O#132ORDINANCE NO. 132_,. AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF PAL~[ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVID~~ ING A BUDGET, SETTING FORTH THE ITEMS OF GENERAL EXPENSE AND OF ~INKING ~[D AND INTEREST REQUIRemENTS UPON THE iNDEBTEDNESS OF THE TO~'~ OF BOYNTON, PAI~[ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR TH~ FISC&L YEAR BEGINNING NOVE~BER l~t, 15~$ AND ENDING OCTOBER ~lst, BE iT ORDAINED BY. THE T05%I' COM~IISSiON OF THE T0%%~ OF BOYNTON, PAY2~t BEACH COUNTY, FLOR!DA~. THAT the following Budget, setting forth the items of GEi~ERA_L EXPE$~SE AND OF SINKING Fb~ND AND INTEREST REQUIREMENTS upon the outstanding indebtedness of the Town of Boynton, be mud the sa~ hereby is adopted as the Budget of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County~ Florida, for the fiscal year be- ginning November Ist, 193~ and ending October ist, 195~$~ ADMINISTRATl~rE DEPARTmeNT Salaries ~ Co~issioner~ Salaries ~ Clerical Printing and Stationery Publicity and Advertising Legal and Auditing Expense Legal Expense ~ of Tax Sale Fees and costs Miscellaneous ~ 1,000.00 $~,~00o00 2,400.00 !00°00 50°00 300,00 4,300,00 Conmmunication Office Supplies Occupancy - Town Hall ~j~to Expense ~ Traveling New Equipment insurance Ice, Light and Water Miscellaneous Expense 250.00 50~00 360.00 60.00 150.00 250.00 40.00 I00°00 $ POLICE DEP~RTMENT Salary ~ Chief Salary m Officers Repairs - Jail sm~d Equipment Furniture and Fixtures Mi~c. Supplies and Equipment Care of Prisoners Auto Expense Printing and Stationery Light and Water Traffic Lights Insurance Miscellaneous F~pense FIRE DEPARTMENT ~Chief Salaries - Officers Salaries ~ Firemen Auto Expens~ - Gas az~ Oil Auto Expens~ ~ Repairs Fire Fighting Supplies Repairs and Renewals Printing and Stationery Light, Power $~d Water Miscellaneous Expense SANIT.a_RY ~3D ~WTEN~MNCE DEPARTI~f~ENT TRASH AND GARBAGE COLLECT IONf Drainage Tax on D~mp Ground Auto Expense Small Tools and Supplies Insur ant e Miscellaneous Expense P.~KS AND PLAYGROUNDS PENCE PARK Material~ OCEAN~DiXIE PARK ---~r CASINO AND OCEAN BEACH Salary '- ~as'¥gdian - Light and Water Painting and Repairs Miscellaneous Expense STREETS Ah~D ROADS CLEANING A~D PAINTING La~ or-an~ ~M~' er~ a~s - 0 IL iNG ~ a~ud Materials 600.00 500,00 100,O0 100,00 100.00 50.00 300,00 I0.00 25.00 125,00 V0,O0 V5.00 60.00 120,00 420,00 30,00 50,00 24,00 V50.00 5,00 35,00 200,00 80.00 900,00 20,00 450,00 25.00 60o00 45.00 250,00 250,00 25..°00 240°00 VS,00 200,00 85,00 150.00 250,00 $2,150.00 I,VV4.00 S~S CLEANING A~ID FLUSHING Supplies Electric Current 250 o 00 50.00 100.00 STREET LIGHTING E ec~r~¢~ rhent 900.00 ACCOUNTS P2MABLE -- - Caldw%ll~ An"~5~ Raymond Florida Power and Light Co. Austin Supply Co. Dixie Higimway Garage Southern Bell Tel em.d Tel Co. Standswd 0il Co. Palm Beach Post Nutting~s Filling Station Andyne Garage H. D, Stevens - Nayor~s Salary J, P~ Bo'~en - Town Clerk's Salary A. V. Pete~son ~ Dep~C!erk~s Salary V~l~ P~ ~nk ~ Office Asst. Salary W~ 0~ ~inn ~ A~ditor~s Salary B. J~ Price ~ Garbage Collector No Ho Partin ~ Police Chief Salary Ho E° Carver - Night Police Salary H. R~ Farnham ~ Casino Custodian Salary 500.00 29.2i 123.85 90.42 82.16 31.51 112.50 80.2~ ~4,01 300.00 3'00.00 330.00 15OEO0 150.00 200°00 250o00 i50.00 6V.50 NOTES OR C~RTIFiCATES OF I~DEBTED!~ESS PAYABLE in favor of Florida Power & Light Company, dated July 8,19J3, due June !0th~ 193~ Note in favor of ~merican La France and Foamite Co., Inc.~ dated July 21,19~2 due July 21,19Z~ 2,2'2'.00 64V °29 TOTAL $~.~M OF MO~EY NECESSARY FOR GENEraL EXPENSE LE_~S ANT!CIP&TED REVENUE TO BE DERIVED FRO. _ _ . M Fines and Forfeitures Occupational Licenses Real Prope'rty T~xes Levied For the year 1926 For the year 192V For the Year 1928 For the Year !929 For the Year !930 For the Year 1931 For the Year 1932 225.00 300.00 1,236.52 1,845o4V i,865°VV i,588.98 i,193°15 1,625°V2 2,145°55 $4,325,00 ,~5Zo20 2,889,29 $23,399.49 12,02V.!6 TOTAL SL~ OF [~[0~ NECESSARY FOR GF3JEFJtL }~:P_,~NSES TO BE RAIS~ BY TAXES TO BE L~T~D ON ~,~ A~ PEP_S ONAL PROP~TY iNTEREST O,N, OUTSTANDING INDE,,BTED~-ESS Interest at V per cent on Certificate of Indebtedness in favor of Florida Power & Light Company, dated July 5th, 1933~ due June 10th, 1934, interest at 6 per cent on Note in favor of American La France and Foam!ts dated July 21~ 1932~ due July 21, !93~o Interest at 6 per cent on Note in favor of American La France and Foamlte Co., dated July E!~ ig~$, due July 21~ 19~$. '~nte e t x ~ s at 6 per cent on Note in favo~ of ~ ~e La Francs and Fo~ite Co., dated Aug~ast 21st, 1932, due August 21st, 193~. Fifty per cent (50%) of inter,st Coupon No. 21~ due April !st, 1934, from Bonds issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida~ under dete of October let, 192'.3~ of which issu~ there ~e~ng and unpaid overdue and accrued int~ crest, which Bonds n~ab~r~d as follows No. 6 and V No. 18 No 22 to NO. 35, Both inclusive. No. 26 to No. 30, both ~nc~us=ve. No. 31 to No~ both ~ ~ ' $ Ii~3U2,33 i~8.32 38.84 38.84 29,45 30o00 30o00 15.00 60.00 VS,00 750.00 Fifty p~r cent (50~) of Interest Coupon No. 22, due October let, 1934, from Bonds issued by the Town oF Bo~nton, Florida, under d~te of October let, 192G, of which issue there is outstanding and unpaid $V3,000.00 in principal amount, together with ove~du~ mud accrued int~ erest~ wfl=ch bonds are n'~bered as follows:~ No. 6 and No. V No. l0 and No. 14 No~ 22 to No. 25, both inclusive. No~ 28 to No~ 30, both inslusive. 31 to No. 85~ inclusive. Fifty per cent ~50~) of interest at six per cent~ for one year~ due October 193~ on Bonds Num~ let, bored I to 4~ both inclusive, which Bonds were issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida under date cz October let, 1923, oF which issue there is outst~uding and unpaid $V3,000~00 in principal amount, together with over- due and ace~ed interest~ the said Bonds No. ! to No. 4, both inclusive, having matured one each year during the years !930~ 1931 and 1932~ and therefore have no interest Fifty per cent (50%~ of Interest Coupon No. 19, due April lst~ 1934, from Bonds issued by the To~'~ of Boynton, Florida, under date of October lst~ !924~ of which issue there is outstanding ar~ unpaid 30.00 30,00 15.00 60.00 V5.00 V50,O0 120.00 $100,000~00 in principal mmc-~m~t, together with overdue ~ud accrued int~ erest~ which Bonds are n~mmbered as follows:- No. 90 to No. 185, both inclusive. Fifty per cent C50%) of Interest Coupon Nco 20, ~ ~^~ from due 0~tobe~ Ist~ Bonds issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida, under date of October let, 1924~ of which issue there is outstanding mud unpaid $100~000.00 in principal mmount~ together with overdue and accrued int- erest, which Bonds are nzm~bered as 1,440o00 No. 90 to No. I85, both inclusive. Fifty per cent ~50~ of Interest at six per cent~ for one year, due October l, 1933, on Bonds Num~ bered 88 to 89, both inclusive, which Bonds were issued by the T~m of Boynton, Florida, under date of October let, 1924, of which issue t.here is out~ standing and unpaid $100,000.00 in principal amount, together with overdue and accrued int- erest, the ssid Bonds No. 86 to No. 89, both inclusive, having matured one each year, during the years 1930~ 1931, i932 and 1933, m~d therefor have no interest coupons annexed° Fifty per cent (50~) of interest at six per cent for one year, due June let, 1934, on the following numbered Bonds, which Bonds were issued by the To~m of Boynton, under date of June let, 1928~ of which issue there is outstanding and unpaid 948,000.00 in principal mmo~mut, together with over- due and accrued interest, 1~440o00 120.00 Bonds No. 35, 36 and 38 to 51, b~th inc~as~ve, having matured during the year 19285 Bonds No. 52 to 88, both in- clusive, having matured dur- lng the year 19E9~ and Bonds No. 69 to VS, and Bonds 81 to 85, both inclusive, having matured during the year !930~ therefor these Bonds have no Interest Coupons m~exed:~ No. 35 smd No. 36 No. 38 to No. 5! Both inclusive. Bond No. 52 to No. 58, both inclusive. No. 59 to No.-62, both inclusive. No. 63~84, V$ and V6 No. 88 to No'. 69, both inclusive~ No. V0, V! and 72 No. 74, V5, 7V mud V8 No. 81 to No. 85, both inclusive. Fifty per cent (50~) off I~terest Coupon No. 15, due' April 1st, 1934, from Bonds issued by the Town of Boo, ton, Florida~ under date of 0ctobe~ lst~ 1926, of which issue there is out standing and ~upaid $134,000~00 in principal amount ~ together ~th overdue and accrued int- n~bered as follows:- No. 31 to No. 34, both ~nclusive. No. ~ to No. 44~ both inclusive~ No. 51 to No. 5~ both inclusive. No~ 61 to No. 84, both inclusive, 60.00 420.00 2!0.00_ !20,00 120.00 150,00 90~00 120,00 t50.00 No. V1 to No. 74, both inclusive. No, 8! to No. 84, both i~clusive. No. 91 to No~ 94~ both inclusive. No~ Ill to No. llS, both inclusive. No. 121 to No. 128, both inclusive. No. 141 to No~ 148, both inclusive. No. 16i to No. 188, both inclusive~ No, lB1 to No. 183~ both inclusive. No. ~01 to No. 211, both inclusive. No. 229 to No~ 2~V, both inclusive. No. 184 to No. 188, both inclusiv,, No. 28S to No. 288, both inclusive. No. 291 to No. 294, both inclusive. No, 295 ~nd No. Jlg; No. ~42 to No. both inclusive$ No, 375, No, 320 to No. 324~ both inclusive. No. 378 to No. 380~ both inclusive. No. 405 and No. 408 No. 40~ No. 408 and No. 409 Fifty per cent (50~ of Interest CouponNoo 18, due October 1st, 1984, Bonds imsued by the Tov~ of Boynton, Flomida~ undem date of 0ctob~r t~t~ 1928, of which issue there is outstauding and unpaid $I~4,000.00 in p~incipal amount~ together with overdue s~d accrued in~ er,st, which Bonds are r~mber~d as fo!lows~ $1,245,00 ~5.00 !8 0, O0 150,00 VS,00 V5~O0 30'00 15.00 30,00 No. $1 to No~ 34, both inclusive No, 41 to No~ both inclusive No. 51 to No. 54, both inclusive No. 81 to No. 84, both inclusive $ No. 71 to No. V% both inclusive No. 81 to No. both inclusive No. 91 to No. 94, both inclusive No. lll to No. 118, both inclusive ~ No. 1El to No~ 128~ both inclusive No. i~! to No~ 1~8, both inclusive No. 181 to No. 188, both inclusive; No. lB1 to No. 18~, both inclusive No. 201 to Nco 211, both inclusive No. 229 to No. 237, both inclusive No. 184 to No. 188, both inc!usiv~ ~ No. 263 to No. 268~ both inc!usive~ No. 291 to No. 294, both inclusive. $ 1,245.00 75.00 150.00 NO. 295 and No. 342 to No. both inclusive; No. 375. 150o00 No. 320 to No. 324~ both inclusive° 75,00 No. 3V6 to No. 380, both inclusive. 75.00 No, 405 and No. 408 No. 407 No. 408 mud No. 409 Fifty per cent (50%~ of interest at six per cent~ for one yea~, d~Ge 0ctobe~ 1st, 1934, on the following 30.00 15.00 30.00 numbered Bonds¢ which Bonds were issued by the Tovm of Boynton, Florida, ~mder date ,of October tst, !928, of which issue there is outstanding and unpaid $I~8,000.00 in p~incioal ~ount, t~gs.the~ with overdu~ and accrued interestS Bonds No. i to No. ~¢ both inclusive, having matured during the yea~ 19GI$ Bonds No. both inclusive, ~ving m~t~ed during the year 19~2; ~d No. 21 to No. 2~, beth inclusive, havi~ matured during the year leZJ; therefor these Boz~$ have no Interest Coupons a~exed~ Nco 2 to No. 4 both inclusive. No. 12 to No. 14, both inclusive, No. 21 to No. 24, both inclusive. Fifty per cent (50%) of Interest Coupon No. ll, due April let, 1934, From Bonds issued by the To~rm of Boynton, F~orida, under date of October let, 1928, of which issue there is outstanding ~nd unpaid $298,000.00 in principal amo~u~t, together with over- due and accrued interest, which Bonds are numbered No, 3! to No. 43, both inclu~ive$ No. ~8 to 318, both inclusive. Fifty per cent (80~) of Interest Coupon due October let, 19~4, from Bond~ issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida~ under date of October of which issue there is outstanding and unpaid $~98,000,00 i~ principal % 30.00 90°00 90,00 i20,00 4,215.00 amount, together with over- due and aocrnem interest~ which Bonds are numbered as follows :- No. 31 to 43, both inclusive~ No. 48 to 31O, both inclusive. Fifty per cent (80~ of interest at six per cent, for one year~ due October 1st, 19~ on the following numbered Bonds, which Bonds wer~ issued by the Tov~ of Boynton, Florida, under date of 0ctobem 1st, 19~8, of which issue there is outstanding and unpaid $~8,000.00 in principal a~on~t, together with overdue and accrued interest$ Bonds No~ l~ to No.. B0, both inclusive~ having matured duming the year .... , and Bonds No~ ~l to No. 80, having matured during the year 1~885 therefor these Bonds have no Interest Coupon~ ~une×ed~ No~ 14 to ~0~ both inclusive; No~ ~l to 80, both inclumiv®. 510,00 Fi£ty per cent ~50~) off interest at eight per cent for one year, due November 29th, 1934, on Judgement entered in the ~Jnited State~ D~strict Coumt at Nimmi, F1 or ida, in favor of the ~ite Constmuction Co., under date of Novembe~ 29th, 19~9~ in the sum of $231,295.52, in principal mmo-~ut, together with over- due ~nd acc~ed interest. 9,251.82 interest at eight, per cent for one year, due May !st, 1934, on Lien Certificates of Indebtedness~ dated May 1st, 1928, of which there is outstanding unpaid $23,8~V.~84 in principal mmount, together with overdue and accrued interest, ~:908.61 30,855.88 REDEMPTION OF OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS Fifty per cent (50%) of Bonds No. 8 and No. V, issued by the Town of Boynton~ Florida, under date of October 1st, 1923~ due October 1st, !934. $ i,O00eO0 Fifty per cent (50%) of Bond Nco 90~ issued by the Totem of Boynton, Florida, under date of October 1st, 1924, due October 1st, 1934. 500.00 Fifty per cent (50%) of Bonds No. 31 to No. 34, both inclusive, issued by the Town of t orida, Boyn on, F1 under date of October 1st, ~s~ 1934, 1928, due Oc.~ober , 2,000.00 Fifty per cent (50%) of Bo~ds No. 31 to No. ~0, both inclusive, issued by ihs Town of Boynton, Florida, under d~t~ of October 1st, !928, due October ist, 1934. 5,00OEO0 Ten per cent of Lien Certifi- cates of Indebtedness dated May ist, 1928, due May !st, !934.2,385.V6 I0,885.V8 Estimated amount off. taxes which will probably be de~.inquent, pa~d and uncollected during tb~ fiscal year ending October 31st, !9~. t0,381.83 i0_ 381.83 TOT~ SD$I OF ~0~EY h~ECESSA~RY FOR SINKING FVJND AND INTEREST REQUiRES~NTS LESS $ 52,123.~V ~or the Year lot the Year 1928 or the Year !92~ or the Year or the Year 1931 or the Tear 1932 i,854.V8 2,V68~20 2,800.16 2,383,4V 1,V89.V3 2~438o58 3,9V~.56 TOTAL SU~.~ OF ~0NEY NEC~SAR.Y FOR SINKING FU~D AND iNTEREST REQUIRE?~ENTS TO BE RAISED BY TAXES TO BE LEVIED ON REAL AND PEESON~ PROPERTY. $ 5&,116.99 BE IT ~RTHER ORDAIh~ED, That the passage and adoption of the above and fore- going 0RDIE~2~CE. is urgent and is essential to the l~nem~ate. preservation of the public peace of the To~ of Boynton, Florid~, ~y reason of th~ same providing ~nds for the prop- e~ 'administration of the ~ffairs of said To~n; ~d that ~u ~mergencY does exist for the i~mediat~ passag~ and adoption of suoh ORDINANCE. BE IT FURTH~ 0~AINED, That the above and foregoing 0RDIN~NCE~ being an ORDI~AN~ providing a Bumge~, setting forth the items of G~ERAL ~PENSE ~nd of SiNKiNG FU~ &ND INTEREST RE~JiRE~NTS upon th~ out~tandir~ indebtedness of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach Couo%y, Florida~ for the fiscal year begi~ing November 1st, I~$~ and ending October Slst,. I~$~, be and the ~m~ ~e~eby !s passed and adopted the NINETEE~H day of SEPT~BER, AmeD. 1933, b~Ing a REG~AR ~w~u:z~,.~ of the To~ Co~m~ission of the To~ of Boynton, and being the meeting at which the same was introduced$ and further t~t said 0Ei- NANCE shall beconase effective i~mediataly. (Si~ed~ H. D. ST~]ENS (Signed) ~ }~NZEL ~yor. Tommo Co~isslcmer~ oF the TSwn of Boynton, Florida,