O#148 oRDINANCE N0. 148 A~ 0RDiNAI~CE OF T~ T0~I~ 0F BOYNTON~ PA!/~ BEAC~ COUk~, FLOR~A~ ORDINANCE N0. 140, OF ADDING TB~R~O S ECTION BE IT 0R~AIN~ ~ T~ T0$~ ~ISSION 0F THE BOL~TON~ P~ BEACH C0~, ~0R~A. That Ordinance No. 140 of the Town of Boynton, thereto ~a±m Beach County~ Florida, be amerzled by adding Sec~lon V-A as follows: Section V-A. Tb~s 0rdin~ce shall not be construed to apply to permaner~ ~esid~nts of the Topaz of Bo~ton~ ~ p~tnershios, or corporations nor ~o any persons ~ f~ ~ Lt oD_ w~ich~ ' s~o~h v~ho a~e bona-fide o~ers of the prope~' y business or businesses ar~ located; nor to any ~rsorm, ~. leasmng such oroperty ~lrmS~ p~tnerships~ or coroorations ~ - for a peri~ of not less than one (1) year; Provmm -, However, tb~t such lease, or leases must be recorded ir. office of the clerk of the Circuit Court in a~for Palm Beach County~ Florida~ prior to the time of maki~ applic- ation for license to conduct such business or businesses~ ~' · E b~ving been read in full at a meetzno of the THIS 0RDIH~C Board Of To~ ~ommmssmoners of the Town of Boynton~ F!orida~ held on the 15th day of October, 19~5, was meegingfinally adoptedof said OnBoard~ it,s second and final reading at a re~alar of Town Co~m. issioners held on the 9th day of November ~ ~, Signed: Signed: j.p. Bowen ~ 0F C0~I~SION.ERS OF _HE T07~ BOYNTON, FLORIDA.