08-04-58A k~EAS, T. M. COOK -& CO. on Ao4'uzt !, ]958, produced 47 Bonds which the city secured at a savzn~s of ~-.35.00 interest, and ~.'~r~W~EAS, these Bonds ~;a~re included in tho Bonds called in Reso- lutiou dated July 22, 1958, N~, T~FG~E, ~ IT PJESOL\~D BY ~ CITY C0~ICIL OF ~2~E~&Ct{, AS FOLL~JS: All of the called Bonds maturing to be p~.~chased through Chase Manhattan~ Bank, total $~1,000, and are numbered S7 to 75 inclusive, 12o to 14~ inclusive and 670 to o7~ i~clusive, IE ~ F~RT~ RESOLV~XD, that a copy of this Resolution too be be forwarded to the Chase }~nhattan Bar]~. PASSED .~ ADOPTED THiS 4th DAY OF AU'?~BT, 1958. Attest: Mayor Vice Mayor