Minutes 11-19-27 (2)SPECIAL ~,iEETII'~G OF NOVEkBER 19th, 192V. · A Special ~,[ceting of the Board of Town Oomm£ssioners of thc Town of Boynton, Florida, was kela at the To~,n Hall of the To'~.n of Boynton, Florida, ~aturday ~fternoon, ~ovember 19th, A. D. 1927, at ~;30 o'cloc~ P. ~I. Present: ti. 0. ~[yers, ~layor Harry Bens on, Vice-~ayor g. L. Winchester,Town Clerk. The above constituting the entire ~oard of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida.' · Upon motion made'by Commissioner Barry Henson, seconded by E. L. Winchester, and duly carried, the following Ordinance ~88 Was placed upon its first reading. ¥~'HEREAS, heretofore and on the 7th day of ~eptember, ~. D. 1926, the Town Commission of the Town of ooynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, did pass and adopt an ordinance providing for the issuance of $500,O00.~0 of negotiable coupon · bonds of said Town, and which said ordinance was entitled: "Ali ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF b0YIiTON,PA~ GOUN%~Z, STATE 0F FL0kiDA,FLkING TRA AGGF~G~T~ Ai~O3N'£ OF A pROPOS~D IS.%0~i OF B0~D$ OF SAID T0~N, IN THE ~U~ OF FIVA HUNDkhD THOUSA~D DOLLARS ($5OO,OOO.O0;, TO BE OF BOYNTON, FLORIDA; FIAING THE DAN0~I~AT. I01q OF SAID BONDS AND PLACE OF pAY~EIIT; pROVIDING F0k SAID BONDS 'fO BE COUPON B0~DS; FIXING THh RATA 0F INTEREST; THE PURPOSE FOR ~,HICH THE ~0NIES TO BE' DERIVED THEREFRO~ SHALL BE EXPENDED; FiX- ING THE TI~E WHEN SAID BONDS SHALL BE PAYABLE; pROVIDING FOR aND CREATING A SINKING FOND, AND INTEREST A SSESS~ENT FOR ~IEETING AND DISCHARGING THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEHEST OR SAID BONDS; PRE- SCRIBING ~HE FOHM AND DEN0~IINATION OF SAID BONDS; PROVIDING FOR A BOND OF THE TREASUP~R, ITS AMOUNT, -CONDITIONS AND APPROVAL; PROVIiX NG FOR A SEPARATE ACCOUNT OF EACH BOND ISSUED, SHOWING THE NUMBER AND AMOUNT OF BONDS ISSUED, THE RECEIPTS THEHEFROM A3~D THE DISBURSEMENTS OF THE Pti0VEEDS THE~iEOF." And, 630: WHEkE-~S, out of and from the said $500,000.00 negotiable coupon bonds, $18,O00.O0 thereof was for the purpose cf reftmdlng outstanaing indebtedness of t~e said T~n; such outstanding indeb~edmess being ~18,UOO.O0 of special ~mprovement bonds of tho said Town of ~oynton, being a part of a total authorized issue of ~35,O00.'00, which oonds matured on 0ctcber 1, 1927, WHEREAS, the said $18,OOO.00 of improvement bonds aforementioned did mature and become payable on October 1, 192V; such maturity being prior to and before the sale of the $500,000.00 issue of bonds, or any portion thereof, and before any funds were available from the sale thereof. And, WHEREAS, to prevent a default in such bonds, it was necessar.v, deemed expedient and to be to the best interests of the said Town of Boynton to and therewas advanced or loaned from the general funds of the said ToWn of Boynton the sum of $18,O0~.00 for the payment of such special improvement bonds so maturing on October 1, 1927. And, WH~]REAS, such $18,000.00 special improvement bonds of the Sown of Boynton were paid out of an~ from the general frauds of such Town at the time of their matu~ity, to-wit, October l~ 192~. And, WHEREAS, $50,000.00 of the $500,000.00 issue of bonds aforementioned have been sold and a portion of such $50,000.00 so sold being the $1~,0OO.o0 of bonds issued for refunding purposes as aforesaid, o~nd, WHEREAS, the examining attorneys, Messrs. Thomson, ¥~'ood & Hoffman, advise that they cannot approve the validity of the issmance of the $1B,OO0.O0 of bonds so authorize~ to be issued for the purpose of refunding such outstanding indebtedness, for the reason that such bonds had been paid out of and from the general funds of the Town of Boynton, and such refunding bonds could not be issued for the purpose of repaying to the treasury moneys which had already been expendem in payment and satisfaction of such previous issue of bonds. NOW TH~kEF0ttE, BE I'£' 0k~ai~4bD oy the Town Commission of the Tow n of Boynton, in PaLm Be~ch County, Florida, that such $18,ouO.u0 of bonds so authorized to be issued for the purpose of refunding outstanding inaebtedness, being bongs numbered 25V, ~58, 259, ~60, 261, ~62, 2B6,~A~88, 289, 290, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, ~nd 341, be, and the same hereby are, cancelled and that the $SuU,UuO.u0 issue of bonds be reduced, in consequence of such cancellation and in accord therewith, to the stu~ of $48~,O~O.O0; and further, that such $18,OUO.00 of bonds for refunding purposes be stricken and cancelled from the computation/of $500~000.'o0 of bonds as aforementioned. Be It Further Ordained that such $18,.000.O0 of bonds so cancelled as herein provided shall be, by the Town Cor.~ission of the Town of ~o~nton, destroyed, such bonds so to be destroyed and cancelled as aforesaid, being numbered and maturing as follows, ~o-wit: Bonds'numbered 25V, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, matttring October 1, 1948; Bonds numbered ~88,' ~8~, ~88, ~89, ~90 maturing October 1, 1949; Bonds numbered 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 31~.matu~ing October l, 195~; Bonds numoered 341 matu~ing October l, 1951; Be It Further OrdAined taat, save and except fcr the concellation and destruction of the $18,000.00 of bonds issued for. the purpose of ref~mu~"-ng outstanding indebtedness of the said Town of Boy.ton and ':he reduction of such $500,000.00 is-sue o£"b'~nds in the amount of $18,000.o0 as aforesaid, that sai~ ordinance and all acts and proceedingm had in connection therewith and witS the issuance of said boas,be, and ~e same hereby are, in all~ th~. full ratiTfie~ and confi~ed. There bein~ no fur~er ~i~e~s, ~e meeting ~djo~ned.