Minutes 03-15-274O2 · RE~UL~ ~£IN~ OF M. ARCH l~th, 1927. A Regular Meeting of the ~oard of Commissioners of the Town of ~oy~ton, Florida, was held at the Town. Hall ~f the Town of ~o~'nton, Florida on ~Tuesday ~ening, ~Aareh 15th... D. 1927, at '7:50 2. M. Present: R. 0. Myers, Mayor ~arry ~enson,Vioe 4Aayor E. ~. Winchester. Town Clerk The above constituting the entire ~$oard of ,~ommi.ssioners of the '~wn of ~Soynton, ~'lorida. ~inutes o.£ ?he last Regular Meeting of March 1st. 927 were re~d and approved. Minutes o£ a Special Meeting of March 14th, ~2., ere read and approved. · ~'Resolution was passed ordering the following ~lls to be paid out of their respective funds: · H. Poore Salary fro~ March 1st, to march l~t~. 1927. Tucker S=lary from ~A=rch 1st, to March 15tn. 1927. ?her ~aldwin Salary from March 1st. to March 15th, 192 7. hn A~id rews Salary from March Ist,' to ~&arch 15tn, 1~7. R. Cook Salary from m~rch 1st. to ~rch 15th, 1927. ~ert Lester Salary from March lsd, to M~rch 15~h, 192;7. P. Somerville Salary for the week endin~ March 5th, 1~£7. i. Richardson Salary for the week ez~d~g · March [,t~:, 19£7. ~la~ Kessell S~.iar~- ior !he ~,e~L ~di~g ' Narch [th, 29[7. $100.00 62.~0 '/5.00 6~.50 87.50 62.50 60.00 ~,0. O0 403 ;osephine Smith Eleven me~ls for priso~er Ne l~:on Alex~nd¢~'. ,'armers Supply Co. t.R. Faraham 0o. ~. ~. ~cKenzie Fruit and vegetable crates, nails, and fruit wrapping paper, used at Fair Exhibit. Labor and material used for .pai~t i ~g and Ceco rating ,moth ~t County Fair. Re£u_ad of fine forfeited Feb. 8th for driving car without lights and without State Li- cense on o~r. [orace Murray Jr Salary for eight days work e~ding march 9th on ~oynton Fair, E~:hi b i t. ~orace Murray Miscellaneous Petty Cash ex- penditUres ,incurred by Horace Murray ia co~mectio, with F~ir F~hi~it. Lorace ~urray Jr misoe~llaneous personal ex- penaitures incurred by Horace Murray i, con_~ection with Fair Exhibit. ~. p. Somerville Salary for week ending march 12th, 1927. $.L.Richardson ~illian ~essell Salary for week ending March l£th, 1927. Salary for week ending March 12th, 1927. Smith Hauling rock for Oe~tral Ave reRairs. ;. Smith 3~ days laOor hauli~g muck to Per,ce Xark Wilcox done in constructing Boynton Booth at County Fair. ;. P. Adams Work done in constructing Boy.n~on Booth at County Fair. h~tting Filling Sra. Gas used in connection with ~'air. ~seley°s ~ar~ge ~as and oil used i~ con~mc~ion wi~h Fair. ~uise L. Dimick ~rait purchased i~r Fair 4.40 10.88 58.29 10.00 AO.O0 24.10 24,?0 60.00 ~0.00 25.00 6.00 14. O0 25.00 25. O0 3.50 .5.06 Co. 1 piece of glass used ia : '~tab les fo r Fair ~hib l-t. ~ok to Pence Pa~. Casino and Signs at ~eaoh, ~ N. &. W. ~ Drew Co.- 1 do'z ~21-2 Pap, roid WalLets. . ~ ~oote & Davies Richerd ~ovelty Co. "0has " · Myers· One Police Docket ~ork do~e ~n e~ Limes and Lemons for l~air Exhibit. i Calvin ~owers 1 pair shoes and 1 ~ ~or Prisoner. IlAX-?~.sk. · ~ of ~oyato~ ~io~ rent ~or :the ~ ..~ 'of Feo~a~ 1~27. ~ of ~oynton Office rent ~or the ~onth $o~lssioaer 'of Gem~l '-~ Land 0ffioe - ~ · T~ ~p~ for To~ Hall in- The following communication was ~alm ~each County League of ~omen Voters; 0, 90 ~9.05 '50.00 E8.09 ~.OO 6.00 l~.eo 1OD, 00 4 .~5 the ~ar "December Zlst, 1~6, The ~alm ~$each Cou:]ty League of Women Voters, at :i~me Annual meeting held in ~oyaton, December 7th, decided n ~entratlng its efforts for the coming year on rimg for th% ~mnty a teneral Hospital· ~ ~...~ Knowl~ t~t Y~r organization also is interested e~ i~:J~ou r oo_o 'able to obat~ :? Working ~yaton. Palm ~ea.ch COunty. '~,~rlda. ::.: :..In ........ regard to Petiion fl~d With me on ~arch ' 'C, ~gglas,_. signed with elEht-s~ '86; a~es, I hereby . A~ve~. e~ln~_ .'., . t~ s~e ~d find insuf~icien~''~ With are the following: Of qualil'ied elector~ did not " to have passed are not sHch cap be-Ini'tiated under the 3. 'The .Or~linance' s submitted 4. Only one ~'~edinance can be petition. this 10th day of March A. D. 1927. in the form initiated by one 5. The petition is not in Certt~ the ~tition to the IN ~TNES8 I have he~e~to ~et After bein~ read,, same was _~AVlN~ RESOLUTIO~ ON OCEA~ ~_VE_ _a~D COCO~ ~~. .~S, the To~ Co~ssion.~ the (To~ o~~ Bo~n, ~ori~a, deems it necessa~ ~d p~eservation of the ~lic health ~d ~a~.e~f the~t~a~i~: ~n~ of ~ho ~o~ ~ ~h~ g~n~l ~re ~o~, street or ~blic ways ~med In this ~esolution be eetabll~ altered, extended, widened, graded, cleared, paved~, oiled repaired for the location and distances hereinafter -.ticularly described, in accordance with the g~a~e of au~h materials and in accordance with the plans and as hereinafter designated .in this resolution. ~'.~ .¥i · THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Town ¢ommiasX~- of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that this Commission 'does :hereby decide to establish, alter, extend, widen, grade, cle~r~ pave, oil a~d repair the streets or public ways wi-~hin ~ Towm 9f ~~, Florida, ~escribed and located as follows: OCEAN ~&t~ENUE, from the west line of Powell Street, 407 produced across Ocean AVenue, to the east rail of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, to be improved by const~-ucting: 5" x14" concrete header curbs, a ~orty foot waterbound macadam pavement of six inches compact rock with a wearing surface of sand and bituminous cement, prime and seal type, together with the necessary clearing and grubbing, grading and shaping of the roadway and parkways. OCEAN AVENUE, from the east end of the Florida Coast Line Canal Bridge .to a line 55' west of its intersec- tion with the east curb line of Cocoa Street extended northerly, to be improved by constructing: B" x 14" concrete header and curbs, a. thirty foot waterbound macadam pavement of seven inches compact rock with a wearisg surface of sand' and bituminous cement, prime and seal type, together with the scarifying and reshaping of the present macadam roadway, grading and shaping for a thirty foot roadway. The Intersection of Ocean Avenue, Ocean Boulevard and Cocoa Street, including the returns to Ocean Avenue, from the east curb line of Cocoa Street, extended northerly, to a line 55' west thereof, and from the south line of Ocean Avenue extended easterly to its north line extended easterly to connect with the proposed 30 foot pavement of Cocoa Street and Ocean Avenue and the existing pavement of Ocean Boulevard, to be improved by constructing: 5" x 14" concrete header cttrb along the east line of the intersection, concrete curb and gutter at the southwest return, scarifying and-reshaping the present macadam roadway, a waterbound ~acadaE base of ?" compact rock and surfacing with two inches of Warrenite Bitulithic pavement, together with the necessary 4O8 jading and shaping of grading and shaping of the roadway and ~arkways. COCOA STREET from the south line of Ocean Avenue extended eaSterly to the center line of Edith Street, with the returns at Hudson AVenue and at the alley between Hudson Avenme and Ocean Avenue, to be improvSA~ constructing: 5" x 14" concrete ~eader curb on the east aide and a co~rete curb and. gutter on the west side, the improvement to be thirty feet Mack to back of curbi~ amd to be paved with a waterbound macadam base of six inches eompaC~ ~e~k and a wearing,~urface of two inches Warrenite~Bl~l~lithi~.pavement, together~with the necessary grading and .hap of the roadway and parkways. PALMETTO STREET from the North line of Central Park to the connection of Palmetto Street with Central Boulevard to be improved by .constructing combined curb andgutter on each side of Palmetto Street and const~ucting a forty foot waterbound macadam pavement with a base of six inches compact rock and a wearing surface of two inches Asphaltic concrete together with the necessary grading and shaping of the roadway and parkways. CENTRAL BOULEVARD f~om the west' side of Palmetto Street to the connection of Central Boulevard with the West line of the Dixie Highway to be improved by constructing ~ombined curb and gutter on each side of Palmetto Street and constr~cting a forty foot waterbound macadam pavement with a base of six inches compact rock and a wea~ing surface of two inches Asphaltic concrete together with the necessery the roadws~ and parkways. 409 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following shall state in a general way what is to be done, the limits within which said work ~ahall be done, the material to be use~ the grade to be established, the fill to be made and the widlth of said paving; The grade shall be as .shown on the plans and profiles in the office of the Town Clerk ~of the Tow~ of Boynton, Florida, said improvements ~ahall be twenty-fo~ (24) feet surface treatment pavement in .~he .4e~t~r ~f 'said streets. Before the work shall be conaide~e~I ?'cm~e~e, all rUbbage .and mxmsed materials due to or ~ec~rith the work, shall be removed and the premises left in.a condition satisfactory to the Town Engineer and the Town. Ail sidewalks, paving or other PUblic or private property dis~mrbed or damaged shall be restored to their for~er condition or to the satisfaction of their owners. There shall be g~aded and tn~epared a smooth and uniform road bed true to line and grad~ as furnished ~ry the Town Engineer, which shall conform to the sa{d plans and specifications on file as aforesaid. Whenever embankments are necessary, they shall be for~ed of successive layers of not more than twelve (12) inches in thickness, Such layers~to be thoroughly co~pac~ by some approved method. Ail trees, stumps and roots within the road bed shall be g~rubbed up and removed as the Engineer may direct. Broken stone for r~ck paving shall consist of .angular fragments of stone of uniform quality throughout, free from thin or elongated pieces, soft or disintegrated stone, dirt or other obJectional matter. The broken Stone Lahall not contain excessive fine material nor shall it 410 contain any stones which more than four inches in their longest dimension. The broken stone shall then be spread upon the mubg~ade ~n .a uniformly loose layer of eight-(8) inches in .thickness 'and in such amammer that segragatlon of sizes is prevented and so that uniform comPaction may ~e secured. The aggregate shall be dru rolle~ With a driven roller, weighing not less than five ~{5) ~o~s, the rock has been spread and rolled in the?~,;~ SPecified, the same shall be scarified, shaped,- and finished, continuing the process until a dust has been formed, w~tCh, with the water, shall'~T~ll 'all the Voids of the 'rock and shall f~om a wave 'below the wheel of the ~oller. After the aggregate has been rolled the pave- ment shall be swept clean ef all loose material and treated with an application ~of hot asphalt cement, uniformly applied at the .rate of one-half to three-fourths gallons per square yard 'As directed by the engineer. After application of asphalt cemen~ a~d if Practicable, while it is still dry fine aggregate shall be spread over the surface to~p~e_ vent asphalt cement f~om coming through, but the spreading shall not be heavier than a sufficient amount to take up ~the asphalt cement, with a slight excess of fine aggregate. That the work and improvements to be-undertaken in PUrsuance of this resolution, shall be all done as more particularly~ specified in certain plans and specifications and profiles now on ~ile in the office of the Town Clerk of Boynton, Florida, and LBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the owners of any 411 lot or parcel of land abutting on said street within said limits are hereby ordered, directed and required to so establish, alter, extend, widen, grade, ~clear, pave, oil and repair 'maid street within thirty '(50) days from the adoption of this resolution; said work and improvements to be commenced within~maid time and to be Completed in lemm than (90) days from the adoption of this resolution; and . BE IT I~R, THER RESOLVED, that 'if ~e owner or owners of any lot or ~arcel of land ab~tt~ on maid etreet within said limits mhall fail or relume te commence the said improvements within the time Premcrlbed~erein, to-wit; thirty (50) days from the date of the adoption of the~ re- sC~ution, the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton, Florida, shall cause maid work to be done by contract or otherwise, and said Commission may in its discretion enter into separate contracts for any grading,.ftlling, clearing, or paving or oiling er for any portion of either; or the maid Commission .may, in its discretion, perform all or any portion of any public wo~kmnder its supervision, under a foreman or other agency such labor as may be necessary,' and not let the same under contract, as may in its option best'serve the interests of the public. When such ~ork has been completed~ the said Commission may pay the expense of the same out of any funds--l~e~~ to the Town, or it may pay for the s~me with certificates of indebtedness. The Commission may assess the expense of such wcrk on the property benefitted by the improvement, or upon the abutting property in pro- !i~': ~ortion to the frontage, or the Commission may pay any per- tion of the expense thereof from any ftuuds belonging to the Town, and assess the remainder of said expense against the property benefitted thereby,.or against the abutting property in Proportion to the frontage. Any lot on a corner may be assessed for its proportionate share of the improvement in the crossing or street adja- cent to the corner. Upon motion made by Commissioner Bena~n' seconded by.Commissioner Winche~ter, the above an~ forgoing Paving resolutio~ was duly adopted. ~ ~ There being no further bUsines~ e ~meeting adjourned. , . ~