01-06-60APSSOLUT!ON (Official Signatures) [~i~-?~AS, the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, provides 'that the City Treasurer shall prepare all cheeks and vouchers to be dr~awn on the City depositories, and shall sign the ss~e and present, said checks to the Mayor or Vice Mayor to be coumtersigned; and ;.~S, i-iarvey E. Oyer, Jr. is the duly elected and qualified Mayor; and [~7~E-,'..S, John L. Archie, Vice l.[ayor has been sppointed to sign checks in 'the absence of the l.fayor; and ~E?gAS, R. B. Carrier is the duly appointed Treasurer; and ',.,~]IER?~3, has been appointed to prepare and sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer; NOW ~I?iREFORE BE IT R3JSOLVED, that a true copy of this F~ESOLUTION be sent to the First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Delray Beach, Florida, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of ]~fest Palm Eeach, Florida, First Federal Savings smd Loan Association, Lake Worth, Florida, :.',fest Palm Beach Federal Savings and Losn Association, ~fest Palm .Beach, Florida, Little River Dank & Trust ~ -' ~ ~omp=ny, !~ami, Florida, and Bo~mton Beach State Bank,, Bo~/nton Beach, Fla. Passed and adopted this 6th day' of Jmnuary, A.D., 1960. ~ i'{aY° r Comaci]man Attest: 'City Clerk Councilman Constituting the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida.