R67-URESOLUTION NO. 67-U WHEREAS, The Road Planning Committee of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida will present to the State Road Department its recommendations regarding 1-95 Interchanges and Grade Separations at a Special Meeting to be held on the 26th day of October, 1967, and WHEREAS, said recommendations were accepted at a Special Meeting of the City Council on the 25th day of October, 1967; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, hereby authorizes Mr. Henry E. Thompson, Chairman of the Road Planning Committee to present to the State ii Road Department recommendations as set forth in said report, and which is made a part of this resolution together with attachment and map. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th day of October, 1967, A.D. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (Seal) City Clerk By: Michael V. Mich. ael, Mayor Thom~ A. Summ~s.~ Vic~e. Mayor ~GmX~'ber't ~ins, Counci~an Leonard E'. Nylund, Q~uncilman Clyd~ Wo~rell, gr., ~uncilman REPORT OF CITY ROAD PLANNING COMMITTEE TO: City Manager, Fmyor and City Councilmen SUBJECT: 1-95 Interchanges and Grade Separations Because of the recent step-up in time schedule ordered by Govenor Kirk for the completion of 1-95, County and State Road officials had asked the City to be ready at an early date with proposals for 1-95 Interchanges and Grade Separations. Fortunately, the State Road Dept. has indicated to our County Engin- eer, George Frost and our County Commissioner, George Warren, that our 15th Ave. South has been accepted in planning for an Interchange. Likewise, 23rd Ave. South has been accepted in planning for a Grade Separation. Of course, it necessarily remains to have 15th Ave. completed Westward to at least Congress Ave. prior to construction programming of 1-95. Two principle recommendations are required from the City. No. 1 requires that we decide between 22nd Ave. North and 17th Ave. North for a Grade Separation. Secondly, the State Road Department has been looking with some disfavor at the traffic congestion problem which they feel may develop at the proposed 2nd Ave. interchange site across the street South from the Boynton Beach Jr. High School location. Accordingly, they have asked the City to make recommenda- tions for a different type of interchange perhaps or at least to be firmly resolved as to what the City wants in the form of an inter- change for 1-95 in this general area. The main part of this report will be delivered to you gentlemen verbally, but in brief, the following is the official recommendation of the City Road Planning Committee, after having a study made by its 1-95 Sub-Co~Littee, chairmaned by Mr. George Wilde: The Committee recom,~ends that 22 Ave. North be utilized as a Grade Separation for 1-95 rather than 17th Ave. North. They further recommend that 22nd Ave. be extended Westward to Congress Ave., the right of way being assured by the owners and developers of the land west of the Seaboard tracks to Congress Ave. Because this road will then skirt the northern boundaz7 of our Industrial Park area, it is further recommended by your City Road Planning Com~ittee that it would be urgently necessary to provide access to this indus- trial park area by extending Industrial Ave. from its southern Page extremity at N.W. 2nd Avenue, Northward and across the Boynton Canal by bridge and thence Northerly continuing through the industrial park area until it intersects 22nd Ave. North in its new proposed extension to Congress Ave. This will accom- plish another North-South road bridging the Canal and will tie together two existing industrially zoned park areas which are inaccessable one to the other because of the Canal. It will also protect with proper road access and egress existing industrialist, Curt Joa, Inc., who is well qualified and prepared to assist us in bringing additional nationallyknown industry into this area if this road exists. Likewise, it provides an outstanding grid pattern for industrial develop- ment in our North-west sector TO INCLUDE THE PROPOSED LOCATION OF A LANDING STRIP FOR AIR FREIGHT DELIVERY. The City Road Planning C?mmittee further recommends, as[er drawing attached, that 1-95 be elevated over both Ocean and N.W. 2nd Ave. and that the congested Cloverleaf pattern presently planned east of the Seaboard Railroad tracks and eastward to in front of the Boynton Jr. High School be changed to accomodate existing roads whichwould empty onto Ocean Ave. and access roads to 1-95 from 2nd Ave. North. It is further recommended that neither 2nd or Ocean Avenues at this time be made One-way streets but that this should be a consideration in future years as the increased contemplated traffic flow developes toward its projected 1985 20,000 cars a day total. It is recommended that traffic flow be maintained in both directions on these two Avenues and it is felt that this will accomodate proper road control for many years. It is speci- fically recommended that the southern access road to 1-95 be placed West of the Seaboard tracks and further that it be ramped upward and over the Seaboard tracks so as to eliminate traffic conjestion and blockage at this point. This concludes the report of your City Road Planning Comaittee with the exception of the fact that must be pointed out that regardless of our recommendations to the State and County Road officials on Thursday, October 26, 1967, the fact remains that 15th Ave. South and 22nd Ave. North in their Westward extensions will have to be constructed prior to the construction of 1-95. This matter requires serious consideration of our City Council together with full coopera- tion, which has already been offered by the County Co,~.,isstoners and County Engineer towards accomplishing the financing and construction of said roads, Respe~//s /~enry E~ Thompson, Chairman