O#223 ORDINA~CE NO 223 AN 0RD_TNA.WO~E OF THE CITY OF BO~-~TT0t~ BEAO-~ AIv~DING ORDINANCE NO ~ 173, REGLrf-~T-~G T~E RUI~ES AND R-EQuIR~MdENTS It~ TKE ~-~R-ECT!O~ BUILDING A~D CONSTRUCTION OF BUIZ~Di~GS OF E%~ERY KIND OR ~L~_TL~RE iN SAID CITY REP~AL1U~iG ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. ~REAS, A condition e~ists which is not in accord with the proper sad necessary regulations for the construction of Roof and Roofing of homes and buildings of all kinds sad natume ~REAS, tbs following requirements are hereto added to the building code, and NOW T~REFOR, BE IT ORDAIN~ BY TEA COUNOiL OF T~tE CIT%~- OF BOI~,i T0N BEACH: SECTI0~% ~-h-A. (1) AIl_ intersections of roof with Ve-vzca!~' ' surfaces of every nature shall be flashed with copper or galvanized metal. (2).[.~Intsrsecti~s where the roof fo~s a braking the straight slops of the roof said vali~y or g~!ey shall be flashed at l~ast 7 inch~s on both sides of said valley. (3) D~I roof eves shall be provided with metal ~ve drips (or ~a~-el stop}. (h) Ail pipes ~assing tbmough the roof shall be flashed 6 inches from center of said pip~. {5) The City Building Inspector be, and he is hereby greater the authority to ~d is charged with the duty of enforcing the ts~=ms and provisions of this ~' , - ~ - o~a~nce ~hzcm shall be s'ubjsct to final approval ~d ~spection of the City's Building inspector. (6) That upon the conviction of ~ay parson, firm or corporation of the v=ola~z~n ~ = ~ or corpomation shall be D~ished by a fine not to exceed the sum of Five (~ 500.00] Dollars om imprisom~memt for s period of not more ths_n Thimty (30) days in the City Jail or by both such fine ~nd (7} All ordin~ces om p~ts of o =' · conflict herewith be s~d the same are hereby repealed. FIRST RE~iNG THIS' EIGHT~NTH DAY 0F DECemBeR A.D. SEC0~ AND FINAL R~ING TP~ 2md. daTf of JLWU~,~.D. !95!,