Minutes 01-17-28E~GUL;~. ~fEETI!~G OF JANU3~Y 17th, 1928.. A Regular ~ieeting of the Board of Town commissioners of the Town of Doynton, Florida, was held at the Town ~all of the Town of Boynton, ?lcrida, Tuesday Evening, january 17th, A. D. 19£8, at 7:50 o'clock ?.7~. Present: R. O. ~[yers, ~'iayor Harry Benson,Vice-~ayor E. L. Winchest~r,Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. ~inutes of the last Regular ~eeting of January 5rd, 19~8, were read and.approved. !~inutes of a Special Lieeting of January 9th, 19E8, were read and approved. Upon motion made by Commissioner Winchester, seconded by Commissioner Benson, a Resolution pay Claims was duly adopted. The following communication was received and read: I, Jr. Harry Benson,Vice-~ayor Boynton, Florida. Dear Sir: "January llth, 1928. Subject: Gulf Stream Boulevard. We have in Gulf Stream Boulevard at the present time eighteen hundred and fifty-six feet of six inch cast iron water main. We would like to secure for the Gulf Stream Golf Club a perpetual right-of-way on this street for their maintenance and operation of their water plant and the perpetual use of this right-of-way of this easement. We would appreciate you giving this your prompt attention. T hsnki, ng you, Yours very truly, DOEPF. I AND ?~BB, INC. By_ J. O. Doern." (Signed) Commissioner Harry Benson stated that he had been over the ground mentioned in the above letter, and felt that the granting of this right-of-way would be help- ful to the Town inasmuch as the Gulf Stream Golf Club would install Fire Hydrants and f~rnish the water for same on Gulf Stream Boulevard without any cost to the Town of Boynton. Upon motion made by Commissioner J'_yers, seconded by Commissioner Winchester, the above mentioned communication from Doern and ?~ebb, Inc., was ordered turned over to the Town Attorney with instructions that' he preoare the necessary agreement. Upon being put to a vote the aforementioned motion was duly carried. '~lr. ~homas KcLaine appeared before the Commission and made the proposition that he would accept a receipted bill for all present and past taxes on his property in Boynton, Florida, in lieu of payment of a bill which he presented amounting to Two ?undred and Fifty Dollars 1~280.00) for damages which he alleges were done to Cocoanut trees during the time of the paving of the Dixie Highway north of Boynton Canal Bridge. Commissioner ~,~yers informed ~,~r. Thomas l~IcLaine that his proposition could not be entertained by the Board TOWn CommiSsioners of There being adjourned. the Town of Boynton, no £urther business, Florida. t he meeting Liayor. Vice --.~' j or. - To,~n ClerK.