76-GGG RESOLUTION NO. 76'GGG A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF UNION AGREEM~ENT WITH BOYNTON BEACH PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 1891 OF THE INTERNATION- AL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, AF~L - CIO, CLC. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, has heretofore recognized the Boynton Beach Professional Fire Fighters, Local ~891 of the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL - CIO, CLC as the bargaining agent for all employees of the Fire Department except the Chief of the Department, fire marshals, training officers and clerical personnel of the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City is willing to enter into a union agreement with the said Boynton Beach Professional Fire Fighters, Local 18 91 of the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL - CIO, CLC upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the proposed union agree- ment, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereo~ NOW, THI~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: .Section 1: That the said proposed union agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and the Boynton Beach Professional Fire Fi Local 1891 of the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL - CIO, CLC, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby approved, and that the Mayor, City Clerk, or in her absence, or in his absence, the Deputy Clerk, the Vice Mayor, and the are authorized to act for City of Boynton Beach in entering into and executing the said union agreement 1976. ATTEST: C[ty C[e rk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Council ~his agreement is entered into by and between the Oi~y of Boyntom Beach, hereinafter referred to as the "City'', -and the Internatio:oal Associatiom_ of Fire~ighters, Zoca! 1891, herein- after referred to as the "Union". I~ is the vurvose of this agreement to achieve amd maintain harmonious re!atioms between the City amd Uniom~ ~o provide for dlx_~eze~ces which ma~ arise oeace~ul adjustment eeui~ab!e and ' ~ and %o establish 'oroner s2andards of wages, hours and other conditions off emp!o3~ent. m T (ALPHABETICAZ~T~Y) ARTICLE Av~endi.__ ce,s~ ~nendments, & Addm Bull etir ................................................... 5 Cost o2 Z~,iving Allowance .............. - .................... 29 Court Time ................................................. 23 Di scrimi:oation ............................................. 2 ~es ~e5.uctiom ............................................. 3 Educat~ o:n ' 25 ~a~min at i o~ s 31 ~change ~ime ............................................. !! O-~i evmnce 9rocedure 24 Grou~ !nsura~oce ........................................... 20 Holidays .................................................. t3 !~icenses Overat0rs ~-~su ance 28 O~rertime- Call Back 'Pime 10 ~evai] i:n v 'Ri q!~t ?I ~' ~' Of robe City 27 Re~resem~atiom 02 The LTmiom ............................... 26 ~ ~ a~]d Regu!atio~o Savimgs Clause ............................................ 22 Seniority ~ist' 4 Sick Leave t 2 Successors ................................................ 34 Uniforms- Safety ~qu~pment Tl:oio:o B~'i :ness i4 VacaN c i e s - PPomoti o:e s .................................... ! 5 Vacati o:o .................................................. !7 l, iases 9 LTorki~:~ Oo~:di'bio~s ART! ~E ! R_EC OG~Z T_Y ON ~be Cit~ hereb? recognizes the U~ion as the sole a~d exclusive bargai~i.~g a~ent for al! emp!o~ees of the Fire ~epartme~t e~- cevt Chief o£ the De~artme~t~ Fire Marshals, Tra~m. img-Of£icers~ a~d c!erics~! personr_el. This reco~:.oitio~ will be m~or the purpose of bs~cgai~ing with the Ciyt with res~oect to wages~ hours o£ work~ a~.d ~1]. ~ther ~erms and co~ ARTICLE 5 'DI SCRI~.IINATION The Oity agrees not to discriminate against an_y employee _for his activit~ in beha!f~ of';' or member~hi~ in, the Um. ion. The City and the Uniom a~ree that there sha!]_ be no discrimination a~ainst a::..v employee because of race~ creed, re].igion or sex. ARTZCLE 3 DEDUCTION O? DUES The City agrees to deduct, once e~,.cn week. dues and a,~sessmen in sm amou~'~: certified to be current by the ~reas~er of the Local Umion from the pay of those emm!o}?ees vzho indiv~dua!ly reeues% im writing that such deductions be made. The total amount of deductions shall be remi%ted~ each month~ by the City to the Treasz~rer of the L~io~o, This au%horization shall remain i:o fu!R. force and effect d~i~ the term of this a~wreeme~t. The Umion to pa? reaso~ab!e cos~, .~?~i_o~j~.~.?_:_ The ~ire ~emartmem% shall establish a se!oiority list by moral:: amd it shall be brought um to date om Jamuar~r firs2 each 3~e~-~. .... Such lists shall be roosted t]~ereafter om the Fire ~tatmo:os bz~tleti~ boards~ amd shall be co:~sidered correct nmi. ess objectio~~ ~_is raised ~ithi~ thirty, days. of t~e~ post~-~ ~ter thirt[~ days~ it shall stand approx~ed, less those excep- ti o~o.s mad e. Sec~io~ 2. ~p!oyee seniority is established fram the date co~tinuoz~s emplos~memt by the Cit~~ Fire Departmem.t. If two or more members obtain seniority om the s~e date, by ra~k, serior- ity stamdi~.~ shall be determi:aed b]~ test score~ iff the test score is the sa~ne~ the date of aoplicatiom ..... for emn~ox~emt=~_ ., with the ~ire Departme~ot vzi!! determine semiorizy status. ~?~_~~ I~ayoffs a~_d ma~.-oower cut backs shall be dete~i~ed b-~ seniorJ.~2? list. Lovzest on the seniority list first and so uv the ARTZCLE 5 [Uhe City shall £ur!~ish at each fire statior sma. ce £or bu!!eti~ boards For the mur~ose o£ Umior notices. ~m.y m.otice or item m!aced on t~oe bulletin 'board s~.a_,l bear om its fface the legible desi. g:aatio~ o£ the merso~a resmo~asib!e £or placing such notice or i~em om the board. .Avvrova! b.~- the Ohie£ for 2' × 3' or 3' x 4' smace. U~oiom to supply bu!!eti_~ board. ARTICLE 6 .~?~q!!:°-~e_ le.~.- ~be.~ ~. U~ion a~rees ia. at its members shall comply with ~_.1 ~'~e De-vartment r~es a~a regu!atio~s~ inc!udin~w t~.ose re!at- ..... ~ co~,ol,.c~ a~d work -oerforNaNce. ~he Cit? asrees %~.~.~ de.art- mental rules a~d reFu]ations.~ ............ sha'!~ fo~ a ~oart of this asreem~t_. ~ . and shall be subject to all the pro'wisio~s of this agreement. Section o Rt~les and regulations in e:f~.c~, o~ October !~ 1976 s~:~a!l be ....... ~ of this a~ree~e~l~..,~.~, P~ es~ or charades -['er'h~ of ~':t~s a~reeme~ol. .......... q~s~ rules a~r~. regulatio.,.s'n sl~a]l be e~2o~ced by the Chief of the S~c'u_on'~. The Cx~y shall name ~h~ee renresenta-bives~ ~d the U:sion shall name three representatives ~o si~ as a con~ittee to ...... do/se ~. . ~hi will be ~ ~ ~he ~ire Denart:~e:~'b Rules and Resula~ions s acco~-o~ished through mutual consent. Section 4. ~his committee shall recommend proper ~o~o~ ~oz ~rio!atio~ of rules and reg~ations ~o ~he City Nanager. AR~ZO~E 7 PROH!BZ~!ON OP S~RIKES The U~oioP a.~rees that duri~:~ the !i£e of th~s agreemenz that; they shall ' ~ ~+ -., .~'~a~e ~o --~e~,- to en~age iN any work ~%oppage, slow the ri.ai{~% to resolvin~ the diseuted questi~z~s. [~he City shall have the right %o discharge or otherwise disie!i~e amy and all empio3~ees who violate the provisions of this section. Such disciplinary action by the City shall ~o% be subject %o any ~rievance or appeal procedure as erovided for ir %his agreement. t~ %he event of a s%rike~ work stoppage or imterference with ne operatiom ~d accomp!ms.nmem.~ of the mission of the City admi~ois%ratiom, a local representative of the union shell 70roperly ano. d eublic!y disavow such ~ _ s~rz~e or work stoppage and order the employees to re%urn %o work and attempt %o bring about, promp% res~ptiom of normal operations. ~he Umiom. represem%ative :aozm~y t~..e City wi%hi~ eighteen, hours after the co~en.cement such strike what legitimate measures it has t~en %o comply with the vrovisions of this section. ~here will be mo lockout by the City for %he d~ation of this agreement. ARTICLE 8 HOURS 0F WORK Ail employees covered under this agreement presently working a 40 hour work week, shall work £rom ~he hours o£ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Employees covered under this agreement presently working a 52 hour work week shall remain as such ie. 24 hours on duty; 48 hours o££ duty, with an additional 24 hoer shi£t o££ every six weeks. ART~C~$E 9 ~:~a~es ,raid durirg ~the year of %his agreeme~,t shall be according to ~. ~ · ~ ,,~.. _,e..~.!ects a Ap,ve...d.~× ~,%. This schedule r -e 5~,~ ircrease, ~D o 0 0 0 0 00 0 PO 0 0 0 0 ART.7. CLE lO Zn~uae event 'th, at a :oeed .~for callback shou.!d occur im ~be ~ev)artmez~t bec~x~e of 'vaca~io~ns, sicl~ess or other '~ ~ ' ' :' ' ' overtime based on re_me a~.3d one ha]..~ P&V sha]_l be paid on tb.e em. plozee's basic hour].'? ra~e as outlined below ~! ca!loacL will be ):aaintained b~¢ a ~' ~= ~ .... e,.,b I'U~ the o~fice o~ the OmLef~ se~zo~_,_tz., list ~- -~- ~' i~ accozd~nc~-~ ~ 2_r.i.~c!e 4, a cop~ o~ ~-?bich sha!] be hosted on ~he 'bu]_!etin board. r~-i .... s record ,o~?.~,..._,__ show the date o~ call and the respo:~se from each. _.. ~,~.eu]~e~ ~t ~,,~as refused, ~o a~swer. ................................ r ...... t, .~.',~,u__~_.__2' ~e ~a~sed by u?-':i! a eo~'~.:o].e~e e?c!e of ifae se~q:i, orS.'i;~:r !ir? has hee;a made. rm,.:~ si~et ~',~ ~er~af~ to tou~s ,~-r dt~tv ~-n the Pi:cs Station ?:e Chie:[ ca'? waive abo't~e ~rovisio::s if t~e be!ie'ves ~b.e situau:o:~ , ..e.,oe_o fecal!ea, to duper a. urmno off hours s:.~a!l be nai~ the actual t.i~e ~,?or.keS but no~ less than tx~o (2) _hours a-t ~he overtime rate, ~asic ~ourqv... rate o.~.~,~,~_~'~qq_ eaua! emn!ovees~ ., a~n~_a! salary,, divide'd[- b? a]~nua! ho~trs worked, 2704 a:}nual hours. ~er%irae shall be vaifi ;~or any member covered by the agreement. C~ertime shall be ~or all ac%ual vrork ~ ~ ~ ..... p~r~oxmea_ in excess of e}n.elo~ree~s ;oorma! work C3rc!e Of 9 calendar da~s, O~er%ime sh~! be based on. time and one half pay or s%raigh% time pay ~si~ %he emn!oyee~s basic hour]_]~ rate. ~ time a~te= mm~teeN (15) mJm~mtes o~ertime shall be maid at ~he a-o-orovria~e rate. Fire Fighters ma~!f exchange their working shift or shifts mud cha~oge their offf-du~y day or dams wi~h other Fire Figjnters of ecual ramk or commarab!e quazm~.cazmons, subject to the approval / of the Shift Officer im charge. / (24 hour:?~.otice to Shifft Offfficer~ n:oless an emerge:ecy.) I ARTi0~E 12 Section 1 A~~ em~loFee imcurrim.~_7 a mom.-duty sickmess or disabil it~ shall receive sick leave with full pay ~vrovided he has acc~mu- !ated hours. ]~plo.3~ees covered bM Article 8 shall be a!!owe~ twel~}e (12) hours ox~ sick leave vet each mo:ath of service from their first day of emmlo~?memt s~nd shall comti~oue to do so as !o~.~ as they are em-olo'yed. U~..usea sick leave of em~!oyees sha!~ be compe:osated at %he rate oz? ~'~';~ of the total ~.u~ber of hours acc~m~].a%ed ~ot tedce~, uvo~ termimation or retirement, Part time or provisio~a! emp!o[fees are mo% eligible for bemefi%s outlined ira. this sectiom., l~robation.ary em~_o.~fees servimg om. ar_.. orisi~sa~ a,v~o~i?~tmemt sha~ be maid at th~ rate of ~/~ of the total number of hours acc~mu!ated mot 'taken, ARTZCL~ !3 The £ol.!owins ds?zs shall, be considered holidays: Nevz Years Day, Washing~o~'s qirthdas~ T~Temorial Day, Imdepemde~ce Da?, I~.abor Day~ Co!u~bus 'Day, Veteran's Da>f, ~har_]csyi~img Dash.. Christmas Day, a~_~c] ghrJ~s~mas ~E~-e. 7k~y additiopal b~o!ida.~fs dec!a~ed by the Cit7.~ shall be added %o the above list. Amy emoloyee covered b~? this agreement, ip..vav~ .... status, at the time the ~o_md~y~' ~o~ occurs~ if assig~ed to a 24 hour shift~ shall recei'~e !2 b.o~s ?ay for each holiday. ART_L,~._uE ! ~ U~,,,I ON BUSINESS ~p!o?ees elected to Union Office shall be sramted time without loss of pay to a%,%e~od Union fu.mctio.~os~ not to exceed five shift .ART!Ci~E ! 5 5~£aen a classified ~}erm. a~.ent eromoi, ion Yace~m. cy occurs iN a~o2.~ eosi- tf_o~; it shall 'be fil!e~] ¥.~ithim a reaso~.ab!e veriod of time after the official, severance of the vacating Fire _Department member. Pi!lin~ of all vacancies shall be is accorda:ece with the Oivi! Service Rules and Red, Ia%ions. ART!0LE !6 Pire Pi~hter ~a.V be Needed at fan,y time of the da~ te fight fires, but to do so effective!?, they ~eed to be co~sta~tl~ prepared. The sa~etM of ou~ citizers in their homes ~epe~ds as ~uch o~ the ~'~ ' n the ~f ' zm, e fighters ability ..t~ maximize e~_.ectmveness of their equipment and the con4~itioms of that equipment~ as it does om ihe fire fighters wiilingmess to risk their lives to protect the lives and propert~f off $1hers. ~hey must be ready to res~on.d in- - ~ ~* ~ont~u. ous rtai~i~g a~d eg. uipme~t main- tenance are reauired ib ensure~.a~,oa= the desired optimum response e~L.~.ect.!~eness is attai participate fm trair~i2 ve:n_tio~ proCr~xas which of tb. eCit.y's firem_oz,w = s.ed ~he U:q~.Q!3 pledges to support saa_d , ~Lkpme~, maintenance a~d £ire ~ore- have as their goal Ehe inoreased efficiency ~c~io~ ~0 aid t:_,e members of the U~ion in pro'~iding quality eT'ergency ser'~ices~ theOity, in concert w~th_ .. the U:0ioN~ a~rees tha~ the employees ~,,, .... 1 n. ot be ~ ~ --, renu_rea ~o perform a~M ~ask~ z.n,~t~re!ated[ ~o ~o.e_protection of life a~d property~ other tha~ r~u~,i~e statio~ maintenance. Routinet sta~o~ mainte'~an.ce s~o~!t be defi~ed as any ~ype o~ ~aimtena:oce C!~a'~i}~N of ].-J%ohen~ li!.}iN.~ faci!i%ies, vehicles and safety / .ART Z C.L~ ! 7 All ?a =~'er~- of i, he Devartnep. t cove_.ea ..... e ......... Fire -P ' b.~z S.ne terms of this _,.,%g.reeme:~.' - '-L... if assi~ed_, to a 24 bou~_ s~.m£t, ~z~±_ receive vacat'io_e i~ accorda.'.tnce with %he Cix~il Service Rules and Regulations. VacatioNs will be ,micked oN a se?}iority basis. The City s.~_.,.~d.! supply thePire Deeartmemt Persontoel withthe fo!lowiN..C n}~iforms be%ween October !, 1976 am.d October ]_~ 1977: ~n?iform shirts, ~iform paNts~ amd work jacked as needed, f~so, two (2) o~ ....... c%ooer ~ ...... r of ~oo~wear~ o~e ~r ~o be ~urchased i~'O ~ an~ o~e :on, ir to be mzrchased i~ A~riZ of the year of this a~ree- me~.~ a!o:o.~ with o:~e (t) coverall (j~mpsuit) with Fire ~e~ar~me~t le%%eri:os and patches. ~t f~re fighting ~ ~.I . ~ ..... ~ sa~e ~, ea~uiDme~% as de%ermined by Fire }ix~isionRegt~ations, shall be .ft.~rnished by the Cits~. ~it!e of such eouipmen% shall remain, with the City. ~he Ci%lz shall arranze for the repair or the rep!acemem.t, to amy eme!oyee~ for d~age to his unifform, work clothing , prescription oeticat aids~ dentures s~fered while i:o the !i~e of duty, as erovided ~tnder Workman's Comeensatio~. iff de~aied by Workman~s Oomeensa_ ~'oom..n, the City.. shall review the calim, and iff the;~ fi~.d it lesi%ima~e, they will pay for d~ages. ~ ' ' ~, ~ gh ohysica~ examimation imc!udimg She City will ~t~r.nzsh a $..~o,_ou ... _ · ~_ aa.o F_J<G for each perma~ent member of the Fire Deoartment during t~n~_._~xmrso~' ~ six months of %~,~e~,n comtract year_ to instate the physical v~e!!-beim%~ of each of its members. ~he City will pay for the imitia! examination only. Appointments v.~i!l be made only once an.d no overtime monies will be authorized for this. The C? ty v~'i!l provide amy medica!,Shots or treatments flor ~rotectio:o from cuts~or e:~mom~re to disease im line o£ duty. AR~_.T. C~T~E 20 GROU? '.-Ph~-~ Cit.~¢ ,~rees to s%ud? presert iz~sura~ce, ART Z ©.T~E 21 · ~.!?../ job rf~bts ar~ be~.~efits heretofore e:sjoye8 by the emn!oyees covered by this a~reemert and _~n. ot specifically proviZ, ed for or abrid,~ed b.,v this Agreeme~st shall continue in fu!]. £orce a:sd effect for the term of th~s A,_gree~ert. The ~greemen% shall no% be comstrued to 8~r~e amy emm!o~ee of bemefits or -orotectiom cra_nted bl~ the laws of the $~ate of Florida, 0r~ims~.~ces and Res- olutio~.~s of the City of Bo~.~tom Beach,. ?ers o~c_~ e! Rules scad ReaTa!atio?s of the City of Bo.~:o~on Beach, · ,. - e_,.~_ec% at the time of the execution of this agreement. ARTICLE 22 SAVI!;~GS CIc~US~ ~£~ an.~r .P_rov.~sio~ o:.~ this ATreeme~t, or the applicatio~ of vrovisio~..._, sho~tld be rendered or declared, in~a~ id_ ~-r,~,.~ ~r~r.~ ~, co~.rt action or b~r ~ ~ of any existing or subseaue~?t!~ enacted ..... ~.~ s Agreemer.t !e,~is!a~io~, the re~aini:sg harts or not,ions of shall ~ 'n in ft~]~ 2~orce and effec~ AR~_~C~E 23 C OUR _m ~iME Amir em~to~ee covered by %~is a,~reement ~,.rho is st~mmome~_ to aD,ear 'as a wit~ess, ,~ '] ~ y ~:~:_e off d~.i~, as a res~t of his e~p!oyemtn as a member of the Fire Dep~lme~.-~ v~i!! be raid o:~e ~d o~e;half t~mes bis c~rre;at hour!~r rate e~ctuding .... -., urax e~ u.,_~e, ~roxrided t~s~ the J?ire Ohie~ is given ~ ' ......... ~ ..,rmor :aotif~ea%io~n so that he is ~ve~o am oooortomit~z %o sched~e such ao~ear~.oe d~rimg read. ar d~.~ty ho~rs. ~2he enp!o?ee wilt receive a mimimum of two (2) hours paT~, amd the emv!oyee shall ret~:a all fees received from the cou~v %o ~he ARTYCT, E 24 ~R±_!_~¥A.~:,~C, ~ ]tRO~.~ Grieva~.ces or disreputes which ma? arise, i~c!udi~n: She i:~terpre- ........... ree,~eot shall be se%%!ed i~ the following S~EP ~ m~e Us~on Grief-ante Committee~ u:oo~m ~ece.,.~ a w~i~en amd ' ' ' ___ sm<xoea vetitios~ shall determizse ~'-~ a ~rieva~oce exists. gao their osi:oio~. ~o grieva~ace exists~ ~o further actio:o is __ecessar.y, .~.,,_ P ?~ :~ a grievance does e%ist, they shall with the physical 3rese~ce a~ ~]ae a~'rie'ved e~r~$] ovee. 'orese~ut ~b~ ~,. ........... . ........ ~ .... ,, , ., ~'~'~r~oe ~o the se~ ~,__=.a~ z~ t~3. e;o shall be s~omz~ted to-~e Cztv ?.~s~ager for , .~.usm~eso da$=s ae~..z~m~d as 40 hoa~ - 5 day sFo.z.~ -~ week- S'mEP ................ ~.. T-¢ withi~ five (5) busi;oass aavs' the grievance has ~ot bee~ settled~ .ii: shall them be'submitted ~o arbitratioz~ -Yor adjustment. .:~:_ ~_ __ z.ae grievance has mot been sa~ms~act:Orily-reso!ved vzithin the above orocedu~e, ~he Union may reques~ a review by an imoa~tiat arbitrator provided such reques~ is ffi!ed in writing with the City Mmna%er mo later than_ ffiff~ee~ (15) wor~ing days a., oer ~he City M~a~er'~ resooz3se is due in Stem g. ~he oar~ies off this A,~reemem~t vzit! attem-ot ~o mutually agree noon am indepen- dent arbitrator. Iff this ca:3not be dome within five (5) busim, ess a~.O~':*-s, o~_. ~,~i!! be ~e!ected from a panel or vmmels_ _ to be submitted by the A~er'~ cam J~b~oratzo:e Association. ~he arbi~ratio:e shall be comdu~=~,~.e..a u. nder the Voiun. tarv. !,aoo~' - Arb~urazzou~ = ' ' "R~tes oF the ~%~ericaz; irbitra~iom Associatio~ ~'he ,,ar0zes Jf~ther aoreo to ARglCLE 24 Contd. accept %be ~%rbitrators a{~ard as fins[[ and bi~di~ upon them; ~b~ec~ to -~he ~o!tov~n~. ._ , ~ ~ ' - The arbitrator shall ha~e jurisflictio~ and authorit~ to decide a grievance as defi~ed in this AgreemeNt. The arbitrator shall have no authori%~ to add %o~ subtract modify or alter %his Ag~eeme~t or any ear% thereof or an~ eme:od- men~ thereto. It is contemol~,.~ed tha~ ~he City a~d ~he Union shall mu'tual!3r agree in ~,~it.iN~ as to the statement of the matter to be arbitrated erior %o the hearing; and if this is done, the arbm~ra~or shall co, fine his decision 'to the vartic~lar ma~.t.~_ ..... r ~ of the failure of the earties to so this s~ec~fied, in the e~en~ _ agree on a s~ateme~o off the issue to be ou~mmtted: the arbitrator will co:o~.i~ne his consideration to the written statement of ffrievamce mresen~ed im S~em 2 of ~he Grie~rance Procedure. ~ach uarty 'shall bear the exvense off i~s own vzit~esses and off its own remrese:ota~ives The ~arties sha!] bear eana]~v the expense ...... romtra~or. ~he party desiring a transcript of the heari:eff ~,~il! bear ~he cost o~ 2he ss~me. Copies of the award off the arbitra~iom made in accordance with he j~isdietion or ~he au~horit~r u:~der 2his Agreeme:~2 shall be furnished to both p~ies within 2hirt~f (~0) days of ~he heari~.g, ~ employee wi!! have ~he om~iom of u, ti!izi~ the Oi'we! Se~ice Appe~ ~ocedt~e or this grievance proced~e but such em~!o~ee cannot t~se both E~UC ATE .~!! emplo~?ees co,feteS, b.~? this A~reement shall be permitted,, on duty ti~e: t?ith the ~..~,ritter appro'wa! o£ %he C~ie£ and on-duty Of_ricer: ~.o+~e:~d~ ..... schools or classes for ed~.~_cat~on required for ad~an.cene~st or u~datins o£ recruited skills smd e~.t.~cation. Such leave ~,.~i_~_).. be om a rotating basis. _. b P_~eside~t f~.}.~e membershie o2 the Unio,~ shall be renresen¢ed by t~,_.e of %he U}oio~} or bM a nerson or eersons designated in writiN7 to ~>~__e City lrZanager by. th ~esidernt of ~bhe Uniozo. ~he i~entifica- %ion o~ revresertatives shall be made.eac..~ }fear erior to Anti! 1. ........ or the person or eersons designated · ~oe ~esiden~ of the Union~ . by said 'm~esident sbal! have 2u3_! aut._or~uy to co~]ciude a collec- tible baro's~.]~i~ asreement os behalf o2 the U}]io;~ subject to a majorit~r vote of these Un~ on members votins on the c~uestio]~ of ratifications. It is understood=hou ~u ~ the U~aion ~.en~ esen%ative or ~ - ~ ~, ~' r the ~ei '~q r ~o- ,~'-~+' ~_eo_ese..~t~..uz~es are o ..... cm,:~_ ezrese~mveo of the Unio~ for ~he ~u_,_.~ose of )ae2otia. tiz~g with t]~e City Such nesot_atzons en- -bered i:~to with verso:os other theap those as defi:oed herein., re.~ardless 02 their nositio:~ or associatio:n with the Dinio:,~, shall be deeme8 ~-npU~'hn~ ~ shall have no weisht or authority .................... ed a~d _._ commi~ti~a~ or i~ a~ v~a,y obligating the Union. irt sha!~ be the responsibility of the L.,~zo.~ to notify the City }-:'anager in writ!rog of any,. cbanse~, ir. the desis~._auzo~,_,~ ~-' o~_.bhe~" -]~esid:oe~ or a~y cer%ified ._~L behalf of %he Oit? u~on be~5 ~_irec~e~ b3~ of~._olal re'so!u%io?] of %he ~e~reseu-ta-bive or ~eureseu~a%i'ves are ~he official re~reseu.%~tives b~.uv for ~i&%io~s e;e~e~ed i~o ~i%h ~oersons o~h'er ~hau %ho~e as defiu_ed ]~erei~ reEerd!ess of ~heir ~osi~iou or sssocia~io]3 ui~h ~he shall be o.e~med umauthorized a:nd shall, heave ~o au%horley or ~,7ei%h'b .ARTI CItE 28 0P:~RATORS !NSUR!t!.~CE The e~an. lolrer shall defend and hold harmless any member covered b? this asreemen%~ except an~ ~. emp!o.yee. -~}der. ~ the influence of alcohol, habit £orming dru~s, or malicious dri~iz~ who is sued as a res~.~!t of an~ accidnet w.hi!e on der? usi}og Ci%M eguipNe~.t. ARTi C~E 29 O OST 0)? L!VINC~ ALi, im additiom to the ware rates of each emp]_oyee~ ,?a~,- cost of livim_g i~crease ~ram~ted other City emplo!~ees sha.,~t also be sram%ed to the emvlo?ees covered by this A~reemeut~ o'ver ~md above a~v a~. all ~awe i~creases megotiated im this Comtract. ARTICLE 30 ~!CE!~SES & REGISTRA_T±G~ F~_[~S ~he Ci~.~T s~al~ ~ay amy reoz~i~ed license,, e×ce.vt 5rive~s !icemse, . c er t ~_~: z cateo, .... ie Ei'.~T remewa!s or '~' ~ or am_v other as reauired by the State or City. ~RT~C[~JE 31 The Cit? s]~a!l provide one co?,r of all rem~erence materials for mromotioma~ examinations at the z~ostin.~ of notm~mcatzo~. These re£eremce ~aterials shall remai~ in the ~re Sd;ation. _DURATi 0~ This cor~tract sba!7 be in force a~d e~'4fec~ £rem October l, ~ ~ ......... ~ £or succeeding periods of ~v~e!we ~hrough Se~embe~ 30~ 1977 ~ ~ _ ._ ~ ' (12) ~ozoths ~.n.!ess the H~.ioto sha].! notify the ot)~er i~ writi~ vrior to ........ ~mr~] ].5~ 1977 a~. :qot later tha~ i.~a~r~'r - !~ _q977 of their desires to negotiate a new co~otract. U~o~ reoeipt o~ such no~i- ficatio~.~: ~,~ae vat,les s~a~! arrange to meet pro~pt!y and re~t!ariy for ~he ~gur~oose of ~eTo~iatin~ a ~et~ Cortract: a~d only these ~tems i~cluded in t~e -~oo~ce shall be subject t'o In... t_..e~n evert the Uzoio:~ has ~_~.~ver ~otificatio~ of its desire to reTotiate a nex,r Co~a~ract~ wi%]~i~ the time limits ~rovided for herei:a~ a~d re a.greeme:ot has beem reached a~ter sixty (60) da~fs of me~o~ip, tio~o~ all u~resolved issues sn~.!t be submitted bitratioza ~.~oder the arbitra~io:~ aro~risioT~, of t~e griex~ance ~ro- cedure con, tailed iv this agreemer~. ~'~_~! a~etn, dices~ a~e~me:ots s.~ additions to this ~..&~reemer_.t shall ~ r date~ a~.~d si~ed b.~? the res-oom_s~bq e be ~-~nbered or !e%ue_ed; ....... - - varties ~nx shall be subject to all the ,~rovisio~s of this .b.-_.~ee..:e~ u. ARTICLE 34 SUCCESSORS This A:reememt shall be bindi~g uvom. t~e successors and assig:as of ~he varties hereto~ amd mo ~rovisions, terms or obligations herei~ co~_~-~ai~n.ed sbS~!! be affected, modified~ altered~ or changed im amy respect v~.?atsoever b~. a~77 ~.~m~e.~ ~.. of any.. ~i:a~ of ~e.,_ own ershiv ,_ or ma~agemert.~ or either party hereto. Agreed to this __:~.[~7 .day betwee:o the resvec~ive retries throu.~h ~he authorized represe~a~ives of the U:oiom a:od by the City :smager. At2est: Boynton Beach ~cofessioma! Fire ' = ~ Zoca! !891 F! gh ~ er ~>, A-ooroved o.~ Go Oj the Part of the ~.i ~y of Boymton. Beac~/~ l-- Form and Correctness