O#187OF~INANCE NO. 187 AN ORDINANCE OF THE C I%~Z OF EOYNTON BE~Giq, FLORIDA, PRESCRIBING R~GULA- TIONS GOVE~_qING T~E Di~iNG AND TiNCTION OF ELECTRIC AND OTHER LIGHTS; TI~ REGULATION 0_~ SP~ED~ RAP~KiNG AND OPERATION OF AUTO~OB!LES ~ND THE OPER- ATION OF LIGHTS ON AUTOI{OEILES [~I~HiN THE CITY LI~gITS OF THE CItY OF BOY~]TON BEACH DURING THE E~ZERGENCY OF THE PRE~ SENT [[AR~ PRESCRIBING A PENALTY; PF~LLING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF OR- DINANCES IN CONFLICT HER2~¥!TH DECLARING AN ~RGENCY. '~£HEREAS, an e~.ergency exists by virtue of the United Staten being engaged in a wa~ with foreign powers~ and, ~gHEP~AS~ it is necessary for the defense of our Nation and the protection of the people of this c~nntry that electric and oth~r lights be dimm~d~ and, under som~ conditions, complete- ly extingmished; and~ ~HER~AS, it is n~cessa~y that automobiles be operated, parked and li~hted in a m~ner as will be co~mnensurate with the ds£ense of our Nation, and the pro~ection of its p~ople. Now, BE IT ORDAtl~D BY THE CiTY COmmISSiON OF ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION I D~wiNITIONS t. HOURS OW DARKNESS. Until such time as rescinded or amended, th~§e regulations ~.al! bs in full force and effect from O~E-i~ HOUR AFTE~ SUNDOWN each night UNTIL ONE-KAI~ HOUR BEFORi~ SUNRISE ThE FOLLO~[ING MORNING. ~. SOURCE OF LiGhT. For the purpos~ of tness regu!ations~ the term "Sourc~ of ig~ht is dofined as follows: Any glass- enclosed filament, gas mantle, flourescent or neon tube, arc !i~t or other light-generating ~isment opsrat~'~g on an electrical circuit, by illuminating gas, open flame, or o~herwis~, vogether with all transoarent or translucsnn matoria!. ~. VISIBLE FRO~ THE SEA. Lights are considered to be mvisible fr~~ when they ar~ visible from the seawar~ side of the mainland, disregarding al! indentations made by coves~ inlets ~d bays. SECTION II GENERAL PROVISION 1. Any light visible from out-of-doors that cannot be extinguished, co~plsb~ty obscured, or ~e~uced in intensity in accordance wi~h Sta~'~dard ~Var Department Blackout Specifications within five ~8) minutes of the sounding of the siganl ~Or a blackout, shall be permanently extinguished. SECTION III LIGHTS VI$IZLE FR0~i !. All ii,mrs or reflections therefrom (except vehi- cular headlights, official maritime and a~rial navigation lights~ and railroad si~al lights) shall be shielded, ob- scured~ or r~nuced in intensity so that they are not visible from the sea. If t~y cannot be so shielded or controlled~ they ~aall be extinguished. SECTION I¥ ESSENTIAL ILLUMINATION ~. ~t streets, highways or withAn the City, vehicles shall operate with no more than two lighted parking lights and each such lamp shall be equipped with not more than a six candle power bulb. The term ~parking light~ is intendad to include only a s~parate unit parking light of a standard de- sign. Diz~ed or low beam headlights may be used if they are hooded in such a mam~er that light sxcapes through the lower half of the lens only~ Normal rear lig2nts, license plate lights and clearance lights ar~ permitted. ~. All~exterior lights used for protectivs purposes, such as illumination of exits, sides of buildings~ or open areas, shall be permanantly shielded in such tanner that the source of light'wilt not be visible at an angle less than ~8 degrees below the norizonta!, ~nND I~ NO CASE sh~ll the light as measured on tho ground or other illuminated area exceed one foot candle at any point. S. Interior lighting of buildings used for residential or conmercial purposes, or boDh, shall be shaded or otherwise controlled either at the source of light or at the openings of such buildings in such ~nner that the source of light shall not be directly visible from ~y point outside of said building. _~ais provision shall be interpreted to s~an that no bright li£iat shall shine directly out into tho open from the interior of such Yuilding. ~. Bonfiros~ brush fires, burning fields~ and other outdoor fires~ sbm!l be completely exting~mish~d during the hours that these regulations are appiioab~e. 8. These regalations DO NOT APPLY to official maritime or ~rial navigation lights or~ to railroad si~al lights. 6~ The owner, manager~ operator or other person in charge of ~y building in said City where lig?nts of any kind or c~araet~r are maintained shall be~ AT AIL. TIKES, responsible for the prompt exting~is~uont of all lights used in correction with said building upon the som~ding of ~y authorized air raid alarm, or test, or upon the issuance of any authorized blackout order. SECTION V NON-ESSENTIAL iLLU}~_~AT!ON 1. All exterior lights used for illumination of open areas~ parking lots, gas8line filling stations, garages, palygro~ds, places of amusement or entertai~nnent~ sidewalk cafes, marquees, open-air gardens, terraces, for holiday decorations~ and all other exterio~ lights not specifically oO~erod by other tions herein~ shall bo pe~nentiy shielded in such a manner tb~t no source of light will be visible at an angle loss th~u &5 degrees below the horizontal~ Such lighting shall b~ further limited as follows. In no case shall the li~ating as measured on the:.oson area exceed one foo~ candle at any point. In no case - ~ ~' ' ~ ' ~ ~ · shall the total wattage used exceed .he following l~m~ s. zncandescsnt bmlbs ±/Sth watt per sq. foot of l~gnted area for ftourescen~ tubes 1/l~th watt per sq. foot of lighted area. 2. All exterior advertising signs~ however illuminated, shall be extinguished EXCEPT small signs not to exceed ~4 inches by $8 inches overali~ used for tho purpose of identifying a plaoo of business; such si~s~ to be illuminated by not more titan a 28-~att incandescen~ bulb properly shielded so as not to permit the light ~o show above the horizontal° 5o Interior lighting of stores, show windows, restaurants, bars, comr~ercial and industrial estaklishments, and all other interior lights not specifically covered by other r~gulations herein, SHALL BE w~iTINGUiSHED~ or IN LIEU OF SBCH EXTINGUISHS~NT, snell be ding. ed, or shielded, or otherwise controlled in such a mam-~er as to prevent the source of light being visible from above the horizontal, m%m also so as to orevent the escape of light from such buildmng in excess of two foot candles~ as measured at any point three feet from ~'~y window~ door, or other opening of such building or establishment. SECTION VI TRAFFIC REGU~_TI ONS L. No mo~or vehicle shall be operated during the hours of darkness at a ap9ed uo exceed twenty (~0) miles esr hour, or during the hours of daylight at a speed to exceed thirty-five $5) miles per hour. Provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply ye the operation of moto~ vehicles by doctors, ~uurses~ a~ouiances, public utilities~ and vehicles operated by governmental agencies during emergencies. 2. All bicycles operated during the hours of darkness shall be eG~ipped with lights or in lieu thereof, the rider shall be required to carry a flashlight at all times while such bicy~!e is in motion, SECTION Vii ,PENALTIES 1. ~y e~ · ~' p ~son~ Izrm or corporation violating ~y of the provisions of this Ordinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not ~xceeding Five Hundred Dollars ($800.00)~ or by imprieorLment for = period not exceeding Sixty (~0) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Judge of'the ~ayor's Court. ' SECTION VIII REPEALING CLAUSE t. All rmmnances or parts of 0rm~n=nces in conflict with ths provisions of this Ordinance are hereby expressly repealed~ 1. This measure on th~ public peace~ lately upon PASSED SECTION IX .~,EC~ARiNG Ah m.m~RG.n~Cy Ordinsauce is hereby declared to be ar,, emergency grounds of urgent need for ~£ae preservation of health and safety~ sa~d shall take effect i~mmed- it's passage and adoption. AND B~0PTED this 2nd day of Februar[, A. D. 1943. ~__~_~ned) Fred G. Benson _~(Signed) Jeff R. Snell (Si~ed) A. V, Peterson As and constituting the-- Boar<l of City Commission~ms of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida.