Minutes 08-03-95 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1995, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner Sidney Rosen, Commissioner Carrie Parker, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I. OPENINGS: Ao Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor Invocation Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and offered the Commissioner Jaskiewicz led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections invocation. City Manager Parker deleted Item IV-A. 1, since Derek Harper was already here and gone due to the timing of this meeting. City Manager Parker added Item IX-B, "Request from Lake Worth Drainage District to Utilize City Property for Staging Area During Canal Clearing". 2. Adoption Commissioner Rosen moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mayor Taylor announced that Vice Mayor Bradley was absent due to vacation. II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Appointment To Be Made Board Length of Term Expiration Date Mayor Taylor IV Matson II Bradley I I Brad l ey IV Matson II Bradley IV Matson II Bradley IV Matson IV Matson Mayor Taylor Rosen Board of Adjustment Alt Term Bldg. Board of Adj. & Appeals Alt Term Cemetery Board Alt Term Children & Youth Adv. Board Stu Term Children & Youth Adv. Board Alt Term Library Board Alt Term *Senior Advisory Board Reg Term Senior Advisory Board Alt Term Cemetery Board Reg Comm. Redev. Adv. Bd. Reg Community Relations Board Reg Code Enforcement Board Reg expires 4/97 expires 4/96 exp~ res 4/96 expires 4/96 expires 4/96 expires 4/96 exp~ res 4/96 expires 4/96 Term expires 4/97 1 yr term to 4/96 Term expires 4/96 Term expires 9/97 TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED TABLED No appointments were made; therefore, all tabled appointments remained on the table. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table all appointments which were not previously tabled. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. III. CONSENT AGENDA: A. Minutes: 1. City Commission Workshop Meeting Minutes of July 12, 1995 Commissioner Rosen requested that Sentence 1 of Paragraph 1 under Item E - "Funding for Non-Profits" be changed to read, "Mayor Taylor explained that many places have a policy that when money is being requested from the City, that item must be on the agenda so that each member has an opportunity to investigate the situation". COmmissioner Rosen requested that the first sentence of Paragraph 2 under Item E - "Funding for Non-Profits" be corrected to read, "Commissioner Rosen feels the Commission should consider this issue as requests from the City in classifications". Commissioner Rosen requested that the last sentence of Paragraph 2 under Item E - "Funding 2 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 since the Commission is not empowered to use taxpayers* money for charitable donations". Bids - Recommend Approval -All expenditures are approved in the 1994-95 Adopted Budget Award bid for Anthracite Filter Media to F. B. Leopold Company in the amount of $40,000 City Manager Parker corrected the dollar amount to read that the total amount available is $40,000, but the bid amount is $30,114. Award bid for reroof of Municipal Golf Course clubhouse with "Timberline GAF Ultra SC-710-Natural Shadow Cedar shingles" to S&S Roofing, South Inc., in the amount of $24,890 Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned whether or not the 5 percent bid bond was requirement. In reviewing the documents, City Manager Parker observed that only one of the four companies submitted bid bonds. She offered to review the bid package to supply an answer. This item was pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. C. Resolutions Proposed Resolution No. R95-116 Re: Water Service Agreement for Lloyd Taylor as trustee - Lot 1 of Ridge Grove Subdivision, located at the northwest corner of Miner Road and Overlook Road o Proposed Resolution No. R95-117 Re: Authorize agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and The School Board of Palm Beach County regarding The Poinciana Latch Key Program D. Approval of Bills Acopy of these bills is attached to the original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. Approve purchase of 300 HP U.S. Electric open drip-proof motor - West Water Treatment Plant MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Mayor Taylor pulled this item from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Fo Approve replacement purchase of two lime sludge processing submersible pumps - East Water Treatment Plant, sole source purchase, piggy-backing the Boca Raton Bid G. Approve disposal of records - City Clerk's Office and Finance Department H. Budget Transfer - City Manager's Office Motiou Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as amended with the eXception of Items B-2 and E. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Eo Approve purchase of 300 HP U.S. Electric open drip-proof motor - West Water Treatment Plant Mayor Taylor referred to Utilities Memorandum #95-22 dated July 11, 1995, from John Guidry to Lana Koester, wherein he explained the failure of the three membrane feed pumps on june 24, 1995. He questioned whether this is an unusual situation. BOb Kenyon, Deputy Utilities Director, said this was a highly unusual situation. These pumps w~re only one and one-half years old, but did not have internal heaters. This occurrence happened when the Plant was shut down. When the pumps were rewound, they failed. Mayor Taylor realized that it took 12 to 13 days to get back on line. Mr. Kenyon explained thlat the Fourth of July weekend delayed the process for four days. Mayor Taylor questioned whether one spare pump will be sufficient if a future problem arises. Mr. Kenyon explained that the failure was due to moisture. Because there were no internal h~aters in the units, when the operator turned on the units sequentially, they each failed. With internal heaters, Mr. Kenyon has never experienced more than one motor failing at one time. He further advised that 2/3 of the Plant capacity can be run on just one motor/pump combination. Mr. Kenyon feels one spare pump should be sufficient to get the City through rdost reasonable emergencies. He is confident this purchase will solve the problem. 4 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Item E. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. B-2. Award bid for reroof of Municipal Golf Course clubhouse with "Timberline GAF Ultra SC-710-Natural Shadow Cedar shingles" to S&S Roofing, South Inc., ! in the amount of $24,890 In answer t© Commiss'oner Jaskiewicz earlier question, City Manager Parker reported that if the total prpposal amount is $25,000 or more, the bid must be accompanied by a 5 percent bid bond. in this case, two of the bidders submitted prices under that. amount and were not required t° submit a bid bond. Motion COmmissioner Jaskiewicz moved, seconded by Commissioner Rosen, to approve Item B-2. The motiOn carried unanimously. ~ IV. ANNOUNCEMENT & PRESENTATIONS: I. A. Announcements: Derek Harper, Pro Basketball player for the New York Knicks, providing free summer basketball camp at Hester Center - July 31 and August 1, 1995 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon This item was deleted from the agenda by City Manager Parker. B. Presentations: 1. Employee Service Awards City Manager Parker and Mayor Taylor distributed service awards to the employees who were present for the meeting. Awards will be forwarded to those employees who were unable to attend tonight's presentatiOn. 25. Years...o~ Sea~_vJce Roy Aikens, Equipment Operator II, Sanitation Silas Clark, Equipment Operator III, Sanitation Bill Sullivan, Retired, Personnel Director, Human Resources MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 20~ear~£ Service James Boyd, Equipment Operator I, Parks John Denson, Lifeguard II, Recreation Mattie Hirth, Secretary III, Building Willie Wilfork, Refuse Collector II, Sanitation 15~Years o~Service Alen Galloway, Maintenance Worker I, Public Water System Operation Kenneth Gorles, Code & License Inspector, Code Enforcement Steven Grenier, Police Captain, Police Department Walter Haag, Firefighter III, Fire Department Clyde Harris, Recreation Leader, Recreation & Parks Wendy Hollien, Recreation Specialist, Recreation & Parks John Martin, Utility Maintenance Mechanic III, General Maint. & Lift Stn. David N issensohn, Police Sergeant, Police Department Daniel Perales, Equipment Operator III, Parks Linda Shelton, Foreman I, Parks Department Grady Swann, Finance Director, Finance Daniel Szychowski, Animal Control Supervisor, Animal Control John Wylie, Utility Equipment Operator, Utility Construction Chris Yannuzzi, Police Lieutenant, Police Department lO Y_ears of~Service Deborah Burke, Clerk III, Public Works Gayle Caughey, Firefighter Ill, Fire Department William Coup, Librarian II, Library John Guidry, Utility Director, Utility Administration Wilfred Hawkins, Assistant to the City Manager, City Manager Michael Henley, Water Plant Operator III, Public Water System Operation Paul Keamey, Building Maintenance Mechanic I, Facilities Management Keith Knight, Firefighter III, Fire Department Edwin Kunter, Systems Operator I, General Maintenance & Lift Station Edward Leamon, Firefighter II, Fire Department Joan Mormelo, Code & License Inspector II, Code Enforcement Alfred Newbold, Deputy Building Official, Building Jane No~thup, Librarian II, Library Thomas Reitz, Firefighter III, Fire Department Geoffrey Simpson, Firefighter III, Fire Department Lorraine Thyne, Retired, Clerk III, Purchasing John Tortorici, Police Officer, Police Department Daniel Vargas, Police Officer, Police Department Gregory White, Refuse Collector II, Sanitation 2. Proclamation - Joe Delaney City Manager Parker recommended tabling the reading of this Proclamation since Mr. Delaney was unable to attend tonight's meeting. 6 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 V. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: None VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: WJlda Searcy, 402~3E_!3 AvenUe, urged the Commissioners to name the park in her neighborhood "Wilda Morgan Searcy Park" because she has worked very hard for the City and helped save Poinciana School. The canal can be used for fishing by the residents of Boynton Beach. She claimed that she and her husband were responsible for building the first fishing pier in Boynton Beach. She further requested that the City provide parking on only one side of the street where the sidewalks have been installed to avoid any liability. VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Ao Project Name: Papa John's .......................................................... TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 15, 1995 Agent: I nterplan Practice, Ltd. Owner: Papa Johns USA Location: Northeast corner of NW 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard Description: LANDSCAPE APPEAL: Request for a landscape code appeal to overhang a required landscape strip with bumpers of parked cars Project Name: Papa John's ....................................................... TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 15, 1995 Agent: Interplan Practice, Ltd. Owner: Papa Johns USA Location: Northeast corner of NW 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard Description: NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a 1,142 square foot take-out pizza store on .22 acres City Manager Parker advised that the applicant has requested that Items A and B be tabled MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 until the August 15, 1995 meeting. The Commissioners agreed to leave these items on the table. Project Name: Agent: Location: Description: Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard TIME E×TEN$1ON: Request for approval of an 18-month retroactive and an indefinite time extension for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemption Attorney Cherof advised that this item returns after previously having public audience and discussion. This is back on a motion for reconsideration. There is no need to conduct a hearing tonight, but the Commission can accept additional comments from staff and the applicant. Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who would be testifying during this proceeding. Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested a copy of the minutes of the meeting when this application was previously addressed by the Commission. City Clerk Sue Kruse left.the Chambers to secure a copy of those meeting minUtes. Ki~z.~LIKilday advised that at the last meeting, a request was made for reconsideration of the service station which was approved as part of the previous master plan. The service station is a small site located at the northeast corner of the site. The only entrance to the service station will be off the central internal access. There will be a "right-turn onlyt' allowed off Boynton Beach Boulevard. When the applicant went through the approval process in 1990, meetings were held with the Stionehaven Property Owners~ Association, and an agreement was worked out whereby the al~plicant would install walls, buffering and landscaping as part of the approvals. With the construction of Knuth Road, the residential units located on the south part of the project will haVe their front doors facing a major street. Knuth Road will be a fairly busy road because its ulitimate alignment will be with the westerly entrance of the Boynton Beach Mall. Tl~e applicant agreed to construct a wall and gate facilities across the entire frontage of Kn uth ROad to provide a buffer between the public and private roads of the community. All of the conditions become due and payable at the issuance of the first building permit for the project. At this point, the applicant has a user for the first building permit. It is a gasoline company. Mr. Kilday was in possession a letter from Reb Oil (Texaco station) indicating that they will MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 be constructing the facility. That construction would allow the property owner to construct all of Knuth Road, the walls, and gatehouse facilities which were part of the agreement. In-depth discussions were conducted with the homeowners during the approval process. The agreement was signed by all parties and is in force. When the issue of not allowing the service station arose, it caused a problem with regard to carrying out the agreement. For that reason, the letter was sent from the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association requesting that the Commission reconsider the approval to allow the service station. Roger Bennett, President of the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association, was present in the audience to address the Commission. Mr. Bennett was president when the agreement was worked out and knows the history of this project. Roger~e_o~kett explained that the community has no problem with the service station and feels it might even be an asset because it might eliminate the need to have to travel out to Congress Avenue. The community is aware that the Tara Oaks project will soon be constructed as will Knuth Road. The community does not want to be left wide open. The original agreement was worked out extensively with the homeowners in 1990. That agreement runs with the land so that whenever the first shovel in the development process is turned, our agreement kicks in to protect the homeowners with the buffer and wall along the length of the community, wrapping around the canal. In addition, money will be placed in escrow so that the community can install guard gates. When the agreement was signed, the City had no problem with that installation since we own Stonehaven; however, they would not allow that closure to take place until Knuth Road is available for emergency access to Boynton Beach Boulevard. ;We have had a tremendous problem with traffic on Stonehaven. Since this is a private road, when repairs are necessary, many thousands of dollars will have to be found within the community to accomplish that. Mr. Bennett reiterated that long, in-depth discussions took place when this agreement was first approved. The community supports the construction of a service station at that site, and urged Commission support of the project. Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, was administered the oath. She feels that the Commission needs to focus on the issue of the service station, and if the conditions of the approval are the problem, then perhaps changes can be made to those changes. Ms. Heyden advised that when changes were made to the service station criteria in 1992, staff worked closely with developers to determine locations for service stations. The developers felt successful stations would be located near intersections. Our ordinance was changed to require that service stations be located at major intersections. Ms. Heyden referred to a vacant 9 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 service station on Boynton Beach Boulevard. She reminded the Commissioners that there are three service stations in close proximity to the proposed project. Ms. Heyden stated that the proposed service station does not meet the Iocational criteria since it is not a major intersection. Commissioner Rosen stated that although he understands why the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association would like to see this service station approved, the City Commission must consider the City as a whole. It is time to take our ordinances seriously and understand what is good for the City. Commissioner Rosen feels the location of this service station may present a safety hazard, and he will vote against it. Commissioner Jaskiewicz explained that when Mr. Kilday made his presentation on May 16, she disagreed because she did not feel this location is appropriate for a gas station. The time extension was approved contingent on there not being a gas station. She said she would reconsider the project if she was assured the residents were in favor of it. She has reconsidered it and spoken with many residents. Some of the residents of Stonehaven are not in favor of this gas station. She is concerned with this station being located within 500 feet of the community. She cannot support this project and ignore the opinions of our planners who recommend against it. Mayor Pro Tern Matson advised that when this project first came through in 1990, she was a member of the Community Appearance Board. She had a problem with this project at that time, as did the residents of Stonehaven. Mr. Kilday set up meetings with the residents, and when they came back, the residents were satisfied. No one will ever be able to get 100 percent approval of a homeowners' association, but Mr. Kilday sat down with the residents and ironed out the problems. Mayor Pro Tem Matson worked on the gas station ordinance in 1992, and she has a problem turning this project down because the ordinance which was in place when it first came through allowed the station on that piece of property. The residents support the project and Mayor Pro Tem Matson is concerned with many of the property rights laws being passed in Tallahassee. She received a number of calls from Stonehaven, and not one of those calls was negative. She approves of the way Mr. Kilday dealt with the residents, and she would like to see the project developed. Mayor Taylor has no problem with this project, and he is anxious to see Knuth Road constructed. This is an opportunity for the Commission to help the residents get their buffer wall and other promises fulfilled. He does not see a problem with any safety issues relative to this project as it appears to be well laid out. Further, he pointed out that with regard to Commissioner Jaskiewicz' remarks about not going along with staff recommendations, the record will reflect the fact that the Commission supports staff's recommendations many more times than not. ~should read, "She is concerned ~rith this 10 station being located within 500' of the other gas stations." MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Mayor Taylor realizes that the major concern of two Commissioners is that we do not need another gas station, and that is an opinion which is subjective. It has no basis relative to developing this piece of property. The Commissioners have an opportunity to help the residents of Stonehaven. He does not see any reason for concern with this project. In addition, with regard to the ordinance, Mayor Taylor can foresee the intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard becoming a very busy intersection when Knuth Road is constructed. Mayor Taylor urged the Commissioners to reconsider their positions and join him in supporting this project. Mr. Kilday advised that he was involved in the writing of the new gas station ordinance. One of the intents of the new ordinance was to put the stations at major intersections. Knuth Road is a major intersection. The only outstanding point which does not allow Mr. Kilday to meet the language of the current ordinance verbatim is that it does not state "at a major intersection". It says the project must be at intersections which have two four-lane roads. In this case, there is a six-lane road in front of the project, and a three-lane on the side. Most of the recent approvals by the City Commission have been taking place in the western part of Boynton Beach. There are many more people in this area today who are converging on the intersections where the service stations are located. The only reason there are plans to build this station is because the market feels there is room for a fourth service station. The vacant gas station on Boynton Beach Boulevard is a poor example. Mr. Kilday had someone interested in reopening that station within the last year. However, City staff advised that service stations are no longer allowed in that location. That is the only reason that station has not reopened. Although there is no nice way to say "service station", Mr. Kilday pointed out that the projects which have been developed over the last five years have been well integrated architecturally with surrounding uses. He recalled the opposition to the. service station at Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue; however, the concerns turned out not to be a problem. Mr. Kilday reminded the Commissioners that this project was approved with the service station which appeared on the master plan. It was worked out with the surrounding neighbors. It is at a major intersection and meets all of the service station criteria with the exception of one at this time. Ultimately, Knuth Road may have to be widened to four lanes, and then there would be 100 percent conformance with the ordinance. He urged the Commissioners to consider approving this project since the homeowners do not have a problem with this use. Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that the residents of Boynton Lakes North were very opposed to the gas station at Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue for many reasons. The station looks beautiful and business is booming. It is a very good neighbor. , ]1 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Roger Bennett pointed out that while Commissioner Jaskiewicz' comment about not all residents wanting a service station is correct, it is true that the majority of the residents favor this project. There is a safety issue involved, but that safety issue has nothing to do with the service station. When Knuth Road opens, the community will be exposed on one side to all of the traffic along Knuth Road. In 1990, the homeowners were opposed to the project because they wanted to stop the construction of Knuth Road. That was the reason why the homeowners joined forces to ensure that our community would be protected. There are a lot o~ children in this community. The homeowners have wanted to privatize for a long time. Mr. Bennett urged the Commissioners to reconsider. Commissioner Rosen said that he would be very opposed to a service station near his community because of the traffic it would generate and the interference the trucks would cause with his ability to enter his community. He feels there will be additional cross-over traffic generated. Mr. Bennett explained that a light is needed at Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. With Knuth Road opening up, the traffic light can be installed. That will reduce some of the problems expressed by Commissioner Rosen. The developer has already agreed to put in the traffic light which will control the traffic at that intersection. Commissioner Rosen wonders how the Commission would react to a second or third request four a gas station in the middle of a major highway. Mayor Pro Tem Matson advised that no other service stations can come through because the ordinance has been passed. This project came under the old ordinance. The Commission will not have to face such a situation again. J~ohnd]rugler, Gen_e~al Manager at QuaiLRidge Country C!ub_a~LPa~ol~etty O~ners' Ass~ciat~r~ oppose this project because they are concerned about the quality of life impacts of this service station and the safety issue discussed here. Quail Ridge has problems with the cross-over traffic issues and feels this project will enhance those problems. Further, there are concerns with property value impacts. Motion Commissioner Rosen moved that the request be denied. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. Attorney Cherof advised that the motion should be in the affirmative because of the possibility of a two-way tie. 12 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Commissioners Rosen and Jaskiewicz withdrew the motion and second. City Manager Parker advised that the previously-approved motion was that the plan be granted an 18-month retroactive and 24-month time extension with the County phasing option without the service station. Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this until we have a full Commission. Mayor Taylor passed the gavel and seconded the motion. The motion failed 2-2. (Commissioners Rosen and Jaskiewicz cast the dissenting votes.) Discussion ensued about the fact that Mr. Kilday was aware that Vice Mayor Bradley would nOt be at this meeting. Mr. Kilday advised that he offered to postpone this request until the next meeting, but another Commissioner admitted having a conflict at that meeting. Commissioner Rosen moved that the plan be granted the 18-month retroactive and 24-month time extension with traffic phasing, and without the gas station. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which failed 2-2. (Mayor Taylor and Mayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting votes.) Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table it until we have a full Commission. COmmissioner Rosen questioned whether or not the motion was proper. Attorney Cherof responded that due to the nature of the discussion and the fact that there is an intervening motion which failed, the motion to table would be appropriate. Mayor Taylor passed the gavel and seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-1. (Commissioner Rosen cast the dissenting vote.) D. Height exception for 100' tower - Motorola Jim Allen, representing STH Architectural Group, was present on behalf of Motorola. He introduced Tim Tourville, Joe Sperlazza and Dave Derck of Motorola. ]3 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Mr. Allen explained that the request is that the City grant a height exemption to enable Motorola to construct a 100' monopole at the Boynton Beach facility. This monopole will house three antennae immediately, and two additional in the future. The purpose of the tower is to enable Motorola to continue with research and development for new paging products and to permit intercommunications between facilities. There are currently three antennae devices in operation at Motorola. Motorola has begun to experience a problem with transmission and reception. They cannot get a consistent signal at the Boca facility. Raising the height of the antennae devices will enable that communication. The location of the monopole will be outside the southeast corner of the building. The monopole will be 18" in diameter at the top and 42" in diameter at the base. It will be approximately 9' away from the wall, and the antennae will have conduits going to a building which will be facing inside the truck dock yard. It will not be visible from outside. Mr. Tourville addressed the safety issues involved with these devices. He explained that a study was done by CNN Insurance Company and an industrial hygienist. The study was to determine whether the electromagnetic field being produced would be of any harm to the employees. Based on the study, once an employee is 20 centimeters away from the antenna, it is considered safe. Mayor Pro Tem Matson questioned why there were no comments from the City Attorney since this request requires discussion relative to an exception to the height limitation. She requested that the back-up material contain such a memorandum if future requests are to be considered. She further inquired as to whether or not this information should have been reviewed by the Police and Fire Departments. City Manager Parker advised that staff evaluated the criteria set forth in the code. She offered to have staff review it again relative to safety issues. Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested a legal interpretation as to whether or not this request meets our exceptions. Attorney Cherof reviewed the staff memorandum and pointed out that it addresses all of the points set forth in the code including the exceptions to the height limitations. Mayor Pro Tem Matson recalled a situation with Cellular One when the Commission was advised that the request would have to go to referendum. Attorney Cherof advised that the last issue which the Commission dealt with had to do with light poles for BellSouth Mobility. That situation was dealt with in this same manner. ]4 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the 100' tower for Motorola. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion. Mayor Taylor referred to the back-up material and noted that staff did not make a recommendation on this issue. City Manager Parker advised that no recommendation was made by staff at her request since she thought it was staff's responsibility to present an analysis based on the criteria, and then the Commission could make a determination. Mayor Pro Tem Matson requested that when this comes back on the agenda for site plan approval, she would like to see safety recommendations, specifically with regard to hurricanes. Ms. Heyden advised that this request would fall under an administrative site plan process. One of the Motorola representatives advised that the monopole will be engineered to withstand the full hurricane forces which are currently required in the Standard Building Code. The engineer of record will have signed and sealed drawings submitted to. the City, and it will be in full compliance. The motion carried unanimously. E. Lawrence Lakes PUD maSter plan modification to add two lots Enr|co Rossi, E.ngineer_of Re_cor_d~since~!_989~ represented the applicant. He was present to address questions regarding additional impacts which might be involved. Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who would be testifying. Mr. Rossi explained that this project was zoned for 33 lots in 1989. It was subsequently reduced to 32 lots to provide for the type of lots required by the developer. The developer who started the infrastructure went bankrupt and the property was taken over by the RTC. Lawrence Lake Development Corporation then purchased the property and is the current developer. The applicant is requesting two additional 60' x 100' lots along the entrance road which would change the density from 2.4 units per acre to 2.55 units per acre. The infrastructure is in place and the applicant has approvals for water, sewer, electric, and drainage. The traffic is based on 20 trips per day. Verbal information from the County indicates that there will be an immeasurable impact on the traffic. A heavy landscape buffer is planned on the roadside ]5 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 next to Lot 33. Mr. Rossi distributed plans to the Commissioners which depicted the landscape buffer. He pointed out that this project has the lowest density in the area and the two additional lots will not be detrimental to the property. In addition, the developer has secured a permit to install an automated gate for this community. [ MS. Heyden advised that the density is within the land use designation which allows 4.84 dWelling units per acrel The existing infrastructure is adequate for the additional two lots as well as the additional drainage run-off. It is assumed that the traffic statement will pose no problems with the County, but we are awaiting a response from them. With regard to recreation, because the project is so small, we have a poli:y in our Comprehensive Plan which does not require private recreation to be provided for ~rojects of less than 100 units. When this project came through originally, staff recommend( :1, and the City Commission agreed, that they pay the full impact fees rather than dedicate land. Therefore, the addition of these two units will slightly increase the recreational impact fee. In 1992, a master plan modification was filed to substitute an open area for the small recreation. That open area will not be reduced with the addition of these two units. The TRC recommends that the City Commission make a finding of no substantial change subject to staff comments. In response to Ms. Heyden's question as to whether or not the developers were committing to the additional landscaping shown on the plans submitted this evening to the Commissioners, Mr. Rossi responded affirmatively. An attorney representing two property owners, the Chicos and the Wards, spoke on their behalf. He explained that their lots are across from these two additional lots. In reviewing the original plans, 32 lots were shown around the lake. These two new lots will not be lakefront properties. The actual plat calls for a recreation area. The developers are now taking away 50 percent of the recreation area. The developers should have replatted before he sold the lots. The people who bought in this community believed they would have recreation area. The attorney advised that when the two property owners solicited his assistance, he checked to see if there was any case law on this subject. He found a case where the facts are almost identical. The City granted the replat and the builder cut the recreation area in half to build additional homes. When the case went through the 4th District Court of Appeals, the people prevailed. He requested that the City disapprove this now to help them avoid a lawsuit. Of the seven homes occupied, six have filed a petition against the master plan modification. Adam.]~esson, representing the builder, said that under the declaration in Section 10.13, 16 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 which the homeowners are currently under, no action can be brought against the builder or association for any acts of omission relating to the replat. There is also nothing in the declaration or articles which states that the area will be conveyed to the homeowners upon completion of building. It says common area will be turned over. The builder will be putting in extensive landscaping and the homeowners will not even be able to see the homes. In response to Mayor Pro Tem Matsonts question, Mr. Besson advised that the lots were sold to the present homeowners prior to this developer buying this property. Whatever representations were made prior to this time, were not made by the new developer. The developer has spoken to all of the homeowners and advised them of the plan to replat that portion of the property. Extensive amounts of money have been spent on landscaping which is not required, and the installation of a security gate. This will be a very good-looking community when it is completed. Half of the recreation area will be a tot lot. There is nothing in the declaration which states that a tot lot must be included. The developer is spending $80,000 plus landscaping and a $10,000 tot lot. D~e~Stein advised that the sales literature states that a tot lot will be put in. The sales literature does not include any mention of a recreation area. After speaking with the owners of Lots 1~ and 2 relative to their concerns, the developer agreed to add to the additional landscaping depicted on the plans seen by the Commissioners. The cost of that additional landscaping will be approximately $6,000. The developer has put in a security gate and a fountain in the lake. The developer is concerned about the needs of the community. The addition of these two homes will not detract from any other property. Mayor Taylor pointed out that if he was a property owner in the development, he would be upset if he thought he would be looking out his window at a park, and later discovered he would be looking out at additional homes. However, the developer has done everything according to our codes. Therefore, no problem exists with this application. If the homeowners have something in their deeds which is contrary to this application, then they have the right to pursue that issue. Attorney Cherof agreed that the only issue before the Commission this evening is whether or not this is a substantial change to the master plan. Once that issue is determined, the homeowners are free to litigate. Lengthy discussion ensued about the City's powers relative to this issue. The following homeowners spoke in opposition of this project: Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Chico - 1 Lawrence Lake Drive, and Mrs. Beulah B. Ward. Their main concern focused on the deletion of the recreation area and the fact that this development is being replatted without the consent of the current property owners. They questioned the developer's right to take this recreation area MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 away from them. Mayor Taylor explained that the Commissionts responsibility is to decide whether or not this is a substantial change to the plat. The issues brought up by the residents are out of bounds of what the Commissioners can determine. Motion Commissioner Rosen moved that there is no substantial change on the second modification. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MAYOR TAYLOR DECLARED A RECESS AT 8:45 P.M. THE MEETING REC©NVENED AT 8:55 P.M. IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Jerry Taylor 1. Wrice March and Resolution No. R95-118 Mayor Taylor reported that the Wrice marches which have been conducted in the City have been effective in the community. Arrests have been made and there is a bonding going on between the people of the community and the police officers. The City has contracted with Mr. Wrice to lead us, but we need someone to take over that lead in the community. This is an opportunity we have been hearing about for a long time. We have demonstrated that we are in this for as long as it takes. Mayor Taylor urged more residents to come out and participate. He is certain a leader will emerge. The next march will take place on Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. Everyone will meet at the Public Works compound. Commissioner Rosen recommended reviewing the ordinances which deal with littering and loitering. He suggested this recommendation be added to an upcoming workshop meeting. Commissioner Jaskiewicz expressed her pride in this City for its participation in their drive to rid the City of drugs. This process has done much to bring the City together. She also commended the City employees for their participation. Mayor Taylor read Resolution No. R95-118 in its entirety. lg MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Mayor Pro Tem Matson was honored to have participated in three days of training. It has been an education she could not have received anywhere else. Another important issue that has evolved is that it is obvious that many people are colorblind. Mayor Pro Tem Matson believes that the drug dealers realize they have met the enemy and it is us. Commissioner Rosen suggested that members of the press secure a tee shirt and hard hat and join the next march. Commissioner Jaskiewicz suggested that the Commissioners wear their yellow shirts at an upcoming City Commission meeting. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to adopt Resolution No. R95-118. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mayor Pro Tem Matson recommended purchasing additional megaphones. City Manager Parker reported that we are applying for a grant for some money to cover the cost of the shirts, hats and the contract. In the meantime, we will purchase four megaphones. B. Utilization of City Property by Lake Worth Drainage District City Manager Parker advised that a Federal Express letter was received this morning relative to Lake Worth Drainage District's plans to clear the canals along Quantum Park, Skylake and Golfview Harbour. They would like to utilize City property for staging for equipment. City Manager Parker requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Lake Worth Drainage Diistrict to utilize City property while they are clearing the canal banks. MOtio_o COmmissioner Jaskiewicz moved to allow Lake Worth Drainage District to use our property to clear the banks. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. X. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Ordinance No. O95-30 Re: Revise ordinance for industrial and commercial waste (Industrial Pretreatment) 19 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-30 by title only. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-30 on second and final reading. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 4-0. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-28 Re: Land Use Amendment - Lake Worth Christian School (Required document not submitted as yet) .... TAB LED o Proposed Ordinance No. O95-29 Re: Rezoning- Lake Worth Christian School (Required document not submitted as yet) ..................... TABLED City Manager Parker recommended that both of these ordinances remain on the table until all of the documentation is received. B. Ordinances- 1st Reading: Proposed Ordinance No. O95-24 Re: Amendment to zoning code for conditional use to allow mini-warehouses in the C-4 zoning district Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-24 by title only. Ms. Heyden reminded the Commission that this originally came before them on July 5; however, because of a change in the law relative to advertising zoning code changes, it was continued for a period of time. Public hearings are required on both first and second readings. Ms. Heyden advised that she met with Mr. Blaskovic who is the property owner of the existing mini-warehouse just south of the post office on Boynton Beach Boulevard. During the meeting, the intent of the ordinance was explained to Mr. Blaskovic and they tried to ascertain the degree to which he would be nonconforming. Mr. Blaskovic brought up a number of cOncerns as follows: His outdoor storage exceeds the limit included in the ordinance. His outdoor storage is approximately 73 percent. 20 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA' AUGUST 3, 1995 o The definition of mini-warehouses would not allow retail sale of items such as locks, boxes, etc. The definition would also prevent him from renting moving trucks and conducting auctions. 4. No washing or repair of boats would be permitted. o This ordinance does not permit the rental of office space and equipment storage for businesses such as lawn maintenance companies. 6. Exterior storage of vehicles and dry storage is not permitted. The height limitation is a problem because the ordinance limits the height to 20', but most mini-warehouses Mr. Blaskovic has dealt with are 24' in height. Mis. Heyden advised that effective today, Palm Beach County issued a new warehouse ordinance. In reviewing that ordinance, she noted that they also limit outdoor storage to 25 percent. Because of the concerns raised by Mr. Blaskovic, Ms. Heyden is recommending that the ordinance be clarified to allow accessory retail sale of things normally associated with mini-warehouses such as locks and boxes. Mayor Pro Tem Matson pointed out that historically, the City of Boynton Beach has not tailored its ordinances for one person. She questioned why we are doing that in this case. Ms. H~yden explained that when she wrote the ordinance, she did not intend to preclude this type o~ sale. She wanted to allow the sale, but only by the property manager. With regard to a~ctions, they are allowed with a special event license through OccUpational Licensi.ng. Rental trucks would not be allowed unless they went through conditional use approval since in[ the C-4 zoning district, conditional use approval is required. In the M-1 district, rental trucks are allowed. Mr. Blaskovic raised a good point relative to washing of boats and vehicles. With the proper mieasures, Ms. Heyden feels this should be allowed. In order to accomplish this, the wash a~ea would be designated and equipped with a pollution control device in the storm drain. With regard to the outdoor storage of vehicles, Ms. Heyden feels that perhaps the City could ease up on this and ensure proper screening. The reason for this is that the Commission has had a great deal of discussion on the parking of commercial vehicles. A place must be piovided for the parking of these vehicles. In! looking at existing mini-warehouses in the City, Ms. Heyden determined that they are 21' 2! MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3~ 1995 in height. She recommends that the building height not exceed 25'. With respect to outside lighting, Ms. Heyden recommends not exceeding 20' in height and shlielded from adjacent residential properties. M~yor Pro Tem Matson is very concerned about this issue. The City is in a visioning process and is supposed to be making the City look nice. She feels staff is including everything in this or~linance which is detrimental to the City. She felt offended by this ordinance. · Si[vioBlaskovic advised that this complex has been at this location since 1978. All of his c~stomers are within a three to four mile range. Mr. Blaskovic commended Ms. Heyden and Mir. Rumpf for being very cooperative. Mr. Blaskovic introduced his son-in-law, Robin Burke. Mir. Blaskovic advised that there is not a single storage area he is aware of that does not have some commercial vehicles stored at the facility. A third of his business is non-recreational. Tiuck rental at mini-warehouses is a very common practice. Mr. Blaskovic cannot understand why this would be excluded. The sale of locks and package materials is commonly associated wlth mini-storage facilities. Most mini-warehouses are 10' in height per floor. If two stories ar~e permitted, that will amount to 20', plus a subfloor and roof which will result in a building which is approximately 24' in height. Mr. Blaskovic also requested a better definition of dry storage. Mr. Blaskovic explained that his parcel is approximately two acres, but the building is only 5;200 square feet. The property has been relatively undeveloped. Engineering plans exist for egpansion, but because of the economy, nothing was done. He is concerned that his use will become nonconforming. He questioned whether or not he will have to comply 100 percent w!ith the codes if they decide to build an additional building. He requested clarification. Mr. Burke does not feel the Commission is custom tailoring the ordinance for Mr. Blaskovic. When Mr. Burke learned of the annexation plans, no ordinance existed under the C-4 district. The applicant agrees with most of staff's comments, but Mr. Blaskovic has a problem with the special events license for auctions. Auctions are part of the everyday business of mini- wlarehouses. There are usually one or two auctions per year, and Mr. Burke feels requiring tllis license is almost a form of double taxation because Mr. Blaskovic will lose revenue at the a~ctions. In addition, Mr. Burke stated that most commercial buildings are built at 11' or 12' per floor. Limiting the height to 20~ would preclude Mr. Blaskovic from selling the property tO anyone else because if a building was placed on the property, it could only be used for a m in i-ware house. 22 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 M~'. Blaskovic advised the Commission that he is required under Florida State Statute to have a bublic sale. Most of the time, the public sale is advertised and before the sale can be conducted, the merchandise is reclaimed. If it is not, the property manager is lucky to get ten cents on the dollar for the merchandise, or else he must hire someone to haul it away. Mir. Burke advised that Mr. Blaskovic now has 79 percent outside storage. However, every time a building is developed, that outdoor storage area will decrease. He will eventually cc~me into conformance. Mayor Taylor and Commissioner Rosen were in favor of tabling this item to allow time to have the changes incorporated into the ordinance so that everyone would be clear on what will be inUuded. M[ayor Pro Tem Matson feels this ordinance will add to the nonconforming uses in the City ralher than eliminate them. A!torney Cherof recommended approving this ordinance as written, or subject to inclusion of thle suggested changes by the Planner, and have the changes made in advance of the next m~eeting. That information will be provided to the Commission in writing so that the changes wlll be obvious. By doing this, the City can keep on schedule with regard to the special ad fo~both first and second public hearings. · City Manager Parker clarified that the City does not currently charge for special events permits. City Manager Parker realizes that this is a conditional use in the C-4 zoning district, but questioned whether or not this would be a permitted use in the M-1 or any zoning district al?ove C-4. Ms. Heyden said this use would not be allowed even as a conditional use in C-1, C~2 and C-3. It would be allowed as a conditional use in C-4, and a permitted use in M-1. o~ion Commissioner ]askiewicz moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-24 subiect to staff re,commendations for first reading. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue K!Use polled the motion. The vote was 3-1. (/vlayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting vote.) A~orney Cherof announced that the second public hearing of Ordinance No. O9S-24 will be h~ld on August 15, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. 2. Proposed Ordinance No. O95-23 Re: Amendment to zoning code to allow wholesale of tropical fish in M-1 zoning district 23 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 095-23 by title only. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. Mgyor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 095-23. Commissioner Ja~kiewi'cz seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 4-0. Aitorney Cherof announced that the second public hearing will be held on August 15, 1995, ati 7:00 p.m. o Proposed Ordinance No. O95-31 Re: Expand membership of Board of Adjustment to add three regular members Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. O95-31 by title only. Motion COmmissioner Rosen moved to accept the expanded membership of the Board of Adjustment b~ three regular members. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. City Clerk Sue Kruse polled the vote. The vote was 3-1. (Mayor Pro Tem Matson cast the dissenting vote.) C. Resolutions: Proposed Resolution No. R95-119 Re: Inducement Bond Resolution for Clipper Cove Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R95-119 by title only. City Manager Parker introduced Mark Raymond, Bond Counsel from Moyle, Flanigan, Katz, FitzGerald & Sheehan, who explained that the proposal to be submitted to the RTC for the C[lipper Cove apartments necessitates a resolution expressing the City's serious intent to purchase. This resolution does not obligate the City to issue the bonds at any time. However, this resolution will enhance the application package. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. 95-119. Commissioner ROsen seconded the motion which carried 3-1. (Commissioner Jaskiewicz dissented.) 24 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Proposed Resolution No. R95-120 Re: Clipper Cove Letter of Understanding for Attorney Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R. 95-120 by title only. CiTM Manager Parker advised that the letter tracks the agreement submitted by Cornerstone and HOusing Partnership. The original date for submission was August 4; however, because of the ht~rricane, the RTC has granted an additional week for the submittal. The City intends to go forward with issuing the proposed revenue bonds if we are selected. Al that point, we would turn over the property to Cornerstone Housing Corporation and He, using Partnership through a joint corporate entity, which is not yet formed. It would be combined of 60 percent from Cornerstone and 40 percent of HPI. The major issue the Commission must be aware of is that there was a discussion about the RTC's requirement of 35 percent Iow income set aside units, (20 percent very Iow income and 15 percent at Iow income). We have learned of the RTC's scoring on this issue, and we received no points in this area. After conversation with John Corbett and data research on who is in the units, we are now proposing to go to 50 percent Iow income keeping the 20 p~rcent very Iow and 30 percent Iow income. About 40 percent of the residents who would fall into the Iow income bracket are currently housed in these apartments. This would give thee City some points in this area. We were not successful in requesting that the Palm Beach C~unty Housing Authority step down from a bid. The most points in this area can be secured if~a promise of 75 percent loTM income is proposed. City Manager Parker does not recommend thiis 75 percent set aside because she does not feel it is appropriate. We know that there will b& at least five bidders including the City. There is a possibility that there will be several m[ore. O~ther terms of the agreement include the City receiving 28 percent of the net cash flow after c~rtain deductions are made. If the property receives a tax exemption, the City has included a [payment in lieu of taxes provision so that the property would continue to pay a similar amount to the City so that we will not lose the tax revenue. For the services for asset m[anagement and social services, Cornerstone and HPI will receive 1.25 percent each of the gioss revenues from the property as well as a development fee taken from the bond proceeds. This is a Letter of Understanding. If the City is selected, it will be formalized in an agreement d~cument and will return to the City Commission for approval. 25 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 3, 1995 Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve Proposed Resolution Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. Other No. R95-120. None XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: XII. None CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: None OTHER: None XIV. ADJOURNMENT: A~ST: 'City(~lerk ~cording Secretary (Four Tapes) There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting properly adjourned at 9:55 p.m. ~ = ~L~,May°r ~ · ~' //~ayor P, ro Tem L ~ .~' Commissioner 26 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY COMMISSION AGENDA APPROVAL OF BILLS AUGUST 1, 1995 III. CONSENT AGENDA D cc: Finance Utilities Recreation e COMMUNITY ASPHALT CORP. ........................ ... . .. $119,895.95 P.O. 9698, Annual Asphalt Resurfacing Projects Pay From Local Option Gas Tax fund -- 104-411-5-630-14 DATA FLOW SYSTEMS INC ................................... $ 36,880.00 P.O. 9248. Lift Station Equipment Pay From Utility Cap Imp Fund -- 404-000-0-691-10 JOHN C CASSIDAY INC ....................................... $ 60,037.20 P.O. 9246. City Hall HVAC Modifications, Pymt #2 Original Contract Change Orders Payments To Date CSaxent Payment Contract Balance $ 861,703.00 0.00 81,000.00 60,037.20 720,665.80 Pay From Public Serv Tax Fund -- 301-194-5-634-12 MUNICIPAL SERVICES GROUP [NC ........................... $ 39,013.26 P.O. 8827. New Police Fleet, Pymt #1 Original Contract Change Orders Payments to Date Current Payment Contract Balance $156,053.04 0.00 0.00 39,013.26 117,039.78 Pay From Veh Serv Fund -- 501-193-5-688-00 NEFF MACttlNERY ........................................... $11,167.00 P.O. 9568. Loader Attachments Pay From W & S Rev Fund -- 401-362-5-642-00 P.B.C. SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY Daily Landfill Use/Street Sweeper Pay From Gen Fund -- 001-411-5-490-01 $ 91,558.22 THESE BILLS HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND VERIFIED FOR PAYMENT BY THE DEPARTMENT HEADS INVOLVED. SWANN, FINANCE DIRECTOR I THEREFORE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF THESE BILLS. CARRIE PARKER, CITY MANAGER