Minutes 09-07-26A ReEul~ ~eetimg of the '~oard of Commiesioners of a~T. own o~ ~oynton, Florida. was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boy~ton, Florida. on TUesday evening, at ?:S0 o ' e Look P. '-' September Present: R. ,0. ~era, ~arry ~enson, E..~o li~oheater: ~h~ ~ove constituting the enti~ Board~ '~.~iesionere Of the Town of ~oynton, Florida. ~ ,,~.¥ Linutes o£ a Regular Meeting of 'August l?th.-Yore .- ~. ~f,, ~.. - , . - i,',inuteS of an Adjourned Meeting of ~g~t 'l?th, ~eld ~A~o~ 1Sth, were read and approved. L~inutes .of a Spec~l Meetiag.of A.~ust 21st, were .., ~" ' :/' L~inutes of a Speoial Meeting of August Zlst were ~ad :~d, approved. ~'.. ,.' ~ Minutes of a Special Meet~g.ef,~ptenber ~~-'~' ~ad'),~d approved. . Re~o~u~ion was passe~ ordering the following ~o ~e ~i~ ou~ of ~heir respective f~s: Inc. One Officer's Cap 3.50 .ori~ 2ov,~r =: Lt. Co. ~leo~rie Service for the ~ ' ~onth of August. Power · ,~ , - : L,;e~er ~o. 116, ~ower ~eter · . No. 117 A Eleotric Servioe for h[ont~ of Aug. 100 ¢.P.~h~te ~ay. Lts 5~ orida 'Power Electric Service fo~ Month _ of Aug.. L£ght-at the Sail · t~ta at Town Hall Fire Siren, Fire Dept. 11.24 3.75 .Water Dept. Town of ~oynton. Dixie Garage Ocean City Water Ward ~. killer, Inc. Nutting Filli~ Sra. .Dr. N. M. Weems Mc0oy and-Finch Lumpkins Pharmacy ~oynton Progress E. E. Durrance La~e Worth Herald Water used By r&wn during the Month of Aug. Water b~e& by Beach Pavilion. Water maedby Jail 17[77 'Gasoline, 0il, RePairs, Tire and Pubes used by Police Dept, Gasoline, and 0il ue~ l~y Sanitary Dept. for Month .Gas for Water Dept meed Month of A~gust. "~ 1."~ the Month of August. Grading ~inicipal Park Tire,'Tubes, Labor, ~atte~y, Gas, and oil used by~'P01ice Dept. for Month of August. Medical attention to Johm Brown, Sma$$pox patient - Legal Services for July end August. 802.,0~ '-46.40 One Westclox ~ig con Olock ., "~ for Town Hall '4,$0 Publishing of Street Assessms~tS 45£j[~' Publishing of Sewer Resolution 87.00 ~oving House off Palmeeto St. 2000 Tax Not ice Slips 500 Tax Sales Certificates ~each Mercantile Co. 2 Snaths, '2 scythe Blades, ~rass Pump, A R.R.Picks, 4 ~ick Handles, 8 scoops & Grif£ith,Inc SO.O0 10.00 10.00 51,80 25.55 1 $6 Wheel Style E Bates, ~o. machine, 1 jar Cico paste. 1 box legal size ruled paper.~ box legal size plain paper ~alv. Iron, '~x~ f:l;, 6 hose washers, i s~gtha Stone, 1 AXe ~oynton'Lbr. 0o. Wm. ~. Somerville Austin Bros. silver Grill Cafe City Garage 1 gal oil, 1 - 1 gal Jug, .file, 10" file, 7' lx8 O.Cyp. lx~ O. Oyp. To Rs-emburse ~etty Cash 6 shovels Meals for Prisoners from July 19th, to Sept. 5tk. Gasoline for Fire Dept. Gasoline and Oil for Water Dep.t 3.83 4.14 10.20 22.05 2.61 The following Petition was reoeive~ an~ ~d: We, the undersigned ~embers of the Wo~a~S~ Olub of , Florida. hereby petition the Honorable ~oar~ of To,lm3. -.Commissioners .to pave the Dixie aighway the full width ~n the .East side in front of the Womans; Club b%,ilding, that is, UP- ~,t'o the curb on the East side of the Dixie Mighway in front of womans' Club bmilding. / , in addition to the paving of the ~ixie EighwaF as aid; we further petition the monorable ~oard of Town $oners to construct the fiecessary cement sidewalks on West side as well as on the South side of the Womans' Club, ng. In considerati,on of the honorable ~oard of Town · ommmssmoners executing the work aforesaid, the Womans' Club ~f ~oynton, ~'lorida, will convey eighteen (18) feet of the rty, owned by the Womans' Club to the /'own of purpose of extending the width of the Dixie for ~rs. V. G. Weaver Annie Shepard Abby G.Ooon Emuice E. Magnuson ~rs. ~. L. Winchester Emm& H, Zimmer Nellie Zimmer Emma MacKay Agnes Dessauer N~s. Clara White '~rs..'D. S. ~udson ' Beatrice Benson Annie Lee Mrs. Alice Enuth Anna Z. ~eredith Mrs. Frandes Stitts Upon motion marls by Oo~nissiome~,.r Winchester, seconded by Commissioner Benson and duly carried the above petition from the Womans's Club'of Boynton, Florida, was ordered tabled until .-such time as the Town CommisSion coul'~ confer wi~h the Committee h~ving charge of the grounds amd buildings of the Womans' Club o~ .Boynt on. Upon motion made by Commissioner ~[yers secomded bi Commissioner Benson, the f~llowing resolution was duly adopted:- .BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Boynton enter~ contract for the construction of the necessary street crossings and' across the tracks of the Florida East Coast Railway ., .at Central Boulevard and Park Avenue and charge the of .constructing said street crossings to the ~lorida East R~i lway 0omp~y. ~ An ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE of the Town of Palm Beach County, State of Florida, fixing the aggregate of a proposed issue of bonds of said Town, in the sum of Emudred Thousand Dollars [$~00,000.00), to be issued by the of ~oynton, -Florida, fixing the denomination ~f bon~,~ fixing the rate of interest; the purpos~ for which the monies to be derived therefrom shall be expended; fix~_ng the time when said bonds shall be payable; providing for and creating a sinking fund .and interest assessment 'for meetin~ and dischargimg the principal- and interest of said bo~ds;, providing for' a bond form and Am- nomination of said bonds; providing for a bond of the T:easurer, its amount,' conditions .and approval; providing ~or a separate' account of each bond issued, showing the number and ameunt of~ bonds issu6d, the receipts therefrom and the ~isbu~.$ement's cf:~he proceeds thereof" was, upon motion regularly made l~y~0ommissio~e~ ~enson+ seconded by Commissioner Winchester and mmanimcmsly carried, placed upon it s second reading and t,herempcn the sai~ '6rdinance was read in full for the second time. Commissioner 'Harry Benson thereupon moved the adoption :of the following,resolution: WHEREAS, an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF TEE TO~N of Boyn~on Pal~ Beach County, tats of Florida, fixing the aggregate amount of a proposed issu~ rf bonds of said ,Town, in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand DolXa~j 0 000~00), to be issued by the ~own .of ~oyntma, ~lorlda; ~ixing he denominat ion of said bonds and place of payment; providing f~or bonds to be coupm~-honds; fixing the rate of interest; the >ose~for which the monies to be derived therefrom shall be )ended; fixing the tiKGe when said bonds shall be payable; pro~! ~ for and creating a sinking fend, and interest asSeSSment,~ ~ meeting and discharging the principal and interestS-icl providing for a bond of the Treasurer, its amount, conditions and approval; providing for a separate account of each bond issued, showing the number and amount of b nde issued, the receipts therefrom and the disbursements of the proceeds thereof." has been placed mpon its firs~ and second readings and read in full, and Whereas it is deemed advisable and to the best in- terests of-the Town o~ Boynton, that such ordinance be amended as hereinafter provided. NOW TE~EEi~0RE, be it resolved that such ordinance be amended in the following respects and particulars, viz: That sub-division C. of Section 1 be stricken from such ordinance ,and that the following be inserted in lieu thereof: "(c). One ;~undred Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000.00) for the pu~rpose of opening, widening and paving the streets and sidewalks for an'd within t'he said town:" l~Arther, that paragraph (c) in the form of bond pro- vided in Section ? of such ordinance, to-wit: (c). One Hundred Fifty T.housand DOllars ($150,000.00) for the purpose of opening, widening 'and paving the s~'reets and sidewalks for and within the said to~n; stricken therefrom and that the following be inserted in lieu ',thereof: "(c). One Hundred Forty Thouland Dollars ($.140,000.00) for the purpose of opening, widenin~ and pavin~ the streets and sidewalks for and within the szid town '~mrther, that sub-division D of Section 1 of such (d). One Eundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for the purpose of erecting public buiidings within and for the use of said town; be stricken .therefrom and that the following be inserted in lieu the'z'eof: ."(d).' One Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars($llO,O00.O0) for the purpose of erecting public buildings within and for the use of said town, to-wit; the sum of Forty Thousand .Dollars ($40,000.00') thereof to be used for the purpose of erecting, building and constructing a t own.-., hall for' · the use ~nd benefit of such town of ,oynton and the re- sid$nts 'and inhabitant's thereof; Seventy Thousand Dol- lars ($?0;000.00) thereof to be used for the p~rpose of erecting, constructing, furnishing and equiping a pa- villion ba~hing establishment for the use and benefit of the said tow~. of Boynton and the residents and in- habitants thereof". Further that paragraph D in the from of bond provided in Section ? of such ordinance, to-wit: Id). Ona, Hundred Thousand Do]_lars {$100,000.00) for the purpose Cf erecting public buildingsw~thin and for the use of said town; be stricken therefrom and that the fo' lowing be inserted in lieu thereof: "(d). One Hmudred Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,O00.O0) for the purpose of, erecting public buildings within and for 'the m~e of~'~iSei~ town, to-wit; the ~ of Forty Thc,~sand 'Dollars -(.$40,000.00) ther.eof to 'be'ased for the pur- pose of erecting, building and constructing a town hall for the use and benefit os such town of Boynton and the residents and in habitants thereof; Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) thereof to be used fo~ the purpose of erecting, constructing, furnishing and equi~g a pa~lion or bathing establishment for the use aud benefi~ of the said '~own of ]~oynton and the residents and ishabitants thereof". t'"AN ORDINANCE OF THE 2OWN of Boyn~on; 2a~m Beach Oounty, State of Florida, fiximg the aggregate amount of a proposed issued of bonds of said Town, In the sum of Fiv~ Hundred Thousand Dollars [$500,000.00), to be issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida; ~iXing the denominat%on of said bonds and place of payment; providing for said bonds :to be coupon bonds; fixing the ra$.e of interest; the purpose for which the monies to be Aerived there- from shall be expended; fixing the time when said bonds shall be~ payable; proyiding for and creating a sinking . fund, and ~lnterest assessment for meeting and discharging .... the-priz~Oipal and interest of said bonds; prescribing the form and denominat£on of said bonds; .providing for a bond of .the Tre:~s~rer~ its amount, conditions .and approvali providSng for a separate account of each bond issued, show- lng the number and amount of bonds issued, the ree$ipt~ therefrom and the disbursements of the proceeds thereo~," shall with all corrections and amendments, read as follows: AN ORDINANCE of the Town of Bo~nton, Palm Beach 0ounty, State of Florida, fixing the aggregate amount of a proposed issue of b'onds of said Town, in the sum of Five ~t~ndred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00), to be issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida'; fixing the denomination of said bonds and place of payment; providing for said bonds to be coupon bonds; fixing the rate of interest; the purpose for which the monies to be derived therefrom shall be expended; fixing the time when said bonds shall be payable; p~o- riding for and creating a sinking fund, and interest assessment for meeting and discharging the principal and interest of said bonds; prescribing the 'form and Aenomination of sai~ bonds; p.ro- vid ng for a bond of. the Treasurer, its amount, conditions and approval; providing for a separate account of each bond iss~ed, showing l~he number and amount of bonds issued,' the receipts there- from and the disbursements of the proceeds thereof. WHEREAS the Town 0ommission o~ the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach,. 0ounty,. Florida., 'd~emS it necessary, aGvisable and to the best interests of the said town and the inhabitants thereof to iSsue e~onds of said t~wn in tbs total aggrsgate amount of ~ive. H6ndred Thousand Dollars ($600,0,~0.00) for the purposes hereinafter named; NOW 2EEREFORE~: · E zT ORDAINED by the Town Commission of the Town of ~Oynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That the i'own Commission of the Town of? on, Palm Beach Oou~ty,.Florida, deems ~t necessary, ad- le and to the best interests of the said Town and the in- s thereof to issue bonds of said Town inthe total aggre- ~e amount of l~ive ~u~dred Thousand Dollars ~$$00,000.00~ for' t he follow~ ~ ~e purpo se :'% Thousand Dollars ~$75,000.00) for ex~ending and improving the water works system within ~-axid'.for sai:d town; (b) OThir~-X~Ve Thousand Do!lar~'($3~.O00.O0) for ' · the ~arpose of e~.'~, constructing ~d improving the electric light and ligh'i~.'~'~ for and within said ~ .:..:.~.~ ($ o,ooo,oo) fo ~he pu~ose of opJi~; wi~ening, an~ pavi~ the s~ree~a and sidewalks for ~d wi~hi~ ~he s~id to~; ~ for the purpose of erec$~ng public buildi~ within ~d for the use of said te~, to-wit; the s~ of ~erty T~o~d Dollars ~0,000.00) thereof ~e be used for the purpose of erecting, building ~ constrmc~g a Zown hall for ~he mae and ~enefi$ 0f such t~ of Bo~tb~ ~d the residents and inhabiters ~hereo~; Seventy Thous~d Dollars ($~0,000.00) thereof ~o b, used for ~he pmrpose ~recting, eons$~ing, furnishing a~ equipim~ a villion bathing esSa~ltm~nt for the use ~d benefit of the maid' to~ of Boston ~d?~he residents and inhabitants thereof ~e) Eighteem ~oussnd Dollars ~$1~,000.00) for purpose 0f ref~di~ om~sSanding indebte~ess of the said ~f). One Emndred ~enty ~o ThomA~d Dollars ~$1~2,000. for the purpose of acquiring, opening, constructing and maintain- ing parks, ~promenades and pl~y gro~ds within and for said ~ . ~'~ ~eetion E. ' That said bonds shall ezch be in the de omina~ion of ~e Thous~ :Dollars ($1,000.00) and shall be ered from one (1) ~e~ve hundred ~$00) No~h inclusive; that · by the Treasurer of ~a~i~ Town of Bo County, Florida; tha~,.~eaid bon&s shall bear interest ~e~po~s to be .signed by the~ fac-si~ile signature 'of~ ::Treasurer cf..said shall bear inSet, est at the ra~e of six-pe~ eent,:~6%~ per ~, payable semi-~ally, en the~first ~ays ,el-April ~of each. ~d every ye~, c~encl~ on the first ~ay of A. D. 1925, ~d that the principal ~d i~erest of a~id ~Shall be-payable in .Gold C.oin o~ the 'Un~te.d o'f the present ~.t~andard ,of weight ~ f~.os Hatioml Ba~ in the 01ty of Jew Yor~, or a~ 'thj~°ff~ce ~e T~ Treasurer o~(~2~e To~ of~.Bo~toa,. '~~ea~h Florida, at 't~~i0~ of the hol~er thereof. section"3. ~hat said bonds e~il Bear ~ate of 0ctobe~ 1st, A. D. 1~6 ~ ~hall bee~ due~ ~paYable ~in ~erical orAer as onds numbered from 1 .to.;-XO inclusive' in denomination ef ~,000.00,e~'eh, t;o:'.beoom~ d~e ~to~er 1, "19~1t ~.-. Bonds ~bered froz ll to ~1 inclusive in denozinati~n of $1,000.00 each,-to ~eco~e ~ue October ~1, 19Z~ "~ onds n~bere~ from 21 to Z0 ~olusi~e in ~enomi~tion 1,000.00 each,, to become due October 1, 193~; ..  o~ n~bered ~ro~ 31 to 40 Inclusive in denozi~tion of ,~.00 e~h, to Become due .October 1, 193A~ Bonds n~bered froz 41 to 50 inclusive in deno~'inat io~ $1,000.00 ',each, to beco~ ~ue October 1 1935; .Bonds n~bered f~om 51 to 60 inclusive in ~ozination $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, 19~6~ ~on~e ~bered fro~ 61 to 70 inclusive in denomination $1,000,00 each, to become due October 1, 193~; ~onds n~bere~ ~rom 71 to 80 l~clusive in ~enoztnation ~1,000.00 each, to. Become due October 1, 19~8; to lOO ~1;000.00 each, to become due im denomination of obu, t,- 1940 Bonds numberer f~om 101 to 120 incl~taive. $1,000.~ each,, to become ~ue October Bonds n~bered from ~21 to 140 inol~sive $1,000.00 each,-to ~oome due October Bonds numbered from 141 to 160 inclusive ~ .lenomt~tton' of $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, 194Z; Bon~s numbered from 161' to 180 inclusive in denomination of $1,000.00 each, to, become Sue October 1, Bonds numbered from 181 to 200 lncl~ai~e An 4.enomination of $1,ooo.oo .ach, to b,com. -oct-o. ,r' on~ n~bered from 201 to 228 inel.~i~e. :~:~lene~tl~n of $1,000.00 each, 'to beco~ due Octob~r'l, 1~65 : Bonds numbered from ~9 to 256 inol~iw~ ia ~emomination ef $1,000.00 each, to become due October.l, 1~471 Bonds numbered from 257 to ~84 t~elmsive {a.denomination of $1,000.00 each~ to become due ~ctober 1, 1948; Bonds numbered, frOm ~85 to Zli lacluslv~ tm denmmtnati°n.ef :~ $1,000.00 each; to become Aue October i, 1949~ Bonds numbered from 313 to S40 inclusive in ~enominatlon $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, 1950; ~nds..numbered frogS41 to ~72 lnolmsive ,~ &e~omination of $1,000.00 eaeh,-t° Become due October 1, 1951; - Bonds numbered fro~ 37~ to 404 inclusive in denomination $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, onds numbered from 40~ to 4~6 inclusive in~idenominat'~on of 1,000.00 each, to bec mss ~Ue October 1, Bonds numbered from 437 to 468 inclusive in denomination of $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, 1954; Bonds numbered from 469 to 500 inclusive in denomination of $1,000.00 each, to become due October 1, 1955; Section 4. Tbs{ there shall be levied, assessed and collected in each year while said bonds, or any of them, standing and unpaid and at the same time and in the same manner other taxes are levied, assessed and collected, a spec iai both real and pernonal, within said Town, and realize a sum Sufficient to 'meet and discharge the interest on said bonds as the same become due and also a sufficient sum to provide for a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds at ..maturity, that is to say; sa. ch taxes shall be' levied, assessed 'and collected in the sum, during the years specified as follows; t o-wit: L For the year 1926 - $30,000.00 For the year 1927 - ~30,000.00 l~or the year 1928 - ~35,000.00 For the year 1929 - ~5,000.00 l~or the year 1930 - For the year 1931 - ,400.00 For the year 1932 - 58,800.00 For the year 1933 - ~38,200,00 For the year 1934 - 'For the year 1935 - For the year 1936 - For the year 1937 - For the year 1938 - For the year 1939 - For the year 1940- For the year 1941 - For the year 1942 - For the year 1943 - For the ,year 1944 - For the year 1945 - For the year 1946 - ~'For the year 1947 - For t'he year 1948 - For the year 1949 - For the.year 1950 - For the year 1951 - For the year 1952 - For the year 195'3 - For the year 1954 ~ ',37,600. O0 ;37,000. O0 ;36,400. O0 ~35,800.00 ~35,200. O0 ;34,600. O0 ;44,000. O0 42,800. O0 ~41,600. O0 ~40,400. O0 ;39,200.00 ;46,000. O0 44,320. O0 ~42,640. O0 ~0,960. O0 ;39,280.00 141,600. O0 I39,680.00 ~37,760.00 ~35,840. O0 ~23,920.00 Section 5. That the Treasurer of said To~m of Boyn- ton, Palm Beach County, Florida, shall not sign any of Said bonds' u~til he shall have Siren a bond payable to the Town, prop~~:.~ conditioned, with sufficient surety, to be approved by the Town Commissioners, and' in an amount equal to the par value of saiA bonds, that h· will faithfully ~perform the duties o£ Treasurer with respect thereto. Section 6. That the Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach 0ounty, Florida, shall keep a separate account of each bond issue, shown in the number and amount of b rods issued, the receipts therefrom and the disbursements of the proceeds thereof. Section ?. That the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm ]~emch County, hereby p~escribes the form Of said bonds as follows: UNITED STATES'O~ AM~.RIOA STATE 0F FDORIDA COUNTY .0F PALM BEACH TOWN OF BOYNTON $1050 Numb · r Issue of 19~6 · '$1000 · N0W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, bY its Commission, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay the bearer hereof, the sum.of~0ne Thousand ($1,000.00) Do!lets on the first 'day of October, A. D. 19_ , with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October in each year upon presen- tation of the amnexed interest coupons as the same become due,. ~bOth principal and interest being payable in Gold Coin 'of the States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness, at the. Seaboard National'~ank in the 0ity of New ~,rk, State of New York. or at the office of the Town Trea- surer of the Town of Boynton, Palm BeaCh County, Florida. at the option.of the holder hereof. The principal of this bond and the interest thereon are payable from taxes to be assessed, levied and collected on all the taxable property within the boundaries'of ~he T~ of'Boyntom, Palm BeaCh 0ounty, Florida, an~ the 'fu!l faith 'and credit of the Town 0ommission of ~he ~Owm of ~oynton, Palm Beach Count~, Florida. are hereby pledged for the l~ayment of the principal and interest of this bond. 2his bond is eno of a series of five hundred (~00) bonds of like 'date, amount, tenor an~ effect, except as to ma, turity, aggregating ~ive Hundred Thousand Dollars ( $$00 . 000. 00) issued by the Town-of Boynton. Palm Beach County, F~orida. by its Town Commissioners for the following purposes, to-Wit: (a). Seventy-five Thousand Dollars $%5.000.00) for .t'he ~Purp0se' of constructing, extending and improving the water works system within amd for said town; (b). Thirty-five Thousand ($~,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of extending, constructing and improving the electric light and lighting system for and within said town; (c). One Hundred Forty Thousand ($1AO,O00.O0) Dollars, for the purpsoe of o~ening, widening and paving the streets and si~ewa!ks ~for and within the said town; ~d) Owe Handred ~en Thousand Dollars ltl10 000 00) ~ the purpose of erecting public buildings within and for of said ~o. wn, to-wit; the .,sum o~. l~ert, y Thousand Dollars ($40~000.00) thereof-to be used for the Pur'~ose of~erecting, building and constructing a town hall for ~the use and benefit of such town of Boynton and the residents a~l inhabitants thereof; Seventy Thousand· Do~lars ($?0,000.00) thereof to be used for the purpose of erecting, constructing, furnishing and equiping a pavillion bathing estsblishment for the use and benefit of the · said town of Boynton and the 'residents and i~habitants thereof. · (e). Eighteen, Thousand Dollars (SIS',000.00) for the purpose ef rei~xnding o~tstanding indebtedness of the said town; (f). One Hundred Twenty-two ThoUand ($122,000.00) Do~!ars for the purpose cf acquiring, opening, Constructing and maintaining parks, promenades and play grounds within and for said town; AzEI this bond is issued ander and in strict com- pliance with the provisions of the Oonstitmtion of the :State of ~lorida, and the Statutes~lof sai~ State, including, amoung .:0thers,:~mapter 8918, Laws ,f ~lorida, Special Acts of 1921, · .~and Pursuant to an Ordinance of the Town of Boyn~mu, Palm Beach cowry, Florida, duly adopted. It is hereby Certified, recited and declared that all acts, conditions and things, required by law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to and in the issuance o£.this bond, have existed, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the Town of 'Boynton, Palm Bezch County, Florida, does not ex- ced any limits l~lescribed by the Constitution or Statutes of , and that beT~ thL ~ssuance of this bond, 'V~'$io~ ~ !~ee'~' ~e. de 'by ordinane!e :i'bf the Town Commission of .. e:TeWn 'O~i :~:0Ynton, Palm Beach '0oUnty, Florida, to assess .y a tax upon the real and personal property within said of Boynton, to realize a sum sufficient to pay. the in- .Safest on this bond as it may become due, and to create a ~inkimg fund for ~he payment of the principal hereof at maturity. IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, the Tcwm of. Boynton, in Palm ~each 0ounty, Florida, by its Town Oommission has Caused this bond to be issued by each Commissioner, and the seal of said 'Town to be affixe'd hereto, countersigned~ by. the Treasurer of said Town, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached ~to be signed with the fac-simile signature of its Treasurer and this bond to be dated the 1st day af October, A. D. 1928. Member, Town ~ommtssion of 'Town of Boynton. Florida. ~ount ersi~$ned~: Member, Town Commission of Town of Boynton, Florida. ~reasurer, Florida. Town of BoYnton, Member, ToWn Oommission c~ Town of Boynton, Florida. ~That there' shall b~ attached to each bond, coupons for interest thereon for Thirty ~ollars ~$30.00) each, being Payable semi-amnually on the first days of April and October of each Year, which shall be tn the followin~ form, to-wit: No. - $ o.oo April On the first' day of October, 1~________, the Town .0Ommlseion.of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, :aud on behalf of said Town promises to pay to %he bearer :~$~0.00) ~ Gold Ce~ of the United Sta. ta~ o~ .' aboard National Bank in .the City of ~e.w York, ~tate of New or at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida. at the ot~ ion of the holder hereof, being six months interest then due o~. its bond dated October let, A. D. '1926, ~ayable from taxes 1: Be..assessed, l~vied and colledted upon all the taxable proper~ y within the boundaries' of said Town of' ~oynton, Palm ?~eac~ '~unty, Florida. No. Section 8. Boynton, Florida. Said bonds she bear the following an- dorsement $ "Validated .and confirmed, b: decree of the Circuit Court of theFifteenth Judicial Circu of the State o,f Florida Florida in and for']~alm Beach County,/rend~r~ . the day of A. "D. 1926. Oler~: of g~rcuit Court of the Flft,: ~nth Judicial Circuit ~of Flor.. Ia in and for Palm Beach Sectiong. That when said )onds shall have been axe- buted as her. einbefore provided and t ~ proper certificate of their Validation entered on the back there ' by the Clerk of the Circuit Court rendering the decree of valids [on and confirmation and the Same shall have been Sold, said bo:nd sha~l be, by the Treasurer of the said Town, delivered to the F, ~chaser or purchasers thereof, upon the payment by said purchas~ or purchasers of the pur- price agreed upon, to the ~1~ ,~cted, qualified and,acti Treasurer- ,..who shall give $~....aaid purchaser re- ceipt for the purchase money, which said receipt shall be to .She purchaser or purchasers full acquittance for said purchase money and the said'purchaser or purchasers shall not be required sea to the application of the same. ~:'.' Section 10. That aL1 ordinances, resolutions or orders or part of ordinances, resolutions or orders inconsistent or. in conflict 't~e~ewith be, and the same are hereby, rescinded and repealed, ~nd the orders herein contain&d shall go into effect .ten (10) days lfter the passage and a~option, thereof. This ordinance passed and aopted this', day of A. D. 1986. (-SEAL) 'AttesZ: Town Clerk Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach Oounty, ?lorlda. Be it fur~k,~~'' ,solVed that such.:or~inance, as amended, ~e placed upon its seoond and final reading. · . Commissioner Winchester seconded the motion for the adoptiOn of the above and :~oregoing resolution, and upon being ~put to a vote, the f~ilowing vote was had thereon: R. 0. Myers "Aye" Harry Benson "Aye" ' E. L. Winchester "Aye" Ther~uPonR. 0. Myers, ~ayor presiding, did ~lution to have been unanimously passed and adopted. " Thereupon the ordinance so amended by the foregoing !resolution was placed upon its second and fin~! reading and' was 'read in full, .as amended, the second tiem. Thereupon, Commissioner Harry Benson moved that ~e !a~ove and.foregoing mentioned ordinance~ as amended be passed and a !adop~ted as an ordinance ~ the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County', 'lo'ida; such motion was seconded by Commissioner Winchester upon being put to a vote the following vote was had thereon: ~. O. Myers "Aye" '.. Harry Benson "Aye" 'E. L. Winchester "Aye" ~pon, ~. 0. ~yers, Commissioner and Mayor presid%ng, did de- :l~re suc~ ordinance ~s amended to have been duly~passed and ~ted as an ordinance of the Town, of Boynton, in Palm Beach Florida. ~$n motion regularly made, seconded and unanimously carried, he~-Town OlerE wa9 instructed to immediately cause the ordinance ~i~ased and adopted as hereinbef~ mentioned to be published _ a we e~ f~ ~ L~e We newspaper publish, ed 'Zu t~e ?own of ~oynton, ~lori~a, an~ ~s thor ordered t~oe~ 'a cOpY of, s~ch~rtl~ce at the front ~o~r the To~ R~ll of the To~ o~ Boat. on. Co~issio~r ~rry intitled: ~ · '~ · ~ "AN ORDINANCE m~king a le~y upon all of the taxable ~roperty, ~real and personal, within the Town of Boynton, 2ale ~ach County, Florida, of a special tax f~r the p~rpose of pro- !iding an~ Interest and Sinking Fund monies to be used in the ~ent of interest and .retirement of principal upon the bonded ,bt' of the T~wn of Boynton and making a further levy upon the taxable property, both real' and personal, within the of Boynton of a general tax to provide for the general ~enditures and expenses of the Town of Boynton" ~e placed ~on its first and final reading. Commissioner Winchester seconded the motion for the ~ ~tion of the above and foregoi, ng, ~eing Ordinance $~ am~l ~on being put to a vote the following Was' had thereon: R. O. Myers Earry Benson- E. L. Winchester "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" 'E. O. Myers, ~yor presiding, did have been unanimously pa~sed andeadopted' declare such Ordinance There .being no i~rthe= business the meeting adjourned.