O#233AN ORDINANCE A~ ~i~DING 0P~INANCE # 204 ~-0VERNiNG THE REGULATION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE SALE OF ALOCHOL!C BEVERAGES CONTA?_NING MORE T~L~M 1% ALCOHOL B~/ %~EIGHT. BE IT OPJ~AI~D BY TEE CIT~/ COUNCIL OF TEE CIT!~ OF BOYIiTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 3.6 1. Licenses for tAe sale of beer ~r wine at retail for censmmption ef beverages on e~ off ~ke pmemises, sh~l ~ot be mest~icted to ~is%~ees ~e~ee~ ~e~st~ establi~ents no~ a~ady sell~ ~ee~ ~ ~ a~ ~eta~, e~ fo~ the issu~ce o~ fu~e ~ee~ses fo~ the s~ of Bee~ o~ w~e at ~et~il. It ~11 be ~.t ~ ~isc~etio~ of the City Co.oil to approve all ~ee~ ~d ~ne licenses ~de~ t~s Sectie~ ~e appliers m~st c~ly with me~ztions set fomth ~dem 204. however, no license sh~l be t~fe~able f~ one lo~tio~ the othe~ with~t ~st app~ov~ by ~he Gity C~ci!, ~d t~t centaimed~ ~ this Section sh~l be i~te~eted s o as to pe~t t~ s~ ~ef ~co~tic beverages i~ ~esidenti~ ~istr~ts of the City where s~ch s~e is n~ prohibited by other ord~eesof ~e City~ 2. Each ~d every violatio~ of the laws of the SSate of ~o~da, ~elat~ ~ the s~e of ~coholic beverages, whether hemetofo~e e~ ~e~afte~ enacted, is he~e~ spec~ie~ly made a prevision of ehapte~ with $~ s~e force ~ effect as if the provision of such law was f~ly set o~t hemeS. 3. All Ordi~snces er p~ts of 0~i~ees tn c~iet here~$h be, ~d the a~e ~e. hereby repealed. ~. ~y person, f~ or corperation violati~ %~s Ord~ce or ~y provision hereof sh~l, upon con. etlon, be p~ished by fine not less t~ Five ($%.00) Doll.s nor more ~n Five H~e6 ($500.00) Dollors o~ ~ris~ent ~ the Ci~ J~l fo~ ~ period ~ot to exceed nine~ty (90) days, or both imprisonment or fine. 5~. Any license hereafSer i~sued by the city fop the s~le at ~etail of any i~toxieating liquors, wines or beverages z~ay be tempe- rarily ~spended er absolutely revoked a~d ean¢clled by a majority vote of the city co~mission when such commission shall have ascertained a~d dete~mined~ i~ the exercise of its s Dund discretion, that such action wilt promote tJme public peace, wel£a~e, harmony er geed o~der of the neighborhood im which th~ licensee~s place of business is located; provided, however, that in the ease of the revocation ~n¢l caucellatien of such license for ~uy reason other tt~n that ef violating a provision of this chapter, the c ity shall re_*und u~to such licensee, the pro rata u~e~rned or ~aused portio~ cf his license; provided further, that no ref~ad shall be ~de ~here the license is temporarily suspended. Be it further ordained that the City Council hereby declares an emergency by authority of the public welfare and police power clause and such emergency ~equires immediate passage ~ud adoption of this Ordinance° That this Ordinance being an emergency Ordinance shall t~ effect immediately upon its passage and adoptio~ This Ordinance passed and adopted this 7th day of July, 1952.