6001 - 6004 WHEATLEY CTaddress: 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004 Wheatley Court Legal: Bldg. 60 - Units A thru B WELLESLEY AT BOYNTON BEACH 08-43-45-07-08-000-060~ thru 0604 Control # Allowable Coverage % Set Backs - Side____.~Side Allowable Height Lot Area Fr._ Structure Height Use: Zone: Sewer: Water: Impact: R FFE: .... F1Z: BFE: Floors par.~No,, Storioe_....__Ty~e Oooupnnoy ,, ..... . .... Aype uonstruction ....... -"-."r~'- . - ~ ~ ~=a t ) No Electric ~hut Off Location ....... ~"~ Nearest Hydrant "(, Roof Access Contractor 'Architect Own e-------L--r ~ Issue Permit Date Ho Final luation Date Purpose addr~ss: 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004 Wheatley Court l,egnl: Bldg. 60 - Units A thru D WELLESLEY AT BOYNTON BEACH 08-43-45-07-08-000-0601 t. hru 0604 Control # , Allowable Coverage % Set Backs - Side.. Side Fr. Allowable Height Lot Area ' Structure tlolght R Use: Zone: Sewer: Wa ter: Impact: FFE: -F1Z: BFE: ?1 oors pn ~, .~fFr~N°" Type C'6'ns truct ton Elevator ( ).Yes--( )' No Nearest Hydrant Electric Shut Off Location '~- , '",', Roof Access Located ~ Issue Date Permit No Contractor Stories ---.. Type Oooupnnoy ........ ,-- , ~ype ~oo't --- , _ .... ~-_. llaznrdous Stet.go ....... S~a'~dp-Tpos ( ) ¥~'('-~ ~% ,Lo~ation ..... '-~o'T'o:t Units - ...... Owner Valuation Fee Architect Location of Stairs Final Date Purpose it. LOT ~oO~, , ACCOrDInG ~3 ~ P~T OF ~LE~ AT ~ B~, ~ R~D~ IN p~T ~ ~6, AT SU~ -~ RI~F-~AI' ~' AND ~ OF R~D. ELEq~T l~ ~TES ~F~ TO N.~.V.D.o ~ ~E L~ATED AT CENT~iM INTERSECTI~ ~ ~ TRACT ~'~ ~E~Y R~O AT ~YOEN fl~D ~OT I~ CLU O~ ~ ~ ~' I~ ~. OO' · 'LOT . i~ooI LOT ,60 O (l~lOl INCLUOf:D) ,.~ ..? 150UNDAP,¥ SU ~/E::'I" ~OR 15U1~6 ~- DIWOSTA COl~,POl~./~T%Olq LAWSON. NOBLE & ASSOCIATES, LNC. ENGII',EERS Pt.A/'~qERS SI,~VEYORS 420 COtUMaiA DR. wEST PALM B/lAC, H, FLORIDA 33409 PH: {407) 684-G6~6