Minutes 08-14-26 //EETI//~ 01~ A~UST 14th, 19£6. A SPeOla! Adjourned ~eeting of the ~O~d of Oo~ssioner of the ~o~ of Boynton' ~lorlda, of the T~n of Boynton, Florida,. on Sat~Aay Mornl~ ~4.th,..~9S6, at 10:00 o,elOek A. M. Present: 'R. O. Myers, ~or Harry Bensom, ~iee-~a E. L. Winuheeter,To~erk . The ~eeting was held for the purpose of henri plaints, ,if any, regard~nm +=_ _ ng P ~ '"~ eqalaAty of the ASs on Real and ersonaI Pro e ' essment for ~he ]fear 1~26. P ~Y for levying of ~o~ ~axes 2here bei~ no perso~ present to enteroomplaints, the meeting adjoined ~tll Au~ 16th, at 10:00 A.