74-URESOLUTION NO. 74-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REQUESTING TP~T AMTRAK INIT/ATE RAIL PASSENGER SERVICE ALONG THE FLORIDA EAST COAST. WHEREAS, the United States is presently going through a time when traditional sources of energy are greatly limited for trans- portation that relies on the oil industries; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida is faced with the possibility Of a slowdown in economic prosperity due to limite~ modes of travel; a result of the energy crisis along the East Coast which borders the Atlantic Ocean; and WHEREAS, both the residents of the Florida East Coast and Amtrak, could benefit bY establishing routes along Florida's East Coast with the Florida East Coast Railway Company, who presently has usable tracks and stations, so that passenger service could be furnished to those who wish to visit Florida, and so that East Coast residents would have an energy saving and economical means of transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: S__9_ec. tion 1: That the City of Boynton Beach supports the creation of rail passenger services by Amtrak along the Florida ~East Coast. Section 2: That the City of Boynton Beach requests that Amtrak conduct a study to determine the desirability and identify the need for rail passenger services along the Florida East Coast. Section 3: That this Resolution be forwarded to Amtrak, Washington, D.C., the Governor of the State of Florida, the United States Senators and Representatives from the Congressional District within Palm Beach County, the counties, cities~ and towns along Florida East Coast and to the Florida East Coast Railway Company. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~/~ day of May, A.D., 1974. /~City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~ !A Mayor ,/ Vice Mayor ~ · ~c~U n c i lman Councilman Counc i lman -2-