Minutes 09-10-2619~6 A Special ~[eeting of the Board of C°amissioners of the Town of Boynton, ~lorida, was held at the TOWn Hall of the 2own of BOYnton. ~lorida, on ~riday ~orning, September 10th, 1926, 10 ~'clock A. ~. du~y '~ Present: R.O. l~yers, Liayor Harry ~en,son, Vice-L'ayor E. Z. '~inehester, Town C! Th, above constituting ~h, en~ire Board of ionsrs of~th~ Town °f.Boj~nton, Florida. Upon mo~ion mad~ by C0~uis~oner Harry Benson, and hY CO~isSion~r R. 0. I~Yers, the following Resoluti adopted: BE IT EE$0L~D that the bid of M. E. ~;hite Constructi~ for the s~m of-$jg?',.558 ~0, for the furnishing. Of all ' material and P. lant, ~d the construction of street Pr~ovided for in a reso!u~ion of th~ ~o~ CO~issi~on, ~ ~he 6~h day of Augus't,~1926 be, ~d ~he s~ is h~reb '~ ~ the TOwn Co~ission is hereby authorized ~o ~nter in~o a bindi in accordance ~h~rewith, ~ ~hsre being no further business the ~Sting adjourned.