64-VRESOLUTION NO. 64- V BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That the said CITY OF B©YNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, consents to and agrees to enter into an agreement with the FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY, wherein and whereby said CITY OF BOYNTO] BEACH, FLORIDA, is given the right and privilege to install a 24 inch cast iron pipe in a 36 inch steel casing pipe across the right-of-way and under the tracks of the Railway in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the locations more particularly described in the agreement attached hereto and as per Railway's Plan 312-86-2,dated February 3, 1964, according to the further terms and conditions of said proposed agreement attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. 2. That the Mayor, with the attestation of the City Clerk, be and they each are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement for and on behalf of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. 3. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED and ADOPTED this ~_~-~-day of MAY, A.D. 1964. (Corporate seal) Councilman THIS LICENSE AGREEM~.~TT -- ......... . (23595) by and between FlorMa ~-~~~ ~em~el~i~_ ~ ,~ ~___~ of ...... A.D., 19~__ ~ OF ~~ ~CH, a ~ei~l ~~ of ~ ~ of ~ri~, Address: Boynton B~oh, lr~orida) That Railway, for ·ad ia ee~mMeel~ e{ the mmm af S~.~/ro~ ~ ~ret F~r ~~~~t~f~: ~~~ ~ ~way' ~ i~~ Ae ahowa on print of t~e bil~ey,e l~an ~orr. F~i~ 312-86-2, dated l~lmbruery 3, 196~, attached heret~ ·~d ~ede · part hereof. 2~ That if aaid appilanm or flxtm~ b a iMPe, to e0flmm~ rainier the trae~ of the itatlwa~, the mine ~ No other faeilitim mf tim 12eemmm droll bo located upon say of the Railway', property wtthout its prior wrftten permimlet 3. That if a license i~ her,by ~lv~n for a tel~eaph, tekphone or ~ ~ Bm or lin~, then any crowing of the ~ o~ or ~d~ ~'1 ~, I~ ~ ~~ ~d ~n~in~ in ~o~ty wi~ Pa~ One of Rul~ ~Uom ~d 8~~ ~~ ~ ~~on and ~in~n~ of ~]egraph, ~kph~e a~ o~r M~] ~m o~ ~ ~er t~ ~ of ~m ~lr~ in ~e S~ of Florida, ~ by ~i~ ~m~o~ ~ ~ S~ of ~o~, on May 7, 1~4, eff~ive August 1, 1~4, and a~ ~~ ~e~. 4. And if a license is hereby given for an dectric light or power lme or lines crossing over or under tracks of Railway, then such crossing shall be comtucted and maintained in conformity with the provisions of the National Electrical ~afety Code as set forth in Handbook H43 of the National Bureau of Stanchrds in its present form or as sub~queml! revi~ed, ~ plus additional facilities as Railway may require to pro- tect all of its con'anon carrier rnilroad operations, usmg or on Railway's right of way subject to injury or damage arising from the aforesaid location of I.icensee's facilities. 5. The Lice~-~,e shall within thirty (30) day~ after date hereof, obtain all necessary permits, licenses and franchises reclined by leg. Wbs~ever under this agreement Licensee's power lines cross or are located within ................ feet from any lines or wires of any licensed communication utility on the right of way of Railway Licensee shall at all times prevent mterference in any way with the construction, maintenance or operation o~ such crossed or adjacent telephone and telegraph wires, and in such event, Licensee shall adopt, use and maintain the best Imo~n and most effective methods to protect the aforesaid telephone and telegraph wires and lines from Physical haxard a~d inductive interference. & Tlmt amid appllmme~ er fixture o~ Ute L~ ~!! not at any tt~ ln~e~ wl~ or e~an~ the ~, ~~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ~ ~y, or t~ o~mtio~, ~ln~ 'or imp~ve~ of ~e ~1~, or ~ ~ ~ ~, ~; ~ ~~ s~ll at 1~ own ~~ on ~e f~m uid ~, fo~ ~ i~ or ~ir o~h applfa~ or flxtu~. ~y b p~ri~ by uid ~1~. 7. ~t if ~~ hib d~n ~1 ~ ~i~ in writi~ ~ Licen~ of t~ ~llation or ~l~fl~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ will at lb own exam wi~in ~i~y days a~r ~ving of ~eh ~ ~u ~ a~b or f~u~ of ~e Li~ f~ ~ right of way and p~y of aid ~lw~, but m ~ ~11 m ~ r~ui~ by hiiw~ ~ ~nw ~ Li~ compli~ with ~Mme~, un~ R ~ m~ in the un~r~ j~ent of hilway ~ ~ui~ s~h re- ~vM in ~e oMffo~ ~ ~nbnm ~ imp~nt of t~ Raiiway's p~. 8. Tht ~ ~p~iy co. ruer or instil as p~vid~ in ~r~raph 1 or aban- doniM or ~M ~ m ~ ~n~in MM applia~ or fi~u~ ~in s~ifj~, or u~n tb ~ncelh* ~on a~ te~ti~ ~ ~h ~~nt u ~in p~v~, or u~n the acciden~l or other braking of uid applian~ or fl~m ~i~ ~ or ~ ~ ~ hiiway's ~d~, tr~b, or other pFo~y, Li~M s~ ~ ~ R om ~u md nppl~ or flxtu~ and rm~ t~ premim ~ f~ fo~eF ~ ~di~ ~ at M ~r s~h b~ or ~ at i~ own c~t and ex.nM; and failing so to d~ th ~1~ ~ M ~ ~val ~ ~fl~ at tb c~ and ex~ of Li~n~. 9. ~t ~~ ~ aM ~H mm dM ~ ~ b ~ven ~ t~ hilway wbn Li~ or ~n~r or ~M ~~ ~ ~ p~ ~ enbr u~n or c~ the treks, r~ and ~r p~ ~ ~ ~ wi~ ~ ~~ or fixture or for ex~vations the~for, in order that p~r P~on ~ b ~~ f~ ~ P~ 2 10. That IAc~n~e, it3 suec~sor,, or ~ ami aMa~. shall and will, ~t ~1 ~ ~r in- demnify and ~ ha~l~ ~ilway, ~ ~ ~ all ~i~, e~ ~d jud~en~ ~d all 1~, damage, ~, c~r~ and ~~ w~ ~ ~ su~, s~in or in either on account of 1~ or d~ ~~ ~ ~d ~ilw~ or ~ i~ ~d~, t~g ~rs, engin~ and other pro~y, or a~ 1~ or ~ ~u~ ~ ~d app~ or fl~u~ or other pro~y Licen~, or any 1~ or d~ ~~ ~ p~ of ~, n~ ~y. ~ ~is ~ment, wh~her or not such p~ ~ in t~ c~y of ~ or ~lway, or on ~ount of d~th, per~nal in- juries or 1~ ~ s~ employs, wh~er ~ L~ or ~l~y, or ~r ~n ~ldi~ Railway r~ s~nslb~ therefor, a~si~ ~t of, mu~ng f~ ~ ia a~ runner ~ by, di~fly or indi~tly, the i~ti~, ~t~iom ~n~ o~ or p~ of t~ he~n li~ applian~ or fi~u~ of Li~ on ~ ~ht of way ~ p~ ~ ~i~ay. ~e i~iti~ hewn provid~ s~l ~n- clud~, but n~ ~ H~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~ s~t or j~ent ~on~ by au~m~il~, truc~ or ~r ~i~ ~ ~ ~ w~ ~rk~ or o~ ~ ~ ~r the Raiiw~'s tr~ arisi~ ~t of, ~u~i~ fro, or in ~ ~n,r ~ b~, ~y or i~i~ly, f~m m by thz Li~ of t~ ~~ h~n ~v~. 11. ~ ~m~ ~ ~y ~iway ~1 ~ ~ ~~om ~r a~ m~rt~ incu~ by ~iiw~ in su~~, p~~ a~ ~fl~ t~ p~y of t~ Railway by ~n of o~on of ~~. 1~ ~t this ~~t ~ ~ ~n~ u~n ~ ~s or the hei~ and ~ of t~ ~vo~n~ or ~~ ~n ~~ ~1 ~ waiv~ or ~fl~ ~pt by ~ ~ in w~i~ a~ ~ ~ ~ w~v.r or ~i~n ~1 ~ bindi~ un~ any cir- cum~ 13. L~ ~ W ~ ~iiw~, u~ ~ ~ti~ a~ d~l~ of thi~ ~mnt, the ~ry ~t of ~u~n~ mp m ~~ ~ ~ affiz~ ~ ~is a~nt u~ the laws of th~ Un~ ~ of Am~, t~ ~ ~ ~ or ~. 14. Llc, nm ~ that, if Li~ is har~in r,quir, d to pay unto Railway any ~um of money as my b~ spaciff~d o~ first pag~ lmr~of, ~ will pay unto Railway the ~ in cash in advane, for ,ach ymr for whleh this agro,m, nt may b~ r~n,w~ or may r, main in effect ~- .yond o~ ~r f~m ~ ~f. 15. Li~ ~rm ~t it will. at im ~m. ~j~ i~ ~M f~ilit~ ~ any p~si~ c~ng~ or additions ~ at any ~ by ~ ~lway in its t~ or t~ f~iliti~ on. or i~ p~y at this ~tion. 16. ~~ ~ ~at 1~ f~ii~m shll b lm~ ~ minmin~ by ~ at the ex~n~ of ~ce~ in a mn~r tht will m at ~ ~ ~ a ~r ~ or tn~e~ wi~ th rife and efficient o~rati~ of the Railwty's t~ or ~ui~nt ~ ~t o~h work shall ~ oubj~t at all times to t~ app~vM of an au~ori~ ~m~tiv. ~ th~ ~ilway. 17. If ~~ ~ a muniei~i~ ~ a pu~ or qmi pubic ~ration then it agr~ that no ~~t or ~ c~ of ~ m~ w~~ ~M! ~ ~ or made against th2 Railway or ~n~ i~ pm~y on ~unt ~ t~ i~ or ~i~m of ~~', faciliti~ at this l~ation. 18. Both parties hereto agree that the previsio~s of 'General 3pecifications' on 4 peges annexed hereto and mede a part hereof insofar as the same relates to the 24inch cast iron pipe and the 36 inch ateel casing pipe shall apply to the work of ~ and the rights and privileges hereby given to Licensee. IN WITNF~8 WHBR~OF, The pert~ bere~ have aaeeed Oueee p~eeeda to be dul~ aecut~d in depli- ca~e t~e day and ~ear fir~ bere~ ~ Signed, eealed and delivered in precede a~: Wltneaaea al to Railway. Witnemma ea to Licenee~ ....................... ¥iee Pr~sidon~ Joints~ '~-~--~ spigot caulked with lead and oakma or an appr~ed type ~c~anical Joint. ~aterial $~ecificati~ ~ Pipe ~Ast confor~ current A.S.?.~. 8Peciflcatt~ A-123, $chedale 40. P:I.~ ~ J~nohee in _.d~t~ or leas to be galvaniaed pipe. P~ ~reeter than Jo:Lute: ~ :Luoi~8 ~n d.i.a~t, er, to be black bi~ ooated. Pipe in aocordamee with oarrewt Look Joint Pipe Coqma=~ 8Peei~oatio~ ~-5 or equivalent. Jointa~ ~ amd steel Jolats in aoe~daaoe eit~ O~re~t Lock Joint Pipe Company SPecifioattea S~-~ or equivalent. Joi~8~ --~-a~ ~pigot caulked with lead and oedaua or aa a~prove4 type ~eal Joimt. Joints, ~ inches in diameter to be blaek bituaim~ua e~ated. ~oints mast be welded or of an aPpa~mved ~aaical type. eq~valent. -- c~rmt Look Jo~rt ~ ~ SpecifioatXo~ SP-~ or Jo~nts; Rubber and ~teel Joints ia accorda~e with current Lo~k Joint Pipe Company S~ecifioation 8P-5 or equivalent, Casing pipe shall ext~d ~ right of way l~-e to right of ~r line of the Railwayl s~y be o1~ at both emds if local conditions perait water fron leaks to disc~rge into d2~ ditch or manhole. If this ia not practicA1 the easing pipe .shall be sealed at both er~to and a 4' relief vent providod at eitb~ e~d off tho Railmmy,s right of way, which shall discharge into dra&mage ditch or se~er. That portion ~f pipe extend~ through the Railuay, s roadbed and under its tracks shall be installed by boring-Jacking method approved by the Chief ~gimer of the Railway. Remainix~g porti~ of pipe ~ay be in- stalled by open treneh nethod. P[lniiaa cover 3.5 feet below the bottau of ties to top of pipe required all pipe~ Backfill shall be thm-ougbly tamped in layers afro- pipe has been teated to procure of 1-1/2 t/mss mnxt.~m yon-king pres~re and found to be tight. ~ T.~_~ ' (a) The easing pipe ~t extend ~ oe~ter lt~_ of n~t ~ not le~ ~ ~ve f~t ~e ~ ~e ~s~ ~ b~ of ~ ~ ~ of ~, ~ ~ no ~ 1~8 ~ ~ ~t ~a ~ ~ of ~ m~. ~ ~~ pi~ ~ ~ ~s~ ~ ~s~ pt~, ~ of ~ ~ ~t be s~d ~d ~ ~. (b) ~ u Wb- a~ f~ ~ 1~. ~ ~ ~ or ~ SIZE ... Casing pipe shall have a ninimu inside diamo~er of 6 inches greater than ~e maximin outsido diameter of the carrier pipe, including bell ends or flanges. -3- ¥,/',,/T0 FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY