Minutes 07-19-27REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 19TH, A Eegula~ Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, ~lorida, was held at the Town Hall of the Town of Boynton, Fla~da, on Tuesday Evening, J. uly 19th, A. D. 1927., at 7:30 o,clOck p. N. l~.sent: R. 0. Myems, Mayor Harry ~enson,Vlce-Mayor E. L. Winchester,Town Clerk The above.constituting the enti~e.~ax~ o£ Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. ./ , . Minutes of the last RegUlar Meeting of July 5th, 1927, were read and approved. · Nannie Lou 'Richardson Lillian Kesae~l American-LaFrance Fire Engine Company,£nc., A Resolution was passed ordering the · to be paid out of their respective fUnds: · . P. Somerville Salary for week ending July 9th, 1927, ~ iW. H. Poore A. R. Cook Lmther Baldwin Lemter ~ P. Somerville Salary for week ending July 9th, 1927. Salary for week ending July 9th, 1927. In payment of note due July 21st, 1927, and also interest. ~ ~ala~y from July 1st to July~lSth, 1927. Salary from July 1st to July 15th, 192~. Salary from July 1st to July 15th, 1927. Salary from July 1st to July 15th, 1927. Salary for wee~ ending July 16th, .1927. following bills $ 50. O0 100. CO 87.50 75. (JO 62.50 60 .t~O '? 491 Nannie Lou Richardson Salary for week ending July 16th, 1927. $ 30.00 Lillian Kessell Salary for week ending July 16th, 192V. 25.00 Chris Knowles Five days la0or on pipe line. 15.OO James Taylor Six days labor on pipe line. 18.o0 W. T. Jordan Contract lab'or on ditching for week ending July 15th, 192V. 23.46 Dr. N. M. Weems Salary for month of June as Health Director. 25.o0 Fla. League of ~uniciDal- ities. Membership dues 192V-28 to Florida League Of municipalities for Town of ~oynton. 50. O0 Halsey & Griffith,Inc Office Supplies Eureka Fire Hose Mfg. Co. 1 - 2-1/n2'' Eureka Expander 2- doz 2-1/2" Expansion Rings, ~ $3.00 each. j/~ 26.95 24.60 Dixie Highway Garage H. Clay Orawford Labor, parts ana repairs for ~oge ana ~'ord. One original ana two copies of House'~ill 917 of ~oynton Charter. 94.00 24. O0 Commissioner Harry, Benson moved that the following Ordinance, Ordinance ~84 beep!aced on its'final reading. ORDINANCE ~84 AN OROli~ANCE OF THE T0'?8~ 01~ BOYNTON, IN PAI2,I BEACh COUi~Y, FLORI~A, PROVIDR~G FOR AND CREATING A SINK- IN~ FUND AND ASSESSL~NT FLoR ~,~ETIDG ~D DISC~Gll~G T~ PRI~CIPAL f~D IN. REST oF C~RTAIN COUPON BOND'S ~TOFo~ IST, UED BY T~ TOWN 0~ ~0YNTON bI~DEH 0~INAI~CE ~31, PROVID~G FOR T~ ISSUAN~ 0P BONDS IN '~ BUM OF ~j85,000.00; UNDER 0RDIN~CE 746 0P T~ ~07~ 0F B0~TON PR(;VIDIN~ ~"0R T~ ISSUANCE BONDS 1N T~ S~,[ 0F $85,000.00; UN~ER.0RDINANCE 0F T~ T07~ 0P BOYi4~0N PROVIDING FOR T~ ISSUANCE 0F BONDS IN ~'HE AGGREGATE S~f 0F $100,000.00; ~DEE ~SOLUTION 0F T~ T07~ C0~IISSION 0F T~J TOi~-; Bt~YNTON BERING DATE t~F SULY 20, 1926, PROVIDII!G FOR T~ ISSUA!~CE 0P i~R0~.~I~ B0~DS 0F T~ 492 WEEp~EAS, the Town Oommission of the Town of Boynton, i'2alm Beach 0ounty, Florida. has heretofore, under Ordinance ~S1. Provided for the ~ssuance of general bonds of said town in the ;sum of $85,000.00, and under the provisions of Ordinance ~46 ~f said town, provided for the issuance of general Bonds in the ~um of $100.000.00; and under resolution of said ~wn Commission iassed and adopted on the 20th day of July. 1926 providing for the ~suance of improvement bonds in the sum of $85.000.00; and such wn 0ommission did. by resolution'bearing date of September 21  926, provide for 'the iSSuance of street improvement bonds in aggregate sum of ~S50.000.00; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT 0~DAINED by the Town 0ommission the Town of Boynton, in Palm Beach 0ounty, Florida: Section 1. T. hat the Town Commission of th'e Town of · in Palm Beach County, Florida, deems it necessary. le and to the best interests of the said town, the in- s, residents and tax payers thereof· that there be. there hereby is. established and created a sinking fund and for the purpose of meeting and discharging the prin- ,al and interests of bonds heretofore issued by the said Town ~mmission under and by authority of Ordinance #31 of such town, $oviding for the issuance of general bonds of said tom~ in the ~gregate sum of $85,000.00; under Ordinance #46 of said town. ~-~viding for the issuance of bonds in the aggregate sum of under resolution of the Town Commission of the 'kl, 000. O0; 493 Town of Boynton bearing date of July 20, 1926, providing for the issuance of improvement bonds in the aggregate sum of ~85,000.00; and under the provisions of resolution of said Town Commission bearing, date ~of September 21, 1926, providing for the issuance of street improvement bonds in the aggregate sum of $~50,000.00. SectiOn 2. Be It ~urther Ordained that there shall be levied, assessed and collected in each year while said vided for and issued under Ordinance ~31 of the ~own of Boy. ton aforesaid, providing for the issuance of general improvement bonds in the aggregate sum of $85,000.00, or any of them, ~re outstand- ing and unpaid, and at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes are levied, assessed and collected, a special tax in addition to all other taxes levied upon all the taxable property, both real and personal, within the said town sufficient to realize a sum which ,:Shall be sufficient to meet and discharge the in- terest on said bonds as they severally become due; and also a sufficient amount to provide for and maintain a sinking fund for ~?t.he payment of the principal of s'aid bonds at maturity, that is, i~that there shs!l be, and hereby i?, levied, assessed and sb~ll be collected upon all of the taxable property,, both real and personal, within such Town of Boynton for the purposea aforesaid and during the years specified, a tax as follows, to-wit: ~or the year 1927 ~or the year 1928 For the year 1929 For the year 1930 ~or the year 1931 For the year 1932 193~' $5100..00 5100.00 6100.00 6100.00 6040.00 5980j00 5920.00 ~or the year 494 Pot the year 1954 For the year 1955 For the year 1956 For the year 193'; For the year 1958 For the year 1959 For the year 1940 For the year 1941 For the year 1942 Por the year 1943 For the year 194~ For the year 1945 For the year 1946 For the year 194V For the year 1948 For the year 1949 For the year 1950 For the year 1951 ~or'the year 1952 For the year 1955 $6800.00 6680.00 6560.00 6440. O0 ';320.00 7140.00 6960.00 6780.00 7600. O0 7360. O0 7120.00 6880.00 ';640.00 7340.00 7040.00 6740.00 7440. O0 7080.00 6720.00 6360.00 Section 3. Be It l~urther Ordained that there shall be levied, assessed and collected in each year while said bonds pro- ~vide6 for and iss~ed unger Ordinance #46 of the Town of Boynton iaforesaid, providing for th~ issuance of general bonds in the sum of ~100,000.00, or any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, and the same time and in the same manner as other taxes are levie~, .~d and collected, a special tax in addition to all other levied upon all the taxable property, both real and personal, the said tovm sufficient to realize a sum which shall be lent to meet and discharge the interest on said bonds as 495 they severally become due; and also a sufficient amount to pro- vide ~for and maintain a sinking fund for the payment of the prin- cipal of said bonds at maturity, that is, that there shall be, and hereby is, levied, assessed and shall be collected upon all of the taxable l~rcperty, both real and personal, within such Town of Boynton for the purposes aforesaid and during the years specified, a tax as foliows, to-wit: For the year 1927 For the year For the year 1929 For the year 1930 For the year 1931 For 'the year 1952 For the year 19SS For the year 1934 l~or the year 1935 For the year For the year 1937 For the year 19Z£ l~or the year 1939 For the year 1940 For the year 19z:l For the year 19~ ,For the year 1943 For the year 1944 For the year 1945 For the year 194d Pot the year 1947 For the year 194 ~;6000. O0 6000.00~ 6000. O0 7000.00 6940.00 6880.00 6820.00 6760.00 6?00.00 6640. O0 6580.00 6520.00 6460.00 8400. O0 82 ~0. O0 8040.00 7860.00 7680.00 9500.00 9200.00 8900.00 8600. O0 496' For the year 1949 For the year 1950 For the year 1951 For the year 1952 For the year 1955 For the year 1954 $8300.00 13000.00 12400.00 11800.00 11200.00 10600.00 Section 4. Be It Further ~.!rdained that there shall be levied, assessed and collected in each year while said bonds pro- vided for and issued under resolution of the Town Oommission of the Town of Boynton bearing date of July 20. 1926. Providing for She issuance of improvement bonds in the aggregate 8urn of '$85.000.00. r any of them, are outstanding and unpaid, and at the same time d in the same mann'er as other taxes are levied, assessed and ~ollected, a special tax in addition to all other taxes levied ~pon all the taxable property, both real and personal, within the maid town sufficient to realize a sum which shall be sufficient to st and discharge the interest on said bonds as they severally due; and also a sufficient amount to provide for and main- ~ain a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonAs maturity, that is, that there shall be, and hereby is, 'levied, and shall be collected upon all of the taxable property real and personal, within such Town of Boynton for the pnw- ,oses aforesaid and during the years specified, a tax as follows. ,o-wit~ For the year 1926 ~'or the year 1927 For the year 1928 For the year. 1929 $19550.00 21080.00 20060.00 19040.00 497 For the year 1930 $18020.00 Section 5. Be It Further Ordained that there shall levied, assessed and collected in each year while said bonds svi&ed for and issued under the previsions of reselution of id Town Commission bearing date of September 21, 1926, provid- E for 'the issuance ef street improvement bonds in the mggrm$~e m of ~350,000.00, or any of them, are outstanding and unpai~ 7~i!~ d at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes arm vied, assessed and collected, a special tax in addition to all her taxes levied upon all the taxable property, both,real and rsonal, within the said town sufficient to realize a mum whie~ all be sufficient to meet and discharge the interest on said rods as they severally become due; and also a sufficient amount provide for and maintain a sinking fund for the payment of s principal of said bonds at maturity, that is, that there shall , and hereby is, levied, assessed and shall be collected upon ! ~f the taxable property, both real and personal, within such of ~oyntoh for the 1)mrposes aforesaid a~d du~mg the years .~ifi~d, a tax as fellows, to-wit: For the year 1927 For the year 1928 ~or the year 1929 For the year 1930 For the year 19Z1 ~or the year 1932. For the year 1933 ~'or the year 1934 For the year 1935 ~ ~:or the year 1936 ~56000.00 53900.00 51800.00 49?00.00 47600.00 45500.00 43400.00 41300.00 39200.00 37100.00 Section 6. Be It Further 0r~ained that such monies ~And funds collected by the said Town of Boynton in payment of Assessments or to apply upon such assessments as have heretofore been made as against the property benefitted and abutting upon the improvements and upon which such special improvement bonds so issued under the resolutions of the Town Commission bearing !date of July 20, 1926 and September 21, 1926, as aforesaid, are !predicated, shall be by such town, deposited and carried in such sinking fund herein provided for the payment of interest and principal upon'~such special improvement bonds; and shall be deu ~ucted from the subsequent years schedule of the tax to be levied s hereinbefore provided. Section 7. Be It Further Ordained that this ordinance , ~naking a tax levy, is passed and adopted at this the meeting at Which it was introduced arid shall become effective immediately after it passage and adoption. This ordinance passed and adopted this 19th day of ~test: Commissioners. 498 Town Clerk'. ' Commissioner Ninchester seconded the motion for t'he .option of the above and foregoing, being "rdinance ~84 and ~on Being lout to a vote the following was had thereon: R. O. ~yers "Aye" L Harry Bens on "Aye" E. L. Winchester "Aye" 499 Thereupon I~. O. Nyers, Mayor presiding, did declare such Ordinance to have been u~uanimously passed and adopted. ~here being no further business the meeting adjourned. Mayo~ ~ ' -- Town ~lerk '