74-FR E S O L U T I O N 74-F WHEREAS~ the Boynton Beach City Council herein called the '~APPLICANT~'~ after thorough consideration of the problem and available data~ has hereby determined that the project described below is in the best interests of the general public: To provide for and protect the citizens of Boynton Beach by organizing a selective enforcement unit within the Boynton Beach Police Depart- ment to reduce and control burglaries within the City o£ Boynton Beach. WHEREAS,. under the terms of Public Law 90-351 as amended, the United State~ of America has authorized the Law Enforcement Assistance Administmation: through the Florida Governor Ts Council on Criminal Justice, to make Federal Grants to assist local governments in the improvement of criminal justice; and WHEREAS, the appticanthas examined the duly considered such Act and the AppliCant considers it to be in the public interest and to its benefit to file an application under said Act and to authorize other action in connection th~erewith~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOYNTON BEACH CI~f COUNCIL IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THIS 19th DAY OF February , 1974~ AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the project generally described above is in the best interests of the Applicant and the general public. 2. That ERANKiKO~Ci~y[ Manager ~ be hereby authorized to file in behalf of the applicant an application in the form prescribed by the Florida Governor~Ts Council on Criminal Justice in conformity with the said Act, for a gmant to be made to the Applicant to assist in defraying cost of the project generally described above. That if such gmant be made, the Applicant shall provide or make necessary arrangements to provide such funds and/or in-kind contributions mn addition to the grant as may be required by the Act to defray the cost of the project generally described above. 4. That saidPr~ank Ko~l,CityManager~, is hereby authorized to furnish such information and take Such o~he~ action as may be necessary to enable the applicant to qualify for said grant. 5. That the official designated in the preceding paragraph is hereby designated as the authorized representative of the Applicant for the purpose of furnishing to the Florida Governor's Council on Criminal Justice such information, data and documents pertaining to the application for said grant as may be required and otherwise act as the authorized representative of the Applicant in connection with this application. 6. That certified copies of this resolution be included as part of the application for the said grant to be submitted to the Florida Governor's Council on Criminal Justice. - 1 - That if' such grant be made, the Applicant or Official designated in Paragraph 4 above shall maintain such records necessary and furnish such information, data and documents as requimed by the Florida GovernomTs Council on Criminal Justice to support the implem- entation of the project generally described above. 8. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DONE AND ORDERED in open meeting. BOYNTON BEACH CITY COUNCIL Councilman Harmening offered the foregoing resolution and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Councilman Wallace Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Absent and/or Not Voting: 0 Upon roll call the vot~ was: Date: February 197 1974 ATTEST: BY ~~j City Clerk Vice Mayor Councilmaa - 2 -