73-UUU~RESOLUTION NO..73-~UUU_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL-OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH:~ FLORIDA ~ SUPPLEMENTING RESOLUTION NO. 71-JJ OF SAID CITY~ AND PROVIDING FOR A BASIC EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 252, General Laws of Florida, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ has heretofore on October 19, 1971, adopted Resolution No. 71-JJ~ authorizing and establishing a Civil Defense Council for said City know~a as the "BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL" and appointed the Fire Chief of said City 'as the Director thereof; and WHEREAS~ said Resolution No. 71-JJ empowered the said BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COLK~CIL to do all such things as it shall deem necessary to the promotion of civil defense in said City and which are authorized by Chapter 252~ General Laws of Florida~ with regard to municipal civil defense councils; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ deems the updating of the emergency operations plan for the said BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL as advisable and necessary for the safety and promotion of the public welfare; NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the Fire Chief of the City of Boynton Beach be and he is hereby appointed to continue as the Director of the BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL as provided in the said Resolution No. 71-JJ. Section 2: That in accordance with the said Resolution No. 71-JJ~ the membership of the BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL shall continue to be composed of the members of the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida. Section 3: That the organizational functions of the staff of the BOYNTON BEACH CIVIL DEFENSE COUNCIL shall be in accord- ance with the basic emergency operations plan, as attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof which plan is hereby approved, ratified and adopted. Section 4: That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded immediately to the Department of Civil Defense of Palm Beach. County, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of December, A.D., 1973. ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Councilman ,I ~'7 Co~cilm~n Councilman II. ~9.ynton Beach CIVIL ~EFENSE (l~anicipality) BASIC ES~RGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN General' A. 'Authority Resolution dated B; Purpose 'To minimize the effects of natural or man-made disaster upon the people and resources of the municipality of~to~; to effect re- covery in the post-disaster or p6st-att~ck period; to render support to the County, State, and Federal Governments in their survival and re- covery efforts, ~ Operations 'A. Civil Befens~ Director: ' Name C~rtis El. Wright Address 1~1 S;W. 7th Ave.~ Bo~ton--Beac~: P~a. 33435 office teli~phon~' ~32-2570-7~2-~166~i~ H~me telephone 752--95¢~ (If the municipality has not appointed a Civil Defense Director, the Civil Defens~ Director's function will. be served by the Mayor.) Organizational Functions and Staff: 1. Communications and Warning Nam~ ..PO1 ~ee and =Wire Deoartments Address135 .~.E. l~t-Ave---150 NeE, 2nd Ave, Office telephone P.otice--752-~.116, Ed~telephone 732-8166 2. Police Name William R. Ha~i!tbh Office t~e~h~-,~3~28~ 16 Home telephoHe _%32-5055 3-. Fire and Rescue Name Eir_a_~artment and Rescue Squad Aadress-i50 %I:E_ 9u8 Ave.~_BQglkto~ .Beac.+l.~ Pla, 33435 Office telephone _752--8166 Home telephone -- 732--8167 Public Uorks Name Robert Peltz Office telephone 752--24A4 . Home telephone BASIC Eb~RGE~CY OPERATIOMS PLAN PAGE 2 Transportation Nmme Robert Peltz Address7..13 8'.%~..5rd .Ave., B.o.v~ton. Beach, P!a~. 53435 Office telephone _7~2-2~AA .... Home telephone~752-1~7,7 6. Red Cross Disaster Chairman N~me Curtis E. Wright Address 311 S,W,. 7.th Ave.~Boyn~on Beac~ Fla~' Office tele~non~ 732--2570 Hom~ telephone j~2--9568 . . .. 732-816-6-8167 . - . Director Civil Defense RECO~XSW~NDED APPENDICES TO BESIC Eb~RGENCY OPERATIONS PIJ~N 1. List of hurricane shelters (Americ~Red Cross) 2. List of nuclear fallou~ shelters (Civil Defense) 3. Emergency resources (generators, etc.) Sensitive fa~ilities.(power plants, etc.) 0 t2} ,, ~. O' .. ~ ~ 0