050261aot RE SOL U T I 0 N ON MOTION OF Commissioner (Councilman) seconded by Commissioner (Councilman) Summers following Resolution was adopted. Pipes Reso lutio~ for SRO NO. 18 SECTION 93200-2501 ST.aTE ROAD 804 C09]~TY OF Palm Beach , the ~q~EREAS, the State Road Department of Florifla has located and pro- poses to construct or reconstruct a part of State Road 804 fr~ State Road 5 Mst to State Road A-1-A ; and WHEREAS, in order for the State Road Department to further and complete said project, it is necessary that certain utilitie~ and/or facilities within the Right of Way limits of said State Road $04 , be adjusted, changed or relocated; and WHEREAS, the State Road Department having requested the City of Bo~lto~l Bea¢]a Florida, to execute and deliver to the State Road Department a Utilities Agreement, agreeing to make or cause to be made such adjustments, changes or relocations of said utilities and/or facilities as set out in said Agreement, snd said request having been duly considered; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the of the City of Boy~ltO~l Beach , F]orids, that the Mayor and Clerk (City Manager) be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the State Road Department a Utilities Agreement for the adjustment, change or relocation of certain utilities within the Right of way limits of said State Road 804 , Section 93200-2501; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this Resolution Re8o lut::i, on SHEET NO. 2 SRD ~o. 18 SECTIO~ STATE ROAD 804 COUNTY OF Palm Beach be forwarded to the State Road Department at Tallahassee, FTorida, CITY OF BOYHTON BFACH COUNTY OF PALM BF.~CH I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the City Council City of Boynton Beach , Florida, at a meeting of said City Council , held on this 1st dsy of May A. D. 19 61, WITNESS my hand and seal on this 2nd day of May ~. D. 1961 . of the Cl~rk (~~er ~of the City of ~/ F~orids Boynton Beach '