77-EEERE SOLUT I ON NO_..7 7 - ~ WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has caused an investigation to be conducted by the muni- cipal building, engineering and sanitation departments to discover the existence of unsafe and unsound buildings within the City of Boynton Beach; and WHEREAS, said departments have filed their reports with the City Manager and the City Manager has made his recommendation to the City Council that the properties listed in the attached schedule have located thereon dilapidated, unsound and unsafe buildings and structures which constitute public hazards and nuisances, and that said structures and buildings should be de- molished and removed in order to protect the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, due notice has been furnished to the owners of subject properties requesting voluntarily demolition of subject structures; and WHEREAS, said owners have failed and refused to comply with said direction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the City Council finds that unsafe and unsound structures exist on the properties described in the at- tached scheduIe which should be removed by demolition, at the cost of the owners of said parcels, in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and based upon said findings, respectfully requests that the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida institute necessary steps for the demolition and removal of said unsafe structures and to impose liens against subject parcels for the cost thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this I~~L- day ,f October, 1977. CITY OF BOYi TON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ayor ~r coUncilmember ATTEST: (Corp. Seal) -2- DEMOLITION r List submitted to City Council Meeting of September 27~ 1977, recommending Resolution to Demolish. Letters set Certififed Mail. and were returned: Undeliverable Owner of Record & Address Property Address Legal Description eorge Deal 20 N. E. ].2 Avenue BOynton Beach, Fla Ruby Davis Henry ~"'!-'N. E. 1t Avenue ~oynton Beach,' Fla. 33435' 320 N. E. 12 Avenue Boynton Beach, F!a 146½, 148% and 150% N. W. 11 Avenue, Boynton Beach, Fla East ~ of LOt 7, Block 9 HAPPY HOME HEIGHTS East 50' of West 127.5~ of Lot 7 of LANEHARTS S/D of South ½ of Northeast %; also East 75' of West 202.5' of Lot 7 of LANEHARTS S/D of South % of Northeas~ ¼ 21-45-43