Minutes 07-28-99 M'rNUTES OF THE CTTY COMMTSSI'ON WORKSHOP MEE'I'~NG HELD TN THE LI'BRARY PROGRAM ROOM, BOYNTON BEACH, FLOI~DA, ON WEDNESDAY, .1ULY 28, 1999 AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT Gerald Broening, Mayor Henderson 'rillman, Vice Mayor William Sherman, Mayor Pro Tem Nellie Denahan, Commissioner Ronald Weiland, Commissioner Arthur Lee, Human Resources Manager Nicholas Tgwe, Assistant City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk T. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Broening called the workshop meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. for the purpose of selecting the five finalists for the position of City Manager. Arthur Lee, Human Resources Manager, explained the importance of this process and advised that the list of candidates had been pared down from a pool of 80 to 10 candidates. The Commissioners would make the selection of the five finalists for the position of City Manager. Mr. Lee reminded the Commissioners that there had been a great deal of discussion in the past about the process and how the selection would be made. A motion was made to appoint an in- house candidate, but the Commission felt it would be better to assemble a pool of the best candidates for this critical position. Another discussion involved whether to use a search firm versus the Human Resources Department and whether or not to go out locally or nationally. The final decision was to use a search firm in conjunction with the Human Resources Department and to search for candidates from the southeastern part of the United States with an interest in Florida. Seventy applications were received in the Human Resources Department and the search firm forwarded the names of 10 candidates. Those combined applications amounted to 80 prospective candidates in the pool. Mr. Lee pared his list down to 10. When combined with the 10 candidates found by the search firm, Mr. Lee had a list of 20 candidates. He pared that list down to the 10 candidates as follows: Hanson IVlcFellin K. Mitchell C. Nickerson Smith Hawkins McLemore W. Mitchell Shoemaker Stunson Mr. Lee reported that he used a T&E rating form during the process. There were components on the form that dealt with education and experience. There were two levels of experience; executive-level experience without specific City Manager experience, and executive-level experience with City Manager, Assistant City Manager or County experience. When the list was pared down to 10, it was forwarded to the Commissioners with a rating matrix that included the following components: Downtown Revitalization/Economic Development Community Improvement/Neighborhood Revitalization Team-based Management MEET]:NG M?NUTES CTTY COMMTSS?ON WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH~ FLOR.tDA 3ULY 28~ 1999 Financial Management Southeastern United States, Florida or South Florida Contemporary Perspective Community Policing Diversity Strategic Planning Project Management Labor Relations Overall Qualifications SELECT F:[VE F:[NALi'STS FOR :[NTERVIEW PROCESS Mr. Lee explained that he prepared a flip chart on which he would place the raw numbers for each candidate. This would be done in an effort to gain consensus. The numbers would be placed on the chart and if there were differences, they could be addressed. Mr. Lee explained that once the numbers were exposed on the chart, the Commissioners could consider the following options: If there is consensus on three or four candidates, and consensus cannot be reached on the fifth candidate, it would be possible to go forward with the smaller number of candidates. If there were additional names, the Commissioners could interview more than five candidates. The Commissioners might want to consider local candidates versus non-local candidates. Commissioner Weiland explained that in reviewing the resumes, he rated only his top choices. Vice Mayor Tillman agreed that he did not rate an application he found inadequate. Commissioner Denahan recommended that the Commissioners submit their top five choices. When the Commissioners revealed their choices, only Mayor Broening submitted his raw numbers. The remaining Commissioners submitted their top choices listing them from #1 through #5, with #1 being their top choice. Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Commissioner Commissioner Candidates Broenin9 Tillman Sherman Denahan Weiland Hanson Hawkins 94 # 1 # 1 #3 McFellin #3 #3 McLemore 91 #2 #4 #4 K. Mitchell 90 #5 W. Mitchell #3 #1 C. Nickerson #5 #2 Shoemaker #5 Smith 90 #4 #4 #5 Stunson 97 #2 #1 #2 *Clarified to read: "Commissioners Denahnn & Weiland did not list their top five choices with #1 being their top selection. They listed #1 thru #5 with total disregard to the numbers. HEETING r4TNUTES CTTY COMHISSI'ON WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR/DA 3ULY 28, 1999 When the polling was completed, the consensus of the Commission was clear that four of the candidates would be Hawkins, McLemore, Smith and Stunson, Commissioner Denahan expressed concern that there were only four candidates. She reminded the Commissioners that they originally agreed to interview five candidates. Vice Mayor Tillman felt the Commission did a better job by choosing the top four candidates. Mayor Broening felt there was a clear consensus and pointed out that it would not make sense to select another candidate when the Commissioners agreed on the top candidates. Commissioner Denahan felt this would be the most important decision this Commission would make as a body. She did not want to eliminate a candidate based on a paper resume. The Commission agreed to identify five candidates and she was not willing to interview less than that number, Commissioner Denahan wanted to make sure the Commission would be comfortable that a qualified decision was made. Vice Mayor Tillman felt that the four candidates selected had sustained themselves to this point and would continue to do so through the process. He felt that selecting a fifth candidate was being charitable because these four candidates scored the highest. The Commission would have to go to a lower level to identify another candidate. Vice Mayor 'rillman felt that the four candidates were the Commission's true choices. He felt the Commission had a clear path, but would support adding another name if that was the Commission's desire. Commissioner Denahan reiterated that the Commission decided on a process that has not been adhered to from the beginning. Each Commissioner has treated the paperwork differently. The memo from Human Resources instructed the Commissioners on how to use the paperwork by inserting numbers in every category. She recommended that the Commissioners go back and put in all the numbers on each of the candidates. Mr, Lee pointed out that four of the five candidates had already been identified. Mayor Broening explained that there were four candidates that scored 2s. He recommended revealing the raw number for each of those candidates to determine the candidate with the highest score. That candidate would become the fifth candidate. Candidate Mayor Vice Mayor Mayor Pro Commissioner Commissioner Broening Tillman Tern Denahan Weiland Sherman McFellin 82 83 90 83 81 K. Mitchell 90 72 77 63 89 W. Mitchell 86 60 76 85 72 C. Nickerson 82 79 80 80 8,t- The scoring was as follows: McFellin ,t19 W. Mitchell 379 K. Mitchell 391 C. Nickerson ~,05 MEET'J:NG MTNUTES CI'TY COMMISSZON WORKSHOP BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR.I:DA 3ULY 28, 1999 McFellin was determined to be the fifth candidate. The five candidates are as follows: 1. Hawkins, 2). McFellin, 3). McLemore, 4). Smith, 5). Stunson II:I:, SELECT DATE FOR ZNTERVI:EW PROCESS There was a consensus of the Commission to schedule the interviews with the five candidates for Monday, August 9, 1999 beginning at 9:00 a.m. SELECTION PROCESS: · Commission Group Interviews · Commission one-on-one Tnterviews · Questions Mr. Lee advised that he would provide the Commissioners with sample questions to be used during the interview process, rating forms and any other necessary information. l'V, AD3OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m. Al-rEST: Citt;FClerk (._~,e'puty City Clerk (Two Tapes) 7/29/99 9:28 AM properly CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Mayor Pro Tem Comm?~er / /<2 ~, / t~ommlssloner " Meeting Minutes City Commission Boynton Beach, Florida July 28, 1999 OVERSIZE CHART ATTACHED TO MINUTES IN CITY CLERK'S OFFICE.