64-UURESOLUTION NO. 64-UU W H E R E F O R E, MORGAN GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, has requested the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA, to validate certain mutilated coupons relative to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Issue of 1961, Series B$ and WHEREAS, the City Council of said City is desirous of comply- ing with said request; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: 1. That interest coupon No. 19 attached to the Certificate Numbers 1204, 1205, 1210 and 1254, CITY OF BOYN/O N BEACH, FLORIDA, Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Issue of 1961, Series B, said Coupons being in the face amount of $20.00 each and each being due and payable on June i, 197fl, which coupons have been partially mutilated, although still attachec[to subject bonds, are each hereby validated and declared to be good, valid and outstanding indebtedness of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, in their present condition, and the payment thereof shall be honored when submitted to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH or its duly authorized paying agent. 2. A certified copy of this Resolution shall be appended to each of the above-described bonds and made a part thereof. (Corp. Seal) tTTEST: City Clerk PASSED and ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, AD. 1964. CI~~BOYNT~ BEACH, FLORIDA / ~layor , ~ ~ ,. ,-"";/";?: ) .?, C, ouncilman. c~U~cilman Councilman ,% 70. Ot ! 4 · '~ 2 0.,',)0 !204 · ' - - - DEC 1 ,,,~ Cl1'~ Of BOtNION BEACH I LORIDA. · ..~. .7%"' .' :":-: ': $20.00 "'~ ':': ':"' '":"-'~ '" ' ' JUN[1 t968 the ('l'r'~ OF' BOYNTON BI. ACH· FLORIUA. ...... . ..... $20.00 ~'::' :'" D[C1 1967 th, ('l'i 'l Iff BOkh'ION BEACH FLORIDA ' JUNE1 1967 Il ~ Ot i~,O'fNTO.,N BEALH i I.¢~IDA ?'~':~:~'-~'~;?"' ~,. 1 204 I~, , CITer 3~C S20.00 1 201 'J i .... --:'' :::" DEC I Iq, 66 Ins clri '~ [)[~ BO~NfON BEACH fLORIDA '- .'--:~','-:~:': - ..;'~ .'"- $20 00 JUNE! 196,6 ~h~- C!TY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA, i':.'!~;/:.,",:."i~:~,''~--.~':;':-~ ': :~ ':~:~!:.'":' $20.00 .-,; the ('lTl OF BO'~NtON BEACH ;2',,:. .: :~; :'2,7 ~,, 1204 J,)Ni. 1 1979 $2O,OO '~,. '1205 O~ I 1978 $20.00 205 JiJNEl,{97fi $2O.OO $20.00 ~OYN!~N BEA£H FlORJl)&. $20,00 :'v'::<:~,::.: ..... ~, 1 ;-')0 5 DLr; 1 $2(i.00 S20. O0 $ 20. O0 $20. :.l l; CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, i ~¥'7;:: ~ ,'.'i-TM/~- ;::: '. ~ ',;':~',: ~ ,'¢,,~z~" ~: ....... =~ ...................... $20.00 ~"' "~~~ ~ ~,,. 12 0 5 ~,, , .,;"%, :,. ' .... the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA ,:.:7: :!:~;:,.j,.~t~+~,: :'47!:'.':~:.2.:,',!:,1::'::~:':,::,; $20.00 the CI II OF BO'I'NI'ON BEACH I'LOR DA the ClT'~ OF BOYNI'ON BEACIt H ORIDA. ,'-' ................... ", $20.00 · ':~'"~"~'~:~ :~::"~""~"::~ ~-'~ No 1 2 0 5 17 ·: '. , ~ .':7' :.' :.~, DEC.I 1969 ~ne CIT'~ OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ":"'.C,::~":t,!., '; .<'L!: ~:.,:'!!:t':',x $20.00 ":'~:~':~: ~'~":~ No. 120 5 .... Iii ..... '~::~" ::'" :: JUNE1 1969 ~h~ CII ~ Ol. ~(}YNI'()N BEACH. I,LORIDA ,- :.'. :/, '. L' ;' , ..!. ' ." . :L.:., ' 7: ?. %:. ,, : $20.00 '~ "'"~ t'"~' F' " JUNE 1.1968 ,n, Cll'l Ol. flO'iNlON BBACH I,LORIDA. : ',':":': ':' ' "'::'-., :' ":!- $20.00 ., ;v.,.r;-~ ~, ,.,..:: 'r-,r ~;;T C: ' ": DEC. I 1967 ,,~: t 11'~ O! BO?NTON BEACtt FLORID.',, _. ' .... ', L'- ~ $20.00 "'~"--"~ ..... ?'~'-?""~:"- ~0. 1 205 I'~ JUNE1 19~7 ..... ('il; Ot BOYN[ON BEACH FLORID), ........ --' ' $21) rio $20.00 205 DEC. i, t 96,4 the CITY Of Bt)~'~l~5 ;i,\,!i ilORll):% "' $20.00 ~,, 1 205 $2¢.00 · '~ ':-::'~" '- " ~': '' $20.00 : .',::'~z~':.~:~c~':" 21:7t ... , ' '. .... bC 11~8 ':"- :" : ' :": '~ :=--'"= --- DEC.1 1~71 9: ~ ~"~ lOF, h;.'. tae (~T~ OL BOYN10N BLACtt ['LORIDA. tho iFFY I)~ $20.00 ' ':' 'E::4~:~:~:L:":~'=:~.~', ;.". z ':. ~" ,':~ ~:-.'.:- $20.00 :=" ' ~,, 1210 :~l ~-.~ ~ · ( k:b,~ fl. CIT~ O~ BO~NTON BE~CN. FLORIDA. $20.00 - :":-:,' <:="- :' ":' ' ::'=~.? $20.00 ~,i'~! I !'0/7 $20.U0 "' 1 2! 0 :~,, $20.00 1210 i~, ~2(1.D0 ! 254 $20.00 ~254 $20.00 1 254 JUNE] 1977 $20.00 S20.00 125a - 254 52O.00 ".! ~ ). OO " ' ......... ' ~ :":?' $2C ~0 ~EC.l.t971 ~,e CIT~ OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. "'"~ :~ "~ ~-~'~ ~ 12 5 4 ...... ~"" ~ ::'~' '='"':'=:'?:' = :';:';' JUNE 1.197 fro. CrlY OF BOYFll ON BEACH, FLORIDA. , :'::.:'~:'~:~',f~'/:~ ~:::'.~'~:::'.:?,':-, ~.t:.~~t 2::':~,~ $20.00 ' :" '-:-" "-':':" .,::" :,' JUN[1 1970 CITY OF BO'~NION gLACfl FLORIDA ..... ~ 1 254 "" :: ' ":':;::' '" DEC.{ 1969 -- ([I'~ OF BOYNToN BEACH. FLORIDA. '::-' ~': "'- ' '-: .' ' '" "= '~ '= $20.00 "-~:~":~:;':'~'~:~'~?"~ .. ,~ ,~o. 1 254 ,,; ............. " - JUNE{ 1969 :,,,~ (~F] Of BOYNTON BEACH. I:I. ORIDA "::'"": ' "' "'"" $20.00 ":'?:";:~",:'~4:~:!':::~:w"~:... ,~.. ~o. 1 254 ]..-; .... '- DEC 1 1968 BEACH FLORIDA $20.00 ,.~r_..,::" ".~,,. 1 254,, JUNE 1 1968 ' l'~ (,! Fl(,~NIO:N hF.A['tl FI.f)RIOA $20.00 ,-~ .i-- ~i' :', '"::ti,.fE ~F",';': ' ............. =-"~' x.. 1254 ,:~ 1~:_54t,