Minutes 02-02-93 #INUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COH14ISSIOH #EETING HELD IN C01414ISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1993, AT 6: 30 P. 14. PRESENT Arline Weiner, Mayor Jose Aguila, Con~nissioner Edward Harmening, Commissioner Robert Walshak, Commissioner J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I, OPENINGS A, Call to Order - I~a~or Arltne Welner B, Invocation - 14oment of Silent Pra~yer C, Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Robert Walshak Mayor Weiner called the meeting to order at 6:33 P. M. and announced that Vice Mayor Matson is ill and unable to attend the meeting. Following a moment of silent prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Commissioner Walshak. D, Agenda Approval 1, Additions, Deletions, Corrections Commissioner Harmening requested that Item 'XI.AA.1 be moved up on the agenda. This item was inserted after V, Bids. Commissioner Walshak respectfully requested that Item XI.A.1 be postponed until the February 16, 1993 meeting, since he had not received all the backup informa- tion he requested. Mayor Weiner added Item IV.A.3, Four Chaplains Sunday - February 7, 1993, and Item XI.A, Title XX - Children of the Working Poor. 14orlon Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mr. Cherof requested that he be allowed to add two items to the agenda. The motion to approve the agenda was rescinded. Mr. Cherof added IX.C.8, Proposed Resolution Opposing Southern Bell's Message units. The resolution which the City Commission had previously passed on this matter had a clause in it which is no longer applicable. Under IX.D.2, Mr. Cherof added "Direction with Respect to the lawsuit between Bethesda Ambulance and Palm Beach County." -1- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Adoption Commissioner Harmening moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. II, ADMINISTRATIVE A, Accept Resignation fr~mRoger Kirk, Alternate, Education Advisory Board Mr. Kirk's resignation from the Education Advisory Board was accepted by the City Commission. B. Board Appointments Appointment Reg/ To Be Made Board Alt Length of Term Expiration Datn Matson Community Relations Board Alt 4/93 TABLED Harmening Children and Youth Advisory Board Alt 4/93 TABLED Matson Code Enforcement Board Alt 9/93 TABLED Weiner Library Board Alt 4/93 TABLED Weiner Advisory Board on the Elderly Alt 6/93 TABLED Commission Education Advisory Board Student 6/93 TABLED Matson Education Advisory Board Alt 6/93 Aguila Education Advisory Board Alt 6/93 Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to remove Mayor Weiner's appointment to the Library Board from the table. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mayor Weiner appointed Robert Goldber~ as an alternate to the Library Board, without objection. Commissioner Aguila appointed ~lll Shaw as an alternate to the Education Advisory Board, without objection. All other appointments were left on the table. Write-off of Accounts Receivable i Utility (Water/Sewer) and Sanitation Services for the Months of August and September, 1992 (End of FY 91192) Per Finance Memorandum No. 93-004, Grady Swann, Finance Director, recommended writing off certain water, sewer and refuse accounts totalling $8,080.10. These accounts are finalized accounts with uncollectible balances. Bills have been issued each month with no response. -2- NINUTES- REGULAR CITY CONNISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Mr. Miller stated that these accounts will be turned over to the collection agency. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to authorize the writing off of these accounts. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. RequeSt Authorization to Trade the Surplus 1986 Ford 1-ton 'Squad' and the Surplus 'Squad' Body for a 1988 Chevrolet 1-ton 'Cab & Chassis" to Replace the 1976 Chevrolet 1-ton 'Road Service" Vehicle Mr. Miller stated that the City is not using the surplus vehicles and has an opportunity to obtain a 1988 Chevrolet 1-ton Cab and Chassis to replace the 1976 Chevrolet that the City is no longer using. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve this request. siderably more than the City would get at an auction. seconded the motion which carried 4-0. He believed this is con- Commissioner Aguila E. Ftnal Change Order to Nllne Nlcholls for Construction of the Recreation Activity Center Bill DeBeck, Project Manager, stated that this is the one and only change order for this job. The contract sum was $590,250. The changes total $6,047. Revision of the FP&L service entry cables to underground was not an additional expense. Money was funded for FP&L; however, the contractor did the work instead of FP&L, saving approximately $2,400. Therefore, this total change cost only about $3,000 for the total project, which is less than one half of 1 per cent. Notion Commissioner Aguila comrnended Milne Nicholls for a job well done and moved to approve this change order. Commissioner Harmening agreed with Commissioner Aguila and seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. In response to MaYor Weiner, Mr. Miller stated he will set up the ribbon cutting ceremony soon. Acceptance of a Proposal for Engineering/Architectural Services Regarding the Review and Inspection of the HVAC System in the City Hall Complex and Preparation of Specifications Denoting Necessary Work to Correct Present Humidity Problems Mr. Miller explained that there have been some changes since the original pro- posal and referred to Memorandum CM93.015 regarding indoor air quality con- sultants. The original proposal was to bring in a HVAC consulting engineer to -3- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY COI~ISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 test the air quality and report any problems with the HVAC system. Mr. DeBeck and Mr. Miller have since discussed bringing in an environmental consultant to handle the air quality and bulk samplings throughout City Hall and then bring in an architectural engineer to handle the HVAC system separately. Five proposals have been received. With regard to the original proposal, the low bid was $22,700 from Ralph Hahn and Associates, and the high bid was $32,000 from CH2M Hill. It is now being proposed to retain Dr. Phil Morey and Doug Shadick of Clayton Environmental Consultants. They have been involved with the air quality problems in Polk and Martin counties. In addition, they have recently been contracted with in Broward County for some of their buildings. The proposal before the City Commission is to contract with Clayton Environmental Consultants to perform air quality tests, as well as bulk samplings throughout the City and then work in conjunction with Ralph Hahn and Associates on the HVAC system. Commissioner Harmening asked if Ralph Hahn and Associates has a mechanical engineer, if the City is in possession of a resume on his background, and if the City is satisfied with his background. Mr. DeBeck answered all three questions affirmatively. In response to Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that Mr. Morey was not able to look at the building; however, he quoted a top cost of $18,500 over the telephone. Ralph Hahn and Associates' proposal would cost approximately $7,400 to provide the mechanical work on the HVAC. In response to Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that Clayton Environmental Consultants would be able to begin testing on February 15, 1993, and Ralph Hahn and Associates would be able to start on February 8, 1993. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve the City Manager's recommendation with regard to Clayton Environmental Consultants and Ralph Hahn and Associates. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Acceptance of a Proposal from Gee & Jenson for Professional Services in Connection with Preparation of Bid Documents for the Second Phase of the Community Development Block Grant in Subarea 1 of the City of Boynton Beach Mr. Miller advised that this involves the continuation and completion of the public improvement project. A split in the engineering services is being pro- posed, whereby Gee & Jenson would be contracted to revise construction drawings, prepare bid documents, evaluate construction bids, and prepare right-of-way drawings. Construction inspection services and the monthly progress/evaluation reports to Housing Community Development would be handled by the Utility Engineer. Costs will be lessened by doing some of this work in-house. Notion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the proposal from Gee & Jenson for pro- fessional services regarding the CDBG in Subarea 1. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. -4- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 H. Fact Sheet Infomtng Residents of Upcoming Referendum Issue Regardlng Hlgh School on Congress Avenue, North of Old Boynton Road Mr. Miller stated that the fact sheet will be mailed out to all registered voters in the City. The cost of the mailing would be slightly less than $5,000. Commissioner Aguila pointed out that this referendum issue affects all the citi- zens, not just the voting citizens, and questioned whether the fact sheet should be mailed to all citizens. To lower the cost, Mayor Weiner suggested running a one-time ad in the Sunday and weekly editions of the Sun-Sentinel, the Post, and the Boynton Beach Times. A few thousand fact sheets can then be placed in the Library, City Hall, and in the schools. This was the consensus of the Commission and the City Manager received his directions. Motion I, Reduction of Retalnage to Poole and Kent Company - Contract II, West Water Treatment Plant Construction Project Commissioner Harmening moved to approve the reduction of retainage to Poole and Kent Company in accordance with the contract documents from 10 per cent to 5 per cent. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. III, CONSENT AGENDA A. Ntnutes 1. Regular City Commission Neetlng Ninutes of January 19, 1993 Bids - Recommend Approval - All Expenditures are Approved in the 1922/93 Adopted Budget None. C, Approval of Bills A list of these bills is attached to these original minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. O. Budget Transfer - Contingency Account - Personnel Department Per Personnel Memorandum 92-133, just prior to the 1992/93 budget adoption, two unanticipated projects were approved. The first was the Drug Free Workplace, which mandates a training program. The second project which was recommended in the Murphy/Mayo report was to utilize a non-city employee to administer'poly- graph tests to police applicants. This was not budgeted for. The PerSonnel Director recommended that a transfer of funds be made from Contingency to 001-135-5-482.00, Employee Assistance Program, in the amount of'$2,500, and 001-135-5-470.16, Recruitment 40 x $75, in the amount of $3,000. - 5'- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 E. Budget Transfer - Utility Department According to the Budget Transfer Request, dated January 15, 1993, from the Utilities Pumping Stations, upon retirement of the Utility Pumping Station Supervisor, only a licensed operator of the Oceanfront Park Wastewater Treatment Plant is in Public Water Maintenance and would be an additional responsibility, which was not funded. The amount requested to be transfered from 401-352-5-499.0, Contractual Services, to 401-336-5-123.0, Overtime (PWM) is $3,1oo. F, Constder Request for Refund on Cemete~ Lot 279, Block M, Boynton Beach Memorial Park Per City Clerk Sue Kruse's Memorandum 93-013 to the City Manager, Edna McDougall requested a refund of the purchase price, less 20%, which amounts to $100. Notion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. MAYOR WEINER DECLARED A RECESS AT 6:53 P. M. THE MEETING RESUMED AT 7:02 P. M. IV, ANNOUNCEMENTS AND PRESENTATIONS A, Proclamations 1, Cm~fflunltyCartng Week - February 21 through February 28, 1993 Mayor Weiner read a proclamation declaring February 21 through February 28, 1993 Community Caring Week. She thanked the members of the Community Caring Center, Pastor Ackermann, and the Rev. Robinson, saying the City is fortunate to have them helping. 2, American History Month - February, 1993 Mayor Weiner read a proclamation declaring February, 1993 American History Month. 3, Four Chaplains Sunday - February 7, 1993 Mayor Weiner read a proclamation declaring February 7, 1993 as Four Chaplains Sunday. B. Presentations 1. Employee of the Month Mr. Miller and Mayor Weiner recognized Jim Ness, E.M.S. Coordinator, as Employee of the Month for January, 1993 for invaluable service in assisting the City in -6- NINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION NEETING BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 obtaining A.L.S. transport licensing. Mr. Ness said it was a long battle and he was glad to be back. He thanked the staff of the EMS office, particularly Lillian Cripps, and his wife. 2, Presentation to Bryan Croft for Wlnnlng his Third World Title In the World Am Wrestltng Cha~lonshtps at Chtba, ~apan This item was deferred since Firefighter Croft was out on a call. V, BIDS A, Purchase of One (1) New/Unused, Rear Loading Solid Waste (Garbage) Compaction and Transportation Unit for Sanitation Division Per Agenda Memorandum from the Purchasing Department, the Tabulation Committee recommended awarding the bid to Southland Equipment Company, Bartow, Florida, the overall most responsible, responsive bidder meeting all required specifica- tions, in the amount of $87,466. Carel Fisher, Deputy Public Works Director, stated that three bids have been received for this replacement unit. The mid bid was recommended since the body offered by the low bidder is a short lived, municipal quality body. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to award the bid for the new rear loading solid waste compaction and transportation unit to Southland Equipment Company of Bartow, Florida, in the amount of $87,466. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. XI, NEW BUSINESS AA, Items for Discussion Requested by Commissioner E~ard Harmenlng 1, Diane Drive Neighborhood Association Petition to the State of Florida Department of Transportation Commissioner Harmening referred to a Petition to the State of Florida Department of Transportation signed by 180 residents of Diane Drive. He stated that some of the residents requested permission to speak to the City Commission tonight about their most recent problems with the Department of Transportation, and to beseech the help of the City Commission. Christine Noeller of 3519 Diane Drive thanked the City Commission for the resolution which was sent to all the legislators and expressed her appreciation of the City Commission's support. She explained that the day before Thanksgiving the brush behind one empty lot on Diane Drive had been completely removed, exposing the street. Earl Jacobs came to review the situation and promised not to do any further trimming until December 23, 1992 in order to give the residents time to petition legislators, protect their backyards, etc. On NZNUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI~t$$~ON #EETING BOYNTOH BEACH,, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 December 17, 1992, Mr. Jacobs' crew used herbicide to kill the trees behind Ns. Moeller's house. She contacted Don Henderson of the District Office in Ft. Lauderdale. He is conducting an investigation as to why Mr. Jacobs did this. Furthermore, on December 15, 1992, State Legislator Carol Hanson visited Diane Drive to evaluate the situation, On that same day, Ms. Hanson received word from Rick Chesser, the head of the Department of Transportation at the District Office in Ft, Lauderdale, that there would be no further trimming until July 1 1993. ' Ms. Moeller expressed concern about possible damage to the children in the area from this herbicide. She would like to see more action taken against the Department of Transportation. She heard environmentalists say that if this herbicide ls used anywhere near water, it will immediately kill the fish in the water. Ms. Moeller pointed out that there is a canal across the street from her house, and that the residents were unaware the herbicide was used when they discovered a major fish kill in the canals and in Lake Ida. She was informed by the Fresh Water Game and Fish Commission that excessive rain at that time could have caused the fish to die. However, they also said that when fish are poisoned, their eyes bulge out. Various neighbors who swept many fish off their docks noted that the eyes of the fish were bulging tremendously. Ms. Moeller implored the City Commission's further support, Mayor Weiner stated that she also was assured by Ms. Hanson that the City would be given a six month grace period. Mr. Miller advised that he too was assured by Rick Chesser that Mr. Jacobs' crew would not be back in that area for at least six months. Mr. Miller will contact Mr. Chesser and Mr. Henderson with regard to this matter. Mayor Weiner would like Mr. Cherof involved in this matter. She would like to obtain the records of the Department of Transporation to see if the major fish kill can be linked to the herbicide. Tim Budnarz, 3708 Diane Drive, stated that he has lived on this canal for nine years. He believes there is a connection between the herbicide and the fish kill. He said he removed at least forty fish from his dock that day. Mayor Weiner felt the City should pursue this matter with all the authority it possesses. Commissioner Harmening suggested that the behavior of FDOT and the necessity for a wall in this area be impressed uPon Ed Healey, Chairman of the House Transportation Committee. He felt there were probably some discretionary funds in the State that can be reallocated for a wall. Mayor Weiner instructed Mr. Miller to copy all correspondence to the Legislative Delegation and to send another letter to Ed Healey, written by Mr. Miller and Mr. Cherof. Ms. Moeller agreed to act as liaison between the residents and the City. Mayor Weiner assured the residents that the City will be on top of this matter as much as possible and will keep Ms. Moeller informed. -8- #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COt~ISSION #EETiNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 IV. ANNOUNCE#ENTSAND PRESENTATIONS B. Presentations Presentation to Bryan Croft for Wtnnlng bls Third World Title In the World Arm Wrestllng Championships at Chlba, ~apan Mr. Miller stated that Bryan Croft, Firefigher II/Engineer, recently traveled to Chiba, Japan to compete in the World Arm Wrestling Championships. In stiff com- petition against world class competitors from fifteen nations, Bryan went unde- feated to win the Gold and emerge as World Champion. Mr. Miller added that Bryan is an excellent, dedicated firefighter. Both he and Mayor Weiner honored Bryan for his extraordinary accomplishment. Captain Robert Brown of the Fire Department was proud of all the members of his shift and congratulated Bryan for becoming World Champion. Mr. Croft thanked Captain Brown for the recognition. He thanked everyone, including the men on his shift, the men at the station, Lt. Tom Shemwick, Chief Allen, his wife, Denise, and his daughter, Brittany. Fire Chief Ed Allen spoke highly of Bryan, who is a native of the area and whose grandfather was the Chief of Police in Delray Beach for many years before retiring. PUBLIC HEARING None, VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE Wtlda Searcy, 402 N. E. 13th Avenue, asked if Ezell Hester's and King Tut's pic- tures have been restored to the library. Mayor Weiner advised her that Mr. Hester's picture will be placed in the library for the month of February for Black History Month. Ms. Searcy suggested that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s pic- ture be placed alongside Mr. Hester's and King Tut's picture so the young people will know a little more history and start researching themselves. Other concerns of Ms. Searcy's included upgrading the community, a bridge on Boynton Beach Boulevard, an amphitheater, a supermarket within walking distance and HRS. ' Dee Ztbellt, 440 Ocean Parkway, noticed that all 300 of the Indian Hawthorne hedges around the City Hall building were being pulled out and taken away because of the sick building syndrome. Instead of using them for landfill, she suggested planting them in medians, parks, or giving them away to someone who could use them, since they are very drought and disease resistant hedges. George Culver, owner of the Two Georges Marina, stated that Casa Loma Boulevard was put in over twenty years ago and has never been resurfaced. He counted thirty-eight potholes and asked the City Commission to resurface this street. -9- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMIS$IOH MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 In response to Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that Casa Loma Boulevard is not on the resurfacing list this year. He, Public Works Director Robert Eichorst, and City Engineer W. Richard Staudinger, explained that Casa Loma Boulevard has not been resurfaced because of two pending projects. Mr. Culver stated that the City has been waiting for six or seven years for these developments to be constructed. He believes Mr. Garcia, who owns Water's Edge, is going to sell his land. He said he keeps asking for permits, but never breaks ground. Mr. Culver suggested that the City refuse to renew permits unless someone puts on the money to show good faith that they are going to do something. Commissioner Aguila pointed out that the Phase I extension for one of these projects expired February 1, 1993. He stated that at the time the extension was granted, it was made very clear that another extension would not be considered under any conditions. Mayor Weiner stated that since that project does not seem to be going forward that perhaps the City Commission can look again at Casa Loma Boulevard. Marie Shepard, 140 West Ocean Avenue, stated that the FEC site downtown has been an eye sore for a long time. She wrote to Mr. Bagley, who retired as Vice President of the FEC. Mr. Bagley referred the matter to the manager of real estate. Ms. Shepard read the following portion of Mr. Bagley's reply bo her: "Our Management may consider allowing your organization to beautify the perime- ters of this property, provided such beautification does not interfere with the access and operation of the railway." Ms. Shepard advised that Mr. Bagley would be willing to recommend that the area be leased for $100 a year. Ms. Shepard requested that the City Commission review this matter. After a plan has been worked out with the FEC, Ms. Shepard suggested enlisting help from the Kiwanis, the Rotary, and the downtown businesses to take some of the Indian Hawthornes the City is removing from City Hall and plant them on the FEC site to improve this area. NO ONE ELSE WISHING TO SPEAK, MAYOR WEINER DECLARED PUBLIC AUDIENCE CLOSED. VIII, DEVELOPMENT PLANS None. IX, LEGAL A, Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING None. B, Ordinances - 1st Reading None. C, Resolutions 1- PropOsed Resolution No. R93-12 Re: Opposition to Proposed Legislation Expanding the Authority of the Public Service - 10- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY ~NIS$ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Comntsston (PSC) Over Water, Wastewater.and Reclaimed Water Utilities Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-12 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, OBJECTING TO A PROPOSED STATE-WIDE RATE STRUCTURE AND TERRITORIAL DISPUTE JURISDICTION OF THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OVER GOVERNMENTAL WATER AND SEWER UTILITY SYSTEMS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-12. Con~nissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Proposed Resolution No, R93-13 Re: Authorize Execution of an Agreement with Gee & Oenson for Additional Services (Work Assignment 2) for Meadows II Park and Boynton Lakes Park Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-13 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL OF GEE & JENSON FOR FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF MEADOWS II AND BOYNTON LAKES PARKS DATED JANUARY 25, 1993; AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-13. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Proposed Resolution No, R93-14 Re: Adopt Job Descriptions and Pay Scale - Assistant Golf Course Superintendent and Supervisor of Utility Pumping Stations Mr. Cherof' read Proposed Resolution No. R93-14 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE JOB DESCRIPTION OF ASSISTANT GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT AND THE JOB DESCRIPTION OF SUPERVISOR OF UTILITY PUMPING STATIONS; MAKING THESE POSITIONS PART OF THE PAY PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-14. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Proposed ReSolution No. R93-15 Re: Authorize Execution of Standard State and Local Task Force Agreement Between the United States Department of Oustlce, Drug Enforcement Administration and - 11- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 the City of Boynton Beach Police Department for Drug/Narcotics Trafficking Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-15 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND POLICE CHIEF TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION AND THE BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Metlon Con)nissioner Harmening moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-15. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Proposed Resolution No, R93-15 Re: Partial Bond Release - Meadows Park (a/kla Tract E, Meadows 300) - South of Hypoluxo, West of Congress Avenue, Along the West Rights-of-way of Meadows Boulevard Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-16 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE PARTIAL RELEASE OF A PERFORMANCE BOND IN THE AMOUNT OF $47,625.00 TO WILSHIRE CORPORATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-16. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Proposed Resolution No, R93- Re: Authorize Execution of an Agreement Between the City of Boynton Beach and Gee & ~enson for Professional Services (Inspection, Preparation of Bid Documents, and Construction Inspection) in Connection with Necessary Repairs to 10 FOOT Off System Bridges Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93- by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR ANDCITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND GEE & JENSON FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH NECESSARY REPAIRS TO 10 FDOT OFF SYSTEM BRIDGES, SAID AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A";.AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Miller advised that this project does not have to be done immediately; however, the City should set forth a program in the next three to five years to effect the necessary repairs to the bridges. Therefore, he foresees no problem if the City Commission feels more comfortable going out forbid on this project. - 12 - MINUTES - REGULAR CXTY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH,, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Commissioner Aguila felt there is no reason why a particular firm should auto- matically be given this project since there is no emergency, and the City should go out for competitive bids. Commissioner Harmening added that a good deal of the work can be done initially in-house. Furthermore, the City Engineer can be employed to do several of the repairs. This resolution was not voted on. Proposed Resolution No, R93-17 Re: Accepting a Letter of Credit fremNtnco Properties, Inc, Reference Securing Sidewalks and S~ales in the Blum Plat Subdtvlston (Northeast Intersection of Old Boynton Road at NWSth Court) Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-17 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A SUBSTITUTE LETTER OF CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,000.00 FROM MINCO PROPERTIES, INC., AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Morton Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-17. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. 8, Proposed Resolution No, R93-18 Re: Opposing Southern Bell's leessage Units Mr. Cherof read Proposed Resolution No. R93-18 by title only: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DENIAL OF SOUTHERN BELL'S PROPOSAL FOR MEASURED MESSAGE UNITS AND FORTY MILE PLAN REPLACING IT WITH THE CITY'S 40 MILE PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve Proposed Resolution No. R93-18. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. D, Other 1, Lten Reduction - Code Enforcement Case No, 92-20004135 - Howard Ta~lor, 927 Ntsston H111 Road Scott Blasie, Code Enforcement Administrator, explained that this case was turned over to the City by County inspectors. A dock and boat lift were constructed by Detray Marine without the benefit of a permit. Code Enforcement cited the property owner and sent a copy of the notice to Palm Beach County Contractor's Certification to handle the contractor. Compliance did not take place until twenty-three days after the time allotted by the Code Enforcement - 13 - #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COI,4HZ,~$ION NEETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Board. Mr. Blasie understood that there was a lack of communication and that the homeowner was under the impression the contractor was going to handle the inspections and pemits. Upon hearing testimony, the Code Enforcement Board voted 4 to I to rescind the fine, in the amount of $2,327.47, in its entirety. Commissioner Harmening stated that Delray Marine is relatively reputable. He wished to hear from Mr. Taylor. Mr. Taylor gave a chronology of the events that occurred. Early in the year he hired Delray Marine to obtain a permit and build the dock. In response to Commissioner Harmening, Mr. Taylor was not aware of any permits required other than the permit from the City. Mr. Taylor said he was on vacation when the construction of the dock was com- menced, which was late June/early July. The dock was completed sometime in early August. When Mr. Taylor received a letter indicating that a permit was not obtained, he contacted Delray Marine. Mr. Taylor stated that Delray Marine basically dragged it on and on. He has had contact with them and with Joan Mormelo, Code and License Inspector, several times. He was working and, there- fore, was unable to attend the October Code Enforcement Board meeting. He was given forty-five days to come into compliance. He advised Delray Marine that they had until December 6, 1992 in which to apply for the permits. The permits were applied for before December 6, 1992. However, there was a problem with the electrical work and it had to be redone. Commissioner Aguila inquired if an assessment was made for four times the permit fee for doing work without benefit of a permit. Mr. Blasie answered in the affirmative. Commissioner Harmening asked what action the Palm Beach County Contractor's Certification took. Mr. Blasie advised that he did not receive a response from them yet. Commissioner Harmening was not sure Mr. Taylor followed up or made any effort to push this matter.to fruition. Mr. Taylor said he was in constant contact with Mr. Blasie, Inspector Mormelo and the contractor. The contractor thought that once he applied for the per- mits, the matter was closed. Mr. Taylor said he had no way of knowing that this was not true until he received a letter in late December saying that a fine was running since December 6, 1992. The permits had been ready for four or five days before the contractor picked them up. He did not pick them up until Mr. Taylor called him and told him to pick them up. Commissioner Harmening inquired how the Code Enforcement Board determined that Mr. Taylor should comply within forty-five days. Mr. Blasie stated that Mr. Taylor sent a letter to the Code Enforcement Board, requested forty-five days in which to come into compliance. Mr. Taylor added that he did so after conversing with Inspector Mormelo. - 14 - NXNUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI~I$$IONNEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Notion Commissioner Aguila moved to reduce the lien to $1,000. The motion died for lack of a second, Mayor Weiner did not like second guessing the Code Enforcement Board, since they have heard the case and made a recommendation. Commissioner Aguila suggested reducing the lien to cover the City's administrative costs. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to reduce the Code Enforcement lien of $2,327.47 to $200. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Commissioner Harmening advised Mr. Taylor that if he does not pay the $200, a lien will be placed on his property and foreclosure can take place. In response to Mr. Taylor, Mr. Blasie stated that he will be in contact with him by mail. Direction with Respect to the Lawsuit Between Bethesda Ambulance and Palm Beach County Mr. Cherof advised that a lawsuit has been filed by Bethesda Ambulance over the A.L.S. matter. The County was the defendant in that case. The first part of the case was for an injunction to prohibit Boynton Beach from exercising its powers under the award of the A.L.S. grant to the City. The County prevailed in that action; however, the matter still continues and is subject to amendment. He would like the City Commission to consider whether the City should intervene in this matter to {1) monitor its progress and make sure the County is fighting for our contract~ and {2) participate in the case more aggressively if the County is not pursuing it in that manner. Mr. Cherof requested authorization to intervene. Notion Commissioner Harmening moved to authorize the City Attorney to intervene in the lawsuit between Bethesda Ambulance and Palm Beach County with regard to the A.L.S. matter and, if possible, to consult with the CitY Attorney of Green Acres to see if they would like to join Boynton Beach in this intervention and share the costs. Commissioner Walshak seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Mr. Cherof advised that Jim Ness testified on behalf of the County and he heard from the County Attorney that he did an excellent job. Mr. Cherof stated that in addition to being Employee of the Month, Mr. Ness should probably be nomina- ted for Witness of the Month. X, OLD BUSINESS A, Consider Renewal of Occupational License for Club Nautico Powerboat Rentals Located at Water's Edge Nartna Kyle McPhall, owner of Club Nautico, requested that his license be renewed. He is a tenant at Water's Edge Marina and has been doing business in BoyntOn Beach - 15 - #INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COt~ISSION #EETiNG BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 for seven years. Renewal of his license has been tied into renovations being made at the marina, which Mr. McPhail said he has no control over. Mayor Weiner referred to Agenda Memorandum No. 93-117, which states that at the September 19, 1991 meeting, the City Commission approved the request for an occupational license for boat rentals at Water's Edge Marina for a period of one year, with the condition that within that one year, if the Lighthouse Square Marina was not constructed, the parking lot would have to be brought up to code in order for the business license to be renewed. Commissioner Aguila asked if other businesses along the marina and waterway are operating without adequate parking and if so, if the same conditions imposed on Mr. McPhail are imposed on them. Chris Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director, advised that at the present time, the three businesses that are of major concern are Seamist Marina, Two Georges Marina, and the Water's Edge Marina. Two Georges historically seems to have had about four or five licensed commercial boats that do not have parking. The parking is either on the street or at the lot at the end of Orange Avenue. Seamist has about three licensed boats without parking. Water's Edge has two active commercial licenses, as well as the Club Nautico license, which is a ren- tal situation wherein the parking does not meet code. There is plenty of area to park; however, it is not paved or landscaped, and it is not drained properly. It was expected that a lot of that would be absorbed when the marina project went into place. In response to Commissioner Aguila, Mr. Cutro advised that all businesses are required to renew their occupational licenses once a year, at the beginning of September. Commissioner Aguila was willing to put the existing businesses on notice that in a year when they go to renew their licenses, if their parking is not adequate to support their businesses, their licenses will not be renewed. In response to Commissioner Aguila, Mr. Cherof advised that this is legally binding; however, the longer the City grants conditional occupational licenses, the weaker the City's position becomes with respect to issuing them in the future. Mr. Cutro stated that a determination has to be made as to what is legally non- conforming in the downtown area. Based on review of the marina and the surrounding land uses, and working with Mr. Blasie and the Building Department, Mr. Cutro believed such a determination could be made within the next six to eight weeks. In response to Commissioner Harmening, Mr. Cutro advised that the Janet Hall project was highly dependent upon the infrastructure being put in by the origi- nal Water's Edge project. He said he informed the architect of the project, Craig Livingston~ that they could put in the utilities on their own. Mr. Cutro will contact Mr. Livingston to find out the status of this project and report back to the City Commission at their February 16, 1993 meeting. - 16 - 14INUTE$ - REGULAR CITY COI414I$$IDN NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 In response to Commissioner Aguila, Mr. McPhail was not sure what needs to be done to the parking lot; however, he waswilling to cooperate. Commissioner Aguila was willing to meet with the Planning Department to see what Mr. McPhail can do to improve the situation. Commissioner Harmening suggested issuing a temporary occupational license for ninety days in order to resolve this matter. Mr. Cherof preferred that Administration be directed not to cite Mr. McPhail for not having an occupa- tional license for the ninety day time period, which was the consenus of the Commission. XI, NEW BUSINES$ A, Items for Discussion Requested by Commissioner Robert Walshak 1. Human Rights Ordinance (City of #teml Beach, Florida) This item was deferred until the February 16, 1993 City Commission meeting. 1. Title XX - Children of the Working Poor Mayor Weiner introduced Angela Girtman, Chairperson of the Children and Youth Advisory Board. Ms. Girtman advised that the children of the working poor are currently receiving subsidized child care through Title XX. The child care for those children is in jeopardy of being terminated on February 19, 1993, unless additional funding is found. On behalf of the Children and Youth Advisory Board, Ms. Girtman asked the City Commission to consider a contribution of up to $41,795.58, which would pay for the care of thirty-seven Boynton Beach children through the ending of.this funding year, which ends June 30, 1993. Ms. Girtman advised that the City of Boynton Beach will be affected by this termination by losing those slots for the thirty-seven children. The contribution would allow these children to remain in safe, subsidized care and for their parents to con- tinue to work through the end of the Title XX funding year. She stated that other agencies are contributing to this shortfall, including the School Board, the Children's Services Council, and Headstart. The City of West Palm Beach is considering contributing towards the cost of day. care for the children of resi- dents of the City of West Palm Beach to allow those residents to continue to work. Ms. Girtman advised that the child care is not totally funded through Title XX; the parents also contribute towards the cost of this child cake. In response to Mayor Weiner, Ms. Girtman advised that even with the $11,000 that the City has already earmarked for Title XX, there is still a $41,795.58 short- fall. Mayor Weiner was very sympathetic; however, she said the City has a considerable shortfall itself. Mr. Miller explained that the City was advised from the Property Appraiser's Office that its assessed valuation is decreased some $31,000,000, which equates to $247,000 in tax dollars which the City will not be receiving this year. This revenue has to be balanced in the budget by either - 17 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY CONNISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 reduction on the expenditure side or hopes that the revenue generated from other sources is going to be higher. In response to Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that there are funds in the con- tingency fund, but those funds are very limited. Motion Mayor Weiner passed the gavel and moved to contribute $5,000 to Title XX and to direct Mr. Miller to write to HRS, the Children's Services Council, and the School Board, asking them to consider increasing their contribution to Title XX. Commissioner Harmening seconded the motion which carried 4-0. ~, Items for Discussion Requested by Commissioner Edward Harmentng 1. Diane Drive Neighborhood Association Petition to the State of Florida Department of Transportation This item was discussed earlier in the meeting. B. Municipal League Report Commissioner Aguila had nothing to report at this time. C, Consider Approval of Request by Boynton Ale House to Hold a St, Patrick's Day Celebration to Benefit a Local Charity Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve the request by Boynton Ale House to hold a St. Patrick's Day celebration to benefit a local charity, subject to all staff comments. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. Consider Request from St. ~oseph's Episcopal School to hold a Festival on February 20, 1993 and to Hold a lOK Run and SK Walk on Narch 27, 1993 Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve this request. He pointed out that St. Joseph's Episcopal School has held these type of festivals before and it seemed to him that the City has gone overboard this time in attempting to make it very difficult for them. He was not certain they need to jump through as many hoops as are layed out for them. Mr. Miller was only interested in the recommenda- tions of the Fire and Police Departments. If the school uses a tent, Commissioner Harmening said it should be fireproof, and if they do any temporary electrical work, it should be permitted and inspected. Other than that, Commissioner Harmening felt no need for them to comply with the rest of staff's comments and recommendations. Commissioner Aguila agreed and seconded the motion which carried 4-0. - 18- #INUTES - REGULAR CITY COHHISSION #EETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 E, Request for Spectal Neetlng Date Reference the Ctty of Boynton Beach General Electton It was the consensus of the City Commission to hold this meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 1993, at 5:00 P. M. City Nanager Annual Performance Mayor Weiner advised that this item has been tabled at the request of Vice Mayor Matson. In light of her absence, Mayor Weiner requested that this item remain on the table. CITY NANAGER'S REPORT A. Update on Captain Frank's Seafood, 435 West Boynton Beach Boulevard Mr. Miller explained that a site improvement permit was issued by the Building Department in April of 1991. That site improvement permit was to include the construction of paving, drainage, landscaping, and irrigation improvements. To date, the site improvements are not complete and have not been finaled by the City. A permit for an addition to the rear of the main building was issued in July of 1991. There is still outstanding work that needs to be completed before this addition is signed off by the Building Department. A sealcoating and restriping permit was issued on January 11, 1993 for maintenance only. Until the site improvement permit {issued in April of 1991) is finaled, which would include the deletion of two landscaping islands and closing off the driveway, a certificate of occupancy for the expansion will not be approved and issued. Commissioner Aguila inquired if the addition is being used at all. Mr. Miller answered in the negative. Commissioner Harmening inquired if construction is progressing or if it is at a complete standstill. Mr. Miller believed the addition is at a standstill. He stated that the permit has expired, therefore, Captain Frank's Seafood needs to reapply for a permit. In response to Commissioner Harmening, Mr. Miller indicated there has been no action whatsoever for six months. A1Newbold, Deputy Building Official, explained that this project has lingered on considerably. The owner plays one department against the other. When it comes to items he does not want to put in, he asks for variances. Mr. Cutro stated that he sent a letter to Captain Frank's Seafood on January 25, 1993, telling them that the plan is due in his office by next Monday. Commissioner Aguila requested that the City Comrrmission be kept informed of this project. Richard Parsons, representing Captain Frank's Seafood, stated that his site plan was approved by the Police Department, the City Engineer, the Fire Department, and Public Works before any changes in landscaping islands were made. Two days - 19 - NINUTE$ - REGULAR CITY CONNISSIOH NEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 after approval, Mike Haag from the Building Department, added the landscape islands. Mr. Parsons said there was a misunderstanding as to whether or not this had to be done. Mr. Miller stated that according to City records, what Mr. Parsons said is incorrect. He advised that two months ago Mr. Parsons was given a directive from the City Commission to put in those islands. Mr. Miller would like to know when they are going to go in and when the building is going to be approved. Mr. Parsons stated that the Department of Transportation issued a violation and informed him that the landscape islands should not be constructed. Mr. Parsons was in possession of a letter from them, supporting this statement, along with a letter from his architect and engineer saying it is unsafe. Mr. Miller advised that he has a copy of that letter, has had contact with FDOT, and that it is a matter of interpretation. Mr. Cutro explained that the landscaping on the corner has to be removed in order to create the sight triangle. Commissioner Aguila asked Mr. Miller to keep the City Commission apprised and suggested Mr. Parsons meet with Mr. Miller and Mr. Cutro to resolve this matter. Mr. Miller advised Mr. Parsons that his building permit has expired and that he should see the Building Department about getting a new permit. B. U~ate on Nurphy I&~jto Report Edward Hillery, Chief of Police, was available to answer any questions the City Commission may have regarding his update on implementation of the recommenda- tions of the Murphy/Mayo report {Police Memorandum No. g3-018}. Mr. Miller stated that all the recommendations in Police Memorandum No. 93-018 have been covered and the City is moving ahead on the hiring of qualified black officers. The complaint process has been changed whereby all complaints are now reviewed by the Police Chief and sent to Internal Affairs for a thorough inves- tigation, regardless of how minor the complaint. The City is expanding the community policing program. The Department has re-opened the vertical staff meeting concept. A career path incentive has been put in place. One black police officer is now on staff and two, possibly three, will be entering the Academy next Monday. When they complete the Academy, they will be brought into the Police Department. One applicant still needs to pass the tape test, which is a junior college requirement in order to get into the Academy. If he passes this test, he can enter the Academy next week. There is an active black pool. Some individuals need to retake parts of the test; however, the City is working with them. Mayor Weiner was not happy, with the progress made thus far. She stated that since September 17, 1992, the City has hired only one Afro-American officer. Chief Hillery pointed out that some Afro-Americans will be entering the Academy for training before being put on the street. Mayor Weiner wondered how long it 20- MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMHISSIONMEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2., 1993 would take to have our population represented in the Police Department. Chief Hillery believed the work done to date by members of the Police Department with regard to recruitment is admirable. He pointed out that Murphy and Mayo recom- mended getting qualified officers without lowering standards. Chief Hillery advised that it takes time to get qualified officers. Mayor Weiner stated that other cities have hired Afro-Americans. Chief Hillery disagreed and advised Mayor Weiner that even though the Police Department is short staffed, positions are being held open strictly for the purpose of hiring minority officers. Mayor Weiner stated that according to Murphy and Mayo, testimony during the Demearest arbitration hearing by superiors and police officers indicated a con- tinuing pattern of racial slurs by some sworn personnel and that Management's response was not strong enough to convince personnel that such misconduct would result in serious discipline if warranted. She asked Mr. Miller if Management has since developed a stronger response. Mr. Miller advised that the Police Department has become stronger on this issue and that their standard operating procedure is more comprehensive. In addition, Mr. Miller has almost completed one for City employees. Mayor Weiner referred to Murphy and Mayo's recommendation for a better civilian complaint process. She said Chief Hillery's report indicates that the Police Department is working with a software company in developing a program to com- puterize the Internal Affairs records system to allow for the recognition of any trends and complaints and to identify officers who are frequently complained about to determine if officers need training in specific areas. She wanted to know the name of the software company and when the program will be in place. Mr. Miller advised that this has been done in the past by hand and is still being done by hand while the computerized program is being developed. He will obtain a report from Mike Munro, the Director of Data Processing, and present it at the February 16, 1993 City Commission meeting. Chief Hillery added that this software program is going to serve many purposes and has many facets, which takes time to implement. He stated that the Police Department has adopted every aspect of Mr. Mayo's recommendations relating to citizen complaints. The Police Department investigates anonymous telephone calls if there is enough to follow up on. Complaints are turned over to Internal Affairs and a full investigation is conducted in a timely manner. Mayor Weiner felt that recommendation number three of Chief Hillery's Police Memorandum No. 93-018 does not address the substance of the recommendations made by Murphy and Mayo on page 20 of their report, with regard to assignment of com- munity police officers. Chief Hillery explained that he agrees philosophically with Mr. Murphy on this point; however, he has a logistical problem with this recommendation. He explained the difficulty in totally converting a police department into community policing in a short period of time. He stated that Mr. Murphy's study was based on a study done in England thirty years ago, where the towns are small and are not spread out over seventeen or eighteen square miles. However, the City of Boynton Beach does not have the topography, the funds, or the wherewithal to assign a police officer to every thousand people. Chief Hillery advised that the Police Department is moving in that direction. Community policing is being implemented at the Hester Center and in the Cherry - 21 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORZDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 Hill area. However, it is very difficult to have officers walking throughout the entire City. Mayor Weiner understood that it was not possible to have offi- cers walking throughout the entire City; however, she wondered why patrol cars cannot be assigned to sections of the City. Chief Hillery explained that you have to put your resources in the areas of the City where there are major problems. It would be a waste of manpower to give equal coverage to areas of the City not having problems. Furthermore, more patrol cars and officers would be needed to accomplish this task. Chief Hillery added that the HUD grant will enable police officers to be assigned to the Federal housing areas. Mayor Weiner asked if Chief Hillery's recommendation four, which is that senior staff members are to get out on the street with officers as they perform their patrol duties, has gone into effect yet. Chief Hillery said he started doing this about a month ago. He gets out once or twice a week himself. His other staff officers are getting ready to go out. Mayor Weiner asked how often the senior staff members will get out on the street. Chief Hillery advised that when they can find spare time from their other duties, they will get out on the street. Mr. Miller added that this recommendation and the vertical staff meeting concept are both ongoing. In response to Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that the drug free workplace policy has been in effect since the end of December. Everyone has gone through or will be going through a training session. The City will do everything it possibly can to assist any employee. Employees will be given as much time as it takes for them to go through a treatment process. Once they are certified to return to work, they are expected to remain drug free. If they do not, they can be fired. Chief Hillery added that the entire Police Department has gone through ethnic awareness training. Mayor Weiner assumed the police officers were no longer meeting across the street after work to drink. Chief Hillery advised that this happened two and a half years ago and was taken care of as soon.as the Police Department found out about it. It was not a continuing situation at all. In response to.Mayor Weiner, Mr. Miller advised that all department heads and the Police Department have gone through sensitivity training. He is attempting to have this training done in-house on a continuous basis because he does not feel it is cost effective for the City to bring in a consultant on an annual basis. In addition, this training will not only deal with sensitivity, but with how to treat the public, personal habits in front of the public, etc. The Personnel Department has embarked on another training program through South Tech through a contractual basis. Mr. Miller advised it would cost $10,000 to $20,000 to bring someone into do it. The Personnel Director should be close to having a proposal to the City Commission for this training. Chief Hillery advised that the State of Florida also recognized the need, and standards in training is mandated that officers statewide receive a certain number of hours training on that particular subject annually. Classes will also be available to police officers at the community college. Elizabeth 4enklns, 711N. W. 1st Street, stated that in the 1940s there were three black police officers in Boynton Beach and she wondered why there are still only three black police officers in Boynton Beach today. - 22 - #INUTES - REGULAR CITY CO#ttlSSION #EETING BOYNTOH BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2, 1993 llII, OTHER None. XIVo ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, Commissioner Harmening moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 P. M. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion which carried 4-0. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ATTEST: Ci t'yL~C 1 erk ' Recording Secrel~arY (Three Tapes) Mayor ~ /~/ ' Vi ce Mayor ,~/ornmi ssi oner  x/x Commi ss i oner - 23 - AGENDA Feb~aa~y 2, 1993 III. CONSENT AGENDA C cc: Rec, Fin, Util 10. CENTER FOR FAMILY SERVICES Employee Assistance Program - February 1993. Pay from General Fund---001-135-5-482-00 1,344.80 ELECTRIC MOTOR AND PUMP P.O. 3719. Replacement Parts for L/S 316-319. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-352-5-345-O0 1,001.25 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT Installation of 1-35/5 Pole, 1-span#6 Dpx, 1-50,000L Directional and 2-5/16 Guys at Pioneer Canal Park. Pay from Public Service Tax Fua~d---301-192-5-629-05 1,040.00 GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS Professional Services for Task #200 - #212 for the period ending 1/1/93. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-392-5-463-00 3,234.39 GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS Final Billing for P.O. 86324 for the Art and Activity Center. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-721-5-463-05 1,000.00 GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS Monthly Retainer Fee for City Engineering Services. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-392-5-463-00 2,040.00 HALMARROBICON GROUP P.O. 3674. Replacement Parts for VFD Controls at Master Lift Stations. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-352-5-345-00 1,696.51 HECTOR TURF P.O. 2877. Various Tee and Green Supplies for the Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-726-5-318-00 1,936.50 " " 411-726-5-433-00 1,408.30 " " 411-726-5-345-00 20.65 3,365.45 HOWARD FERTILIZER P.O. 3502. 20 Tons ~of Bulk Fertilizer for the Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Fund---411-726-5-366-00 5,982.01 HUGHES SUPPLY, INC. P.O. 3206. 500 Water Meters. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-333-5-387-00 11,000.00 COMMISSION FEB 2 19~'~ APPROVAL 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ICZMMINS RECYCLING P.O. 2889. Recycling Bill for December 1992. Pay from Sanitation Fund---431-341-5-490-01 MARK TOMBERG IRRIGATION AND LANDSCAPING Payment ~1 - Congress Avenue Berm Project. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-721-5-635-01 MILNE & NICHOLLS, INC. P.O. 1374 - Final Payment for the Recreation Activity Center. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-721-5-634-03 MINOLTA P.O. 3447. Microfiche Reader/Printer Plus Accessories for the Library. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-711-5-672-00 MOTOROLA P.O. 3604. Ten Smartnet Portable Radios and Ten Public Saftey Speaker Microphones with Clips. Pay from General Fund---001-211-5-690-05 MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION 100 Copies of Supplement 52 to the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Pay from General Fund---001-122-5-477-00 NATIONAL WASTE TECHNOLOGIES, INC. P.O. 3455. Seven Picnic Tables for Oceanfront Park. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-722-5-634-04 NORTHERN PALM BEACH COUNTY WATER CONTROL DISTRICT NPDES Program Part II - Invoice #8. Pay from Stormwater Utilities Fund---425-000-0-692-10 P.R.I.D.E. P.0.2942. Tires for Vehicle Service. Pay from Vehicle Service Fund---501-193-5-322-00 PEROXIDATION SYSTEMS P.O. 3002. Hydrogen Peroxide for Odor Control at the Utility Pumping Stations. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-352-5-366-00 POOLE AND KENT COMPANY P.O. 2216. Payment #4 - Process Improvements for the Boynton Beach East Water Treatment. Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-000-O-690-10 2 7,989.17 2,250.00 35,560.00 5,855.00 19,750.00 1,317.67 2,625.00 3,000.00 1,984.87 10,015.20 816,445.60 COMMISSION ~t!B ~ 1993 A~eROYAL 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. SOUTHERN MECHANICAL SEALS, INC. P.O. 3659. Reconditioned Seals for 14HP Pumps. Pay from Water and Sewer Fund---401-352-5-433-00 1,185.00 STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC. 59,160.00 Professional Services through December 26, 1992 in Connection with WWTP - Construction Management. Pay from Utility Capital Improvement---404-000-0-690-10 4,715.00 Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-O00-0-691-10 $6,147.50 Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-O00-0-690-10 $48,297.50 TRW-REDI PROPERTY DATA Annual Contract for Maps and Redi Realty Reports. Pay from General Fund---00t-122-5-499-00 1,362.20 TARE LANDSCAPING P.O.2976. Landscape Maintenance Service for Period Ending 1/27/93. Pay from General Fund---001-722-5-430-15 1,440.00 THOMPSON PUMP & MANUFACTURING CO. P.O. 2947. 12" Wellpoint System Rental to Pump Wells and Lines Clear to Pass Bacteriological Testing to Comply with Health Dept. Raw Water Supply for the West Water Plant. Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-O00-0-690-10 6,770.00 TREE PRO P.O. 3721. Topping Eight Designated Trees at the City Golf Course. Pay from Golf Course Revenue Fund---411-726-5-635-00 2,286.00 UNITED STATES PIPE AND FOUNDRY P.O. 3380. 1801 Ft. of Slip Joint Water Pipe to Complete 16" Watermain at North Military Trail. Pay from 1990 Construction Fund---409-000-0-690-10 31,985.76 VIRCO P.O. 3022. Folding Tables, Folding Chairs, Chair Racks, and Table Carts for the Activity Center. Pay from Public Service Tax Fund---301-721-5-642-05 2,774.00 JEANETTE P. WILSON Transcription of Trial Testimony of Witnesses for use in City's Defense - Curt Blom vs City of Boyllton Beach. Pay from Self Insurance Fund---622-195-5-468-00 2,400.00 XEROX CORP. 1,128.20 Rental Payment and Meter Usage for Copier Located at the Library. Pay from General Fund---001-711-5-426-O0 cO~M~Ss~0N FEB 2, '1993 APPROVAL These bills have been approved and verified by the deparment heads involved, checked and approved for payment. Diane Reese, Asst. Finance Director I therefore recommend payment of these bills. J/Scott Miller, City Manager COMMISSION FEB ,~ ]99~ APPROVAL