O#216OB~INANCE NO. 216 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OPERATION OF MOTOR VF~tCLES~'~ ~ND OTHER TRAFFIC ON THE ROADS AND HiGR~YS OF TRE CITY OF BOYNTO~ BEACH AND PROVIDING ~ PEN_~LTY FOR THE VIP LATION THEREOF$ REPEALING ALL ORDINanCES OR P~RTS OF ORDIt~NCES IN CONFLICT ~TH -SUCH ORDINANCES. .WHEREAS, conditions exist on th~ roads and hi~ays which creates a hazzard to both pedestrians and motorists. I~HEREAS~ such ?ondition does greatly endanger lives and propertY of ~he citmzens of Bo]~nton Beach NOW THEREFORE~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITYCOUNC!L OF T~IE CITY OF BORON BEACH~ FLORIDA: / Unlawful to ~perate a motor ~ehicle at dangerous rate of speed recklessly etc. It shall be un!a~u! for any person to operate a~y motor vehicle, or other vehicle recklessly or carelessly or at a dangerous rate of speed, or negligently on any street in the city of Boynton Beach. ~uy person operating any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than twenty-five (2~) miles per hour on all streets within the City of Boynton Beach shall be prima facie evid- ence that the person so operating said vehicle is doing so recklessly and in violation of this o~dinance. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any motor vehicle over or upon any of the public streets of the munici- pality w~o shall be less than sixteen (16) years of age; it is provided that the parents o£ said child may also be pun- ished for permitting said child to operate said motor vehicle~ and any uersonwho shall rent any such vehicle ~o any person un, er such age shall be guilty o2 violation of this ordinance. Untawfttl to operate motor vehicle not conforming with certain requirements. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to operate ar4v motor vehicle on the public highways of the City of Boynton Beach unless said motor vehicle shall be provided at said time with adequate brakes~ in good working order and sufficient to control s~ch vehicle at ali times when the same is in use~ and said motor vehicle shall further be provided with an adequate horn or other device for signalling, sufficient under all con- ditions to give timely warning of the approach of the motor vehicle~ and said motor vehicle shall during the period, i~om one-half (½) hour after sunset to one-half (~) hour before sun- rise, disolay at least two (2) ~ighted lamps in front, an~ one (1) on th~ rear of such ~ehicte, provided, that one (1) l!ght in front and omc (1) in the rear of a motorcycle shall be suf- ficient. The lightsof the front lamps~shall be visible at least two hundred (200) feet in the direction in which the motor vehicle is proceeding~ and shall be provided with dim- mers~ or some other device equally sufficient, in protecting the d~iver of the vehicle travelling in the opposite direc- tion. The person so operating said vehicle shall always use the dimmers when said motor vehicle comes within two h?&ndred (200) feet of ~nother vehicle traveling in the opposite di~ rection~ or where some other device is used, it shall be so arranged that the rays of the lights attached to said motor vehicle shall not shine more that four ($) feet from the ground at a distance of two htLudred (200) feet ~head of said motor vehicle. Spotlights or lights comonly used and known as ~spotlights" shall not be used as a driving light but may be used ~s a searchlight within the City of Boynton Beach. -5- It shall be ~ulawful for any person to leave any motor vehicle standing iR front of or within fifteen-feet (15) on either side of the entrance of a fire department house,thea- ter, church or within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant~ except when taking on or discharging passengers or freight~ and then no longer than necessary for said ptu~pose. -6- It shall be unlawful for any person to operate~ or any o~er to permit to be operated~ any motor vehicle or motor- cycle on the streets of the City~ which said motor vehicle has no~ as sai~ time a uitable muffler for proper and effi- cient work, and it shall ~ further be unlawf~l for a~J per- sons to operate or for the owner of any vehicle to permit to be operated, any motor vehicle with the m~£fler or cut-out not in operation~ -7- --'~ ~Gere stop signs are painted, erected, placed or maim- tained at any plaeewhere vehicles may enter any street within the City of Boynton Beach~ all vehicles shall make a f~ll end complete stop at such stop s.ign~ and such stop shall be at all times made before entering~ turnin~ i.nto or crossing any right of way Street.~ Whenever the traffic ~s controlled by traffic contro~ ~ign~s exhibiting the wo~ds "G0"~ "CAUTION", OR "STgP" or exhibiting different colored l~ght successively o~ at a t~me the following colors only shall be used~ and said ter~s and lights shall indicate as follows: (1). GREEN ALOh~ OR "GO" -~ (a) Vehicular traffic facing the signal may oroceed straight through or turn right or left unless a sign a% such olace prohibits either such t~n. But ¢ vehicular tra_f~c shal~ yield the right-of-way toother vehi- cles and to pedestrians la%~ully within the intersection at the time such signal is exhibited. (b) Pedestrians facing the signal may proceed across the roadway within any marked or un- marked crosswalk. (2) YELLOWAL0~ OR "CAUTION"~ k~HEN SHOWN FOLL0%fING THE GREEN OR "GO" SIGNAL. (a) Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest cross walk at the inter- section, but if such stop cannot be made in safety a vehicle may be driven cautiously through the intersection. (b) Pedestrians facing such signal are thereby advised that there is insuffi- cient time to c~oss a roadway~ ~ud any pedestrian then starting to cross shall yield to the right-of-way of all vehicles. (3) R~D ALONE OR "STOP" (a) Vehicular traffic facing the signal shall stop before entering the nearest cross walk at any intersection or at such other point as may be indicated by a clearly visible line~ and shall remain standing ~sutil green or "Go" is shown alone~ or after coming toes _full stop s - turn to the right may be made, proved_rig such t~n can be made in safety and without interference with the right-of-way vehi- cles and pedestrians. (b) No pedestris~ facing such signal shall enter the roadway unless he can do so safely and without interfering with any vehicular traffic. (~) FLASHING~RED (STOPSIGNAL~ -- When a red lens is il- l~minated by rapid intermittent flashes~ drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk at an inter- section or at a limit line when marked~ and the right to pro- teed shall be s. ubjsct to the rules applicable after making a stop at a stop sign. (~) Flashing~ELLOW (CAUTION SIGNAL) -~ When a yellow lens is zl±nm~__ated.w~th raoid intermittent flashes~ drivers of vehicles may proceed through the intersection or past such signal only with caution. IT Shal be u~lawfu~ for ~ny person to drive or operate any motor vehicle or other vehicle upon any sidewalk or to park a vehicle over the curb line! provided however, that any such vehicle may be driven upon any sidewalk on a drive- -way as a means of ingress and egress between the street and -private property. -9- Limitations on Turning Around -- The driver of any vehicle shall-not turn such vehicle so as to proceed in the opposite direction mpon any street i~ a business district and shall not upon any other street, except at intersecticns~ so turn a vehi- cle unless such movement can be made in safety and without in- tering with Other traffic. -10- No person shall operate any motor vehicle upon the streets or other public thoroughfares of the City unless such person shall be duly licensed by the State of Florida or by some other state~ district or county to operate such motor vehicle and unless such person has in his or her possession an unexpired and uncancelled driver's license issued by the State of Florida or such other ~s~ate, district or county granting to such person the privilege or operating a motor vehicle. This section shall not apply to the following: (1). ~n o~erator in the army~ navy~ air corps~ or marine corps of the United States of America while driving an official car° (2). An operator of any road machine~ farm tractor or - machine ~emoOrarily operated or moved on the thoroughfares of this city. HoWever~ no person charged with violation of this section shall be convicted if he produce~ in court .an opera- tot's or chaufeUr~s license theretofore mssued to hmm and valid at the time of his arrest. -ll I It sh~ll be ~mulawful for s~y person operating or driving a motor vehicle whichca~ses, ~r'is involved in an accident of any kindwithin the Citywhere~y ar~ person~ an~imal~ or other property is injurad or damaged, to fail to m~ediately stop~ and give~ his or her name and address and the number of th~.auto- mobile the~ are operatings to the Person or persons injur ~ or the owner of the property damaged, if present, and itosh~ll further be unlawful ~f SRid person,! so driviD~ or operating said motor ~vehicle~ shall ~aii to~eports~id accident to . Police Headquarters, wi~thin twenty-four (25) hours after said accident. -12 - The orovisions of Chapter 317~. Florida. Statutes, 19~l as now in ef~fect~ except where inconsistant w~th the express pro- visions of this o..~inance, shall govern the operation of motor vehicles in the City of BSynton Beach~ Florida. BE IT ~-~.TH~ 0PJ3AINED BY THE CITT COUNCIL OF ~THE CIT~£ OF BOYh~0N BE~AC.H~ FLORID~:e That amy person, firm or corporation violating th~s ordinanc or ~ny provision thereof, shall~ upon .......... ~ ~ ~hed b~w ~ fine of not less than conviction ~,n~u~v~-~ ~ p .... ~ ~ 0 O0 Fi~IVE (,$5.00) DOLLARS, nor more than FI~V~. RU~P~-D ($5. O. ) ~vv ~ ~w ~risom~ent in the City Jail for a permod, of not_ more than NI. NETY (90) DAYS, or beth such flue and mmprmsonmen · BE IT ~JRTHER ORDAINED: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith bev and the same hereby are. repealed · EWWW~C~I~ D~.TE: This ordinance shall become effecti_v?. in accordance wit'h the orovzszons of the Charter of sazd in such cases made and provided. ~IRST READING the l?th April~ 19~0 S~COND~ FINAL READING A~D PASSAGE the 1st day of ~ay~ 950 Mayor Councilman ATTEST Ci~y--~lerk-