76-N RESOLUTION NO. 76-N A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF TRACT NO. 1, SUTTON MANOR SUBDIVISION BY HY-LUX DEVELOPMENT CORPORA TION. WHEREAS, Hy-Lux Development Corporation, a Florida corporation, has generously dedicated lo the City of Boynton Beach the fo[lowing described rea[ property, to-wit: Tract No. 1, SUTTON MANOR, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as recorded in the Plat on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pa[rn Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 29, Page 122 so that a public mini-park may be established and maintained lhereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE© BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA: Section 1: That the above-described dedication is hereby accepted by the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and the gratitude of lhe City is extended to the generous donor for its gift. Section 2: Thai said dedication shall be accomplished by virtue of dedicator 's execution of the Quit Claim Deed (a copy of which is attached hereto) and its recording, the expense of which shall be borne by the City. Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect irnrnediate[y upon its pas sage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this CITY O] By /(~day of March, A.D., 1976. BEACH, FLORIDA r ATTEST: ' i City C Jerk Council er QOIT-CL~IM D~ED RAMCO FORM 42 Whig ~Ui["~illl ~£e~, Execuledthis dayof March .A.D. 1976. hy H¥-LUX D~V~ LOPM~NT CO~PO~ATION, a cor~ration ex. ting under the ~ws o[ F[orida . and having its principal plitco ~usi. ess at [ir~l paris, tO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, CLO~IDA, a municipal organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida ~h~e po~o[fice address ~ Post Office Box 310, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 seco~ pariy: (Wherevtr u~d hereh~ t~ terms "g~rst pariy" and "~cond ~rW' shall /nc[nde ~n~lar an~ plural, helr~, legal ~Pr~ntat~ves. and a~i~ of iudlvld~ls, and the ~ucc~o~ a~ ~igns o( core.tie,is, wherever ~he ~i[fltiSt~, T~. ti., ~d /~st ,~y. fo~ ~.d ~. ,o.~d,~,o. o/t~, sum of S in hand ~id by the said second p~ty, the receipl whereof is hereby ac~nomledffed, does ho, oby romise. l~se and quit-e~im unto the said second party forever, all the ri~ht, titb, interest. ~laim and dom..d the said first v~ly has in and ~o the [olbmlna described tel, piece or parcel o[ land. situate, lyin~ and in the County of Palm, Beach State o[ Florida . to wit: Tract No. 1, SUTTON MANOR, a subdivision of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as recorded in lhe Plat on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for .Palm Beach Counly, Florida, in Plat Book 29, Page 122. To and to~{old ,he same to~ether with all and singula~ the appurtenances thereunto be~ing or in anywise appe~ainin~, and ali the estate, right, fil~. inlerest, lien. equity and claim w~al- soeuer of the said [~sl party, either in ~w or equity, to I~e only proper use, ~ene~it and ~e~oo[ of t~e said second p~y forever. (CORI~RATE SEAL) u~rilten. ATTEST: ....................................................................... ~'cretary Signed. sealed and delive~d in Ihe presence STATE OF F~RIDA COUN~ OF PALM BEACH ents to be executed in' its name. and its corporate seal to 'be hereunto affixed. its proper officers thereunto duty authorized, lhe day and year first above LUX DEVE LOPME..N_..T....~..0...R.?....0..R..A.., By ' I HEREBY CERTIFY lhat on Ih;s day, ~ef0re me. an offlc~r duly authorlted in the State and County afore~id to take ack,.,wledgr,~ent% per.o,,,,y ,pp,~eea JOHN ANDRASKO, JR. well k.own to me to be lite Presideot and respectively of the corl~rallon named as fi:,,i p~, v in I~ /o~going deed, and ~hat they ~ver/lly acknowledged ex~uting the ~me in the presence of two ~rlbing whnes~s freel? and vol.n~a, Hy under authority duly vested in lhcm by ~id corporation and ~at the ~a] allied ghetto is the true cor~rate seal of ~id corp(,gath,n. WITNESS my hand and of/ic~l ~I in ~he ~nty .and S~le last afore~id Ibls ~y o, Ma~eh . A. D.., 7B Tb/s I,s/n.mvtl pn~,m'ff /,y: A,/dnss Robert B. Reed Post Office Box 640 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435