Minutes 03-06-28REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 6TH, 1928. A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall of Me To~n of ~oynton, h'lorida, on Tuesday Evening, ~arch 6th, A. D. 1928, at 7:30 o'cloc~ p. M. Present: H. O. Myers, Mayor Harry Benson, Vice-~ayor 2. L. Winchester,Town Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. Minutes of the lsst Regular Meeting of February 21st, A. D. 1928, were read and approved. Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, seconded by Commissioner Winchester, a Resolution to pay Claims was duly adopted. The matter of salaries for Town Oommissioners of the Town of Boynton was taken up and discussed by the Town Commission, Thereupon, Commissioner Harry Benson moved that an Ordinance entitled: "ORDINANCE NO. 87, FIXING THE sA/~y OF TH~ MAYOR ~'~D EX OFFICIO ONE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON", be placed upon its first reading. Commissioner E. L. Winchester seconded such motion and UPon being PUt to a vote the following VOte was had thereon; Commissioner R. 0. Myers "Aye" Commissioner Harry Benson ,,Aye$, Commissioner E. L. Winchester , , Aye~ Thereupon, R. 0. Myers, as Mayor, declared such motion to have been unanimously carried, and ordered such Ordinance Placed upon its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 87. AN ORDINANCE amending Section 2, of Ordinance No. 70, of t~e Town of Boynton, Florida. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Commissioners of the Town of ~oyn~on, Palm Beach County, Florida, that Section 2, of 0rdi- nance No. ?~, be and same is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. Effective the first day of April A. D. 1928, t~e Mayor shall receive for his or her services an annual salary of Three Hundred ($300.OO~ Dollars, payable monthly. All fees earned by him or her as Mayor shall be tUrned over to the Town. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewtt~ are hereby repealed. This Ordinance having been read in full at a Hegular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, palm Beach County, Florida, held on the 6th day of ~arch A. ~. ~25, was duly adopted at a Regular Meeting held on the ,~ay A.D. 1928, a ~copy of which was posted at the door of ~he Town Hall on the-- _day of A, D. 1928. Thereupon, the above and foregoing entitled Ordinance Was placed upon its'first reading and read in full for the first time. No further action was taken upon such Ordinance at this meeting. Commissioner R. 0. Myers, moved that an Ordinance $ ' ntltled: "ORDINANCE N0.88, FIXING THE SALARY OF THE VICE-MAYOR AND EX OFFICIO ONE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON", be placed upon its first reading: Commissioner E. L. ~inchester seconded such motion ~d be E to a vote t~e following vote was had t~ereon; commissioner R. 0. Myers "Aye" commissioner Harry Benson "Aye" commissioner E. ~.. Winchester "Aye" T~ereupon, R. 0. ~yers, as Mayor, declared such motion ~e have oeen unanimously carried, and ordered such Ordinance placed upon its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. @8 AN ORDINANCE amending Section 8, of Ordinance No. ef the Town of Boynton, Florida. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Commissioners of the Town ef ~oynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, that Section 8, of ordinance ~o. ?l, be and same is hereby amended to read as follows; Section B. Effective the first day of April A. ~. 1~25, the Vice-~ayor shall receive for his or her services an annual salary of Three hundred ($~O0.00~ Dollars, payable monthly. All fees earned by him or her as Vice-~ayor shall be turned over to the Town. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This Ordinance having been read in full at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the ~Town of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, held on the 8th day of March A. D. 1528, was. duly adopted at a Regular Meeting held on the. day -- A.D. 192~, a copy of which was posted at the door of the Town Hall on the day of._ A.~. 1928. Thereupon,. the above and foregoing entitled Ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full for the first time. No further action was taken upon such Ordinance at this aeeting. Thereupon, Commissioner Harry ~enson moved that an ~rdtnance entitled; "ORDINANCE NO. 89, FIXING THE SAZ~hy OF THE TOWN cLERK AND EX OFFICIO ONE OF ThE CO~L~ISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BQyNTON", be placed upon its first reading. Commissioner R. O. Myers seconded such motion and upon being put to a vote the following vote was had thereon; Commissioner R. O. Myers "Aye" Commissioner t~arry Benson "Aye" Commissioner E ~'. Winchester '0~ , · ~ye Thereupon, R. 0. Myers, declared such motion to have been unanimously carried, and ordered such Ordinance placed upon its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 89 AN ORDINANCE amending Section 3, of Ordinance ~o. 88, of the '~'own of Boynton, Florida. BE IT ORDAINED by the Town Commissioners of the Town. of ~oynton, Palm Beach Gounty, Florida, that Section 3, of Ordi- nance ~. SS, be and the same. is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3. Effective the first day of April A. D. 1~$, the Town Clerk shall receive for his or .her services an annual salary of '~'l~ree Hunctred ($300.00; Dollars, payable monthly. All fees earned by him or her as Town Clerk shall be tttrned over to the Town. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict he~ewit~ are hereby repealed. This Ordinance having been read in full at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Palm ~each County, Florida, held on the 8th day of aarch A. D. 1528, was duly adopted at a Regular meeting held on the_ ~ay of A. D. 1528, a copy of which was posted at the 52¸ Town Hall on the_ day of A.D. 1928. Thereupon, the above and foregoing, entitled Ordinance vas placed upon its first reading and read in full for the first No further action was taken upon such Ordinance at this ~eeting' The matter of granting to the ~eaboard-All Florida Railway a franchise to build, to construct, maintain and operate a railroad in the Town of Boynton, State of Florida, was taken up and discussed by the Town Oommission, 'l~ereupon, Commissioner E. L. Winchester moved that an Ordinance entitled: "ORDINANCE NO. 90, AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SEABOARD-ALL FLORIDA RA'IIA'AY A FRANCHISE TO BUILD, CON- STRUCT' MAINTAIN AND OPEKA'I~ A RAILROAD IN THE TOWN OF BOYNTON, STATE OF FLORIDA", be placed upon its first reading. Commissioner R. O. Myers, seconded such motion and upon being pMt to a vote, the following Yote was had thereon: COmmissioner R. 0. Myers "Aye" Commissioner Harry ~enson "Aye? Commissioner E. L. Winchester "Aye" Thereupon, R. 0. Myers, as Mayor, declared such m6tton to have been unanimously carried', and ordered such Ordinance placed upon its first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 90 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO THE SEABOARD-ALL FLORIDA RAILWAY A FRANCHISE TO BUILD, CON-~TRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A RAILROAD IN THE TOWN OF BOYNTON, STATE OF FLORIDA. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOkRD OF COmmISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF BOYNTON,FLORIDA. Section I. That the Seaboard-All Florida Railway, a Corporation, its successors and assigns forever, be and the aame.'are hereby granted the privile~e, permission, power and a~thority to build, construct, maintain and operate a railroad l~ the Town 6f Boynton, State of Florida. Se'ction 2. ~hat the said Seaboard-all Florida hallway, a corporation, its successors and assigns, be and the same are hereby granted the privilege, permission, power and authority to build, construct and maintain a line of railroad, including the main line and such turn-outs or side tracks as may be necessary or convenient for the passage of trains or for industrail usage over, upon and across any and all public streets, avenues, alleys and public grounds of the Town of Boynton, Florida, and particu- larly ~akeAvenue and Ucean Avenue; and to operate thereon and thereover locomotives, engines, cars and other rolling stock used by said railroad. Section 3. ~hat the said ~eaboard-All Florida, by t~e acceptance of this grant, agrees that the tracks so built here- under shall not be used in such a way as to unnecessarily impair the usefulness ef the streets for traffic. Section 4. That the said ~eaboard-All Florida Railway, its successors and assigns, shall maintain and ~eep in good con- dition at all times all street crossings over and upon the tracks of said.Railroad Company in the said Town of'Boynton, Florida. Section B. That all Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed by the ~oard of Go~issioners of the Town of ~oynton, Florida, this ..... day. of~ ..... ..,, A. D. 1928. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Town Clerk