O#108ORDINANCE NO. 108 AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON, PAL~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, FIXING THE SALARY OF m.~ . · ~H~ TOV~ ~RSHAL V~LEREAS Section 3, Article V of the Charter of the Town of Boynton, Florida, provides that '~The Co~mmission shall have the right and authority to appoint or employ a Tov~ Marshal and Policemen, to prescribe their duties and fix their salaries by Ordinance", and %WtER~AS Ordinance No~ 58 of the Town of Boynton, Florida, reads as follows: "The Marshal shall receive for his services as Marshal a monthly salary of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars (~!60.00) payable weekly and all fees earned by him in 'the criminal prosecution shall be turned into the Totem Treasury" and~ WHEREAS the To~m of Boynton~ Ftorida, now employs a Town Marshal, knov~n as Chief of Police~ to care for the d~ties of the Police Department, at a monthly salary of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars (~125.00) per month. NOW THE~FORE, Be It Ordained by the Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, that a Totem Marshal~ knov~n as Chief of Police, be employed by the Towm_ of Boynton, Florida, to care for the duties of t he Police Department of said Town, and that said Tovm ~arshal, known as Chief of Police, shall receive a monthly salary of One Hu_ndred Twenty~five Dollars (~125o00), payable monthly~ for his duties as such Marshal or Chief of Police, and .all fees earned by him in the criminal prosecution shall be turned into the To~m Treasury. All 0rdinances, Resolutions or RegUlations, or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions or Regulatisns in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. The above and foregoing Ordinance was read in full' for the first time at a Regular ~eeting of the Board ~f Town Comraissionors~ held June 16th, 1931, and was adopted on its final reading at a Regular ~teeting of the Board of Town Commissioners held on the 7th day of July, and a copy hereof posted at the door of the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton~ Florida. (Signed) (Signed) (Signed) H. T. Ho!!oway, }gayor Frank Nutting, Vice ~iayor J. P. 'Bowen, Totem Clerk