O#95ORDINANCE AN 0RDiN~NCE PROVID!i~G FOR TIE iSSiTANCE OF BONDS BT THE T01~,I OF B0~TTON~ FLORIDA~ IN THE ~0UNT 0F FIFTY THOUSAND ~LLARS~ THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FR~?[ THE SALE THEREOF T0 BE USED T0 PAY THE COST 0P OPENING, iTIDENING AND ~ ViNG THE STREETS AND SiDEI%~LKS IN SAID T0~ PRE- SCRIBING 'T~E POR~ ,~¥~ NATUR!TiES OF' SAID BONDS AND PRO ViDiNG PON THE LE-~ OF A TAX TO C~ATE A SINKING ~ND FOR ~l~s PAYHENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND iNTEREST xn~Rsi%~ the Tovm Commission of' the Town of Boynton~ im Palm Beach County~ Florida, deems it necessary for the public good and for the best interests of said Town and the inhabitants thereof to issue bonds of said Town in the aggre'gate amount of Fifty Thousand Doitars, for the purpose of raising funds to pay the cost of opening~ widening and paving streets and sidewalks of said Towm~ there being no funds available for said purposes~ therefore ~ BE iT ORDAINED BY THE TOiTN C~{HISSiON 0P THE 0F B0~{T0~{~ iN Pi%5~{ BEACH COUNTY~ ~PLORIDA: Section !. nao under and pursuant to tbe erovi- sions of the Toyota Charter~ bein6 Chapter e8!8 of the Laws of Piorida~ Acts of !~I, there be issued bonds of the Town of Bo~tom in the amount of F~fty Thousand Do!!ars~ to be dated June I~ ie88, in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars each~ numbered from one to fifty, both inclusive, bearing interest at six per centum per annum~ payable semi-annually on June first and December first and maturing as follows: ~e principa~ and interest ~of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of'the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness at the Seaboard. National Bank, in the Cit~ of New York, or at the office of the Town Treasurer~ at the option of the holder° Said bonds shall be signed by each Commissioner and by the Town Treasurer, and the coupons attached to said bonds shall bear ~ae fac simile signature of the Town Treasurer. Section 2o Said bonds and the commons attached thereto, and the certificate of validation to be en- dorsed on the bonds shall be substantially as follows: ~1~000.00 UNITED STATES OF A~JERiCA S.-:.:'~ 0P FLORIDA Tr,.~,~ 0~' BOi%TTON i!~{PNOVENENT BOND-ISSUE 0P 1988. ~0W ALL HEI{ BY ~'Y~o~ ~P~'$'~¢~~o~ that the Town of Boymton~ Palm Beach County~ FioPida~ for value received acknowledges it elf _naebted and promises to pay to the b~areP hereof th~ sum of One ~_ousamd Dollars (~1,000.00) on the first day of June~ A. D. !9 with _n~ ~erest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum~ pa!ab!e semi-annually on the first days of June and December in each year ueon presentation of the annexed interest couuons as the same become due~ both principal and terest being payable in gold coin of bhe United States of America of the ~sresent standard of we~ ~gh~ and fine- ness at the Seaboard National Bank in the City of New York, .~t ue of }~ew ~or~, or at the office of the Towm Treasurer of the Town of Boyntom, ~n Palm Beach County, Florida~ at the option of the holder hereof. The principal of this bond and the interest thereon are payable from taxes to be assessed~ levied and collected on all the taxable property within the bonmdaries of the Town of Bo~mton~ Palm Beach County~ Florida~ and the full ~'~ ~ u~uO~ faith and cra~_t of the Tow~ of B~'-~'~ Palm Beach Florida, are hereby pledged for the ~ ~ent of the principal and interest of this bond. This bond is one of an issue of f~tyb onds of like date¢ amo~nt, tenor and effect, except as to date of ma- turity~ aggregating Fifty Thousand Dollars ((¢50,000.00), issued by the Town of Boy~ton~ Palm Beach Coumty~ Florida~ by its Town Commission for the purpose of raising funds to pay the cost of opening, widening and having the streets and sidewalks for and within said Town~ under and instrict compliance with the pro~is%ons of the Con- stitution of the State of 2~'!orida, and the Statutes of said State, including among others Chs:oter 89t8, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of !99!~ being the Charter of said Tow~, a~d pursuant to ~ or. dinance of t he Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, duly adopted. it is hereby certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things required by law to exist, happen and to be performed, precedent to and the issuance of this bond, have e~;isted, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by lawt that the amomnt of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the To;~m of Boynton~ Palm Beac.h County, Florida, does not exceed any limits prescribed by the Constitution or Statutes of the State of Florida, and tb~t before the issuance of t_~ms oond provision has been made by ordinance of the To~ Co~ ........... ss~ on of t~e Tov~n of B'o~ynton~ Palm Beach County,' ~ Florida~ to assess ~nually a tax u~on all the taxable pro- perty within said Town of Boynton to realize a sum suffi- cient to pay the interest on this bond as it may become due ~d to create a sinking fund for the pa~ent of the principal hereof at maturity. ~t~R~OF the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Town Commission, has c~used this bond to be signed by each commissioner, and the seal of said Town to be affixed hereto, countersigned by the Treasurer of said Town, and has caused the interest couDons attached hereto to be signaled with the fac simile signature of its Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the first day of Jume~ A~ D~ 1928. I¥~ember, Tov~ Commission of Town of ~ ~ Florida ~ ~er, Town Commm s--~--~%~bn----~f To~3~n of Boynton~ Florida. Town ~ommmssion of Town or Bo~nton~ Countersigned Treasurer, To~ of Boynton, Ftorida~ No. COUPON On the fi rst day of of Boynton, Palm Beach County~ P!orida, .... 0.00 i9 _ ~, the Town will pay to the bearer Thirty Dollars (!~30.00) in gold coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness at the Seaboard National Bank~ in the City of New York~ State of New York~ or at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the option of the holder hereof, being six months' interest then due on its Improvement Bond, issue of !9~8, ~ted June !, A.. Do !9~8, Nco . Treasurer o~ Town of Boynton, Florida. VALiDATI ON CERTIFICATE Validated and confirmed by decree of the Circuit Co{lrt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in and for Palm Beach County, rendered the day of A.D. i9~8. ~ the Cir~t Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Palm Beac.h County. Section 3. That in each year ~vnm!e any of said bonds shall be outstanding there ~ ~ sna=_ be levied, assessed and collected a special tax ir addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable property within said Tov~ sufficient to produce in each year the interest on saidb onds be- coming due in said year, and sufficient to provide a sinking fund to pay the principal of said bonds as they severally mature, and said special tax as and when collected shall be placed in a se,narate f~nd and used exclusively for the payment of interest on said bonds amd the redemotion of said bonds as they severally be- come due and payable~ and shall not be used for any other purpose;,. Section 4. That all ordinances, resolutions or parts of ordinances and resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith be and the same hereby are rescinded and r enea!ed. Section 5. That this ordinance shall go into effect ten days after its passage. This ordinance nassed and adopted this .day of 1928. A~v~st: Commmssmoners of the Tov, a of Boynton~ Palm Beach Co'unty, Plorida. Thereupon the above and foregoing entitled Ordi- nance was placed upon its second and final reading and read in full for ~-~ o~ last time.