73-FFFRESOLUTI. QN~ NO. 73-.~L:~"rc A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RULE VIII OF THE RULES AND REGUIATIONS OF CIVIL SERVICE BY ADDING SECTIONS 12 AND 13 TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS OF PATROLMEN AND FIREFIGHTERS. WHEREAS, pursuant to the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, the Municipal Personnel Officer has heretofore recommended certain amendments to Rule VIII of the current Rules and Regulations of Civil Service to add Sections 12 and 13 to provide for additional qualifications and requirements as to Patrolmen and Firefighters, copies of which proposed amendments are attached here to; and WHEREAS~ the City Manager has reviewed said proposed amendments and has approved them without modification; and WHEREAS, after thorough review of such proposed amendments, the City Council deems that the enactment and adoption of same is in the best interests of efficient administration of the municipal personnel system; NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: S~ection 1: The proposed amendments to Rule VIII of the currently existing Rules and Regulations of Civil Service of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida~ adding Sections 12 and 13 to provide for additional qualifications and requirements of Patrolmen and Firefighters, as attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof, be and the same are hereby approved, ratified and adopted. .Section 2j: In all other respects subject Rules and Regula- tions of Civil Service are hereby ratified and confirmed as heretofore adopted and amended. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ~ ~ day of October, A.D., 1973. CITY OF BOYNTOI~ BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ce Mayor councilman ATTEST: City Clerk Co un c il man Councilman - 2 - RULE VIII. SECTION 12. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: All candidates for the entrance examination for Patrolman shall have a diploma from a standard High School or have a Florida State High School equivalency in addition to all the other general r~quirements: A. Not less than twenty-one (21) mor more than thirty-six (36) and one month of age at the date of the examination. Maximum age for candidates who have a five (5) year proven record of satisfactory service with an accredited police department in another community or in another state, and holds a Florida Standards Certificate shall be ~orty (4~) years and one month of age at the time of their examination. B. Candidates must be: Not less than five (5) feet nine (9) inches in height. Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Police and the Personnel Director and with ithe approval of the City Manager, candidates whose height is one-half inch less than the miami.mum may · be admitted to the tests, provided be meets all other requirements. Candidates height (without shoes) shall conform Go their weight according to the following height-weight tables. Candidates under twenty-five (25) years of age may be five (5) pounds lighter than specifications contained in such height-weight tables and still be considered eligible. MALE Height Without Shoes Medium Frame Large Frame 5'9" 146 - 160 155 - 174 5'10" 150 - 165 159 - 179 5'11" 154 - 170 164 - 184 6'0" 158 - 175 168 - 189 6'1" 162 - 180 173 - 194 6'25 167 - 185 178 - 199 6'3" 172 - 190 182 - 204 6'4" 177 - 195 186 - 209 6'5" 182 - 200 200 - 214 FEMALE - POLICE Height Without Shoes Medium Frame Large Frame 8'4" 120 - 135 129 - 146 5'5" 124 - 139 133 - 150 5'6" 128 - 143 137 - 154 5'7" 132 - 147 141 - 158 - 1 - FEMALE - Cont'd. Height Without Shoes Medium Frame Large Frame 5'8" 136 - 151 145 - 163 5' 9" 140 - 155 149 - 168 5'10" 144 - 159 159- 173 5'11" 148 - 163 157 - 178 6'0" 152 - 167 161 - 183 Candidates must be free from any bodily defect, deformity or disease and must be certified as fit for service by a physician approved by the City Council. All physical examinations for Police candiates are made in acoordance with requirements by or approved by the Personnel Director. C. No person shall be admitted to an examination for either Detective or Corporal until he shall have served a minium of eighteen (18) consecutive months as Patrolman on the local force. D. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Sergeant until he shall have served a minium of three (3) consecu- tive years on the local force. Detective Sergeant appointees must present proof that they have completed specialized course work in investigative techniques. E. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Lieutenant until he shall have served a minium of two (2) consecu- tive years as Sergeant-,on the local force. Detective Sergeant appointees must present proof of special- ized knowledge of modern investigative techniques methods and pro- cedures gained through completion of college-level courses and possess considerable knowledge of investigative techniques. All candidates for this position must have taken a recognized course in basic supervision. F. Candidates to enter promotional examination for Captain who have earned a sixty (60) credit hour Associates Degree in Police-re- lated subjects, including but not limited to: Police Science, Law, Accounting and Business Administration at a recognized and accredited college or university and who shall have served a minimmm of two (2) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force shall be declared eligible. Candidates who have completed thirty (3~) credit hours in Police-related subjects at a recognized and accredited college or university as outlined above and who have served a minimum of four (4) - 2 - Section 12. F. - continued consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force shall also be declared eligible. Candidates with less than thirty (30) credit hours in Police-related subjects as outlined above shall not be considered eligible %ntil they have served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years as Lieutenant on the local force, G. No person below the rank of Captain shall be admitted to promotional examination for Assistant Chief. Candidates who have earned a 120-hour Bachelor's Degree in Police-related subjects, including but not limited to: Police Science, Law, Accounting and Business Administration at~a recognized and accredited college or university, and who have served a minimum of two (2) consecutive years as Captain on the local force shall be declared eligible. Candid~s who~have earned a 60-hour Associates Degree in Police-related subjects at a recognized and accredited col&ege or university as outlined above.and who have served a minimum of six (6) consecutive years as Captain on the local force shall also be con- sidered eligible. H. No person below the rank of Captain shall be considered eligible for promotion to Police Chief and even these candidates will not be declared eligible unless they meet the following time-in-grade requirements: Captain - minimum of three (3) years as Captain on the local force; Assistant Chief - minimum of two (2) years as Assistant Chief on the local force. Candidates must also present proof of specialized training in modern police administration, staffing, modern police practices and procedures, and other related abilities and skills gained through completion of a 120-hour Bachelor's Degree in Police Administration or a related field at a ~ecognized and accredited college or university. The appointing authority may, however, select ~and appoint a P~lice Chief from outside the city service, provided the candidate meets all stated requirements.except that his service is not locally attained if, in the authority's opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach, and holds a certified certifi- cate of 280 hours training by the State of Florida. - 3 - I. In the event of circumstances or conditions arise that make it impossible to certify an individual police officer, or police officers for entrance to promotional examinations for the next higher position beca~'se of l~c~ of time-in-grade, and the waiver of such requirement is deemed essential in order to efficiently 'administer the City's merit system, the City Manager may, at the request of the Personnel Director, recommend that time-in-grade requirements be waived by the City Council, provided, however, that the applicant or applicants involved possess all Other qualifications required~by these rules for promotion. R~LE VII I. SECTION ~3. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT: All candidates for the entrance examination of Firefighter shall have a diploma from a standard High School~or have a Florida State High School equivalency diploma in addition to all the othergeneral requirements. A. Not less than eighteen (18) nor more than thirty-one (31) years and one (1) month of age at date of examination for candidates with no previous experience in fire service. For candidates with previous experience and holding a Florida Minimum Standards certi- ficate in fire service, the maximum age is increased one (1) year for each year of experience, not to exceed five (5) years experience or thirty-six (36) years and one (1) month of age at date of examina- tion. B. Candidates must be: ~Not less than five (5) feet six (6) inches in height. Candidates weight~ shall conform to their height (without'shoes) according to the following height-weight table. Candidates Under twenty,five (25) years of age may be five (5)pounds lighter than specifications contained in such height-weight ta~e and still be ~considered eligible. Height Without Shoes Medium Frame Large Frame 5 6" 5 7" 5 8" 5 9" 5 10 5 ll" 6 0" 6 1" 6 2" 6 3" 6 4" 6 5" 166,, 134 - 147 138 - 152 142 - 156 146 - 160 150 - 165 154 - 170 158 - 175 162 - 180 167 - 185 172 - 190 177 - 195 182 - 200 187 - 205 142 - 161 147 - 166 151 - 170 155 - 174 159 - 179 164 - 184 168 - 189 173 -194 178 - 199 182 - 204 186 - 209 200 - 214 204 - 219 Candidates must be free from any bodily defect, deformity, or disease, and must be certified as fit for service by a physician approved by the City COuncil and on a form prepared by or approved by the Personnel Director. - 1 - Section 13 - continued C. FIRE PROMOTIONS: Promotions in the Fire Department shall be from class to class, from the lowest to the highest. 1. No person shall be admitted to an examination for Fire Prev&ntion Office~%nntil he shall have served a minimum of one (1) year as Firefighter on the local force and shall have earned at least six (6) college credits in the major study area at an accredited junior college or upper level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. 2. No person shall be admitted to an examination for Fire- fighter/Driver until he shall have served a minimum of two (2) con- secutive years on the local force and has successfully completed course work and tests in the following: equipment locations, all-- apparatus, Fire Department hydraulics, street and building locations, driver's road test and pump operator's field test, as given by the department Training Officer. Grades in the above subjects must be certified by the Training Officer before candidates will be permitted to enter promotional examinations. 3. No person shall be admitted to an examination for Fire Prevention Officer II until he shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years on the local force, one (1) year of which must have been served~as Fire Prevention Officer I, and shall have earned at least twelve (12) college credits in the major, study area at an accredited junior college or upper level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science; shall hawe satisfactorily completed specialized training programs conducted by the department Training Officer and the State Fire College in the field of Arson Investigation, Inspection Practices and Fire Prevention and Protection; and possess a working knowledge of basic photography. 4. No person ahall be admitted to an examination for Fire- fighte~Mechanic until he shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years on the local force and shall have completed the following educational and training requirements; Minimum of sixty (60) hours intensive training at the Florida State Fire College in Fire Department Mechanics and completion of Florida State Fire College course in Fire Apparatus and Pumps. - 2 - Section 13 - continued 5. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Lieutenant until ~e shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years on the local force and shall have earned at least twelve (12) college credits in the major study area at an accredited Junior college or upper-level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science. Candidates must also have completed all training ~aq~irem~nts for Firefighter/Driver. 6. No person shall be admitted to promotional examinations for Fire ~arshal until he shall have served a minimum of two (2) consecutive years as Fire Prevention Officer II and shall have earned at least eighteen (18) college credits at an accredited ~nior college or upper-level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science, such credits shall be in the major study area; shall have successfully completed specialized training programs conducted by the department and/or the State Fire College in the Fire Inspection Practices, Arson Investigation, Fire Prevention and Protection; shall have an ~xtensive background in related fire protection programs incldding: Water Distribution Systems, Community Fire Defenses, Manual Fire Protection Equipment, Alarm Systems, Automatic Fire Protection and Extinguishing Building Construction, Hazardous Material,s and Chemicals, Photography, Public Relations, Administration and Report Analysis. 7. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Captain until he shall have served a minimum of three (3) conse- cutive years as Lieutenant mn the local force and shall have earned at least eighteen (18) college credits in the major study area at an accredited junior college or upper-level university offering a degree program in Fire Engineering or Fire Science; shall have successfully completed specialized training programs conducted by the Department and the State Fire College in Fire Inspection, Detection and Control, Modern Methods of Firefighting, Public Relations, administration and Report Analysis. 8. No person shall be admitted to promotional examination for Training Officer until he shall have served a minimum of five (5) years on the local force, two (2) years of which must have been s served as Lieutenant or in a classification of equal stature; shall have earned at least ~ghteen (18) college credits at an accredited junior college or upper-level university offering a degree program in Fire Science or Fire Engineering, such credits shall be in the major study area; shall have successfully completed specialized train- ing programs in Fire Service, such credits shall be in the major study area; shall have successfully completed specialized training programs in Fire Service Instructor Training, Firefighting Tactics and Strategy, Fire Prevention and Protection, Company Officer's Training, Public Relations, Fire Codes and Ordinances, First Aid, Rescue Skills and Techniques, Fire Department Tools and Appliances, Fire Service Hydraulics, Management, Communication and Leadership. 9. No pers®nnshall be admitted to promotional examination for Deputy Chief until he shall have served a minimum of three (3) consecutive years as Captain or in another rank of equal stature on - 3 - Section 13 - continued 9. - continued. the local force and shall have earned at least forty-five (45) college credits toward a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administra- tion. Credits earned in Fire Engineering or Fire Science at an accredited junior college may be counted toward total credits re- quired. 10. No person below the rank of Captain shall be declared eligible for promotion to Fire Chief and even these candidates will not be declared eligible unless they meet the following time-in-grade requirements; Captain - minimum of three (3) years as Captain on the local force; Drill Master - minimum of three (3) years as Drill Master on the local force; Fire Marshal - minimum of three (3) years as Fire Marshal on the local force. Candidates must also present proof of specialized training in modern fire administration, staffing, fire prevention, inspection and control, modern fire practices and procedures and other related abilities and skills gained through completion of a 120-hour bachelor's degree in Business Administration, Fire Administraiion, or a related field at a recognized and accredited college or university. The appointing authority may, however, select and appoint a Fire Chief from outside the City service, provided the candidate meets all stated requirements except that his service is not locally attained~ if, in the authority's opinion, such selection is in the best interest of the City of Boynton Beach. ll. In the event circumstances or conditions arise that make it impossible to certify an individual fire officer, or fire officers for entrance to promotional examinations for the next higher position because of lask of time-in-grade, and the waiver of such requirement is deemed essential in order to efficiently administer the City's Merit System, the City Manager may, at the request of the Personnel DireCtor, recommend that time-in-grade requirements be waived by the City Council, provided however, that the applicant or applicants involved possess all other qualifications required by these rules for promotion. - 4 -