O#82ORDINANCE NO. 8~ ORDINANCE At~JiENDII~G 0~DINANC~ #17 ~TiTLED: ~REGIST?~TiON AND E~ECTIONS OF ~HE T0~N OF B0~TON, P~JiI~ B~ACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ~ BE IT 0RDAiN~D by the Town Commission of 'the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, that Ordinance ~17 of the said Tov~ of Boynton, Florida, enti'tied: "Registration and ~lections~' be, and the same hereby is, amsnded to read and be in words and figures as follows: Section 1. The Town Clerk of the Town of Bolanton, Pa]~m Beach Co~anty, Florida, shall keep a Registration Book, in which shall be recorded the names, addresses and ages (at the :time of regis- tration) of all persons qualified to ~x~te in any election held in and for the said Town of Boynton, Florida; and no persons shall be entitled to vote at any election held in and for the said Tow~.who shall not have ragi'stered with the said Town Clerk at least ten days prior to any election at which such person sh~l! vote or attempt to vote. Section 2~' ~tny person who has, prior to ths passage,~-of this Ordinance registered in accordance with Ordinance #17 of the said Town of Boynton, shall not be required, under the provisions of this 0rdi- nanoe, to re-register, provided his or her name has not been erased or' stricken from such registry by authority of the Tovm Commission. of the T~vn of Boynton; and whenever an ~lector has registered u~.der the provisions of this Ordinance, or under tile provisions of said Ordinance ~!.~ if he or she is qualified under 'the further provisions of this 0rdi- nance~ his or her name shall remain on the said re- gistration and he .or she shall be deemed a q~lified voter to vote in any and all tova~ elections held smd for the said Town of Bo~ton~ F!orlda, provided he~ or she, is otherw±se ~ual~f~ed; _ _ as hereinafter pro vl6ed. Section ~. The To~ Clerk of the Tovna of Boynton shall ~ the said Registratio~ Books, at least thirty days before any general or special election to be held in smd for the said Town of Boymton, Florid§ and shall keep such books open in the Town Hal i wlthin the said To-~m each day from 9:00 A. ~'~. to 8':00 ~. up to ten days before the date on which such election shai! be held. Section 4. Any person making application for registration to become a qualified elector in elec- tions to be held in and for the said Town of Boynton shall be requi~d to take and subscribe the following oath, to-wit: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and of the State Of Florida; that I am twenty-one years of age and have been a resident of the State of Florida for twelve months, and of this Town for six months; that I am a citizen of the United States, and that I am qualified to vote -~ader the Oonstitution and Laws of the State of Florida," and the Town Clerk of the said Town of Boynton is hereby authorized and required to administor such oath to such applicant and the said applicant shall also be required to give, under oath, such descrip- tion of himself or herself as will be sufficient-to clearly indentifY him or her with the act of regis- tration~ and ~Ymenever any such applicant sba!! re- gister and have his or her name enrolled upon such registration books, the said Town Clerk ahall issue to hi~ or her a registration certificate, setting forth and certifying that such applicant is duly registered in such Registration Books and for the said Town of Boynton, Florida. Section 8. That To~n Commission shall, at its first Regular Meeting in July of each year, examine and revise the Registration Book of the Town, erasing ti~erefrom the names of all voters who have died, re- moved from the Town or are otherwise disqualified to vote, and restoring the names of any voters whose naraes have been erroneously erased. Such revision must be completed within three days of the day fixed for the first regular meeting of the Commission in July, and immediately thereafter, there shall be published in a newspaper published in this Town, or posted at the door of the Totem Hall, a list of the names of all voters Whose names shall have been erased, alphabetically arranged. At any meeting of the Totem Commission held at least ten days prior ~o the election, the name of any voter erroneously erated shall be re~red to the list by the Com~nissiOn. Section 6. The Town Commission Shall prepare and cause to be printed the official ballot for each regular and special election of the Town, nominatior~ may be made by the filing of a oetiBion signed by at least five (5) registered .voters of the To~m, or by a certificate Signed by the Chairman or Secretary of any mass meeting, held within the Town, at which nomi- nations shall have been made. The said certificate shall state when and where said mass meeting was held and give the names of the respective candidates ~for the offices for which they shall be nominated. Ail nominations shall be made at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the election. Elect,ors shall not be confined to the names of condidates printed or typewritten upon the official ballot, but may erase such ~mes smd substitute names of other can- didates to be written upon the-ballots by the elec- tors, none but the official ballot shall be used. Typewritten forms for ballots may be used as well a's printed' forms. Section V. In order for a person, to be an elector qualified to vote in any election held in and for the said Town of Bo~maton, Palm Beach County, Florida, he or she shall, in addition to being re- gistered as hereina'bove specified, have paid, on or before fifteen days prior to the date on which such election si~.!! be held, his or her poll or capitation taxes for two. years next preceding in the year in which such election is held; and must have a receipt for such poll or capitation tax, or the books or records of the Tax Collector or Re- gisterer of Palm Beach County,-,-Florida, shall show that such poll or capitation tax ~as herein provided has been paid; and only such persons Who have c amplied v~th this provision of this ordinance shall be deemed aualified to vote in any election held in and for the ..said Town of Boynton, Florida; provided, that no person shall be prevented from voting on account of not having so paid a poll tax, for any year which shall not have been lawfully assessable against him by reason of his not having been of age or was over the age of fifty-five years, or who has lost a limb in battle and who shall have obtained from the Town Clerk a certificate to that effect, and shall at the time of offering to vote e~d~ibit such certificate to inspectors of Election~' Section 8. That all Ordinances or parts of Ordi- nances of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Flo~ida, which are in canflict with the provisions of this Ordinance be, and the same hereby are, ex- pressly repeal~ed; provided further, that no person who is not a resident of the State of Florida for two (2) years preceding such election shall be cuired to pay but one ~oli tax. Section 9~ ~Every person who is a qualified voter amd who is over the age of twenty-one years under the provisions hereinabove set forth~ and who has been a bona fide resident of ~de State of F!o~rida for twelve (12) months~ and of the Tovaa of Boynton for six (6) months next preceding any general or special election held in and for said Town~ and who is a citizen of the United States, either by birth or naturaiization~ shall be entitled to vo~e in any and all elections held in and for the sf~id To~-fn of Boynton, Palm Beach Cotnaty, Florida, except in elec- tions where qualifications are otherwise prescribed by the constitution or statutes of the State of Florida in force and effect at the time of the holding of s~ ch e~'ectionso The above Ordinance #82, having been read in full at a meeting of the Town Commiss~ on of the Tow~ of Boynton, Florida, held on the !st day of F~bruary A. D. 1927, was duly adopted and approved at a Regular ~eeti~g of said Commission held on the i5th day of Febr .m~ry, A. D. 19~V, and a copy thereof posted at the doer of the Town Hall of the Town Boynton, Florida, on the i6th day of February A.D. 1927. T0?~]~ 0P B0~q~T0 TOWN COMM!SS I0 R. 0. Myers,Mayo~ (Si~) ~ O Harry B~ns ri,Vice Mayor(Signed) E~ L. Winchester, Town Clerk(Signed)