11-02-59A aEsQu r o DESIGNATING A DEPO~ITC~Y ~, the City of ~ton Beac~ creation of a ~~ T~t ~d, ~, it appe~s t~t ~he ~ton B~ch State B~ is d~y q~ifi~ to be offiai~ de~si~ of s~h ~ds, N~ T~~ ~ ~ ~OLV~ ~ the Co~cil of the City of ~ton B~h, ~orida t~t the ~~ ~CH STATE B~ ~ ~d h~e~ is ap~t~ Offici~ De~si~ of a ~ien of the ~ds of the City ~f ~t~ ~ch~ Florida. ~ ~ F~T~ ~OLV~ ~ the Co~cil of the City of ~~ ~ach, Flor- ida, t~t ~1 ch~ks, si~ ~ the ~e~ or Deity Tre~ ~d co~tersi~ ~ the ~y~ or Vice~yor. ~ ~ F~T~ ~~, t~t the ~~ ~CH STATE ~ ~ ~st~ted to reco~ize the si~at~e Deity Tr~er; J~es ~. M~n~ ~ ~r; ~d J~ B. ~~ ~ Vic~ ~yor, on ~1 o~ers issu~ ~ the City of ~ton B~ch, F~rida. D~ P~S~ ~ ~0~ ~ t~ City Co~cil of the City of ~t~ B~ch, November , 1959. Florida at its re~ ~eet~ of _. Co~ci~ ' ~City Clerk