O#203.qR II, ANCE NO. 203 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BC;YNTON BEACH, PAL~ BEACH COD~Y, FLORIDA, PROVIDING A BD~DGET, SETTING FORTH THE iTEm, S 'OF GENEP~L E~PENSE AND 0F INTEREST R~QUIRE~S L~0N THE IE~EBTEDN~S 0F THE CITY 0F ~TON PA~! B~CH COU~, ~0RIDA, A~ F~ING A T~ ~TE 0R ~&KING ~ TAX P~TE ~VY FOR G~EP~L ~P~SE AND INTEREST REQUIR~M~iTS ~0N T~ INDEBTEDh~SS 0F THE CITY 0F B0~TON B~CH~ FLORIDA, FOR T~ FISCAL ~R BEGZh~ZNG NOV~IBER 1~ l~4V AND ~ING 0CTOB~R 31, 1948 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CONI~ISSION OF THE CITY OF ~0~NTON BE~9~~ PALM BEACH 90UNTY, FLORIDA: THAT the following udget~ setting f0~th the ~ems of GE~EP~LL EXPENSE AND OF INTER,EST REQUIRE~TS upon the outstanding indebtedness of the City of Bcynton Beach, Florida, be and the same hereby is adopted as the Budget of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the Fiscal Year begirming November !, t94V and ending October 31, 1948: ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Salaries Labor & Wages (c!eaniRg) Auto Expense Stationery & Supplies Light & Powe~ T~l & Tel Insurance Legal &'Professional Postage Election Expense Commission Fees He,airs & Maintenance Tax Discounts G~eunds Maintenance Othe~ Expenses Amount $ 130.00 V5,00 600.00 75. O0 360.00 1000. O0 3000.00 V5, O0 200o00 1800. O0 250,00 850.00 5V5.00 Lc--~s - Occupational 2000.00 ~ - Liquor 6000.00 " - Beer & Wines 105.00 Permits - Building VO0.O0 ~ - ?lumbing ~00~00 ~ - Electrical 210o00 Utilities Tax Pla. Power & Light 4300.00 Southeastern Natal Gas Co. 225.00 Southern Bell Tel ~ Tel 130;00 Atlantis Fuel Co. 5~4.00 South Pla. Gas Co. 91.00 ~Franchise Ta¥ - Fla. ~P0wer~ & Light 1800.00 M~scellaneous Revenue !00.00 $ Def~c_~ t 13o5. co POLICE DEPART~J~h~ E~PENSE Salaries Labor ~l~ages Auto Expense Auto Rental None Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Tel & Tel Inmuranee Care o~ Prisoners Postage Repairs & MAintenance Other Expense ~s & Forfeitures Overage FIRE DEPART}~NT Salaries Labor & Wages Auto Expense Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Tel & Tel Insurance Postage Repairs & Maintenance Other Expense Revenue '-----~--~cell~neous Income Deficit WATER DEPARTNEh~ Salaries I~bor & VCa~es Auto Expense Auto Rental-None Stationery & Supplies Light & Power Tel & Tel I~surance ~ater~a!s Postage Repairs & Maintenance Other Expense Water Diseount ~ter Revenue Bond Interest ~ " "Sinking Fund Requirement ~net revenue of Water Department Revenue ~ e~8~ Sales ) ~ater Service) Amount 43,33 1VVO.72 320.00 156.00 240.00 350.00 1V§oO0 150.00 t00.00 12000.00 1800.00 800,00 75°00 5.00 50°00 ii0.00 400.00 12,00 !00.00 25.00 i00.00 2400°00 850.00 600.00 1300.00 1855.00 100.00 200.00 250.00 !2,00 350.00 360;00 2400.00 '3389~84 14000.00 182.95 $ 32VV.O0 -0- Salaries Labor & Wages Auto Expense Ante Rental - None Light &Power Insurance Materials Repairs & ~aintenanee Other Expense Deficit T_~SH ~ GARBAGE COLLECTION Salaries I~bor & Wages Auto Expense Light & Power insurance t~aterials Other Expense Repair & Eaintsnance Deficit PARES & PL&YGROUNDS Sa~ries Labor & ~gages Auto Expense Auto Rental - None Light & Power Insurance - None Other Expense Deficit CASINO Wa ge s Repair & 2~intenance Revenue Overage RESERVE FOR TAX ADJUSTk~ENTS RESERVE FOR NEW EQUIP~I~T_ Amount $ 72?2°00 ~00.00 1~00.00 300.00 240.00 2200.00 . i00.00 12312.00 600.00 5512.00 V50;O0 15;00 200;00 50~00 25;00 250.00 7402.00 600.00 43.3~ 50,00 20.00 25.00 $ V38.34 240.00 500.00 18oo.oo $ 1060.00 ~ 1000~00 lO00.O0 AMOUNT TO BE P~ISED BY TAX L~JT - GEErERAL ON REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY INTERE~ST AND SINKING FUND REQUIR~'ZENT FOR RE~.D~NDiNG nO,VD ISSUE 10/1%46 INTEP~ST AND $1~L~iNG INCO~E $ 20~000o00 $ BE IT FUR~PiER ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMi~ISSiON OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PAi~I BEACH COUNTY, FLORiDA: 1. That there be, and there hereby is, levied upon all of the taxable property, both real and personal, within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, A GENE~ TAX to provide for the GENERAL EXP~SE-of said Cl~y as provided in the Budget Items hereinbefore set forth, to-wit: 2. That there be, and there hereby is, levied upon all of the taxable property, both real and personal., within the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, A .SPECIAL TAX to provide for the payment of INTEREST ON OL~STANDING INDEBTEDNESS as hereinbefore set forth, to-wit; a tax sufficien6 to produce the sum of 3. That said taxes hereinbefore referred.to, in Paragraph I of Page 3, be and the same hereby are, apportioned'to and te%'ied against all.taxable property, both real and Personal, within the Corporate l!mits of the City of Boynton Beach, PaL BeachCou~ty, Florida, in proportion to the assessed valuation of Such.Properties as are not exempt from taxation by reason of'the H~nestead~mend- merit. The valuation of alltaxable property, both real and personal upon which such taxes may be levied, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boyhton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the t ' · - axab~ year 1947, which is the f~scal year ending October 31st, 1948, as shown by the ~ax Assessment Roll OF said City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at 4. Th~_t said taxes hereinbefore referred to~ in Paragraph above, be and the same hereby are,.apportioned to and levied against all taxable property, both real and personal, with the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Countl, Florida, in proportion to the assessed valuation of such property. The valuation of all the taxable property, both real and personal, situated within the Corporate Limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, for the taxable year 194~, which is the fiscal year ending October 31st, 19%8, as shown by the Tax Assess- ment Roll of said City of Boynton Beach, being hereby fixed at 8. That said Taxes~ hereinbefore referred to, in Paragraph I and ~ above, be extended upon the Tax B6eks of th~ City of Boynton Beach, Palm Be~ch County, Florida, in the proper millage proportionate to %he valuation thereof as returned by the Tax Assessor, that is, that the millage thereof be as follows, to-wit:~ FOR GEk~P~L EXPENSE 20.00 M~ILLS FOR INTEP~ST ON OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS ll.O0 NILLS BE IT FUR~q~R ORDAINED: That the above and ~6~e=oi~2-ORDINANCE bein~ an Ordinance providing a Budget and f!x~ng a tax rate or ma~ng a tax levy for the General Expense and Inter~st Requirements upon the Indebted- ness of the City of' Boynton Beach, Florida, for the fiscal year beMio~inE Novembem t, 19%~ and ending october ~lst, 1948 be and the sa~e hereby is ~SSED AND ADOPTED this day of October A.D. be~ng~a Regula~ ~eeting of the City Co~--fssion of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida,.~ud being the meeting at which thm same was introduced~ Mayor (SEAL) Vice ~ayor City Clerk