meter ~m, ~tor Second ~it~e ................ $ 25.00 ~co~ad geeds, cle~inE ............. $ 25.00 P!~ $1.00 fer ez~ Sc~els, Pri~te .................. ~e~r ~p~e~ ................... $ 15.00 Sheeti~ ~%~ie~ - Pe~i% fr~ Chief ef Police .... $ 35.00 F~, ~tnership ~r Indi~l, firm er 8!~:o. gh-~er ;Pen~ ......... ~ .... Sodz l%~u~in (See .Mercn~ ~ Sela~ ~ater Eemterso (S~iee ~n& In¢tali~tion~) Soliciting picture agents, soliciting ~r&ers for enlargi~ or fr~a~ pictures. Emoh Agent ............ Solicitors, Oa~ssers ~r ether persons who soliei$ orders to sell ~ ~le or e~se for m~t~ er other geed~, ~e~, m~se or re~l, Truck er Vehicle - per d~. ~DproV~f[ ef O~ ,u~lesfon). ................. Sp_r~ ~-im~ tree~, abrv~e, (Ymee~$ eradicatim~g) ..... Stenogrzpher~, ~ubiic_ .............. fee& lockere 50,00 Szoo.oo 75.00 $ 5-00 . . $ aS.OO ...$ 5.00 $ 75.00 Sterzge wareh~se. Alone er canuecte& ~th other business wi~hfioor sp~¢e, regardless of whether used f~r storage or~ot, ~s fello~¢~: 5~000 s~e feet er frs~ctien thereof ~ e.d~tionmi 5,000 sq~re fee~ !0.00 5.00 S~rLki~g machine - ezch ........ ~urety er Bonding Cempz~y or ~!e~n . . . T~ilor, ~r~, (See ~cte~) T~%eoing P~lor ~ - e~ ve~cle. .Tel~h cem~ e~ · $ :.5.00 . . $ 25.oo . . - $500,00 .... $ 25. oo ..... $ 25.oo $ 50.00 . . $25.00 . . 0i00,00 Telephone cemps~.ies Ten Pin Alley, Box ball, bo%-iimg alley or other eimiia~ game. (-~ot incl~diug those be!euging %e hotels er clubs ~er we of members a~d guests omly). Per Alley .. $!oo.oo . . $ Termite. (See Experminz%er ) Theatres. (See Eeving Pictures) ~v~ in lec~ ~cen~ed th~tre~ - ~ pe~e~ce . . ~tri~l p~fe~ce, w~ for benevolent er c~tmbie D~ese. Ne license req~re~ . $ 35.o0 Tile Contractor. (See Oentracter) Tin ~hep. (See Factory) Tm_D Shoe , szles from newst~6 er ethe~se · ...... Tool ~ener ~ Saw ~_ler~ .......... ~. 5*00 ~ M~ter 0~. ................. $ !5.00 ~eurist c~s. ~me as hotels. Towel and linen s%L~ply. (See . . . Tewe! au8. ~i~en ~!31Y when operated outside of ci~. E~h t~ ~iler ~p~ ................ Plus $i. 00 for e~h tr~ler TT~iI~ ~e~. (New ~n& U~e&). ...... ~sf~ c~ies~ ~rs~ tr~k ..... ~h z~ti~zl truck . Tr~ Me~ pickle Show - Der ~y ~g St~ ~% .............. Tra~l ~d B~ezu ........... ~ee ~iug (~ty Bond) - ezch ~ck . . . $ i5.00 $ lO.O0 ...... S 25.oo . . . $ zo. oo .... $ 7.50 . . $ 25.00 . . . $5oo. oo . . . $ ~o.oo .... $ - 30 - $ Tr~e~ £er hi~e mT mot m~re %ha~ m~e .to= c~.. .... $ 5.00 more t~ eno ~, ~e~ me~e ~ 2 ~o~e... $: lO.~ more ~h~ 2, =o~ ~ t~ 4 t~e ..... $ 15.00 more ~ l~ t~s $ 25.00 ~ks, whele~le ~elive~y, not otherwise t~re~rlde~ for ~er ~e~re, Alone. (See F~te~ as te n~ber ef m~) ~i~ ~es. (See ~rc~t) U-Drive-lt Transfer. (See U-Drive-It) director Upho!st eriug. (See F~ctory) Use~ A~ite P~ts, (See A%%$o P~rts Used) Use~ Oa~ Dea~e?. (See At%to DeeJier ~eoenS_he~d) for each plmce of business opermte~ ms ~ shed ................... ~mt~bn~ker er JeweLry 2el~. ~en no stock is carrieS~ (See Jewelry) er ~e~elry~epziro ~Thenstockis c~rrie~. (See Jewelry) (See Storage) $ 15.00 · $ 35°oo . $ [o.oo $ 25.00 10.00 ,~oo. oo 5.00 25.oo ~o.~o 5.00 $ 2~.00 $ ~o. oo $ 15.00 $ 25.00 - 3i - ,~%er c~mp~nies, per~on~ firms or corporations $!05o00 ~perztin~ sh~ll p~ · ' ~e!~r ................ $ 25.00~ ~ei~g Mzc~ne~. ~perator~s ~c~se .......... $ 25.00 Weighing m~nes - per ma~e ............ $ 5.00 ~ell Dril!er~ .......... ' ' ' $ 35. G0 ~elesale Ga~lime. N~th~ er Esrese~e ~bric~tir~g Oils. (See Gas and Oil) ~ole~!e Meat Dealer~ (See Mezt) ~ele~le Merchant. (See Merit, ~hele~!e) ~helesate Ne~s Deloeto (See Eew~) ~helesa!e Pe'~ltry. (See Poultry) ~indew Trimmer. (Prefes~icr~l License) Woodward er De~ler: K~.d eperati~ ..... Power Oper~tio~ .... ~recki~g He~ses (See General Contractor) Yacht Broker ........ $ 5.oo $ 25.00 ~y person engage&, in any !~wTul business, profession er in p~t. ~-~ the ce~e~te li~t~ ecc~tien, w~e!~ er · the 0i~ net mentioned or covered by 0rdi~ce. ~ll ~y the z~l lice~ ef ........... 00 EECTI~ 14. Before the City of Boy.ten Beach, F!erid~. ~a!l be req~red %0 isle a ~cense for e~g ~ or ~g en ~ ef the %~s~esses, prefession~ er ~cc~tions ~pecified '~ set forth here~, it ~ll be the &uty ef the ~!ic~nt to file ~ ~li~tiem ~%th the Ci~ T~ Oe~ecter. ~ch ~ppli~tien to be in the form req~re& ~ the Ci~ Oe~ission of the s~i~ 0ity ef Be2~ton Bezch~ ~md_ ~ zpplic~ut ~11 be re.red te f~ te ~he Ci~ Oe~mission ~ ether ~>*or~tion not contained i~ t~ zpplic~tien ms the ~id City Cohesion m~y req~e. ~EOTION 15. All Ord~ee er in conflict herewith, are her~oy repe~led. ~CTION 16o This O~di~ce ~h~lt be ~u& is hereby declared ~o be a~ emergency ~e ~ the ~ ~f ~Eent nee& fer ~ pre- ~tie~ ef D~e, h~l~h ~n~ ~e~ ef ~e peeple ef the Oi~ ef SECTION l?. This Ordi~uce shall be in full ferce and effect immediately ~pen its' t~s~ge ~d a~ptien. PASEED A.~D ADO1~1~ B~ Tm CItY GO~ISSION OF ~ CITY 0~ B0~TON B~AOE, 0c~nc~Im~m (CORPOBATE SEA~) C~unci~m~n. Oo~nci~a~ ~ &ttest:~. ~/' ,)~~ Ci~y Clerk - 33 -