01-18-60B RGE?oEAS, the Charter of the City of 3oynt. on Beach provides that compensation to be paid ell appointed officers shall be fixed by Ordinance or Resolution, NOW, %I[~EFORE, BE IT RZ$OLVED BY ~iE CITY COUNCIl OF T[~ CITY OF ~OIC{TIqN BEACH, FLOFIDA, ~ffAT the salary of each officer appointed on January 4th sh?l! be as follows: T~ Collector Finance Director Treasurer City Attorney City Judge Tere~..sa Padgett Olive Cierpik Rena Carrier Gene ~loore Peter Van Voast 125.00 per week !15.00 per week 65.00 per week 150.00 per month 75.00 per month Taw_ Assessor & Purchasing n~ent Car Allowance Council Stenographer Police Chief Fire Chief suml~...~ Inseector Car Allowance Pimmbing Inspector Car Allowance Electrical Inspector Car Allowance Supt. of l~blic !orks *John 5:. Pe±,er~on Kathleen ~irton J~nes ErwJn John %lite Harold 31anchette .... l~m Kcl(echnie Leon Or~mmon s Oirck Crootenboer 400.00 per month 50.06 per month 2.50 per hour !0i.5~ per week 101.54 per week !~.00.00 per month 75.00 per month .~,.~,~' per month ?5.00 per month !00.00 per month 75.00 per month !00.00 per week ~,? m~R~? SALARIES SHALL VE retroactive BE IT FUR~.TH~. P~ESOLVED ~nAT ~r .... a ~ to the morning of January 5, 1960. ~AoS.~D A~D ADOP~D~ in regular Council meeting this 1Sth day of January, 1960. ,.0 ur~ c.. ] ..,~l.a~ Councilman Attest: ~.',- !~. John W. Peterson's salary starts as of January i1, ~960.