68-ERESOLUTION NO. 68 - E BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. Thai the existing Civil Service Rules and Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, as amended, are hereby further amended by incorporating therein the additions, deletions and amendments set forth in the attached exhibit, which exhibit is hereby made a part hereof by reference PASSED AND ADOPTED this I Z~ day of~U~-- , 1968. ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORID~ By: Counc ilm"~'n Councilm an ,~ ' C ounc ilm an SEAL CLASSIFIED AND UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE ARTICLE i UNCLASSIFIED SERVICE Section 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS - The positions listed in Schedule A are hereby designated as in the unclassified service. All such positions are not subject to these rules in any respect. Schedule A - (1) Members of the City Council; (2) The . City Manager, City Auditor, City Attorney, Municpal Judge, Judge Ad Litem, and all members of any board or commission or any individual in a specialized field appointed by the City ~nager and the City Council; (3) Day laborers, part-time or temporary employees. ARTICLE ii CLASSIFIED SERVICE Section 1. All permanent positions in the service of the City of Boynton Beach shall be included in the classfied service except those enumerated in Schedule A, and the pro- visions of these rules Shall be applicable to them and their incumbents. Appointments, promotions, demotions and/or dismissals of Department Heads shall be approved by the City Council° Section 2. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN - The Personnel Officer, with the approval of the City Manager, shall maintain a classfication and compensation plan which shall be open to the public at all times during regular office hours. .Section 3. AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN - The City Manager may amend the classification and com- pensation plan with the approval of the City Counciland shall have the right to change the specifications for one or more existing p~sitions and shall fix or make a revised schedule of compensation of suchPosition or any re- lated position with Council approval. The City F~nager may make revisions in the overal com- pensation plan whenever, in his opinion, the existing rates of compensation are too high or too low, and shall present such recommendations to the City Council for approval. Section 4. POSITION SPECIFICATIONS - Specifications for the various positions are hereby declared to have the follow- ing force and effect. (a) SPECIFICATIONS - Specifications are intended to indi- cate the kinds of positions that should be allocated to respective organization units as determined by their duties, responsibilities and qualification requirements. The use of a partciular expression or illustration as to duties, qualification requirements or other attributes, shall not be held to exclude others not mentioned if such others are simi- ~ lar as to kind or quality. - (b) GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS - Although not mentioned in the qualifications statement, such qualifications as should be properly required in common of all incumbents of all posi- tions, such as good physical condition, freedom from disabl- ing effects, U.S. Citizenship, suitable age, honesty, sobriety, and industry are taken for granted. Retirement age for all employees in the classified serv- ice in all departments except Police and Fire, shall be mandatory at age 65 years. The mandatory retirement age for all classified employees in the Police and Fire Departments of the City shall be at age 60 years, in all departments except Police and Fire, employees past the mandatory retire- ment age may be continued in their positions upon the recommda- tion of the City Manager, with the apporval of the City Council. Employees past the mandatory retirement age retained in their municipal employment in accordance with the above procedure, shall be considered non-classified and shall not be entitled to Civil Service benefits. For the purpose of this Section, the respective mandatory retirment ages of 60 and 65 years shall be considered attained upon the individual employee's reaching his 60th or 65th birthday, as the case may be. Section 5. ALLOCATING POSITIONS - The specifications, duties and qualifications of each position shall be construed as a general descriptiqn of the kind of work Berformed by the incumbent of a position and not as describing what the cuties of the position shall be. The City Manager may, with Council approval, abolish positions and reduce the staff as he deems necessary or may merge the functions and responsibilities of a stated position with other duties which might be assigned to another person or position. (c) 0VERTI~vzE. "As a general rule the requirement of frequent and considerableovertime shall be considered evidence of understaffing or improper organization and shall be sub- ject to review by the City Manager "Overtime work shall include only that work performed by employees at the direction of a department head of his authorized representative which, as a part of a single tour of duty or by reason of a call-back, exceeds the number of hours constituting the established work day or work week for the class and for the department. Records of all overtime for which payment is allowed shall be kept by the department head and reports thereof made to the Personnel Officer on the form and in the manner prescribed. Employees required to work overtime may be granted compensatory time off or may be com- pensated for such overtime at the regular rate at the discre- tion of the City Manager provided that funds for such payment are available in the personal services account of the annual departmental budget. Department heads shall grant compensa- tory time off whenever feasible and such compensatory time shall not be cumulative beyond ~hree months from the time earned. "in the case of part-time employees, the formula set forth should be employed in determining the hourly rate and the part- time employee should be compensated at this rate only for the number of hours worked unless special circumstances, such as the need for part-time service on a continuing basis, require some upward revision of this rate." - 5 - and, in the case of increase, unless the necessary and appro- priate funds are available in the annual department budget. (e) Should any position in the classified service be abol- ished by the appointing authority and t~e City Council, the same position may not be re-established in the classified serv- ice for a period of three (3) months. ARTICLE iii SELECTiON AND PROMOTION OF EMPLOYEES Section I. FILi~Y~ APPLICATION - Any person desiring appointment or promotion in the classified service shall file with the Personnel Officer a written application on the pre- scribed form. (a) RESIDENCE - There shall be no requirement of resi- dence for filing application for a position in the classified service. Appointees to positions in the classified service shall, within ninety (90) days from date of permanent appointment, esta- blish residence within a radius of seven (7) miles of the City Hall of the City of Boynton Beach, or closer if employrL~ent is ~ of an emergency nature and required by the City ~qanager. The Personnel Officer may require all applicants for tests for any position to evidence possession of the minimum qualifi- cations as set forth in any public notice and also in case any license or other evidence of competency is required by State or City law or ordinance, to evidence possession of such license or other evidence of competency. Section 2. REJECTION OF APPLICATION - The Personnel Officer may, for cause, reject an application prior to the date of the tests for which it is filed. Any of thefollowing reasons may be deemed sufficient cause for rejection of application, although rejection may be made for other causes than those enumerated. GROUNDS FOR REJECTION (a) That the applicant is found to lack any of the mini- mum qualifications as required in the public notice. (b) That the applicant is physically unfit to perform the duties of the position to which he seeks appointment. (c) That the applicant is addicted to habitual or excessive use of drugs, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages. -- 7 -- ' from a person who has been employed and whose name is certified from the re-employment list. Section 5. FiLLiNG VACAiqCiES - The higher positions in the classified service, with the exception of Department Heads, shall be filled by promotion as far as is consistent, in the judgment of the Department Heads, the Personnel Officer and the City Manager, taking into consideration the best interests of the City of Boynton Beach. Such promotion shall be by competitive test and by meeting the standards set for the position which are to include experience and education. The position of department head shall be filled according to merit and fitness of all candidates to be judged on the basis of: age, experience and background, education, special or specific training, physical and mental fitness, aptitude for the position, and by meeting all requirements as outlined in the job description. In addition to oral interviews conducted by the City Manager, candidates shall be required to pass oral or written examinations prepared and administered by the Personnel Officer and supervised by the Civil Service Appeals Board, demonstrating their knowledge of the position they are seeking. The final selection of all department heads shall be made by the City Council upon the reconuuendation of the City Manage~. NOTICE OF EX~t~ATiONS - Notice of competitive examinations for any classification with the exception of promotional exami- nations,shall be announced two (2) weeks prior to the date of said examination by advertisement in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach. A copy of said advertisement shall also be posted immediately on the Bulletin Board in the outer lobby of City Hall. Notices of all promotional examinations shall be posted prominently in all departments of the City at least wo (2) weeks prior to the~amination date. A copy of such notice shall also be posted on the Bulletin Board in the outer lobby of City Hall. ARTICLE iV RECRUITMENT BY EXAMINATION Section 1. All appointments in the classified service shall be made according to merit and fitness. Merit and fitness - 9- may be determined by examinations which shall be prepared by, or under the direction of, the Personnel Officer. All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those matters which will test fairly the capacity and fitness of the candidate to discharge efficiently the duties of the position to be filled. Examinations may be assen~led or non-assembled and may include oral, written, physical and performance tests, rat- ings of training and experience, or any combination of these. They may take into consideration such factors as education, experience, aptitude, knowledge, character, physciat fitness,. or any other qualifications or attributes which, in the judg- ment of the Personnel Officer, enter into the determination of relative fitness of the applicants. The Personnel Officer shall determine the candidate's total weighted score, this score shall be certified by the Civil Service Appeals Board, and the Personnel Officer shall then certify accredited personnel to Department Heads upon their request. A satisfactory F.B.I. and Florida Motor Vehicle Commissioners' check of all candidates for employment with the City of Boynton Beach in any department must be completed before such candi- dates will be allowed to enter written or oral examinations. Promotional examinations shall take into consideration the quality and length of employment in addition to any or all of the above factors. Ail positions of un-skilled or semi-skilled nature shall be non-competitive, but each employee shall be selected on the basis of experience, physical fitness and ability to do the by the Department Head. Each applicant shall be interviewed by the City Manager and the Department Head and shall be selected in accordance with the above-stated qualifications. No employment list shall become effective until it is submitted to, and approved by, the City Manager. Section 2. MEDICAL EX3UMiNATIONS - Ail applicants for positions in the City service shall be required to undergo a medical examination to determine mental and physical fitness to perform work in the position for which the appointment is to be made. Ail employees of the City of Boynton Beach - 10- during their period of employment may be required to undergo periodic medical examinations to determine their mental and physical fitness to perform the duties of the position in which they are employed. Such periodic medical examinations shall be made at the expense of the City of Boynton Beach by a physician approved by the City Council. ~anual physicaI examinations for all employees to de- te~ine their physical and mental fitness to perform their assigned duties may be required by the City Manager, beginn- ing at age sicty (60) and continuing for the duration of their employment. Such examinations shall be made at the expense of the City of Boynton Beach and by a physician approved by the City Council. Section 3. APPLICATION FOR POSITION IN THE POLICE DEPART- MENT - All applicants for examination for the position of patrolman in the Police D ~ eparument shall be, in addition to the general r ' ~ equlremen~s: 1 - Candidates with no previous police experience must be: not less than twenty-one (21) nor more than thirty-six (36) years and one month of age at the date of their examina- tion. Maximum age restrictions for candidates who have a five (5) year proven record of satisfactory service with an accredited police department in another community or in another state, or who have served five (5) years in police work in any branch of the military service,way be extended to age forty (40) and one month. - ll- 2 - Must be certified by a Physician approved by the.City Council as being qualified for the service. Such report to be made on a form to be prepared by the Personnel Officer. No applicant failing the physical test shall be allowed to take the oral or written examinations. 3 - if two (2) or more months elapse between said physi- cal examination and written and/or oral examination and the date of actual appointment, the appointee shall submit to a physical re-examination. A seconf form will be furnished for this purpose. SECTION 4. POLICE PROMOTIONS. - 12 - 1 - Ail promotions in the police department shall be made in accordance with Article iii. Section 5. Paragraph 9. 2 - Motorcycle Officers shall be appointed by the Depart- ment Head with the approval of the City Manager after they have d mons~rated their ability to qualify for the position. e ~ 3 - A police officer in continuous service who holds a Civil Service rank and is appointed to a higher position within the department may, upon his written request, be re- turned to the rank from which he was promoted. 4 - The Chief of Police may, in emergencies, appoint regu- larly employed officers who have passed their probationary period to act in the various classifications, but the officers may not hold the acting positions ~nger than 45 days. Section 5. APPLICATION FOR POSITION OF POLICE WOM~ - All applicants for -'ppointment to the position of Police- woman shall be, in addition to the general requirements: 1 - Not less than twenty-one (21) nor more than forty. (40) years of age at the date of their examination. 2 - Must be certified by a physician approved by the City Council as being qualified for the service. Such report is to be made on a form to be prepared by the Personnel ~zcer. No applicant failing the physical test shall be allowed to take the written or oral examinations. 3 - if two (2) or more months elapse between the phsi- cal and written or oral examination and the date of actual employment, the appointee shall submit to a physical re- examination. Section 6. APPLICATIONS FOR POSITIONS iN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT - All applicants for the position of fireman in the Fire Department shall be, in addition to the general requirements: 1 - Not less than twenty-one' (21) nor more thanthirty (30) years and one month of age at the date of their examina- tian. Such restrictions shall not apply to candidates from the Volunteer Fire Department. - 13- 2 - Must be certified by a physician approved by the City Council as being qualified for the service. Such report is to be made on a form prepared by the Personnel Officer. No applicant failing the physical test shall be allowed to take the writen or oral examinations. 3 - If two (2) or more months elapse between the physi- cal and written or oral examinations and the date of actual employment, the appointee shall submit to a physical re- examination. A secon form will be supplied for this purpose. Section 6. FIRE PROMOTIONS 1 - Promotions in ~he Fire Department shall be Bom calss to class, from the lowest to the highest ratings. - 14- the employee next in rank shall be eligible to take the exami- until the vacancy is filled. 2 - In case of cacancy in the position of Mechanic or in other specialized positions where unusual skill or know- ledge is required, the Fire Chief, with the approval of the City ~nager, may reco~,end the appointment of an employee without examination, regardless of rank or length of service. Section 7. EMERGENCY RECALL TO DUTY - No employee in the classified service may accept outside emplo~aent which will prevent his prompt return to duty in the case of any emergency. Such emergency shall be determined by the head of his department and the City Manager. Ail employees subject to emergency duty shall maintain direct telephone service and employees who fail to maintain satsifactory emergency response shall be subject to discharge. ARTICLE V ~MPLOYM~NT AND RE-~MPLOYMENT LIST Section 1. ESTABLiSP~NT OF RE-EMPLOYMENT LIST - ~nen- even any person in the classified service has performed his dutzes satisfactorily and has been laid off without fault on his part; or has taken leave of absence and is ready to return to duty when a positron in the classification he holds is open; the Personnel Officer shall, on the wr/kten request of such employee, and with the approval of the City Manager, cause his name to be placed on the re-employment list for the appropriate classification. The names shall be arranged on the re-employment list for each position in the order of the average service ratings of the employee, provided that in case no service ratings are available, the order may be determined by the Personnel Officer after investigation. If he deems investigation imprac- tical or unwise, the names shall be entered on the re-employ- ment list in the order of length of service. ~enever two (2) employees whose names are to be entered on the re-emplo~aent list have the same service - 15- ARTICLE VI APPOINTMIENT OF ELIGIBLES Section 1. REQUESTS FOR CERTiFICATiON OF ELIGIBLES - ~enever a vacancy in the classified service is to be filed other than by transfer, demotion, promotion or emergency appointment, the Department Head shall make a request to the Personnel Officer on the prescribed form for certification of three (3) names of persons eligible for appointment to positions in the specific classification, and the Personnel Officer shall, in turn, advise the City ~nager of this request. k~enever practical the Department Head shall make such request thirty (30) days in advance of the time the new employee is to begin work and, in any case, shall make such request as soon as possible. Section 2. CERTIFICATION OF ND~ES OF ELIGIBLES - Upon receipt of a Department Head's request for certification of eligibles the Personnel Officer shall certify the names and addresses of persons whose names appear on the re-employ-ii ment list and who are willing to accept employment in the position wherein the vacancy exists° it is incu~TCoent upon every Department Head who rejects a list of eligible names furnished him by the Personnel Offi- cer, to state, in writing, and in exact, specific and precise terms, his reasons for such rejection.' If there is no re-employment list for the position, or in case no person whose name is on the re-emplo~aent list is willing to accept appointment to the position, the names and addresses of the three (3) persons highest on the emplo~uent list for the position who have signified their willingness to accept the appointment shall be certifzed. Should the Department Head express dissatisfaction with any of the first three (3) names, a second list of the next three (3) eligibles in the order of their standing on the employment list shall be certified and this shall continue until the list is exhaus~d or the position filled. If the Personnel Officer is satisfied from explanations supplied him by the Department Head, or as a result of in- vestigation, that the duties and responsibilities of the vacant position and the conditions under which the work is to be performed are such as to require an employee of a particular sex or with the ability and willingness to work Unusual hours, or with some other special or personal qualifications, he shall pomn~ment to a position, the duties of which he is able to perform, in a ciasification carrying a lower rate of com- pensation. He may also be demoted by the City Manager to a posi- tion carrying a lower rate of compensation. Such demotion shall also be considered a classification demotion. ~ A.~iCms Viii REMOVAL OF EMPLOYEES Section i. PROBATIONARy PERIOD - The probationary period shall be regarded as an intrinsic part of the examination process and shall be utilized for observing the employee's work, securing the best possible adjustment of the new employee to his position and said probationary period shall consist of the first six (6) months of employment with the City of Boynton Beach after appointment. During this probationary period employees shall not be con- sidered a part of the Civil Service, shall not be entitled to any ~-gh~s and privileges of Civil Service, and shall be subject to dis- missl without cause. After the completion of his probationary period the employee automatically becomes and is entitled to all the rights privileges and conditions c ' ~ oncazned in these Rules and Regulations. P?nenever a permanent employee in the classified service is promoted to a position in a higher classification, either through the re-allocation of his position or by passing a p omo~monai exami- nation said employee shall be -~ ~ ' - ~equ_rem to serve a six (6) month probationary period in the higher masszfzcamzon before being con- firmed in the position. H owev=r, said employee, because of his permanent s~ ' · ~amus mn the classified service, shall retain his Civil Service rights during this period, if, during this six (6) month 'orobationary or testing period in the nzsner classification, employ- ee's performance does not meet required standards as dete~ined by job specifications; or ~ monthly performance ratings as filed by his department head are not indicative of his ability to perfo~ the duties of the higher position, the employee shall, with the approval of the City i~nager, upon the written request of the Department Head, be returned to his former permanent classification and the z OS~ ~O~ thus vacated filled by the next eligible candidate. All positions fii!e ~ = m ~s ~ne resui-c of the ~ ~ -~-~ " . · . .... u= ~n une nzg~er ciassfication and = all new ~rsonnel so employed shall be advised that their period of ~ ' ' , · · =nztzal prooatzon wzll not be considered complete until the pe~aanent employee they are replacing is confirmed in the higher ciassfication... Section 2. SUSPENSION OF ~MPLOYEES - The City ~nager may, at any time suspend, dismiss, demote or ~rans~er any employee in the classified service for any cause which will promote the effic~ ency of the service, but o~by in accordance with these Rules and Regulations, except as to transfers. ~e City Manager sh~i, or in his absence, the City Council acting in his place may~ for disciplinary purposes, suspend without pay an employee in the classified service from the perfo~,ance of his duties for a reasonable length of time (not to exceed thirty (30) days) because of inefficiency, incompetence, misconduct, negligence, insubordination, disability, or,her sufficient causes. -23-continued in case of the City ~anagar, or the City Council acting in his place,suspends any e~p!oy~e, he shall give written notice forthwith to the suspended employee stating the reason for the suspension and the duration thereof; and shall forthwith (s) ~?no, upon expiration of earned sidi leave, fails to file a request for additional leave ~hout pay, with the Personnel Officer within a reasonable time, not to exceed ~ree (3) work days, ~" ~nould additional leave be desired or necessary. Section 4 PROCEDU?~E FOX ~v~ · ~.{OVAL OF EMPLOYEES - "The City }~nager may at any time, fine, suspend, dismiss, demote or transfer any employee in the classified service for any cause which will promote the fficiency of the service, but only in accordance wi~h the Rules and Regulations of the merit system as amended by the City. "Upon the dismissal, suspension, or ae~.~otmon, the City F~na- get shall, within twenty-four (24) hours, give the employee a written ta~e~,,en-c of tlme reasons zo~ such dismissal, sus- Dension or demotion and shall i~?~ediatei file copy there- of with the Civil Service Appeals Board° If the employee desires, he zany, within' seven (7) days after such dismissal suspension or demotion, file with the Board a request for a hearing, setting = ~ ~o~h in detail in his ~-'~' - pe~z~zon, the basis of his appea!o The ~oard upon receiving such notice of appeal shall, ~ ' ~ w~nzn men (i0) days, set a date for a hearing. Notice of the tirae and place of such hearing shall be served upon the City iw~nager and the employee either personally or by registered mail at least five (5) days before the date of the hearing~" Section 5. RES!G~AT2ON OF EMPLOYEE - Any employee in the classified service who 'ishes to resign in good stand- ing shall give his Department ~ead or the City Manager a written notice at least one (1) week in advance of the date which he intends to terminate his emplol~aent' unless the appointing authority requires a longer period of notice not to exceed two (2) weeks, or consents to his leaving on shorter notice. Such notice of resignation shall be forward- ed to the Personnel Officer by the appointing authority, together with a report as to the character of the employee's services° ~f any employee resigns from the classified service. without giving the required notice~ the Personnel Officer shall enter this fact on his roster card° Such failure to give the required notice may be considered sufficient reason for rejecting future application for said employee to enter tests. Any employee who has resigned after giving proper notice may have his name placed on the re-empio~amnt list for the ciassifica~on. Such request must be made in writ- ing to ~ae Personnel Officer. Any employee who is absent from duty for three (3) consecutive business days without securing leave from his superior officer, or without notifying him of the reason for such absence and the time he expects to returns shall be considered to have resigned° Such resignation shall be treated as a resignation without notice and a report thereof made to the Personnel Officer. Section 6. CO>~ENSATZON FOR DISMISSED EMPLOYEES - if an employee is removed from YEs position in the classified service or is separated from his ~osition in any other manner and the City M~nager deems~it desirable to pay such employee the compensation due him in advance of the regular pay day, such payment may i~m~ediate!y be made out of any funds lawfully available therefore, and if the facts are shown in a special payrollinnmediately prepared and sent to the Personnel Officer in the next succeeding payroll. A~TZCLE iX RECORDS OF EMPLOYER Section to PERFOrmanCE P~.TZNGS - Performance ra~ngs for employees in the classified service shall be filed with.~ ~ ~ /every slx ~on~ns. the Personnel Officer by the Department mea~s~ ~ =opy oz such performance rating shall also be given to the employee in order that he may know whether o~ not his work is satis£ factory. - 27- Section 2. VACATION YE~'~z~ ~ ~ ~-~.~- ~acn full-time employee who has served one (~' full _ ~ veer er more w!l be granted two (2) calendar weeks of vacation with pay annually. A~ount of vacation to be taken is .......... ~ ~ _ e=~=~.:~.ec by the nunfoer of months worked in the previous calendar year. Vacation leave mav~ be ........ ~:=~: as earned, subject to the approval of the Department Head who shall schedule vacations so as to meet the ..... ~- ope~_ng requirements of the~epar-' ~men~=. Employees may accrue vacation leave to the maximum of leave earned in one year. Vacation leave may not be accumu- lated from year to year. !t is mandatory -~ ~ ~n~ all such iezve earned during any one calendar ,!ear be taken within the same calendar year or the vacation leave will be declared forfeit° In the event an employee has been unable to take advantage of earned vacation meave wz=n the result that he has accumulated the maximura for a calendar year he may, with the approval of une ==~a~men~ Head and proper notice to the City Y~nager, absent himself from work in order to prevent loss of vacation leave. Provisional, temporary and part-time employees shall not be entitled to vacation leave with pay. Regular employees who have completed one (i) year or more of service shall, upon leaving the City service, be compensated for vacation leave accrued to date of separation. = 30 - Vacation assignments will be made in order of preference of the ~-~ptoyees if and ~d~.en, in the opinion of the Sul;er- visor or Depa~L~n~ servzce requ'_rements will permit Supervisors or Department Xeads shall submit vacation sched- ules for t?~-zlr employees to the City .2~nager for approval and such schedules may be ~,' ~ .... s~os~ to change by the City ~.~anage~. Vacation pay will be for the normal rate of pay for a work week. it is mandatory that each empmo.fee in the classified ser- vice who has earned vacation leave during any one calendar year absent himself from work and acLual!y take such vacation. Employees who nave served ten ~.0) y. ears or more shall be entitled to one (1) a TM ' = ~emtzon~i week of paid vacation leave per calendar year. Section 3. SiCK LEAVE - Each employee ~ the classified service shall be ~? ~s a~zow~c a maximum of twelve (12) work days of sick leave per calendar year. Sick leave shall be gra~ted to employees at the rate of one (!) working day for each month of service, except when an employee has less than six {6) days accumulated sick leave, he shall be granted only 1/2 days pay for each day of sick leave taken. Such leave shall be computed on a calendar year basis and may ~ accm-aulated to a total of sixty (60) days. Sick leave shall not be considered a right which an employee may use at his ~s .... ' .... ~ ~ c.e~zo~ but r~he_ as a privilege which shall be allowed only in case of personal sickness or disability~ legal quarantine because of exposure to contagious disease, or in the case of ~z±~ess within the immediate family. No more than five (5) working days in any calendar year may be taken because of sickness within the immediate family. Zn order to be granted sick leave with pay an employee must meet the following conditions:., (a) Notify his i~aeediate superior not later than two (2) hours after the beginning of the scheduled work day of his reason for absence; or within lesser limits if required by the Department Head. (b) File a written request for sick leave on the form and in the manner prescribed° if the absence is for more than three (3) consecutive work days, the employee must submit a medical certificate signed by a physician stating the. kind and nature of the illness or injury, .... ~nau the employee has been incapacitated for service during the period of absence, and that he is again able to perform his duties. - 31- P~ such memzca± examznatzon or inquiry which The City deems desirable. {d) Sick leave shall no-c be used for any purposes ex- cept the reason stated above and ciasa!nd sick leave when physically fit shall be cause for discharge. Employees serving a probationary period on an original ~epozn~en~ shal~ accrue sick leave privileges in accordance with this section. in computing sick leave only those months shall be counted during which an employee has woz~med ~'~nr~e-q~ar~ -~'~'-~rs {3/4) or more of nz~ regular work days Au'~aorized leave of one ~i) or more days duration will be ............ ~ g~n~ee em~±ovees ~eszrmng -ahem for ~ersonai reasons when, in the opinion of .....~ Department Head or Supervisor, service requirements ~sermit. Employees taking such leave will be given the option of talcing the leave without pay or being paid for the leave and having such time deducted from their annual vacation leave. Section n. L~AVE n~v .... ' PAY - .... ~ - meave with pay may be authorized in order that regular employees may serve required jury duty. (a) D~ATH iN THE Pz~%[iLY - in case of death of the employee's mother, father, foster-parents, brother, sister, wife, husband, son: daughter, mother=in-law, father-in-law, grandparents, or grandchildren, the employee shall be allowed reasonable and necessary time to attend the funeral° (h) ON ~ Tr~ JO~ IN~JRY - 5~enever an employee is compelled to be absent from duty because of an injury deter- mined to be compensable under the provisions of the Work- - 32- lay-off and the date ~ such _~y-o~, oecomes effective. Such w;-itten notice to the em~io,,ee should precede actual lay-off ~ ~ wo (2) weeks if possmo_~, and in no case should less than one {i) week elapse between notice of lay-o and the date such lay-off ~g.~.s{-~. · ~ae much-aGe in his written report a The Depar-d~ent ~--~ '~ shall ' statement whether, : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ opinion~ the employee subject to lay-off shou_m be re-empioved _ ~ . ~ a future vacancy in the classification exists." The Personnel Officer shai then enter on the appropriate re-empiolmment list for the classification, the names of the employees he considers suitable for re-emplo!~aent, based on the recox~endations outlined above, on his own records, and on the desires of employees who are willing to be re-employed when such vacanies exist. PROCEDURE Section ~ ~. POLICY - ~ sn~±± be a policy of the City of Bovnton~ Beach to ~Drovide a procedure for the p~en~a~zon and mutual adjustment of ~oints of disagreement which arise between '-~ ~ ~ empmoye~s and their su~oervisors, and to assure em- ployees -~ ...... - ...... ~' ~ ~nezr problems aha co~N~zn~s will be considered fairly, rapidly and without reprisal. (a) PURPOSE - ~e primary purpose of this grievance procedure is to determine ~'~-r~,~.s.~ is right, rather .... ~n~n ~0 is right~ Free discusszon o~w~ eme!ovees and supervisors ....... ~ .... "- ~' by both of the practices, will lead to a oe~e~ policies and procedures which affect employees. This will serve to identify and _ ne±p ~m~e conditions which may cause misunderstanding and grievance~ ~ae purpose is de- feated if a spirit of conflict ........ =~ into the consideration of a grievance. Supervisors and employees alike must realize and recognize the true purpose of the grievance procedure if it is to be of value in promoting the well-being of the organization. (b) DEFiNiTiON OF A GRiEV}~CE - k grievance is a complaint: a view, or an opinion pertaining to employment or working conditions, including grievances arising from suspension, demotion or dismissal; to relationships between an employee - 36- made within five (5) working days, the employee may have his grzevance submitted to 'the City Council, provided that such grievance does not ~erta-~ to ~' dismissal. ' it shall be ti. duty of -- _ -~,~ ~y ~oul.c_~ after carefully weighing ail facts centalned in 'the employee's writuen state- ment of grievance ~-~ ~-~n~ reached by his Sui~rvisor' Department Xead, the Personnel Officer, and the Cm~/ Manager, to judge each case fa{r~v and iraeartiailv, solely on the merits of the evidence ~resented. After reaching a ~ ~ .... ~ ' G~_s_o~ · . _ s~a~ pre- senn such deciszon in writing to the City Manager, the employee, and ~ ' · · . ~- other parmmes mn the actzon, and this declslo~, the City Council ~ ~ ~ of .... ~m be final in all cases except -~ ~ ' ~ose wnzcn concern the emeloyee's suspension, demo- tion or dismissal. Should the em-oiovee~s com-o!a~nt arise from his suspen- sion, memotion or m~s.,.s~ z'c sna±~ not se referred to the C_~y Cc~_.cz~, but sha~l De zrP~,edzatei~ referred b ~ - ' ment Plead to the City Manager. Y y ~ne Depart- --. ~y Manager snaz~ maxe a thorough investigation of the grievance and shall make his decision within five (5) working days. Zf the decision of the City P~nager is not satisfactory to the emp!oyee~ he may file a written request for a hearing before the Civil Service Appeals Soard in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Appendix attached to these Rules and Regulations. "OMIT ENTIRE ARTICLE" - 38-