O#97 ORDINANCE NO. 97 TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1928 of Boyn~ of the the tax and ~REAS, The Board of Town Commissioners of the Town ;on, in Palm Beach County, Florida, in anticipation ~ecessary expenditures of such Town of Boynton for b!e year 1928, have compiled their budget thereof h budget sets forth the following items, to-wit:- AD~,!INi Sd Sa!ari Salari Printi Public Legal C o r~!muE 0ffic~ Occups Auto ~ New Ec in sur~ Tax ~I~ Ice, I Miscel Notes POLICE Salar: Saiari Salari Repair ~rnit Misc. Care o Auto E Statio Light Traffi Miscel FIRE DEP Satari Saiari 'RATIVE DEPARTMENT es-Commissioners es-Clerical ng and Stationery ity and Advertising and Auditing Expense ication Supplies ncy-Town Hall xpense-Travelling uipment nee ps, Printing and Binding ight and Water laneous Expense Payable EPARTMENT es-Chief of Police es- 0fflcers es-gpecial Officers s-Jail and Equipment ute and Fixtures Supplies and Equipment f Prisoners xpert s e nery and Printing and Water c Lights !ane ous Expense ~RTMENT es-Chief as-Officers ~600.00 7,800.00 500.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 250.00 250.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 ~00.00 !,000.00 800.00 900. O0 2,400.00 2,100.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 500.00 720.00 50.00 110.00 150.00 150.00 6,630.00 150.00 200.00 Salaries-Firemen Auto Expense-Gas and 0il Auto Expense-Repairs Fire Fighting Supplies Repairs and Renewals New Equipment Printing and Stationery Uniforms, Badges, etc. Light, Power and Water Miscellaneous ~Lxpense Notes Payable 900.00 125.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 1,500.00 25.00 100.00 V20.O0 100.00 1,%50.00 WATER DEPART~.~NT Salaries-Superintendent Salaries-Other than Supt. Labor-Connections and Meter Installations Auto Expense Light and Power Freight Work in Progress-Extensions Insurance Printing and Stationery Small Tools Repairs-Machinery and Equipment Miscellaneous Expense 2~400.00 900.00 900.00 400.00 2,200.00 250.00 1,500.00 150.00 !50.00 150.00 250.00 250.00 SANITARY AND MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT GENERAL EXPENSE Salaries-Superintendent Stationery and Printing Auto Expense-Superintendent Miscellaneous Expense TRASH AND GARBAGE COLLECTION Labor on Collections Labor on Garbage Dump Auto Expense Rental of DuCp Small Tools and Supplies Miscellaneous Expense PARKS AND PLAYGROU~DS PENCE PAitK Labor-Cleaning Materials-Maintenance CASINO AND OCEAN BEACH Labor-Cleaning Salaries-Casino Custodian 1,200.00 10.00 50.00 1,200.00 900.00 500.00 25.00 50.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 480.00 5,620.00 9,500.00 ~terials-Maintenance Light and Water Miscellaneous Expense 250.00 200.00 300.00 SPECIAL P~MK WORK Labor Materials 200,00 250.00 STREETS AND ROADS CLEANING Ah~ PAINTING Labor Aut° Expense Supplies 800.00 75.00 50.00 SPRINKLING Labor Auto Expense Supplies 300.00 50.00 25.00 OILING Labor Auto Expense Supplies 300,00 50 o00 25.00 CLEANING AND FLUSHING Labor Auto Expense Supplies Electric Current 300.00 50.00 25.00 300,00 HEALTH DEPAR~ENT Satarie s-Director I~ledmcinal Supplies Equipment ~1 sce!laneous Expense 300.00 300.00 STREET LIGHTING Current Renewals 7,000.00 300.00 GENERAL PURPOSES Less Anticipated Revenue to be derived from:- ~ater Department Sales $ 7,000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 600.00 8,665.00 600.00 $6!,215.00 Occupational Licenses 600.00 Dog Licenses 25.00 Plus t4.56~, which represents the estimated amount of taxes which will probably be Delin- quent, Uncollected and Unpaid. TOTAL A~0UNT TO BE RAISED BY GENE~L TAXATION FOR GENEPC. L PURPOSES , ,8,, 225.00 ~52,990 · O0 ~V.,7t5.34 960,705.34 and, W~REAS, in the payment of its INTEREST Ah~D SINKING FIR.ID upon the divers bond issues of such Town of Boynton, the said Board of Town Commissioners have compiled its budget thereof, and vCnich budget sets forth the following items, to-wit:- iNTEREST Bond Issue No. 1 ~85,000.00 dated October 1st, 1923 ~5,100.00 Bond issue No. 2 ~100,000.00 dated October tst; 1924 6~000.00 Bond Issue No. 3 ~85,000.00 dated June 1st, 1926 4,760.00 Bond Issue Special No.1 $3!5,000.00 dated October 1st, 1928 Refund Bonds - Series B Bond issue No. 4 ~200,000.00 dated October 1st, 1926 Bond Issue~Speoial No.2 Refund Bonds - Series A ¢239,000.00 date8 June ist, 1928 Bond Issue Special No.3 ~50,000.00'dated June 1st, 1928 18,900.00 12~000.00 14,340.00 3,000.00 INTEREST (Continued) Lien Certificates No. ! to No. 145,Inc!usive, dated May tst, 1928 REDEEPTION OF PRINCIPAL $4,685.23 $68,785.~3 Bond issue No. 1 !,000.00 Bond Issue No. 2 Bond issue No. 3 !,000.00 17,000.00 Bond Issue Special No.t Bond issue No. 4 Bond issue Special No.2 4,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Bond Issue Special No.3 1,000.00 Lien Certificates No.t to No.145,Indlusive MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 5,856.54 36,356.54 Paying Agent's Fee on Bonds 557.00 557.00 TOTAL AMOUNT REQUIRED FOR iNTEREST AND ~' FUND REQUIRE~IEN-T-~-~ Less Anticipated Revenue to be derived from:- ~105,898.7V Penalties from Collection of Delinquent Taxes $ 1,500.00 Miscellaneous Interest Collections 1,500.00 Assessments Receivable Levied in the year 1926 INTEREST PRINCIPAL 16,932.00 21,240.00 Payment on Lien Certificates No. I to No.145, inclusive iNTEREST PRINCIPAL 4,685.23 5,856.54 ~51~7i3.V7 53,985.00 Plus 14.55%, which represents the estimated amount of taxes which will probably be Delin- quent, Uncollected and Unpaid. TOT~Hi A~0UNT TO BE P~ISED BY GENEP~a.L TA~L&TION FOR INTEREST AND SINKING _~JND PURPOSES ____7_~77860.22 61,845.22 and, ~fHERNEAS, it is n~cessary that a .tax be assessed, levied, imposed and collected against all of the taxable property within the said' Town of Boynton, Palm Beach Couuty, Florida, for the raising of such funds and monies as are sho~n by such budget mto be necessary expenditures of the said Town for the taxable year 19~8, both for General Purposes and for the Special ~urposes of the Interest and Sinking ~nd upon the bonded indebted- NOW THE~FORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY ~ BOARD 0F TO~ CONI~ISSIONERS 0F THE T0~N 0F B0~TON, IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL0~DA, AS FOLL0~S:- 1. That the Budget hereinbefore set forth~ setting forth the items of anticipated general expense and of Sinking ~nd and Interest requirements upon the bonded debt of such To~, be and the same is hereby adopted as the Budget of the said Term of Bo~ton, Palm Beach Co~ty~ Florida, for the taxable yea~ 1928. ~. That there be, and there hereby is levied upon all of the taxable property, both real and personal, within such Town of Bo~ton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, a special tax for the purpose of providing Interest and Sinking ~nd monies, to be used in the pa~ent 'of In- terest and the Redemption of principal upon the bonded debt of such To~,~, the s~ of SIXTY 0~ THOUSAND AND EIGHT ~ED~D FORTY FIVE ~LLARS AND ~TY ~,~0 CENTS ~. ~at there bo, and there hereby is, levied by such Town Commission on all the taxable property, both real and personal, within such town, a general tax to prom vide for the general expenditures of the said Town as provided in the budget items hereinbefore set forth, to wit: a tax sufficient to produce the sum of SIXTY CENTS (~60,705.34). 4. That such taxes hereinbefore referred to, be and the same hereby are, apportioned to and levied against all the taxable property, both real and personal, within the corporate limits of the said Town in pro- portion to the assessed valuation of such property, the valuation of the real property situated within the corporate limits of the said Town of Boynton, Florida, for the year 1928 as shown by the Tax Assessment Roll prepared by the Tax Assessor of the said Tovm of Boynton, Florida, being hereby affixed at FIVE ~ILLION THREE HUh~DRED T~NTY EIGHT THOUSAND ONE H-.~NDRED THIRTY NII~E DOLLARS (~5,3~8,139o00) 5. That such tax be extended upon the tax books of such T~.~'n o£ Boynton, Florida, in the proper millage proportionate to the valuation thereof as returned by the Tax Assessor, to wit: FOR GENERAL PURPOSES 11.35 MILLS FOR ~HE PAY~NT OF INTEREST ~D PRINCIPAL ON TiHE B0E DED INDEBTEDNESS foregoing ORDINANCE is urgent and is essential to 11.65 MILLS T 0 T A L 23.00 MILLS That the passage and adoption of the above and the immediate preservation of ti~e public peace of such Town of Boynton, Florida, by reason of the same providing funds for the proper administration of the affa~irs of s~ch Town of Boynton~ Florida; and that an emergency does exist for the immediate passage and adoption of such ORDINANCE. 7. That the above and foregoing ORDINANCE, being an 0RDI~ANCE making a tax levy~ be~ and the same hereby is, passed and adopted on this the FOURTH day of SEPTEmbER, A. D. t9~8, being a Regular l~eeting of the Board of To'~na Commissioners of the To~rn of Boynton~ Florida; and further that such ORDINANCE shall become effective immediately upon its passage mad adoption~ THiS ORDINANCE having been read in full at a meeting of the Board of Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida~ ~.held on the ~lst day of August Ac Do 19~8, was finally adopted on its final reading at a regular meetimg of said Board of Town Commissioners held o~ the ~th day of September A. D. 1~8. 0. Myers (Signed) Mayor Harry Benson Vice Nayor (Signed) E. L. Winchester (Signed) Town Clerk