77-BBBRESOLUTION NO. 77-~ A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FEDERAL PUBLIC WORKS GRANT FUND (010-24-1) ACCOUNT. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, FlOrida will receive certain funds from the Government of the United States of America pursuant to the Public Works Grant Act; and WHEREAS, all funds to be received by the City pursuant to said Act must be deposited directly into a special trust account to be established for such purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the City Treasurer is hereby authorized to open with Flagship First National Bank of Boynton Beach, Boynton Beach, Florida, an account to be known as "City of Boynton Beach- Federal Public Works Grant Fund (010-24-1)" account for the pur- pose of depositing therein all funds received from the United States Treasury Department pursuant to the said Public Works Gran~ Act. Section 2: That all checks issued on the above-named accoun- shall be prepared and signed by the City Treasurer, B. J. ZOBEL~it ~ A~~and such checks or vouchers shall be countersigned by the City Manager, FRANK KOHL, or in his absence by the Mayor, JOSEPH F. ZACK, or in the absence of both the City Manager and the Mayor, by the Vice Mayor, EMILY M. JACKSON. Section 3: That the City Clerk be and she is hereby in- structed to forward a certified copy of the resolution to Flagship First National Bank of Boynton Beach, Boynton Beach, Florida. Section 4: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (Corp. Seal) By: ATTEST: ~r . lmember MI~TE_.S - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 18, 1977 8. Crabtree Construction Est. #6 Woolly relocation $ 9,48I~23 Pay from Utility General Fund Contract dated 2/15/77 9. Eeatts Trucking Service ~~~ill area 2~256.75 Pay from Federal Revenue Sharing Fund 020-831.02 lC. Allen Insurance Ag~ ~omprehensive General Liability 72,027,00 Pay from budgeted funds 001-80~570-08.6 - $43,936 40~80~-570~08~g _ $28~091 Mr. Kohl stated that the bills described have been approved and verified by the department heads invol~ed; checked and approved for payment by the Finance Department; funds are available in their respective budgets. He therefore recom- mends payment of these bills. Mayor Zack asked if Item 4 was the~ emergency item ~d ~. Kohl replied: no, the emergency item is ~= ~. He a~ded that this is just part of it and not the total cost, This was just for pumping the sewage into the trucks for about four days, 24 hours per'day. Mrs. Jackson asked if the liability insurance was ~uite a bit higher and Mr. Kohl replied that it has gone up, but nog as much as last year. Mrs. Jackson moved to pay the bills, seconded by M~ DeMarco No discussion. Motion carried 4~0. Re~qlution No.~ 7?-BBB ~ Kohl requested the Council to delete Alma Cook from Resolution No. 7?-BBB and explained that this was to coin- cide the resolution with the grant application. ~s, Jackson so moved, seconded by Mr~ DeMarco No discussion Motion carried 4-0. ~ * Mayor Zack announced that at the Special Meeting, the minutes of the Public Hearing should also be approved and he requesteR. this to be added to the agenda~ ADJOUR~NT Mrs~ Jackson moved to adjourn, seconde~ by ~ir. DeMarco. Motion carried 4-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 9:30 P~ M. · ~23-