O#1860RDI~A~CE N0. t86 ~%N 0RDINA~4CE OF THE CI~f OF ~0YNTON BEACH~ ?AL~ BEACH COUNT~-~, FLORIDA~ PROV1DZNG FOR ~E ~TION 0R OF T~ES 0R T~ SA~ CERTIFICATES ISSUED FOR THE Y~R 1~7 AND ~RIOR THER~T0~ AND PROVIDING FOR ~QUITAi~ ADJOST~f~NT 0F SPECI~X ASSESS- ~NTS; ~PEALIWG A~ 0~DiNANCES 0F 0R~INANCES IN COnfLiCT VfITH THE PROVISIONS HEPgIN, BE IT 0RDAIi~mD BY THE CITY C0~[ISSI0i~ OF T?~-~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ PJ~M BBRCH COUNTY, FLORIDB~ as follows: SEOTION ! That th~ Tax Collector be and he is hereby autlnorized and instructed to accept payment in settlement of taxes owing the C~ty of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ ~aere such taxes are de- linquent for the year ieS7 and years prior thereto in the fol- lowing ma~er~ to-wit~ Taxes for the year 19~1 shall £imst be adjusted on the basis of tles 1~%~ tax; then the rases for the years 19{1 and 19~ shall be settled at face value and each years tax pr%or to the i~%! tax shall be settled on tb~ basis of ~en ~10} per cent. of the tax for !~{8o No interest shall be char~ed or collected in such setti~ment$~ SECTION II That tb~ Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized a~ instructed to seli~ a~sign and ~ransfer tax sale cerDifi~ates held by the City on the basis as provided for in Section i hereof~ and in th~ event such certificate or certificates be redeemed by the owner or owners of the property covered by suck ~ertificate or certificates, the purdhaser or purchasers of said oertifidate or certificates shall only bs entitled to the amoun5 actually paid ~o the City For such certificate or cer- tificates ~d accrued taxes paid by him~ her or it~ n!us intepest at the rate of Ei~,ht (8) per cenv. Der annum. SECT!OR III That the Treasurer be and he is h~r~by authorized and instructed to settle Special Assessments in the following manner~ to-wit: lst~ reduce %he amount of the assessment to one-fourth of the original assessment~ ~nd~ crsdit the amongst of all cash payments ~d/or all bo~%d or bond credit pa~nr~enss on such reduced assessment or ~ssessments after the same is reduced to one~ fourth of the opiginal sum, The balance arrived at may be set- tied with bonds or bond credits. SEC TI 01~ IV That where the provisions of Sec~mon III her~in opora~ so as to show overpaymenv of SD~cial Asssssments where the same hav~ heretofore b~en paid or settled in full or in part~ Treasurer shal!~ up to ~d includ,in~ March 31~ 19~3 upon written application by the owner or ovglers of such properties invo!ved~ Or by the agent of suck o~er or owners~ allow s credit for such overpayment and apply such credit or credits to any other ~ ~ty of unpaia Special Assessments and//or ~o any taxes of the Boynton B~ach owimg or to become owing by such owner or his assigns, Provided~ however, that where such overpaymenv is the result oi~ a settlemont of Special Assessment, s in bonds or bond credit~ or partially in bonds or bond credit~ th~ amount of such r~bate ~hail be only fifty (80%) per c~nt of the over- payment calculations. SECTION V That ali 0rdi~ances or parts of with the provisions of this Ordinance pealed. Ordinances in conflict are hereby expressly re- (Sighted) Fred G. Len~on _ {Si~ned) A.V. Paterson As and constmtugmng tn~ Board of City Commissioners of the City of ~oynton Beach~ Palm Beach 0ounty~ Florida. Placed on first reading at a regular meeting of the Board of' City Co~mnissioners held Dad. 1~ t9~ ~-~d passed and adopted on ~econd reading at a regular m~etin~ held Jan. 8, t9~