Minutes 08-16-27529 REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 16th, 1927. A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, P~orida, was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Florida, on Tuesday Evening, August 16th, A. D. 19L~, at 7:30 o'clock p. M. Present: R. 0. Myers, Mayor HRrry Benson,Vice-Mayor E. L. Winchester, Towm~Clenk. The above constituting the entire Boar~i of Tovm Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. Minutes of the~last Regular Meeting of August 2nd, 1927 were read and approved. Minutes of a Special Meeting of August 3~d, 1927, were read and approved. Minutes of a Special Meeting of August 4th, 1927, were read and approved. Einutes of a Special Meeting of August 5th, 1927, were read and approved. A Resolution was passed ordering the following bills t6 be paid out of their respective funds: W. p. Somerville Nannie L.Richardson Lillian Kesse!l Pa ..... Beach ?Tercantile Compar. -. Quick Service Abstract Company, !nc., Salary for week ending August 6th, 19L~7. Salary for week ending August 6th, 192V. Salary for week ending August 8th, 1927. ~2 - ,~/8 ~. 5 Galv.~Vch.Bolts. Title work in connection with Streat Improvement work covered by Lien Certifdcates. 60.00 50.00 25 o O0 1.92 53.00 530 The Delray News De!ray Laundry, lnc For printing of 500 Bond Folders. Laundrying bedding for Jail. Caldwell and Raymond Services rendered in coDmection with Town of Boynton,Fla.,Bonds--$1,O00.O00.00. Proposed. W. H. Poore A. R. Cook Luther Baldwin Robert Lester The Boynton Herald W. P. Somerville Salary from August 1st to August 15th, 1927. Salary from August 1st to August 15th, 1927. Salary from August !§t, to August 15th, 19~. Salary from August 1st, to August !Sth, 1927. 'Balance of account due for printing Tax Sale Lis2. 'Salary for week ending August 13th, 1927. Narmie L.Richardson Salary for week ending August 13th, 1927. Lillian Kesse!l Salary for week ending August 13th, 1927. W. P. Somerville To reimburse Petty Cash for the following Accounts: H. R. Farnham Co. Account Amount 1206 $ 2.23 1212 1.00 1213 1.00 1266 .50 1279 .8! 2 - Syeed Limit Signs repaired, painted white a~:d lettered. ~7.00 ! - Large Corporate Limit Sign. ~. Nannie L.Richardson Additional compensation for working overtime On Special Assessment Notices. ~ 16.00 3.33 100.00 lO0.00 87.50 62.50 50.00 314.70 60.00 30.00 2 .oo 5.~4 12.78 531 Li!lian Kessell Josephine E. Smith H. Clay Crawford Additional compensation f~r working overtime on -Special'~sessment Notices. Meals for~prisoners for Month of July and August 192~. For furnishing certificate in connection with $500,000.00 Bond Issue. Kalamazoo Loose Leaf ...... ompa~. Binder for Assessment Notices. 10-Spl Celluloid Tabbed Index and Postage. Crane Company 28 - ~" ~. Corporation Coc~s 28 ~ Gaskets. Express. ,m 12.22 18.65 2.0C 14.15 28.79 The matter of the issuance of negotiable $oupon bonds of the Town of Boynt0n in the aggregate sum of $60,000.00 for the purpose within and for said Town, was taken up and discussed by the Board of Town Co~missioners. Thereupon Commissioner Harry Ben$on moved that Ordinance ~85, an Ordinance entitled an Ordinance of the Town of Boynton, Palm-Beach County, Florida, fixing the aggregate amount of a proposed'issue of bonds of said Town in the sum of $60,000.00 to be issued by the Town of Boynton, Florida; fixing the denomination of said bonds and place of pa~ent thereof; providing for said bonds to be Coupon Bonds, fixing the rate of interest thereon; the purpose for which the ~oneys to be derived therefrom shall be expended; fixing the dat~ Ivhen sa~d bonds - sa=_! be payable; providing for ~nd creating a mn~mng F~nd and Znterest Assessment for ~eeting a~dtdisc~arg~ng the princi~ and interest of said bonds; prescribing the for~ and ~]enominatior of ~ ~ -- ~a~ bonds; provid'~ for a bo~d of t?~ Tre ~ ..... a~ur~, its -mmo~vt, conditions and 532 val; providing for a separate account of each bond issue,_~, showing the nuu~]ber and amo~zn~t of bonds issued, the receipts therefrom and the disbursements of the proceeds thereof; be 'placed upon its final reading. Commis~n~ ~ L Winchester seconded such motion and upon being put to a vote the following Vote was had tn~. eob: Co~-missioner R. 0. Myers Co~-Issioner Harry Benson Colmissiober E. L. Winchester "Aye" "Aye" "Aye" Thereupon R. 0. !.'cers, L'ayor, declared such motion to have beer u~.animous!y carried and ordered such Ordinance placed upon its second and final reading. Thereupon the follo';;ing Ordinance ~/85 was placed upon its ~ reading and read in ~!1 for the ~ir~ time. ~*,~ :~ OF ~n~ TO :, OF BOuillON, PALI~ ~ COUNTY, =~'~ ............. ~== A~..OUN: OF A PROP~ ED IS~ 0Y ~0NDZ OF S~ID TOrN !N T~=C SUrf OF '~60,000.00 TO BE ISSUED BY THE TO-IN 0Y BOYIiTON, ~O~rD~' FI~NG ~'z' ~'_ lf0IlNATIOI( 0F SAID .... , .... AFD P~CE OF PAYL~ENT -RATE OF I~.~R~T THEREON; THE ~POSE F0R '~Tr~ ~'-~ D' ~ '":r~-~ S_i~ BONDS S~:~:_~ BE ...... p r~ ..... ~= ....... ; Fu~, A BOND 0F ~:':' ~ .... ....... -'- ..... ~ ~'~ Sx~..~_..= ~- .... K~~'~---~ .... ........ ::,o, the Tov:n Uc,~:tlsslo~ of rrm TowK of mm-~ Palm Beach County, Florid , deems it r. ecesca~--, advio, -,, ~-~u' &lid to tke b~st ~re ..... ~ ~. ......... ~s of ~.:e se,~ m ,,~ ...... o .... of Boynton and the habi ~,- ~ the , ~=--~- :~eof to issue 3onds of said to~vn in the 533 amount of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) for the purposes hereinafter named; NOW THF~REFORE, BE IT ORDA!~ED by the Town Commission 'of the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach'County, Florida, deems it necessary, ad- visable and to the best interests of said town and the inhabi- tants thereof to issue bonds of said town in the total agg?e- gate amount of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) for the purpose of constructing, extending and improving a system of sewers within and for said term. Section 2. That said bonds shall each be in the denomination of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and shall be numbered from one (1) to sixty (80) bObh inclusive; that said bonds shall be signed by the Commissioners and counter- signed by ~e Treasurer of the said Town of Boynton, Pi m Beach County, Florida; that said bonds shall bear interest coupons to be signed by the fac-simile signature of the Treas- urer of the said Town of Boyn~n, Palm Beach County, Florida; that said bonds shall'bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum, payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October of each and every year, commencing on the first day of April, A. D. 1928, and that the principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in Gold Coin of the United States of ~merica of the present standard of weight and fineness at the Seaboard Yational Bank in the City of New York, State of New Ysrk, or at the office of the To,,Tn Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County~ ~lorida, at the option of th~ holder thereof. Section 3. Th~at said bonds shall bear date of October'l, A. D. 1927 and shall be payable in numerical order as follows: Bonds numbered i and 2"in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1932; Bonds numbered 3 and 4 in denomination of $i000.00 each, to become due October l, 1953; Bonds numbered $ and 6 in ~emonination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1934; Bonds numbered 7 and 8 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1938; Bonds numbered 9 and l0 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1936; Bonds numbered ll, 12 and~13 in denomination of ~$1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1937; Bonds ntunbered 14~ilS and 16 in demonination of $1000..00 each, to become due October l, 1938; Bonds numbered 17, 18 and 19 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1939; Bonds nuubered 20, 21 and 22 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1940; Bonds nttubered 23, 24 and 25 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l,~ 1941; Bonds numbered 26, 27 and 28 in denomination of $1000.00 e~ch, to become due October 1, 1942; Bonds numbered 29 30 and 31 in denomination of · $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1943; Bonds numbered 32, 33 and 34 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due OctoBer 1, 1944; Bonds numbered 35, 36 and 37 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1945; Bonds num. bered 38, 39 and 40 in denomination of $1000.-00 each, to beoome due October l, 1946; Bonds numbered 41, 42 and 43 in denomination of ,~ ...... 00 each, to become due October l, 1947; Bonds-numbered 44, 45 and 46 in denomination of $1000~00 each, to become due October l, 1948; Bonds numbered 47, 48 a~d 50 in denomination of ~1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1949; Bonds numbered 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55 in denomination of $1000.00 each, to become due October l, 1950; B~nds numbered 56, 57~ 58., 59 and 60 in denomination \ of $1000.00 each, to become due. October l, 1951; Sectio~ 4. That there Shall be leMied, assessed and collected in each ~,.e=r~ while said bonds, or any of them, are outstamding and unpaid, and at the same time and in the same manner as other~taxes are levied, assessed and collected, a special tax in addition to all other tax~s levied upon all the taxable~_o~o~tv~_ ~, both real and personal, '.'.~ithln said town to realize a s~m sufficient to meet and discharge the in- terest on said bonds as the same become due and also a sufficient amount to provide for a SiCcing Fund for the pa~vment of the principal of said bonds at maturity, that is, such taxes shall be levied, assessed and collected during the years specified as fo~o-.~s to-~,it: 536 For the year' 1997 For the year 1928 For the year 1929 For the year 1930 For the year 1931 For the year 1932 For the year 1933 For the year 1934 For the year 1935 For the year 1936' For the year 193V For the year !938 For the year 1939 For the year 1940 For the year 194! For the year 1942 For the year 1943 For the year 1944 For the year 1945 For the year 1946 For the year 1947 For the ye---,r I948 For the year 1949 For the year 1950 $3600.00 $3800.00 ¢36oo.oo ¢3600.00 856oo.oo $548o.oo $5240.00 $512o.oo $6000.00 85640.00 S546o.oo ~ssso.oo ;~5100.00 $492o~oo $4740.00 $456o.oo $4380.00 $4200.00 $4020.00 $4840.00 $56oo.oo S53oo.oo Section 5. That the Treasurer of the said To',vn of Boynton, Palm Beach CotuntT, Florid,;., shall not sigr, a~y of said bonds until he shall have given a bond payable to the towm., properly conditioned, with sufficient surety, to be approved by the Town Commissioners, and in an amoumt e~ual 5S? to the par value of said bonds, that he will faithfully per- foEn~the duties of Treasurer with respect thereto. Section 6. That the Treasurer of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, shall keep a separate account of each bond issue, showing the number and amount of bonds issued, the receipts therefrom and the ~isbursements of the proceeds thereof. Section 7. That the T~wn Commission of t~e Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, hex-eby Dr~scribed the foEn of said bonds as follows: UNITED ST~TES OF AMERICA ' $1000.00 STATE OF FLORtDA COU~I~/ OF PALM BEACH TOWN OF BOY, TON. Number IMPH0 VEMENT BO ND ,~' ISSUE 1927. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Commission, acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) on the first day of October, A. D. 19__, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent. per aD~um, p~yable semi,annually on the first days of April and October in each year upon presentation of the annexed interest coupons as the same become due, both principal and interest being pay- able in Gold Coin of the United States of Americal, of the lresent standard of weight and fineness, at the Seaboard Sational Bank in the City of New York State of New York, 538 or at the office of the Town Treasurer of the Town of Boyn~bn, in Palm Beach County, Florida, at the option of the holder hereof. The principal of this bond and interest thereon are payable from taxes to be assesseS, levied and collected on all the taxable p~operty wlthiR the boundaries of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, and the full faith and credit of the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County,' Florida, are hereby pledged for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond. This bond is one of a series of si~ty (60) bonds of like date, amount, tenor and effect, except as to maturity, aggregating sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) issued by the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Town Commis~ on, for t'he purpose of constructing, extending and improving a system of sewers within and for said town. And this bond is issued under and in strict com- pliance with the r. rovisions of the Constitution of the State of Florid{, and the Statutes of said State, including among others, Chapter 8918, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1921, and pursuant to an ordinance of the Townof Boynton, Palm Beach County, ~'lorida, duly adopted. It is hereby ~-~- c~z~ed, recited and declared th~ all acts, conditions and things required by law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to a~d in the issuance of this bond, have eNisted, have happened and have been per- formed in regular and due time, form and manner as required by law; that the amount of this bond, together with all other ~dness of the Totem of Bo~w-nton, Palm Beach County, Flo~ida, 539 does exceed any limits prescribed by the Constitution or Statutes of the State of Florida, and that before the issuance of this bond, provision has been made by ordinance of the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, to assess annually a tax upon the real and personal property wlthin~ said Town of BoYnton, to realize a sum sufficient to pay the interest on this bond as it may become due and to create a Sinking Fund for the payment of the principal hereof at maturity. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, theTo?nn of Boynton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Town Commission has caused this bond to be issued by each Oommissioner, and the seal of said town to be affixed hereto, countersigned by the Treasurer of said town, and has cuased the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed with the fac-simile signature of its Treasurer, and this bond to be dated the lst.day of October, A. D. 1927. M~emb~r Town ~o~ssion OF Town of Bo~nton,~orida. on of Town of Boynton,Fl'orlda. ~,~ember Tov, m Co~mis~-~n of Tow~ of Bo~mton, Florida. Countersigned: ~reasurer of Tov~ of Boymton, Florida. · That there shall be attached to each bond, coupons for interest thereon for Thirty Dollars ($30.00) each, being payable semi-annually on the first days of April and October of eachyear, which shall be in the following fo~m, to-wit: ~O. $30.00 April On the first day of October, 19 ........ , the Town Conumisslon of the Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, for and on behalf of said to~rn promises ~0~pay to the bearer Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in Gold C0tn.~of the United States of America of the present'~s tankard/of weight and fineness at the'Seaboard National Bank in the City of New York, State of New York, or at the office of the Treasurer of the To~ of Boynton, Palm Beach Co~ty, Florida, at the option of the holder hereof, being six months interest then due on its bond dated October 1, st A. D. ~927, payable from taXes ~o be assessed, levied and collected upon all the taxable property within the boundaries of said Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida. No. Section 8. endorsement: Treasurer of the Town of- Boynton, Florida. Said bonds shall bear the follo~ring "Validated and confirmed by decree of the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of the Stata of Florida in and for Pal~ B~ ~.~L Count~ rendered the da~ 0~ ' ~ _, ^. D. 19 . 'Clerk of Circuit Court of the - Fifteenth Judicia! Circuit of F~a 541 Section 9. That when said bonds shall have been executed as hereinbefore provided and the proper certificate of their validation entered on the back thereof by the Clerk of the Circuit Court rendering the decree of validation and · confirmation and the same shall have been sold, said bonds shall be, by the Treasurer of the said town, delivered to the purchaser or purchasers of the purchase price agreed upon, to the duly elected, qualified and acting Treasurer of the said to~m, who shall give. to said purchaser receipt for the purchase money, which said receipt shall be to the pur- chaser or purchasers shall not be required to see to the application of the same. Section 10. That~ll ordinances, resolutions or orders or parts of ordinances, resolutions or orders,incon_ sistent or in conflict herewith be, and the same hereby are, rescinded and repealed, and the ordinance herein contained shall be into effect ten (10) days after the passage and adoption hereof. of Attest: This ordinance passed and. adopted this _day A. D. 1927. Co~m,zssione~s of the of Bo~mton, Palm BeacL County, Florida. tw~ s~o~e and foregoing Or~:~anc~ ~.~  s declared duly adopted. 542 Upon motion made by Commissioner Winchester, seconded by Commissioner Benson and duly carried, the f~llow!ng resolution was adopted: ~F~REAS, it has been found unnecessary for the Town of Boynton to use that property which was quit'-c~aimed to the Town of Boynton by Carl M. Jensen on the 8th day ~f November A. D. 1~28, Which property is described as follows: All of the West eighteen (18') feet of Lots eight (8) nine (9) ten (10) and eleven (ll) of Parker Estates, Section 28, T~wnship 48 South, Range 45 East, according to Plat there- of on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida, and, ~EREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that the Town of Boynton quit-claim the above mentioned property back to Mr. Carl M. Jensen. ~HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk is hereby instructed and authorized to execute a quit-claim deed for the above property and deliver same to Mr. Carl ~f. Jensen. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.