O#1910P~iNANOE NO. 191 AN OPOIN£d~CE OF THE CITY 0P BOYNTON BEACH, PAIA~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA~ PROVIDING A BUDGET's. SETTIEG FORTH THE ITemS ~ GENERAL EXPENSE ~d~D 0F SINK- ING ~!~ M~D I'NTE~ST REQUI~)~IqTS UPON THE iNDEBT~NESS OF ~HE CYTY 0F BOYNTON B~CH, P~ BEACH COUN~, FLORIDA, AI~ FIXING A T~ RATE OR tNG A T~X ~ FOR GENERAL ~P~NSE, INTE~ST REQUIR~I~TS UPON ~E I~E~T~- NESS 0F THE C!~ 0F BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR~A, A~ R~PTION 0F 0UTST~D- ING ENDEBT~NESS 0F THE CiTY 0F B0~TON B~CH~ FLORiDA, FOR ~KqE FISCAL ~R BEGINNING N0~BER l, 1943 AND ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1944. BE IT 0RD~.zN~ BY ~2~ CITY C0~fd¥£ISSTON OF THE CITY OF BOk~,ITON BEACH~ PALM BEACH C~JNTY,~ F~OR=DA. THAT the fol~lowing Budget, setting forth the items of GENEF2~L EXPENSE ~ OF SINKING FUND AND ZNTEREST REQUIRW~-a~NTS upon the outstanding indebtedness of the City of Boyhton Beach~ be s~_d the same hereby is adopted as ~tho Budget of the Cit~ of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning ~ovemberi~ 1943 and ending October 31~ 1944:- ADMINISTR_&TiVE DEPARTI~i T: Salaries Forectosur~ of Tax Sale Csrtificates & Legal Auditing City Hall Rent Other Expenses 3,600~00 2,900.00 300°00 360.00 600.00 $ 7~760,00 Less amounv hereky app- ropriated from Water Department Receipts for: B0% of City Hall Rent ~180~00 31erical Hire and Cse of Office equip. 580.00 760,00 ~ 7,000.00 P0~ICE DEPA,.T~o Salaries Care of Prisoners Auto YF~pense 2~000.00 40~00 600,00 Other Expenses 650.00 Less ~ticipated Revenue ~o be derived from: Fines & Forfeitures 400.00 Licenses ~000.00 FIRE DEPART~ET: Salaries ~00.00 Fire Fitting Supplies 800.00 Other Expenses 450.0q SANITARY & ~i~h~INTENANCE DEPT~ TRASH & GARBAGE COLLECTIONS Labor on Collections Auto Expense Other Expenses 1,000,00 600.00 ~00~00 PAP2;S & p~YGROUL~DS Labor 200.00 -~ · ~ 200.00 ~!~erla-s Other ~?_~xpenses ~00.00 CASINO Salaries Painting & Repairs Other Exponses 200.00 500.00 200.00 STREETS_z_ROABS & SE¥~ERS Laoor and ~ter~als 800.00. STi~EET LI~HTIN~ Eledtric Current ¢ 1,650,00 1,650,00 900.00 $ 5~000.00 Reserve for Adjustments Impro~ ~l~en us Capital TOTAL S~J~ OF ~[ONEY £~mCEoS~RY ~ O- GENERAL F_~KPENSES TO BE R~ISED BY TAXES TO BE LEVIED ~ 9 ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERCiSf ............. ~ 16_,682.6 on Refunding ~tem 6~-~ For Int~rsst .... Bonds dated April 1~ i9~4, other than Bonds h~ld by ~i ~e Cerise!mrna ~ od Item Two - item Three - item Four Item Five For Interest on Refunding BondS- dated April 1, 1934, held by ~hite Consolidated For payment of Interest uoon jndgment r~covered ~y ~nit~ Constructign Col, da~ed Nov. 29, 1929 For paym~n~ upon principal ~ Intor~st of bonds ~ Cou- pons hcid by H. S. V~arwlck. For pa~nr,~nt of Interest and principal n9°n bonds numfosrsd I~ ~ and ~ of ~ 6~120.65 $ V, 140,V6 $ 5~100.54 1,020.10 ~ 1,020i10 - ' ~ FOR TOTAL SUM OF ~ONE~f N~C~SSAR~Z !NTE~ST & S~N~i~G~ TO BE L~!~~ ~ ON ~EAL AND pERSONAL ~-~" ~20,402 · 15 T= P'URTHER OP~AiNEE EY T~ CITY CO~fJdl~sIOl'[ dY Tf!~ C!~l 0F EOYNTOI~ BEACPi~, p~M BEAOH O0UN~ p~uRIDA. ~T be on Page No. I~- nereO~ , ,~ ~- items shc~} _e for the p~pOSe 1. ih=t the hdrein they hereby ar~, m=m~ ~mxe appropriatiOnS d~sorib~d after ~aoh ....... ~-~bv is. l~vied upon all o~ moynb~z ~7~ ~'~4~RAL ~PERSE of same ~ T+ -~ e,~x suffic- ient to produce ~dne sum ~ o~ Two ~d ~9/100 Dollars h~eby is, levied upon all of $~ That thore b~, ~d tner~ - ~ ~ o~o~rSy, both r~al and personal,Flori~wi~hinthe tk~w ~gOZUY of Bo~xten Bosch, Pa~ B~ach CountY, f°ll°-ir. -~e a Page III hereO-. taxes to paise the sums approprm=-e~ on (a) A special t~ of 6.00 mills to produce t~ sum of ~1~0.~5 fop th~ purpos~ shOmX in Itsm 1, Pag~ ~0, II! hor~of- (b) A epecial tax of 7.00~milts to produce the ~m of ~7~t%0~76 for thepurpose shown in Item ~ Page No. Iii hereof~ A special tax'of 5.00 mills to produce tb~ ~am of $5=100.54 for the purpose sho~.~ in Item 3, Page No. III hereof~ A spediai tax of i.00 milt to produce tbm sum of $i,0~0.10 for the purpose sho~n~ in item 4, Page No. iii hereof. A special tax of 1.00 milt ~o produce the sum of $1~020.10 for the purpose sho~a~ in item 5, Page No. III hereof. ~. That said taxes hereinbefore referred to,~in Paragraph of Page No. III~ be and the same hereby are, apportioned totaled levied against all taxable property~ both real and personal~ within the Corporate Limits of tho City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County~ Yla~, in proportion to the assessed valuation of such properties as ar~ no~ exemp~ from taxation by reason of the Homestead ~m~endment. The valuation of ail taxable property, both real and personal, upon v~ich such taxes may be levied, situated within ~h~ Corporate Limits of the City of Bo~ton Beaoh~ Palm ~Beach County~ Florida, for the taxable year 1943, which is the f £scai year ending October 31st~ 1944, as shown by the Iax Assessment Roll of said City of Lo~a~ton Beach, hereby fixed ay EIGHT ~lfDRED THIRTY-FOUR THOUS~]D ONE 5. That said taxes hemeinbefore referred tO~ in Paragraph 3 of Page No. III be and the same hereby are, apportioned to and levied against all of the taxable prqperty, both real and personal, within the Corporate Limits of the Cit7 of Ec~nton Beach, PaLm Beach County, Florida~ in proportion to the assessed valuation of such property. The valuation of all the taxable property, both real an5. personal, situated within the Corporate Limits of the Cit~ of Boyn~on Beach, Palm Beach ~ounty~ Florida~ for the taxable year 194~, wb~ich is the fiscal year ending October I~4, as shown by the T~x Assessment Roll of said City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at ONE ~ILLION TWEN?f THOUSAh~D ONE EUNDP~D NINE A~D 80/i00 DOLLARS ($1,0~0~109.50). 6. That said taxes, hereinbefore referred to, in Paragraphs ~ a~'~ $ of Page III hereof~ be extended upon the Tax Books of the City of Boyn~on Beach, Palm Beadh Coo~ty~ Florida~ in the pgoper millage proportionate to the 9aluation thereof as returned by the Tax Assessor, ~hat is, that the millage thereof be as fo~lows, to-wit: FOR BENERAL PURPOSES For Item One, Page I,iI hereof For Item Two, Page III hereof For Item Three, Page IIi hereof For Item Four, Page III hereof 20.00 ~I~LS 6.00 !~ILLS 7.00 5~iiLLS 5.00 Eitis !~ O0 ~ILL For Item Five, Pag~ III hereof 1.00 ~ILL TOTAL T~Ak LEVY FOR ALL PURPOSES 40.00 ~ILLS BE TT FURTHER 0RDAzNED. That the above and foregoing OHDINANCE, being an ORD- INANCE pro~viding a Budget and fixing a tax rate or making a tax levy for th~ General Expenses and Interest and ~inking Fund _wequirements upon the indebtedness of the City of Beynton Baach~ Palm Beach County~ Florida, for the fiscal year beginni~g November t~ 1943 and ending October 31, 1944, be and the same h~reby is PASSE~ AND ADOPTED this day of 0ctober, A. D. 1943, being a Regular Meeting of the C~--Connuission ~f the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ smd b~ing the meeting at which the same was introduced. (Si_gned) ~red. G. Benson ~ned) Ac V. Peterson As and ~nstituting the City Con,mission of the City of Boynton Beach~ Palm Beach Co~u~ty, Florida.