64-BRESOLUTION NO. 64-B WHEREAS~ J. ALLISON BANKS~ is the duly elected and actinz Mayor of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ and is thereby~ pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 175 and Chapter 185 of the Florida Statutes respectively~ Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Police Officer Retirement Trust Fund of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA; and WHEREAS~ JOHN M. TUITE and JAMES A. ERWIN~ are the duly appointed and actinc Chief of the Municipal Fire Department and Chief of the Municipal Police Department respectively~ of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA~ and are thereby~ pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 175 and Chapter 185 of the Florida Statutes respectively~ Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trz~st Fund and Secretary of the Board of Trustees of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund of the CITY OF BOVNTON BEACH respectively; and WH~EREAS~ it is deemed advisable to officially designate the above described officials to their respective positions and to empower them to execute the duties and powers set forth in said legislation; NOW~ THEREFORE~ be it resolved by the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLORIDA: 1. That J, ALLISON BANKS and JOHN M. TUITE~ as Chairman and Secretary respectively of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Fund of the City of Boynton Besch~ Florida~ be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to si~n and issue checks~ drafts~ withdrawal vouchers or other instruments necessary to necotiate funds constitutin~ a part of the Municipal Firemen's Pension Trust Fund of said City~ now on deposit in the First Bank of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Delray Beach~ Florida~ and First Federal Savinzs and Loan Association of Lake Worth~ Florida~ or any other authorized depository hereafter desicnated for the handlin~ of ATTEST: - ~ty 'Clerk such funds~ and the above members of said Board are further authorized to perform any and all other business and execute any and all instruments relative said Fund~ in accordance with their duties as more particularly established in Chapter 17[ of the Florida Statutes. 2. That J~ ALLISON BANKS and JAMES A. ERWIN~ as Chairman and Secretary respectively of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Trust Fund of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ be and they are hereby authorized and empowered to sisn and issue checks~ drafts~ withdrawals vouchers or other instru- ments necessary to neeotiate funds constitutin? a part of the Municipal Police Officers' Retirement Fund of said City~ now on deposit in the First Bank of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ First Federal Savin~s and Loan Association of Delray Beach~ Florida~ and First Federal Savin?s and Loan Association of Lake Worth~ Florida~ or any other authorized depository hereafter desi?nated for the handlins of such funds~ and the above members of said Board are further authorized to perform any and all other busines~ and execute any and all instruments relative said Fund~ in accordance with their duties as more particularly estab]~Ished in Chapter 18[ of the Florida, Statutes. 3. Ail previous Resolutions of the City pertainin~ to authority to si~n and execute checks~ vouchers or other instru- ments on the above-described Trust Funds~ are hereby rescinded. 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~_~ day of A.D. 1964. Y TON BEAC : LORIDA B "/ ["v~ >' /" ' .- ~ounc ilma~" Councilman -2-